Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 36: Sword Emperor Donglai (6)

The three sword lights are different, but they are powerful and terrifying, terrible, thousands of meters apart, thousands of meters apart.

It's hard to imagine that in the face of the joint attack of these three Kendo strongmen, can that person survive?


The facts told them that Chen Zong could not only survive but also fight back.

The left hand pinched the Wancha Jianmang, the right hand didn't know when to hold the hilt. Shen Yejian took a scabbard in an instant, spraying a black sword light, the surrounding light was rendered in an instant, as if night was coming.

It's just a sword, it's simple, but it's extremely mysterious.

That sword crossed the sky, as if tearing the void, blocking the sword light of the three Kendo powerhouses instantly.

Sen Lengjianguang like the mysterious blood shadow.

Sword light as majestic and heavy as the black mountains.

Sword light like a bank willow fluttering in the wind.

The faces of the three Kendo powerhouses changed one after another, and only felt that the sword they had killed seemed to hit a terrible sword mountain, kicking back a force that was extremely powerful. The power was so sharp that it could tear. all.

Good luck!

The power was instantly dissipated, and the old man in Montenegro stepped forward, as if a black mountain phantom appeared on the back, permeating with extraordinary magnificence and heavyness, as if suppressing the octagonal four poles, so that the surrounding void solidified in an instant of.

Yun Jian fell off, it was just a simple split, but he merged all his strength into it, splitting heavily, but as if splitting the mountains, its power was unparalleled and amazing.

Under this sword, Chen Zong felt like he was going to be split.

The tyrannical Kendo powerhouse has fully tapped the potential of swordsmanship and Taoism, making each sword carry amazing will and faith.

The strong swordsman who can be ranked in the sky sword list can already do this step.

The ghostly blood sword body becomes extremely erratic, as if a ghostly ghostly shadow is silent and silent, scattered in the void, the thin blood sword in his hand permeates a layer of reddish luster in black, more and more secretive and deep , But did not immediately send out the sword, but waited for the opportunity to move, waiting for Chen Zong to reveal a flaw, he would issue a fatal blow.

The body of Fu Liujian Zun is more and more elegant, as if gently swaying like a willow leaf in the breeze, indescribably cozy, but deep in his eyes, it contains an astonishing sharpness that can pierce everything.

A sword stabbed, and the blade was rippling gently, as if the willows were blowing in the wind. There was an indescribable lightness and mystery, but its sword edge was astonishing, leaving a trail of sharp marks in the void.

The first shot was just 60% or 70% of the strength, but the second shot was 10% of the strength. Its power has increased a lot, and it is becoming more and more terrible.

Chen Zong's eyes filled with a sharp coldness, Shen Ye sword raised, and a sword waved.


The light of the sword is endless, as if the mountains are endlessly stacked, intertwined in all directions.

Among them, there seems to be a strong wind blowing, as if there is a torrent of torrents, as if there are dark clouds billowing, as if there are dragons and snakes dancing in the shadows.

The power and mystery of this sword is much stronger than ever.

Even the old man of Montenegro and the sword of Fu Liu Jianzun's ten successes, it was difficult to break through the serial sword light, and was weakened by it until it disappeared without causing any damage to Chen Zong.

At the moment when the serial sword light disappeared, the ghost blood sword that had been scattered in the surrounding void shot.

In an instant, a sword broke through the assassination, silent and silent, but restrained the terrible killing, sharp and penetrating through everything, ruthlessly pierced Chen Zong's back vest, wanting a sword to Chen Zong Kill.

Only momentarily, Chen Zong's body was pierced, but the ghostly blood sword was changed greatly, and there was no half-handed joy, because what she stabbed was not Chen Zong's true body, but a lifelike afterimage.

A strong sense of crisis struck from the side, cold and cold, directly numb half of the body, and the ghostly blood sword was pale and terrified.

I just feel that I'm proud of the speed that is difficult to play at this moment.

Efforts to burst out, the body shrinks, as if again become embarrassed, the whole person becomes blurred, looming, want to plunge into the void.

But that black sword light was still cut off.

"Oh!" There seemed to be a hoarse, obscure voice from his mouth, and on the hazy body of the ghostly blood sword, a layer of blood filled it, as if the tide was swept away, blocking Shen Yejian's chop.

Immediately, the ghost blood sword turned into a ray of blood, as if rushing into the void and hurried away.

"What!" The old man in Montenegro and Fu Liu Jianzun looked very different.

The three of them knew each other and were more familiar with each other. They were barely friends, and the old man of Montenegro and Fu Liu Jian Zun also knew about the ability of the ghost and blood sword.

Haunted blood!

This is the life-saving technique of ghost blood sword. It is a secret method at the cost of consuming its own blood. It is often used for escape and has miraculous effects.

With this ghostly blood sacrifice, ghostly blood sword once escaped in the hands of a very powerful strong man, and the strength of that strong man compared to the top three on the sword list of the Yuan Yuan, not too much to let go.

