Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 41: Sword Emperor Donglai (11)

(Liu Ye brought the baby back. The public account may be moving. Please pay attention to the six sinking.)

The news was like a storm, and it seemed to be a flash of lightning. After a while, the sword emperor Chen Zong quickly spread around the fissures of the sword, and through the pusher, it seemed like a strong storm. Metaverse.

Sword Emperor!

The meaning of this title is astonishing.

Emperor in the sword!

Kendo Emperor!

On the sky, a splendid ray of light across the sky with a sharp blade-like sharpness, its speed is extremely extreme, leaving a dazzling dazzling light mark on the sky for a long time.

"Sword Emperor, Emperor of the Sword, let me Xuanguang Sword King to try your ability."

The sword light flew far in the direction of Wanlishan, leaving only a long voice in the sky.


In the Upper Yuan Realm, there is a river like the sea. Its name is Shang Yuan River, which runs from north to south. The river is endless, the waves are surging, the widest, the widest, thousands of miles, the narrowest, and hundreds of miles. long.

This section of the river is thousands of miles wide, the river is rapid and very violent, rolling up tens of meters of waves, surging and surging, endless, with an amazing momentum like breaking mountains.

A pale blue figure, permeated with a blue halo like water waves, is standing among the violent waves. As the raging waves surging and surging in all directions, it seems to be unaffected.

Immediately, a breath, like a pale blue ripple, spread out from the body of this pale blue figure, sweeping in all directions. When the pale blue ripple ripples spread, the violent waves, as if by a pair of invisible Smoothed with big hands, became smooth, became peaceful, and became comfortable.

Within a few kilometers, there was a calm sea, and a few kilometers away, the waves were surging and violent.

These few kilometers seem to be a field that cannot be violated.

Immediately, I saw the light blue robe figure slowly pulling out the long sword around the waist. The water-blue sword was soft but bright, a little dazzling, shining in all directions, rising slowly, and the endless water vapor rose up with it. Converging into the long sword that is rippling with water, the ripples overflow, as if the ripples are endless.


A sword waved, and the endless ripples became fiery, spreading out instantly, breaking the calmness of several thousand square meters, as if they were rock-shattering and bursting.

The terrifying sword light swept thousands of meters in an instant, and the amazing power seemed to destroy everything.

Within a kilometer, the water was violent and turbulent, as if everything had been destroyed, rolled up tens of meters high, over 100 meters, and overwhelmingly turned into a dark blue inverted bowl.

Then, a bright blue dazzling light was cut off from it, breaking out, as if a dragon was going out to sea, traversing the long river in two, splitting countless waves, going forward.

This section of water, as if split apart, is tens of meters deep and stretches for thousands of meters, which is extremely amazing.

The huge waves crashed, and the earth-shattering sounds covered everything.

The sword mark that stretched tens of thousands of meters also healed, and everything was calm.

Immediately, the figure of light blue robes soared into the sky, as if smashing the dome of heaven, and his posture carried a mighty and endless momentum, raging, and quickly flew away in the direction of the fissured sword marks.

"Sword Emperor Chen Zong ..." The pale blue light flew across the sky at an amazing speed, and whispered: "If the old guy knew the news, he would definitely rush past it, and then he will be defeated. Under my sword. "

This person is the Dragon King Sword King ranked second in the Sword of Heavenly Sword.

As for the old guy in his mouth, it is the Kendo strongest ranked first on the Swords list of the Yuan Dynasty, and also the second strongest ranked second on the Swords list of the Yuan Dynasty. He is powerful and the sword power is amazing.

He knew the old guy very well. Unless he was in retreat, if he heard the news of the sword emperor Chen Zong, he would definitely leave.


In the Upper Yuan Realm, there is a mountain. This mountain soars to the sky and points to the sky and sky. It is towering and steep, like an ancient giant sword. It is filled with amazing vigor and sharpness.

The mountains and rocks stand in the shape of swords. They all point to the sky and the vegetation is sparse, but each tree is extremely tough, and there is a slight wave of sharp waves, as if the sword is about to tear everything.

The whole mountain seemed to emit a trace of sword spirit.

Rocks, grass, gravel ...

Sword air shrouded!

This mountain is famous in the Upper Yuan Dynasty and its name is Tianjian.

Tianjian Mountain!

A long time ago, it was a Taoist tradition, but this Taoist tradition is quite strange. There is only one master and one disciple in each generation. There are only two people in total, and no third one will appear.

In the War of the Ancients, the half-step sacred-level gatekeeper of Tianjian Mountain and his disciples in the later stage of the Holy Scenic battled against the Nether Demon and killed countless Nether Demon.

However, this generation of Jianshan has been passed down from generation to generation. Each generation is a strong swordsman. Each generation has the talent of swordsmanship. Cultivating in it for a long time, the sword will continue to affect everything in the mountains. Everything contains the spirit of the sword.

