Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 47: Heavenly sword (on)

(A friend came, chatted, and forgot to update)

The golden light is dazzling and dazzling. It suddenly rises into the sky, as if to break the sky, and to pull the heavenly power in the sky, there is a faint and thunderous sound of thunder, and it is as if the stone is shocking.

Suddenly, a touch of golden light shot down from above, complementing the sword that Tian Jianzi slashed, and attacked and attacked Chen Zong, which caused Chen Zong to suffer difficulties.

Chen Zong was shocked, and there were such mysterious sword tricks, which was really amazing.

When he was in danger, but not chaotic, Chen Zong looked calm and stabbed down with a sword. His left hand pointed upward like a sword. A sword air broke through with extreme power, as if to pierce the sky.

The sword's light was violent, and a thousand sword spirits burst out. Under the realm of the heart, all trajectories were under control.

Suddenly, he shifted slightly, Chen Zong's whereabouts were flush with Tian Jianzi, and his sword was cut across. The astonishing killings went away.

The killing was not specifically aimed at anyone, but it permeated from this sword, covering all directions, and under the control of Chen Zong, condensed on the blade of the sword, cut to the sword of heaven, as if all vitality was cut Off.

No raw sword style!

Tian Jianzi was shocked, so intensely murderous that he made his hair stand upside down, giving birth to a kind of creepy feeling from his heart, as if under this sword, he had no life.

"Tianwei!" A low voice suddenly sounded from Tianjianzi's mouth, like a thunderous shock. Immediately, I saw Tianjianzi holding the sword in both hands. The golden light on the sword suddenly burst, dazzling to the extreme, filling all directions, as if from Penetrating out of nothingness, turned into a golden torrent of boundlessness.


With a single sword, the golden sword light seemed to connect the heavens and the earth, and instantly caused the wrath of the heavens, descending to the astonishing majesty of the world, and the coercion was like an invisible mountain, as if the sky would collapse. Calling the void below, it seemed to be repressed and solidified.

Chen Zong only felt endless coercion sinking from above, and all without reservation fell on his own body, making his body feel in a moment, and it was difficult to move.

What's more, a terrible will of heaven and earth was shot down from above and headed straight to his own sea of ​​gods, faintly feeling the anger carried in it.

This is like the wrath of the sky, which makes people scared.

Chen Zong suddenly understood why the other party was called Tian Jianzi.

This kind of sword move is really like Tianjian.


After the golden light was so strong, it suddenly fell off in the air, faintly, Chen Zong felt that the sound of sky-falling sounds sounded in his ears, and the horrific power fell instantly. The power of that moment seemed to shatter his soul. , To separate their flesh and blood.

Heart swordsmanship urged to the extreme, and the power of Lingwu broke out.

On the meaning of swordsmanship, Chen Zong will not be inferior to Tian Jianzi. The only deficiency should be cultivation.

Tian Jianzi ’s practice is the ninefold limit of entering the realm, while Chen Zong is the sevenfold limit of entering the realm, which is completely different from the two realms. Furthermore, the practice of Tian Jianzi ’s practice is also the top sacred superb power. The method will not be inferior to the Taijian Jianyuan Gong on the 29th floor.

Suddenly, the basic strength increased from the seventh limit of entering the sanctuary to the eight limit of entering the sanctuary, and the power increased greatly, making the power of this sword even more powerful.

Tianwei Slash looks like it was shot down from above, but in fact it was slaughtered from under the Tianjianzi sword in front of it. The power is terrible, leaving the void in a straight and endless sword mark, and the edges are broken in layers.

Chen Zong gathered all his strength and stabbed out with a sword. The endless sword lightsaber raged away, the waves were turbulent, and the flood was overwhelming.

Infinite Sword!

Suddenly, there are thousands of swords in the air, as if the void is turned into a fan. Each sword light fully interprets the amazing mystery, and then it is condensed into a majestic sword light and smashes the vacuum. Like it, it is endless, like everything in the world, and nothing can resist it.

This sword, called Xuanguang Sword King and Longbo Sword King, was shocked.

How could it be so strong!

Shouldn't this person be best at defense?

Why this attack seems more terrible than defense.

Tian Jianzi was also shocked.

He felt that he had looked at each other as much as possible, but found that he still underestimated.

This sword is not only mysterious, it is extremely terrifying.

The infinite sword directly collided with Tianwei Sword, just like a meteorite hedge, and the power that erupted in an instant stirred up the void, as if to break the heavens and the earth.

The void of Wanchashan was originally more unstable than other places. Under the impact of such a mighty force, a series of fine cracks suddenly appeared, and the dark traces spread quickly, making people's hearts trembling.

The overwhelming force collision erupted into an astonishing aftermath, as if the tsunami swept the world, like the turbulence of the sea, and the space cracks spread, Chen Zong and Tian Jianzi quickly retreated.

"The sword emperor is really good, beyond the expectation of the old man." Tian Jianzi said with a look of solemn expression, every word was filled with amazing coercion, and a wonderful atmosphere full of divine dignity, followed it. The body diffused away, and the Jin Mang shot from his eyes became more intense, as if turning into two light source bodies, shocking.

