Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 37: Sword Emperor Donglai (7)

Above the fissure, the original mountain wind was slow, refreshing and cold, but it seemed to change. It turned into a gust of wind. The cold atmosphere swept over, calling the old man of Montenegro and the sword of Willow Sword. Looks like.

The ghost blood sword is also cautious, but there is a hint of excitement in the murky eyes.

Sword King!

The Kendo strong, ranked fourth on the Yuan Tianjian list, is extremely powerful and terrible.

Moreover, that ranking was ten years ago. Ten years later, the strength of Wangui Sword King must have become more powerful, and maybe he can be included in the top three.

As the strong men on the Heavenly Sword of the Yuan Dynasty, these three are very clear. The difference in strength between the top ten and the top ten is obvious, especially the top three, which is extremely terrible. It is completely two levels. difference.

The three of them joined forces to do their best, nor were they rivals of Wangui Sword King.

What's more, Wangui Sword King's behavior is all based on his preferences, his strength is powerful, and his methods are cruel. If he provokes him, he will be miserable in the end, even worse than the top three strong men.

The ghost ghost blood sword originally thought that it had been waiting for a while, but I did not expect that the king of ghost ghost sword happened to be in this rift mountain, and felt that his token was excited and hurried up.

The sky seemed as if a dark cloud was sweeping over it, the mighty, filled with an amazing cold, dark and horrifying.

There seemed to be chaotic and sharp whine sounds constantly among the dark clouds, and looking at it, it seemed that one after another twisted faces appeared in the dark clouds, as if to get rid of the shackles of the dark clouds, but one by one. The Ecstasy chain is hooked, unable to escape, and can only endure endless pain.

In this scene, the three old men of Montenegro suddenly felt cold.

"Oh ..." Between heaven and earth, suddenly there was a sound of strange and evil sounds, as if the magic sound penetrated the brain from all directions, and continued to penetrate into the three people's ears, causing them to tremble slightly. Uncontrollable reasons for Si Xin's heart emerged from the bottom of her heart unconsciously, and her consciousness seemed to sink into a ghost.

Gong, resist!

Only then returned to Qingming, but more and more shocked.

"Old woman, where are the people you want the king to kill?" That layer of dark clouds arrived, appearing in three kinds of sky, releasing the terrible extreme cold and cold and overwhelming pressure, as if to make them fall into ghosts, at the same time A domineering and powerful voice came out of the dark clouds with Morin's murderous voice, as if the evil spirit roared in his ear.

"Ghost King, that person is still in the fissure of the sword ..." Ghost Shadow Blood Sword immediately responded aloud, and said the appearance and characteristics of the person to be killed, etc., so that he would not mistakenly kill others and lose this relationship.

This relationship is very precious, and I have kept it unused. This time, if I have not lost too much, I will not use it.

After hearing the words of the ghost and blood sword, the cloud suddenly swept away, with endless sobbing and sharp sounds, causing the human scalp to numb and cold, and quickly fell into the cracks of the sword.

Here, to kill.

Wan Gui Sword King acts by preference, but will also repay human feelings.

Within the rift of the sword, everyone stared at the figure in front.

Chen Zong!

At this moment, Chen Zong went forward again.

Now the distance from the end of Wancha Sword is five kilometers, but I don't know where the ultimate limit of this child is.

It seems that it is about to step into the four kilometers.

Suddenly, a cold chill fell from the sky. This cold chill was very different from the cold chill at the Wanli Sword.

The people below felt something. They looked up one by one and saw a large cloud of dark clouds settled. The dark clouds were formed by the countless coldness, and the countless grimaces roared and sobbed. Coming, as if to devour everyone.

"who is it?"

"It's such a mighty power, is it him!" There was a flash of sword light in Hanshan Jianjun's mind, and a name came out, and he was shocked.

Even though he is a peerless arrogant who detonated the six-color smallpox, facing the kendo powerhouses such as the old man in Montenegro, although he was temporarily out of reach, he was very confident. After all, his talents were above them, and he would definitely surpass them in the coming days.

However, the person who came today is very scary, even if his own cultivation in the future is in line with it, he has not beaten the other's grasp.

After all, this person also detonated Liucai smallpox that year, ranking on the Liucai Fengwang tablet, but above himself.

Ranking is a symbol of potential.

Sword King!

If this person does not take action, it will be murderous and very brutal.

Moreover, the ten thousand ghost sword kings have done one thing to slaughter the city.

Of course, he will not kill the big city, otherwise he will provoke a powerful half-step great saint-class powerhouse and seek his own way.

Its slaughter is not its strength, but its fierce heart and means.

Normal practitioners, who will do the slaughter of a city, after all, ordinary people still occupy most of the city.

What is the so-called ghost king coming here?

Is it enlightenment?

Still killing?

For a while, many people who recognized the King of Ghost Swords were shocked. Some people who felt bad didn't want to die here.

