Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 46: Sword Emperor Donglai (16)

The void is vast, the river is galloping, the dragon is haunting, and the dancing claws are swinging their tails.

Countless swords of light are shaking like flowing water, like waves, but there is only one sword in hand, but as if standing against a wall, let the wind and rain hit the waves and be violent, standing still and unshakable.

Longbo Sword King has been continuously attacking the sword for two quarters of an hour, and has stretched his sword to the extreme. There is even a taste beyond the previous level, but he still cannot break the defense of Chen Zong's lap and hurt him. Chen Zong has nothing.

Although Longbo Sword King's heart is steady, he can't stand a long period of reactive power. Gradually, he has a little irritability.

At the same time, the mysterious essence of his sword technique was clearly clarified by Chen Zong's repeated deliberation. The sword, like the flowing waves of the Changjiang River, can be slow, gentle, and soft, and there is a hidden dragon in it. There is a mystery of alternate dragons and snakes, full of yin and yang.

Unconsciously, Chen Zong and the twenty-four dragon and snake drawings confirmed each other, and the understanding of the twenty-four dragon and snake drawings deepened a lot in an instant.

Vaguely, Chen Zong felt that his understanding of the twenty-four dragon and snake images seemed to have reached a peak and a bottleneck. As long as he broke through, he would immediately reach a new higher level and apply it to Among his sword skills, his power has been increased again.

It's just a pity that the improvement of Longbo Sword King can bring to himself, and that's the end of it. I just hope that swordsman can let himself break through this limit that day.

Chen Zong immediately counterattacked the thought.

First, there is a series of swords. The sword light is endless, layer upon layer, and between them, there seems to be a mystery of rivers and waves. There seems to be a mystery of dragons and snakes in it. Although it is very faint and faint, With its line.

The sudden counterattack made the Dragon King Sword King feel a bit caught off guard. After all, Chen Zong had been defending for a long time, and he had been defending for a long time, so much that the Dragon King Sword King almost forgot that the other party was a human and would fight back.

This sword is extremely mysterious. It instantly dissolves all the offensives of the Dragon Wave Sword King in the invisible, and between the intersection of the dragon and the snake, secretly interprets a bit of mystery of yin and yang, and it generates an invisible power, as if invisible. His vigorous spirit instantly stuck, twined, and dragged the center of Longbo Sword King's sword.

Although this strength is still very weak, but also suddenly caught off guard Longbo sword king meal.

This meal is to lose the opportunity.

When the opportunity is lost, the consequences are terrible.

A dark sword light across the long sky, the end of the world is as close as possible, that cold edge, suddenly called Longbo Jianwang pupil shrink, trying to dodge but slowed a line.

The point of Shen Yejian's sword seemed to penetrate from a distant void to the bottom of the eyebrow, and gently touched it in front of the eyebrow and penetrated it, leaving only a trace of inconceivable traces, which retreated into the sheath as soon as it touched.

It was too fast for a moment, and the Dragon King Sword King was too late to respond and it was over, but the Tian Jianzi on one side could see clearly and was even more surprised.

Good clever swordsmanship!

Such swordsmanship is really terrible.

People who are so young, but better than Longbo Sword King and others who have been soaked in swordsmanship for many years, is this the so-called talent of the sword emperor?

Longbo Sword King touched his eyebrows subconsciously. He knew that if only before the battle of life and death, his eyebrows had been penetrated and he died of death.

His complexion changed from day to day, but he finally sighed.

"I lost." Longbo Sword King's voice was obscure, and he had to admit that he had lost it, although he was still unwilling.

However, at the beginning, he put forward the idea of ​​cultivating regardless of the meaning, only using swordsmanship to determine the level, but now he loses, he has no face to say anything, and then come back with all his strengths.

Fortunately, there is Tian Jianzi.

As long as Tian Jianzi wins, the face of Jianxiu of the Yuan Dynasty is preserved.

It's just that I'm not reconciled. This time, I'm going to be dominated by Tian Jianzi again.

"Master, I will meet him," Xiao Tianjian said immediately.

"Don't go," Tian Jianzi said immediately, "you are not his opponent now."

It is not that Tian Jianzi wants to hit his apprentice, but it is true. The gap between Xiao Tianjian and Chen Zong is still very obvious.

It seems that this battle can only be ended by oneself. If even he loses himself, then the entire face and glory of the sword repair of the Upper Yuan Dynasty disappears, which is equivalent to being stepped on by an outside sword repair.

This is true whether Chen Zong is intentional or not.

Therefore, in this battle, you must win.

Not only to win, but to win beautifully.

However, in the first battle, Tian Jianzi already has great confidence in his victory. Although the defense of the sword circle exhibited by Chen Zong is amazing, it is not really impossible to break, it is just the Dragon King Sword King. It's just not home.

"The sword emperor is really good at seeing the old man's sword heightening." Tian Jianzi smiled slightly, but the cold light in his eyes grew stronger and sharper, assassinating like an invisible sword came, an amazing result The sword's meaning is diffused out of Tianjianzi's body, as if an invisible Tianjian slammed into the air.

