Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 43: Sword Emperor Donglai (13)

The light is brilliant, the most powerful and violent gesture, the bombardment, the terrible force seems to be overflowing, as if a meteor storm, destroy everything, and the power of this explosion is all controlled by the King of Light Sword, there is nothing outside Leak, go to the center as much as possible, that is where Chen Zong is.

Whether Chen Zong is dead or alive, Xuanguang Sword King doesn't really care.

If he is lucky, he will survive, then he will not kill him again, but if he dies unfortunately, he will only have the word regret.

However, without breaking the sword circle and combining the mysteries of a series of swords, all forces were weakened by layers to resist, and eventually, it was difficult to damage Chen Zongmin.

Xuan Guang Jian's complexion became extremely dignified.

It's surprising that it actually blocked his own Xuanguang Jian storm so much.

The other person's eyes still looked so amazing and sharp, so full of majestic majesty, as if it were a sky sword, running through everything, faintly calling the Xuanguang Sword King a bit unspeakable throbbing.


How could it be so overbearing!

According to Chen Zong, the basic strength of Xuanguang Sword King and Wangui Sword King is not much different. Compared with Wangui Sword King after all means broke out, there is still a significant difference.

If it is just such strength, it is not your opponent at all, but it is the opponent's swordsmanship, which is really good and has merits.

"Xuanguang Sword King, if there is no more powerful means, this time, it is the place where you are buried." Chen Zong's voice sounded slowly and flatly, seemingly without a trace of fireworks, but Xuanguang Sword King was frightened and sweaty. Vertically, from that bland language, he felt a murderous force that was going to the deepest part of his heart, and it was unparalleled.

Fang Caixuan Guangjian's one-sword killing trick, but he never left half a point, although there is no intention of murder, but it is a fact of being merciless.

Chen Zong felt clear.

"Take another move from the King." The King of Xuan Guangjian suddenly drank, already a bit ill.

Immediately, the intense light exploded from his body, as if the sun's rays were blooming, shining in all directions, the Xuanguang Sword King as a whole became a huge light source and luminous body.

The original dazzling light suddenly changed, becoming dazzling, extremely dazzling, as if to pierce the eyes of everyone, even if you close your eyes, you can still feel a strong ray of light breaking through, must not Don't turn the head, don't dare to face each other.

I can't see it with my eyes, I can only perform the divine observation, but the divine thought spreads out, and I immediately feel the endless light.

Great light!


Within the divine mind, all are filled with that amazing light. It is too dazzling, too bright, too strong. It is really full of octagonal, four-pole, heaven and earth void, and can not hold everything else.

As if everything in that light would be purified in this way.

This kind of swordsmanship has surpassed the level of general meaning and touched a higher level. It is a sword approaching the extreme.

The sword came out and suddenly called Chen Zong's heart to jump suddenly, his eyelids trembled, and a slight tingling sensation came from his brows.

So mysterious, as ubiquitous as light, calling me to have a feeling that is hard to resist.

If you do n’t break the sword circle, even if you really do n’t break it, you ca n’t block the light, because the light is everywhere.

This sword is really exquisite.

If you put aside the taboo means that Wangui Sword King finally exhausted the potential of Wangui Sword to stimulate your own power, this sword of Xuanguang Sword King is indeed much stronger than Wangui Sword King, but compared to Wangui Sword King who casts taboo methods. , But still a little gap.

However, Chen Zong really found out that it is not to break the sword circle, which can not completely block this move. It can be said that this time, without breaking the sword circle, it was broken.

And the one that breaks the sword circle is not a force that is overbearing or irresistible, nor is it a skill that is too clever to cope with. It is the third type, covering everything in all directions, filling every inch of void, and truly being invisible.

This trick, although breaking the sword circle, also called Chen Zong to know the flaws of the sword circle.

Don't break the golden body!

The Xuanguang Sword King lives up to its name. The power of this move is indeed irresistible, so resist it.

Chen Zong immediately spurred the South Li Yu Yu Gong to the extreme, detonating the power of the magical force into mixed sky power, and at an instant, the intensity of the mixed sky power, which was originally in the middle of the eighth period of the sky, soared directly to the middle of the ninth stage of the sky.

As a result, the amazing power of not breaking the golden body was also promoted, and became more arrogant.

All over the body, the golden light was imprinted on the body like a flame, permeating an immortal and immortal flavor.

Of course, there is still a long, long way from the true immortality, immortality and decay, but it has already begun to have its charm.

Such arrogant physique and unbreakable defense of the golden body suddenly blocked the mysterious sword attack of Xuanguang Sword King.

The ubiquitous light seems to be transformed into the ubiquitous Jianmang, trying to tear Chen Zong's body completely through to a fan, but it is completely blocked and hard to hurt.

Chen Zong resisted the attack of this trick, and at the same time carefully understood the mysteries contained in it.