Who knows if the peerless murderers such as Wangui Sword King will suddenly go mad and kill everyone here.

I saw that a cloud of black clouds swept through the air, lingering endlessly, and quickly moved forward. It seemed that the goal seemed to be the end of the fissure.

Is that the target of the ghost king?

Thinking of this, Han Shan Jianjun's body could not help but tremble, a bit inexplicable excitement.

This son is so arrogant that he ignores himself and should be killed.

The amazing coldness came, and Chen Zong felt it, and gave birth to a feeling, the coldness of breath came against himself.

Pausing, Chen Zong looked back.

I saw a large number of ghostly dark clouds descending on the sky and approaching them. Immediately, a dark figure quickly flew out from the dark clouds, surrounded by a black smoke, with countless faces twisted, and countless twisted bodies struggling. However, it seems that man's body is a hell, and they want to get rid of the **** and torture of hell.

The terrible and direct breath continued to permeate from this person. The extremely cold and murderous power seemed to become a substantial wave, and his eyes glowed with scarlet light, which gazed through the void, and his murderous power was shocking.

This eradication machine is straight through to the mind, and it also contains ghostly, as if to pull his soul into the depths of the ghostly ghost, and be culled by evil spirits.

This person did come towards himself.

Instantly, Chen Zong knew that the arrival of this person was afraid of having a relationship with the three people who had left before. It seemed that he was still merciful under the sword.

"You are the old lady who wants to kill. Hold out your head and let the King give you a sword." The King of Swords of the Ghost Sword opened, the cold voice seemed to carry the roar and roar of heavy evil spirits and heavy shocks, As if to swallow Chen Zong's soul.

"If you seek death, I will complete you." Chen Zongbu Xubuji responded, turning slowly, facing the sword king of ghosts.

Chen Zong doesn't know who this person is, but since it's about to kill himself, it doesn't matter who it is, he should be slaughtered with a sword.

"Hey, I am very courageous. Being able to come here also shows that your strength is extraordinary. It is a peerless heavenly pride." Wan Ghost Sword King seemed very happy, but the laughter was full of murderousness and amusement: " My King likes to kill you, such a peerless heavenly pride, and to conserve your King's ghost sword with your soul. "

As the words fell, the right hand of Wangui Sword King suddenly stretched out, entwined with a ray of black forest, as if filled with black smoke, as if the black ghosts were burning.

Immediately, a horrible sound that seemed to contain the roaring and groaning sounds of thousands of ghosts repeated and sounded, and a black smoky black smoke burning black ghost fire spread out from the palm of the king of ghost ghosts.

The terrible breath followed from the sword body, as if a fierce cold storm swept away, raging in all directions, across the four poles of the universe.

Sword of all ghosts!

This kind of power has surpassed most of the Jiu Pin Sacred Artifacts, and is even more powerful than many elite Jiu Pin Sacred Artifacts.

This sword was cultivated by Wangui Sword King through his own methods and secrets. The training process is very cruel, that is, he constantly draws souls into them.

The more powerful the soul, the better the effect.

At that time, the biggest reason for the million ghost sword kings to slaughter a city was to forge the ghost sword so that it would take shape ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If it was not warned by the strong, then it would be strictly prohibited to do the city slaughter, I'm afraid The King of Ghost Swords will continue to slaughter the city, kill more people, draw more souls, and make the Wraith Sword into a semi-artifact.

The so-called semi-artifact is a type that transcends but is not as good as the artifact. Although its power is not as good as the real artifact, it has many advantages over the artifact.

Thousands of ghost swords have come out of the sheath, and the terrible coldness is becoming more and more amazing. A trace of black breath sweeps like a raging horror, spreading in all directions, as if it has infiltrated the surrounding void, and oppressed Chen Zong from all directions.

Far apart, everyone can feel its amazing cold and horror, it seems to penetrate into their body, causing their blood to almost freeze, and even the soul is a chill, the consciousness seems to see countless evil spirits in front of them Chattering.

Terrible anomaly!

The old men of Montenegro, Fushou Jianzun, and Ghost Shadow Blood Sword did not leave. After the King of Ghost Swords came to the rift of the Sword, they followed them quietly, staring far away, and they wanted to see the man in person. The scene of beheading by the ghost ghost king, especially the ghostly blood sword, felt relieved.

Now, seeing the horrible sight caused by the appearance of Wangui Sword, the pupils shrink like needles, and the heart is even more trembling.

This kind of prestige is really terrible. If the three of them are in front of them, they will lose half of their strength directly, and it is difficult to compete with them. It is estimated that one sword will be killed by others.

"I estimate that the strength of Wangui Sword King can already be included in the top three." Fu Liu Jianzun looked extremely dignified.

"If the strength of Xuanguang Sword King has not been greatly improved in these years, it has been surpassed by the Sword King of Ten Thousand Ghosts." The old man in Montenegro dignified.

As for the ghost blood sword, it was a smirk with a smile on his face.

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