Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 42: Sword Emperor Donglai (12)

There are thousands of cracked sword marks, endless sword gas, and cold as prison.

A whole body exudes a dazzling light but does not appear to be dazzling, appearing in front of it, as if it were a dazzling light, as if a **** came into the world, permeating an indescribably vast atmosphere.

The eyes with the light of God stared directly at him, as if to see through Chen Zong and see all the secrets.

Facing this person's gaze, Chen Zong felt the slightest pressure, as if permeating from the deepest part of his heart.

"Why do n’t you salute me when you see the Kendo predecessor?" The figure inside Xuan Guang said, his voice seemed to be light and magnificent, shaking all directions, and oppressing: "As a contemporary sword emperor, are you so ignorant? ? "

Chen Zong immediately understood that the other party had a bad intention. Although he had never drawn a sword, his words were as sharp as a sword, and he had already broken through.

"If you consider the age, the old man is the king, why do you need to seal the king tower?" Chen Zongbuxu retorted.

In sword practice, age is never the criterion.

It's not that you are old and strong, if you consider age by age, there is no place for those rising stars.

The meaning of Chen Zongyan is to rely on the old man to sell the old man.

"The junior's words are sharp, but I don't know if the sword is the same." Xuanguang Sword King did not get angry, said again.

"You can try." Chen Zong's tone was still not fluctuating. It sounded so bland, but there was an indescribable sharpness in the bland.

People who practice swords, no matter how sharp their words are, say a thousand words and ten thousand words, after all, they must set a high or low with a real sword in their hands and discuss a victory or defeat. The others are all vain.

Suddenly, everyone in the distance was all excited.

Xuanguang Sword King is facing the contemporary sword emperor true sword.

"Junior, please draw the sword first." Xuanguang Sword King said coldly, with a high tone. Until now, he is still relying on his own age to practice swords earlier. .

The two-on-one duel is very important. If you take advantage of it, you may have the upper hand.

"Are you looking for an excuse for the impending defeat?" Chen Zong said indifferently, with a stern expression in his mouth: "If it is, I will give it to you."

As soon as the voice fell, she no longer gave the other party a chance to refute, Shen Yejian quickly emerged from the sheath, bringing out a dark and deep penetration through the sky to kill.

At that moment, the sword light appeared as if it were a dark meteor, carrying the unmatched will that penetrated through everything, and immediately called Xuanguang Jianwang's eyelids unconsciously trembled, and a strong threat rose in his heart.

No sword, it is so sharp.

Xuanguang Sword King naturally knew that Chen Zong had killed Wangui Sword King, but Wangui Sword King once played against Xuanguang Sword King. Although his strength is very good, compared with himself, there is still some gap.

Even though years have passed, the strength of Wangui Sword King has become more powerful, however, he is also improving and is very significant.

The Xuanguang Sword King did not know that the million ghost sword king killed by Chen Zong, but the state of all the power of the million ghost sword erupted, paying a huge price, its strength is very terrible.

Pulling the sword, the gorgeous sword light suddenly lights up, as if a touch of aurora across the sky, leaving dazzling sword marks.

The splendid Jianguang seemed to instantly dispel all darkness, but it did not disperse the sword that Zong wielded.

Light and darkness!

Seems to be the ultimate power, colliding with each other.

When the two swords fought, Chen Zong immediately felt an outrageous force bursting out, and the amazing power full of light and vastness came through the sword body instantly, and there was a feeling of assimilating himself.

Is this the power of Xuanguang Sword King?

Is it his sword?

Thoughts flickered by, these powers were amazing, but they couldn't help themselves.

The Xuanguang Sword King is also shocked. It is indeed a contemporary sword emperor recognized by the Fengwang Tower. The strength is really strong, but how about that, the junior is the junior and must be like the junior.

The light was so bright that a sword unfolded, and countless sword lights became fiery and dazzling.

It's like a round of bright sun shining out of countless beams of light, radiating in all directions, as if all the cold and dark all the materials are scattered and purified.

In the distance, everyone could only narrow their eyes, and could barely see a blur, the light from the original dazzling, became unusually dazzling.

Chen Zong's entire body was covered by that intense light, as if devoured.

That light is too pure and too dazzling to hold everything else.

However, a touch of extreme darkness instantly cut off the intense light, as if eternally killed, across the sky.

Chen Zong found that Xuanguang Sword King's swordsmanship is very clever, and each sword looks so gorgeous and full of amazing skills.

Swordplay is not to say that the simpler the better, or the more gorgeous the better. The so-called avenue is the simplest, and the return is true, but some people will pursue the ultimate gorgeousness, and the gorgeous interpretation will be promoted to the extreme.

Whether it is simple or gorgeous, it is a Tao.

Tao cannot be named, mysterious to deep.

Xuanguang sword king's swordsmanship, in terms of skills, can be called the ultimate.

Each sword not only has the ultimate gorgeousness, each sword also contains an amazing light, which is extremely dazzling. When combined with the gorgeous swordsmanship, it is even more elusive and unpreparable.