Chen Zong also released his sword, and collided with it. In the void, an invisible storm swept away, a mighty, faint sound of thunder.

"The sword emperor is careful and takes the old man's first sword." Tian Jianzi reminded out loud, the moment the word "sword" just sounded, the long sword behind it suddenly jumped, a terrible sword meaning, directly From the long sword emanating from the radiance of the golden brilliance, it spurted out like a fountain soaring into the sky and instantly connected with a trace of majesty in the sky.


Jin Cancan's Jianguang slashed in the volley, but at the moment of falling, it turned into a golden crescent sword light, with an unparalleled sharpness, split the void, and ruthlessly killed.


Very fast!

And it has an astonishing edge, as if anything between heaven and earth cannot be resisted, it will be split.

From this sword, Chen Zong felt an amazing breath and belief.


No match!


Suddenly, Chen Zong was chilling all over his body, giving birth to a feeling from the bottom of his heart. He could not stop the sword, and all defenses would be defeated.

A terrible sword, very domineering.

Tian Jianzi didn't do it. Once he shot, it was an astonishing trick, as if splitting the heavens and the earth. From this sword, Chen Zong felt the mystery of the sword.

It can be seen that Tian Jianzi has also learned about Wanli Sword and has gained a lot.

The terrible sword called Chen Zong gave birth to an irresistible feeling, but Chen Zong's mind and spirit were extremely tenacious. He knew the mystery. It was not that this sword could not be resisted. It was just the belief and will of Tian Jianzi. It is an indomitable belief and will.

If your will and belief are not strong enough, you will be suppressed by it, and you will feel that you cannot resist it.


Another sword emerged, the sword light revolved endlessly like mountains and rivers, endless and endless. The sword light vaguely felt like a time and space.

Tian Jianzi slashed with a sword, and the crescent-shaped sword light rushed into it, sinking into the serial sword light. Immediately, it burst into an incredible power, breaking many serial sword lights in a row, like a bamboo shoot, going forward indefinitely, called Chen Zong was startled.

This power is even more powerful than Ling Tianjian's sword moves.

However, after the serial improvement of Chen Zong's sword, the power was getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time it was cut, it also continuously weakened the power of that crescent sword.

Although each serial sword light can only weaken a trivial part, it cannot hold up much.

It turned over and over again, as if it were endless, directly weakening most of the crescent sword light, and the last sword burst with extreme force to break it.

Blocking this sword, Chen Zong didn't mean to underestimate Tian Jianzi, but instead paid more and more attention to it, and his blood seemed to be ignited. The battle was raging, and the sword was raging in his body.

Come without indecent ass!

Chen Zong's eyes flashed in his eyes, his body flashed into a ray of thunder, and he stirred up the Nine Heavens, and immediately approached the sword of the sky.

Thunder Tap Nine Heavens!

Although it is not as good as sky wind, it is surprisingly explosive for short-range raids.

This sword also contains the amazing meaning of Tianlei Taoism. With the cooperation of Lei Ta Jiuzhong Sky, the power has also greatly increased, like a **** thunder that traverses the void, as if the void is broken and torn ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Screaming people's faces have changed dramatically.

Both Xuanguang Sword King and Longbo Sword King were shocked. They originally thought that Chen Zong was good at defensive swordsmanship. After all, what was shown before was defensive swordsmanship.

Unexpectedly, the attack was so amazing.

Whether it is Xuanguang Sword King or Longbo Sword King, their sword meanings are all high-level, less than the top.

In the entire Tianyuan Sword List, only Tianjianzi ’s swordsmanship and Tiandaodaoyi came to the top level. This is one of the reasons why Tianjianzi ’s strength has always ranked first and is stronger than them. .

Therefore, Chen Zongshi used Tian Lei's sword to be powerful and mighty. He called Xuanguang Sword King and Longbo Sword King to be surprised, and Xiao Tianjian was surprised, but it was difficult to affect Tianjianzi.


Jianguang seemed to linger through the sky like the afterglow. In front, it seemed to cut the void, permeating a horrible sharp edge that shattered the thunder, as if to split Chen Zong's body.

Under one sword, Lei Guang shattered, and Chen Zong's body was also scattered. One sword shot down from the air, as if it were a meteor like the sky.

This hand suddenly made Tian Jianzi feel a little surprised.

Heart Sword Style!

This is the extreme heart sword style. Chen Zong has not used it for some time, but it was exhibited with the intention of top-level heart swordsmanship. The speed of the sword is really amazing. It was a surprise to Tian Jianzi. The feeling of penetrating overhead.

Without evasion, Tian Jianzi's whole body burst into an astonishing momentum, and the momentum was shocking, such as the violent waves sweeping the sky and the horror, which made the void of the whole body a little meal in an instant, there seemed to be signs of solidification.

Then, the sky sword of Tian Jianzi sent out an incomparable Jinmang Shenhui, shining in all directions, and the amazing sword intention swept through.

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