I didn't expect this time, this strange young man even forced Ghost Shadow Blood Sword to have to use this secret method to save his life.

If you do n’t do it, it will burn half of your own blood, and the cost will be very high. In the future, the whole person will be in a weak state, and only 50% of the strength is left in the heyday.

You need to take some elixir to supplement yourself, otherwise, after a time, there will be sequelae.

In fact, both the old man in Montenegro and Fu Liujian knew that Ghost Shadow Blood Sword was originally a good-looking beauty. It was because he had practiced Ghost Shadow Blood Squad and had performed it a few times before being affected and turned into a sloppy old scum.

This time, the ghost blood puppets were cast again. I don't know how long it will take to recover.

The ghost and blood sword ran away, leaving only the old man in Heishan and Fushou Jianzun. They have realized that their own strength is not their opponent at all.

Too strong!

The other person's strength is not their secret treasure at all.

Who in the end has such amazing strength.

The cultivation of the Seven Limits of Entering the Sacred Realm can resist the joint attack of the three of them, and also forced the ghost blood sword to escape with his sword.

The heart was so shocked that he showed his face and was horrified.

The old man in Montenegro and Fujian Jianzun immediately made a decision, and immediately retreated without a fight and quickly left.

The two of them quickly moved away from each other, Chen Zong did not chase, but further restrained the fissured swordsman in his left hand, until they could not move, and they could not resist in the slightest, before they were included in the ring.

Chen Zong didn't know exactly what the treasure was, but he knew it would be of great use to him.

In this case, I will stay here to see if I can get more swordsmanship.

In countless shocking eyes, Chen Zong moved forward.

It is already a distance of six kilometers from the end of Wanli Sword Mark, which is equivalent to the level that can be set in the ninefold limit of the Holy Land. Today, however, we still have to move on.

But this time, everyone was relieved. After all, the other side just blocked the joint attack of the three Kendo strongmen with one sword, and resolved the full attack of the two Kendo strongmen with another sword. The third sword forced a Kendo strongman to die. Run away.

It is not surprising that such strength can continue to move forward.

"Who exactly is this person?"

"So young, but never seen it, it's definitely not our sword repair in the upper world."

"Did you come from the Taixuan Realm? Are they disciples of the Taixuan Palace?"

Talking continuously, Hanshan Jianjun's eyes narrowed, he was inexplicable, and he was very grateful.

Fortunately, it is only fortunate that he did not have an impulse to pull the sword, otherwise, he may be killed by the other party.

After all, the gap in strength is too big.

The three kendo strongmen who have been more powerful than themselves have suffered a lot, not to mention themselves.

Who is this person?

Five kilometers!

Chen Zong paused for five kilometers and continued to enlighten.

The meaning of the Wanli Sword here became clearer, and the coldness and coldness became stronger and richer, which was more helpful for the realization of the deity and avatar.

"I don't know what is the limit of this son?" Someone said his inner question.

"Not long ago, Xuanguang Sword King set foot three kilometers away, I don't know if this son can rival Xuanguang Sword King."

"I think it's difficult. Xuanguang Sword King is the third strongest player in the Tianyuan Sword Ranking. He is also ranked seventh in the Shangyuan Tianjian ranking ~ www.wuxiaspot.com. Not comparable. "

The Shangyuan Tianbang is the overall list of the strong, while the Tianjian list is the list of the kendo strongs. There is a difference between the two.

The strongest ranked on the Yuantian list may not be able to be included in the Tianjian list, and the strongest ranked on the Tianjian list will definitely be listed on the Yuantian list. Of course, those rankings are more dependent on the latter. It is difficult to be included in the list of the heavens.

Chen Zong intently comprehends the mystery here, accumulates himself a little bit, and waits for the accumulation.


Beyond the thousands of cracks in the sword, a stroke of blood burst out quickly, and the speed was extremely high, exceeding the ninefold limit of many entering the sanctuary.

The volume of blood light suddenly appeared in the mountains, and quickly landed, revealing a figure of ghosts, the ghost of the blood sword.

I saw that the old man was wrinkled and wrinkled like a dry bark. His face was pale, his eyes were tired, but he was full of amazing hatred and murder. His back seemed to be a little bit stiffer, and his breath became weak. uncertain.

Apparently, the ghostly blood that had just been cast off escaped, causing her to be harmed.

Ghost Shadow Blood Sword immediately took the blood-red elixir, quickly refined it, and his breath was slightly stabilized. His complexion did not look so pale, but it was not so easy to recover.

After a short while, the two swords leaped from under the fissures.

"You also fled." The ghostly blood sword's voice was extremely hoarse and extremely obscure.

"This person is too strong to fight." The old man in Montenegro said in a deep voice, and Wu also took a look of fear.

"I have lost half of my blood. This is a feud and must be reported." Ghost Shadow Blood Sword has a hate and murderous look on his face. "The King of Ghost Swords once owed me a favor. Now, I will use this favor. King Sword King killed him. "

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