Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 35: Sword Emperor Donglai (5)

The end of the 10,000-sword sword mark is as if a huge invisible, colorless, and phaseless sword is inserted, and the sword energy released by the sword is astonishing.

Chen Zong's eyes gazed at him, and he felt a tingling sensation, seemingly pierced by cold needles.

The black pupil of the spectacle was first displayed. The faint light suddenly filled the eyes, rendering a layer of black light, and the sword and cold air in the air became clear.

I saw it at a glance, and the front was almost full of amazing sword and cold atmosphere.

The sword qi, with an indescribable sharpness, seemed to be able to tear everything between heaven and earth, no matter whether it was hard or empty, all could not resist its amazing power.

And the icy atmosphere is very weird, full of amazing chill and erosive power, it seems to be able to penetrate everything, erode everything and ruin everything, making people chill.

Seven kilometers!

Chen Zong stopped for a moment, stared, and felt it carefully.

The terrible sword qi and the cold atmosphere continued to permeate from the front, and the richness was like the river water flowing endlessly. They washed away on their bodies, and their sharpness seemed to tear their bodies and even their souls, their yin Han seemed to freeze his body and even his soul.

However, Chen Zong's cultivation is arrogant, and he can completely withstand such shocks and feel carefully.

The coldness of breath brought a trace of extreme purity, although it was very subtle, it was very condensed and very amazing. It was silently inhaled by Chen Zong, into the sea of ​​God, and absorbed by Shura as Chen Xi. The mystery in the power of god-level void demons enhances itself.

This cold cold power is not good for the deity, but for the avatar, it is very useful when applied well.

Participate in the remaining cold power of the god-level Void Demon.

The three Kendo powerhouses who have entered the sacred peak of the Ninefold have retreated their eyes and continue to enlighten.

As long as there are no conflicts of interest, they generally do not take action.

A ray of sword qi was seized by Chen Zong, twisted lightly at the fingertips, and with amazing divine thoughts, carefully felt the power of this sword qi.

Although the sword qi is subtle, it seems to contain a broken space. In that space, there are cracks constantly appearing, very unstable, and the cracks are astonishing. They seem to crack everything.


This is the remnant of the sword left by the sword of the Great Holy Realm, the King of the Thousand Swords. The sword spirit that has been split by his life, has not passed away through the ages, because it contains the ten thousand Swords of the Sword Sage. Top-level sword meaning-Wanli sword meaning.

This Sword Art of Wanchai is the step-by-step digging of the potential of Sword Artisan from the lower-order swordsman to transform the quality, and continuously improve to the top level, and even fully dig out its power to the extreme, even breaking the limit, Terrible.

Chen Zong was also surprised at the slightest sense of sword qi, which contained a little bit of a broken sword at his fingertips.


It seems to be able to tear everything, and in a way, has something in common with the characteristics of Tai Chu Jian Yuan Gong.

Perhaps, if you are here to realize, you can use this residual Sword Spirit and Sword Spirit to perfect the thirtieth layer of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong, and the power will be greatly increased.

Time passed slowly, and from time to time, a master of Kendo came from the outside, entered the fissures of the sword, and walked forward step by step, until it was difficult for him to stop, and slowly realized.

An hour passed, Chen Zong was still enlightenment, with a little gain, but only gain, it is more obvious.

Immediately, Chen Zong stepped out again. This step immediately shocked everyone, and the three Kendo powerhouses who had entered the sacred peak of the Nine Heavens were also shocked, their eyes gazed up, and they shot out a shocking coldness.

Who is this sacred?

Can still move forward.

Six kilometers!

When Chen Zong stepped into the distance of six kilometers, it was equivalent to the distance that the ninefold extreme kendo fighters in the sanctuary could bear and understand.

Pausing, Chen Zong continued to enlighten.

The fissures of the sword and the coldness of the demon are getting stronger and more amazing, but the effect of enlightenment is better.

It's another time in the past, Chen Zong also realized the mystery contained in the rifting sword qi and the demon yin cold here, and turned it into his own, further enhancing the heritage.

Just as Chen Zong was preparing to move forward, suddenly, an astonishing cold light burst out from the end of the Wanli Sword, as if the sky sword was empty, with amazing speed, sharp and unrivalled, running through everything, tearing everything.

With that sword, there was an amazing momentum that cut through the void and opened up the world.

Just blinking, it burst out from the deepest part of the 10,000-sword, and shot and killed through thousands of kilometers.

Chen Zong's eyes flickered, as if the black water rippled through the layers of ripples, locking the light that radiated from the end of the sword mark.

It was a slashing blade, a sword blade that was highly condensed by countless slashing swords and scoring swords, which exudes an astonishing breath of turbulence.

"It's a million swordsman." The eyes of the three swordsman strongmen who entered the sacred realm of Nine Peaks shot extremely sharp and sharp, and all the hidden powers burst out in an instant. The horrible sword inspires all directions. The constant impact of Jianqi and the cold and torrential flood collapsed and dispersed.