However, no matter how gorgeous Xuanguang Sword King ’s swordsmanship is, how skillful is it, how complex it is, how dazzling is how bright it is, it is still unable to break through Chen Zong ’s sword circle defense.

Without breaking the sword circle, I have always mastered it, and it is more unpredictable, especially the area of ​​cooperation with the heart, it is even impossible to break.

Does not break the sword circle, it is used to deal with multi-player siege or attacks with changing skills. It is most suitable. However, if you want to break it, unless it has reached an unimaginable height in terms of skills, or it is much more powerful than itself. Many, otherwise, simply do not want to break the defense without breaking the sword circle.

It is a pity that defense is not the only way to break the sword circle.

Even after attacking for a while, he was still unable to break the opponent ’s sword circle defense. This was called Xuanguang Sword King. He was even more shocked. However, he practiced sword for many years, his sword mastery was unpredictable, his heart was very stable, and he would not be furious.

Up to now, he has held swords for many years, encountered various opponents, and faced many difficulties, all of which have been killed with his own sword.

This is true now, and so will it.

Since it is difficult to find the sword move to break the opponent's sword circle defense, then, taste the power of my own Xuanguang sword.

Together with the thoughts, Jian Qi spontaneously emerged, Xuan Guang's sword intentions were urged to the extreme, and the magnificent rays of light burst out in an instant, flooding all directions in an instant, as if sweeping acupoints in a dwelling.

Xuan Guang Jian Wang Fei's sword light has always been well recognized, but it is gorgeous but not dazzling.

But at this moment the sword light burst out at this moment, although it would not make people feel dazzling, but it was extremely dazzling and could not look directly.

Chen Zong's heart jumped slightly, and he felt that this move was extraordinary.

Mysterious sword disease!

As fast as light, extremely fast, the speed of Xuan Guang's sword is maximized.

Wanzhang light condensed into a single moment, but the moment when the sword came out, it has already reached the point.

Chen Zong's heart jumped abruptly, and an indescribable sense of crisis permeated.


This sword is really too fast.

It's like an aurora running through the sky, and it's extremely sharp.

Too fast!

Fast to describe.

Without breaking the defense of the sword circle, it is difficult to defend at all, but there is a realm of heart, and Chen Zong instantly captures a trace.

Although this sword is extremely fast, the realm of Chen Zong's heart is also very mysterious.

A sword was immediately resisted, and the extreme sharpness rushed away, and the astonishing light splashed like a spark.


His sword was actually blocked.

Xuan Guang Jian Wang was surprised inside, but his shot was unambiguous.

Mysterious sword disease!

Mysterious sword disease!

Mysterious sword disease!

The three swords broke in a row, and the sword speed was three points faster than just before.

But these three swords were all resisted by Chen Zong, unable to break the defense of that sword circle.

Vaguely, Chen Zong also seemed to grasp something, and his insight into the twenty-four dragon and snake images became deeper and deeper.

"Xuanguang ... sword storm!" In the low-drinking voice, as if imbued with unmatched will, the extremely intense light erupted again and again, and each one contained terrible power, boundless and violent.

The endless brilliance of the ray is gathered from all directions, as if all rivers return to the sea, one after another pours into it, so that the ray is more intense and substantive.

Heart-struck power is also pervading.

Sword Storm!

A sword with extreme light and power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The power is extremely powerful.

A sword is killed, and the terrible gorgeous sword light is bombarded to Chen Zong.

This sword, even changed the style of Xuanguang Sword King in the past, seems to abandon the gorgeous and changeable skills, and turned into pure force oppression.


Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, the sword light is fierce and extreme, not only gorgeous and dazzling, but also like a violent thunder that destroyed everything when it was shot down.

The Xuanguang Sword of Xuanguang Sword is created by himself. There are only three moves. The first one focuses on the speed of Xuanguang's sword and develops it to the extreme. It is extremely fast. The second sword is the opposite. The focus is on the outbreak. The power broke out completely, the power was terrible.

Since Xuanguang Jianji, such an amazing sword speed, can't help the other side's defense, then the strongest force will destroy it.

I have to say that Xuanguang Jianwang's idea is very good, but for some time, it is not so satisfactory.

The realm of the heart shrank. Chen Zong did not switch to other sword tricks and still did not break the sword circle. This is not a sword trick, but a defensive means of adaptability.

However, Fu Lin felt so heartfelt, Chen Zong stripped away the mysteries of the serial tricks of the infinite endless series of swords, and incorporated them into the sword circle.


The sword violently blasted out, as if it were a force that pushes one side of the world, and crushed it positively. When it came into contact with Shen Yejian, the terrorist power contained in it was instantly released and exploded directly. It's like a torrent dying, destroying everything.

But in the realm of the heart, any trajectory is difficult to escape, all were captured by Chen Zong. Without breaking the magic of the sword circle and combining the unique tricks, it weakened the power of the sword storm layer by layer.

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