"Next, please ask the sword emperor to appreciate my true inheritance of Tianjian Mountain." Tianjianzi's magnificence rose, white hair spread out, as if the sword was flying upward, dancing in the air, as if the sword was pointing at heaven.

The breath became sharper and sharper, terrifying to the extreme, it seemed to pierce the caves one by one, and the golden divine light from her eyes was like two heavenly swords and swords, running through everything, majestic and endless. .

With the sky sword as the center, the void around it was smoothed by a terrible force at an instant, becoming calm and calm, like a mirror, with an unspeakable tranquility.

Xiaotianjian and others withdrew, leaving a sufficient distance. As the successor of Tianjianshan, he knew deeply how Tianjianshan's inheritance might be.

However, his mastery of Tianjian Mountain's true heritage is relatively simple, and Master Tianjianzi's mastery is already very familiar. Now, he is also giving him an excellent learning opportunity.

Chen Zong stared at Tian Jianzi, looking forward to it.

Tianjian Mountain's true heritage?

How exactly?

Tian Jianzi's momentum is getting stronger and stronger. Vaguely, there seems to be an illusion of breath condensing into a huge sword shadow, suspended above it.

Chen Zong did not move, and did not take the initiative to wait, waiting for Tian Jianzi to gain momentum. Of course, in this state, in fact, Chen Zong's shot was also difficult to attack Tian Jianzi, unless Chen Zong was far better than Tian Jian. Only then can he break his sword gas defense and hurt him.

Because, Chen Zong is looking forward to Tian Jianzi's shot.

This is an expectation of a strong opponent and a confidence in yourself.

Chen Zong is confident that with his own patience, even if the opponent's attack is even more arbitrary, he cannot kill himself.

Everything comes from self-confidence in their own strength. It is impossible.

Gradually, the breath emanating from Tian Jianzi made Chen Zong feel threatened, which was better than the time before the Tianwei cut.

The imaginary sword shadow condensed behind Tian Jianzi has also become more and more solid, showing a touch of outline, so that people can see vaguely.

Xiao Tianjian's eyes stared, very surprised, apparently the master's accomplishment on Tian Jiandao was more profound.

At this point, Tian Jianzi's look became more and more calm, and on his forehead, he gradually raised a hint of nerves, and was already exerting his full strength.

But not enough, he didn't think it was enough. With this, it was not enough to completely defeat the opponent.

If you do n’t do it, once you do it, Tian Jianzi has not forgotten, and you have to completely defeat the opponent.

Every effort was made, the imaginary sword shadow behind Tian Jianzi condensed a bit, and it seems that people can already see a clearer outline, exuding majesty and sharpness, as if mighty.

"Tianjian ... Disease!" Tianjianzi was full of breath, as if the storm of sword gas was raging all over his body, and he had to be angry, his eyes were more intense, and immediately his right hand pointed like a sword in front After crossing a circle, he pointed at Chen Zong like a bamboo shoot.

At the same time, the imaginary giant sword behind him also trembled, as if a piece of sword gas separated, following the direction of the sword pointed by Tian Jianzi.

The sword qi, almost invisible, with the thickness of fingers, instantly burst into an unparalleled sharp and sharp shot through the air. Amazing power suddenly shocked Chen Zong, but also revealed a smile.

See Hunting Heart Hi!

Chen Zong wanted to try how powerful this sword gas was, and also tried, how is this sword gas different from the previous Tian Jianzi's attack.

The true inheritance of Tianjian Mountain!


Suddenly, Jianguang unfolded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ densely layered, as if endless, Jianguang like silk and mist, the sky sword suddenly shot into it.

Chen Zong's expression changed suddenly, his face was dignified.

The power of that sword is directly inferior to Tianwei, but it has an unspeakable characteristic, as if it cannot be weakened and broken.

It feels similar to Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong. Even if it is not powerful enough, it has a groundbreaking characteristic and can tear all defenses.

Of course, the characteristics contained in this sword qi are different from those of Tai Chu Jian Yuan Gong.

Under this sword qi, Chen Zong suddenly found out that the serial sword light was also difficult to weaken, because the sword qi was very cohesive and condensed to an astonishing point.

If the previously weakened Jianzhao Jianguang is compared to wood, then this sword spirit is like steel, which is essentially different.

The serial sword light can weaken the wood sword move, but it can only play a certain role on the steel sword move, the effect is not so significant.

That sword qi, like a bamboo shoot, came through and penetrated everything, and it seemed that Chen Zong's body would also be penetrated.

For the first time, the serial sword moves failed.

Chen Zong was frightened, and quickly avoided it. Even if the sword air passed through from the side, the terrible wind passed with an astonishing sharpness, as if it could cut his face, and was extremely cold.

The body swept away, turned into a thunderbolt, rushed towards the sky sword, and a sword rose.


"Tianjian ... shock!"

Tian Jianzi looked utterly solemn and full of majesty, but his eyes were cold and his arms were slightly swift. Immediately, the shadow of the giant sword behind him trembled slightly, and an amazing ripple of sword air rolled away like a raging attack. Go, as if scratching a layer of void.

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