Thousands of swordsman!

This is the treasure of Kendo that can only be born deep in the Wancha Sword, but it is formed by the condensing of many Wancha Swords, from invisible to tangible, which contains the strong Wancha Sword.

If you can capture this treasure to use it to enlighten the Whispering Sword Intent, and prove your own kendo, it will have an amazing use. It may even be able to learn from it.

The arrogance of this severing sword is inherited from ancient times.

However, the probability of the appearance of Wansword Jian Mang is very low, sometimes it may not appear once every few years, and its value is extremely amazing. Each appearance will cause many Kendo strong men to fight for it.

However, there are not many people who can actually participate in the competition. After all, the coercion from the rifting scar has always existed. Without sufficient strength, it is impossible to approach.

Instantly, the three Kendo powerhouses who entered the peak of the Ninth Heaven in the Sacred Reality burst into an astonishing momentum, and quickly approached across a distance of thousands of meters, trying to seize that fissured sword.

Chen Zong also shot.

The speed of Wancha Jianmang is astonishing, it will quickly cross a few kilometers and radiate out, as if it is going to penetrate everything.

The left hand was permeated with a force of extreme force, grasping it out of thin air, as if the dragon's claws, directly covering one side of the void, vigorous and vigorous, unrivalled, but exquisite.

If you do n’t, you will show amazing ability.

The speed of the ten thousand split sword awns is astonishing, sharp and unparalleled, as if they can tear everything, and they are indestructible and unstoppable, but under the grasp of Chen Zong, they couldn't escape.

The five fingers change, and the force of force runs through two fingers, with a hint of silvery splendor, as light and agile as a rhinoceros finger.

The ten thousand-sword sword-mandrel smashed out an astonishing mighty power and wanted to tear Chen Zong's **** away. Chen Zong could feel that kind of terrible power, as if it could tear all the power. Almost, he could make his own pair Refers to tearing.

The strength burst out, and in an extremely subtle way, they covered this fissured scabbard like chains, locked them tightly, and could not move at all.

"Children stop!"

"Junior let go!"

The three swordsmen who entered the sacred realm at the peak of the Ninefolds also rushed to kill them. At the same time, they shouted and did not hesitate to shoot at Chen Zong.

Three completely different but terrible Jianguang, tearing the void to kill Chen Zong.

The tall and mighty black robe old man's sword has a wide palm, black body, and is as heavy as a mountain. A sword slashes out. The sword seems to condense the shadow of a black mountain, exuding an imposing and heavy atmosphere. The void under the sword seemed to be suppressed and solidified.

The middle-aged gentleman sword in the green robe is like a willow leaf, a sword is swung out, and it is understated, as if it does not have the smell of fireworks, just like the wind blowing the willow. , Which contains amazing sharpness and murderousness.

And the old man with a thin ridged back was erecting his spine in an instant, like a sword straight, and an amazing and secretive breath suddenly rose into the sky, as if to penetrate the sky, but it was silent. A dark, slightly scarlet light was radiated from the ghostly cane in her hand, which penetrated into the void very secretly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and flashed in an instant, appearing in Chen Zong's heart.

Silent, inscrutable and indistinguishable, it is no longer a shot, and a shot is a lethal move, without mercy.

Suddenly, Chen Zong, who had received that 10,000-split sword-mang, faced the siege of the three strong swordsmen who entered the sacred peak of the Ninth Peak and fell into a dead end.

In the distance, Hanshan Jianjun saw this scene, and suddenly felt very refreshed, very relieved, and surprised at the same time, because he recognized the identities of the three strong swordsmen.

The exclamation sounded continuously, and many people recognized the identities of the three Kendo powerhouses.

The old man in Montenegro is ranked 17th in the Sword of Heaven.

Ghostly Blood Sword, the 16th strongest in the Sword of Heaven.

Fu Liu Jianzun, Shangyuan Tianjian ranked 15th strongest.

All of them are on the top of the sword list of the Yuan Dynasty. The top-ranked kendo powerhouses are the ones who don't take any shots. The shots are extremely powerful and terrible.

Chen Zong has never taken the initiative to **** what others succeeded at, but he also does not allow others to **** what he succeeds at.

Suddenly facing the siege of the three Kendo powerhouses, each sword was merciless and immediately brought a lot of pressure on himself, but it was just some pressure.

Compared to that Ling Tianjian King, this kind of pressure is not enough.

It can be seen that the strength of Ling Tianjian King is stronger than the three of them.

Of course, Ling Tianjian King is a peerless Tianjiao, and although the talents of these three are good, the smallpox that detonated that year is just four colors, and they can be ranked in the top 20 of the Yuan Tianjian list because they have cultivated for a long time For a very strong relationship.

After all, the strength of a cultivator is never determined by one aspect, but by the comprehensive combination of many aspects, without any aspect is incomplete.

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