There is mystery in the other sword, and it is for my use, and it is the cornerstone of my ascent to the top of Kendo.

Chen Zong has never been jealous of someone's swordsmanship being deeper and more subtle than himself, he is only happy, and he fights with them, drawing on the mystery and essence of the opponent's swordsmanship, in order to improve and condense himself.

There are countless years in one side of the world. Every generation has geniuses, arrogance and even evildoers. Some people die midway, but others will grow up.

Anyone who has a strong heart and will will be better than others. His sincerity throughout his life will always become prominent in some aspects.

For example, this Xuanguang Sword King can create such a brilliant third trick of Xuanguang Sword Technique, which is as dusty as light. It is irresistible and pervasive. It is amazing.

Unfortunately, although this trick is extremely mysterious, but in terms of power, it is not as good as the mysterious sword sword storm, there is a gap, otherwise Chen Zongke is not so easy to resist.

Of course, if Chen Zong does not have such an overbearing cultivation practice, without the power of spiritual force and the golden body, he must be wounded.

But everything, no if.

The light was gone, and when everyone looked again, they saw that Xuanguang Sword King looked dull, and the Emperor Chen Zong also looked intact, except that the robe on his body broke through many small holes.

What exactly happened just now?

Except for Xuanguang Sword King and Chen Zong, no third person knew, because they could not see it, and even the gods were filled with endless light.

But at this time, he saw the dull face of King Xuan Guangjian, and everyone was horrified.

"Is this all your ability?" Chen Zong asked in a faint tone, but made Xuanguang Sword King creepy, without hesitation, and immediately erupted the final power and secret magic.

A volume of Xuanguang, as if the body disappeared, turned directly into a ray of light bursting out at the fastest and most amazing speed, rushing up to the sky above the rifting sword mark.

Even the most powerful move can't help the opponent, even the opponent's defense cannot be broken, how to fight?

Of course, there are stronger means that can burst out, but the cost is too high, and there is no certainty at all.

Continue to stay like this, wait for death?

It's not stupid for the Xuanguang Sword King to live for so long. It can be seen that the other party has already murdered and will not leave now.

The Xuanguang Sword King's response was extremely fast and the speed was extremely fast, but this time, Chen Zongke did not let go of the other party's thoughts.

Suddenly, the body turned into a ray of wind, and it seemed like a ray of sky was blowing out, and Dacheng's heavenly wind was applied to the extreme.

Even though the speed is not as good as that of Xuanguang Sword King, but the other party is a secret method that consumes itself. It cannot last for a long time, and it will be caught up by itself and then killed.

Everyone could only watch Xuanguang Sword King turn into a streamer and escape, watching the sword emperor Chen Zonghua chasing away, one by one, immediately, as if they were sober, and the sky quickly flew, one by one quickly go with.

They need to see how it goes.

Is Xuanguang Sword King getting away?

Or was it killed by the sword emperor Chen Zong?

No one can stop it.

The Xuanguang Sword King ’s method is indeed very fast and very amazing, but after all, it is a secret method that consumes itself. It is explosive. Once the eruption period has passed, it will restore its original speed, and if it is damaged, its speed will also be damaged. Affected, slower than usual.

If Chen Zong does not chase, it is good enough to get away, but under the persistent pursuit of Chen Zong, the speed of the Xuanguang Sword King slowed down, and Chen Zong immediately chased up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The amazing air machine rushed away. , Called the Xuanguang Sword King has become pale and paler.


From my heart's horror, for many years, I have never been so embarrassed.

Even at the deepest level of his heart, the Xuanguang Sword King breeds a trace of regret.

Knowing that this person was so terrible and cruel, it was inappropriate for this young bird, why now, he has fallen into such a situation.

As Chen Zong approached, a horrific horror of horrible killings filled the sky.

Kill with a sword.

Xuan Guangjian knew that he was in danger and would probably die here.

In this way, I have to show some desperate means, even if the foundation is damaged, we will not hesitate, after all, as long as we can survive, the damaged foundation can be restored. If it is dead, hundreds of years of hard work, all It is empty, and the sword is hopeless.

Chen Zong also felt the decisiveness of the Xuanguang Sword King, and those eyes became sharp, and there was a deciduous life after death.

In this case, even the strongest sword will send you on the road.

When Chen Zongzheng was about to show off the world, when Xuanguang Sword King was killed between this side of the world, suddenly, there was a mighty sword in the distance.

"Let ’s do it slowly!" Along with the mighty sword-like permeation, there was a voice that surged along with the sword-likeness, as if the turbulent seas were flowing like the sea, the waves were surging, as if the Tianhe came across.

The situation is astonishing!

In an instant, Chen Zong had a feeling of facing the mighty world, as if the water of a large river was flowing from a distant sky.

If it is a sword, it may face the impact of this great river, and I am afraid it will be difficult to resist for a while.

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