After the war in ancient times, there was a man who had no choice but to enter the Tianjian Mountain by coincidence. He got the legacy in the mountain and became the head of the new generation of Tianjian Mountain, which made the tradition of Tianjian Mountain pass on again.

Many years have passed since the ancient war, and Tianjian Mountain has restored some glory in the past, but compared with the ancient war, it is still quite similar.

After all, the ancient Tianjian Mountain dynasty is complete, and there can be half-step great saint-class strongmen, and even the great holy realm.

The Tianjian Mountain Taoism after the ancient war has become incomplete and it is difficult to cultivate to a half-step grand sacred level.

The head of Tianjian Mountain of each generation has a title: Tianjianzi.

The top of Tianjian Mountain has no temples, only two cottages.

In front of one of the cottages, there is a cliff facing the sea of ​​clouds. On the cliff, there is an old man in a white robe with his hands standing upright like a sword. There is an astonishing sword in his body, as if he can break the sky.

"Master, it's time to set off." Behind the elder of the white robe, a young man bowed and saluted, and asked respectfully. This young man was also a white robe, with eyebrows like swords, bright eyes, and amazing sharpness. As if a sword.

The whole body exuded an astonishingly sharp atmosphere, like a sky sword out of a sheath, as if it could cut everything in the world, making it difficult for people to look directly.

"Go." The old man just said a word, bland, but it contained an inexplicable power, as if to tear the void.

With the words falling, a sword light permeated under the feet of contemporary Tian Jianzi, holding up his feet, the royal sword flying through the sky, flying out at an astonishing speed.

The young man's feet also permeated a sword light, holding up his feet and body, erupting at an astonishing speed, quickly flying out, closely following his teacher.


Wanzhai Jianchen, Chen Zong stood three kilometers away from the end of Wanzhai Jianchen, dismissing all thoughts and meditation.

In the distance, many people stared.

This number is several times larger than before, and all heard the news.

Sword Emperor!

The meaning of this title is great. It makes people yearn for it. Some people are curious about what the sword emperor looks like, and some people worship and want to admire it.

All in all, each has its own reasons, rushing from all directions, the people closer have arrived, and some people farther away have also come and are still on the way.

"Three kilometers, this is the record of Xuanguang Sword King."

"It's truly a sword emperor, so young but so amazing."

In terms of age, Chen Zong is indeed several times smaller than that of the Xuanguang Sword King.

"Three kilometers is just the record of Xuanguang Sword King a few years ago. Now, a few years later, Xuanguang Sword King will only become stronger."

There are also people who can't understand it, and support Xuanguang Sword King.

"Do n’t forget, Xuanguang Sword King ranked third in the Tianyuan Sword List of Shangyuan, and there is also the second Sword King of Dragon Wave and the first Sword of Heaven. They have never been to Wancai for many years. Marks, if you make a break, you can definitely break into three kilometers, or even one thousand. "

"Although this sword emperor killed the King of Swords, the King of Swords is finally ranked fourth in the Tianjian list, and it is still unknown whether it can be compared with the current Xuanguang Sword King."

There are constant discussions, and some are very optimistic about the sword emperor Chen Zong, but others are not optimistic, thinking that the top three swords in the Shangyuan sky are more powerful.

Countless arguments did not affect Chen Zong in the slightest. Chen Zong was completely immersed in it and could not extricate himself.

The closer it is to the fissured sword mark, the clearer its mystery ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the better the effect of enlightenment.

At this time, a splendid sword light flew from beyond the fissured sword marks, it was difficult to describe its speed, it was extremely fast, and it landed in an instant, passing by everyone's eyes, leaving a glimmer of light behind the eyes.

In an instant, that ray of light swept into the range of ten thousand meters without any pause, and soon, it broke into a thousand and a thousand meters, the momentum was extremely incredible.

Five kilometers!

"Who is that?" The crowd just reacted.

"Xuan Guang is as bright as dazzling but not dazzling. Xuan Miao is born. This is Xuan Guang Sword King."

"Xuanguang Sword King is here."

Suddenly, everyone was excited.

Ninety-nine in the Heavenly Sword List of the Yuan Dynasty represents the ninety-nine swordsman strongmen in the Yuan Dynasty, and the top three have extraordinary significance.

It has been hundreds of years, and the top three of the Tianjian list have not changed. The three strong men have long been rooted in the hearts of the people.

But on weekdays, it is difficult to see one side.

"Sure enough, I'm here, Xuanguang Sword King is here." Someone was excited, as if he saw someone who has long worshipped in his heart.

"Since the Xuanguang Sword King has already arrived, what about the Longbo Sword King? Will it also come?" Someone secretly guessed, the more excited he became.

"If Longbo Sword King is also here, what about Tianjianzi?"

What a wonderful thing it would be if I could see both Xuanguang Sword King, Longbo Sword King, and Tian Jianzi at the same time.

The more you think, the more excited you become.

Soon, the glare passed over four kilometers, and its speed dropped suddenly, but it was still approaching.

Chen Zong felt this extremely strong edge of breath, and was immediately sober from the enlightenment.

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