Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 52: Ancient Tianjian Tomb (2)

Under the blue sky, the white clouds are wafting, the sky is blowing, the clouds are changing, and the mystery is difficult to describe.

Tianjian Mountain stands eternally, and despite the wind and rain, it has not collapsed. Even if the inheritance is severed, it is still upright and proud. Now, the tradition is inherited again.

The ancient tomb of Tianjian sounds like a purpose, but it is a secret place opened by the great sacred realm of the Tianjian Mountain in the ancient times, or a different space, which exists in the spiritual realm of Lingwu and wants to enter There needs to be a special approach.

This method, the talent meeting of Tianjianshan, that is, the first part of Tianjiandao.

In other words, if the first part of Tianjiandao has not been cultivated to a certain degree, even if you know where the ancient Tianjian tomb is located, you cannot open it.

Where is the tomb of Gu Tianjian located?

At this moment, the three figures were rapidly falling into Tianjian Mountain.

Because, the ancient Tianjian tomb is located in the deepest underground of Tianjian Mountain.

Tian Jianzi, Xiao Tian Jian and Chen Zong all three fell quickly, and the darker and deeper they fell, the more they fell into the bottomless abyss.

Chen Zong felt that the height of the fall should have exceeded the height of Tianjian Mountain, but he still did not arrive.

Ten thousand meters!

About 10,000 meters from the top of Tianjian Mountain, Chen Zong saw the land.

Although the light here is extremely dim, it can't stop the eyes of the three Chen Zong.

"That's it." Tian Jianzi pointed to the front, his eyes twinkling with sharpness and excitement.

There is a stone wall in front. The stone wall is flat and seems to be cut by a sword. It looks extremely smooth. Above it is a sword mark that is sunken into the center. The sword mark is surrounded by countless lines. It looks chaotic, but Implied mystery.

The stone wall on that side is full of ancient charm. I don't know how many years there are. It seems extremely hard. Chen Zong pays for it. Even if he exerts himself to the world, he can hardly leave any traces on it.

"This is the Tianjian Wall, which was cast by the great sacred realm of the Tianjian Mountain in ancient times, and is also the entrance to the ancient Tianjian Tomb." Tian Jianzi said with a hint of excitement.

Chen Zong nodded and stared, feeling that the sword mark had an indescribable mystery, but what kind of mystery it was, it was difficult to make clear, because that mystery was too far-reaching, far better than his current Kendo realm.

When the gap between the realms is too large, even if you put it open in front of yourself, it is difficult to comprehend anything.

Chen Zong also runs through the lines next to the sword marks, which also feels very mysterious, but he can't comprehend any mystery.

"Sir Emperor Jian, I'm going to open the Ancient Tomb of the Sword of Heaven." Tian Jianzi looked calm and solemn.

Chen Zong and Xiao Tianjian retreated.

This time, of course, Xiaotianjian will not enter the ancient tomb of Gutianjian with him, because his strength is not enough, he hastily stepped into it, and the possibility of death is too great. As for the purpose of coming here, of course, take care of it. In case, then the wish to revive Tianjian Mountain falls on him, and he needs to have a better preparation.


The overwhelming breath suddenly exploded from the sword of heaven, and the sword was endless, as if it turned into a terrible storm that shattered and destroyed everything around it.

But the land and the mountain walls here are extremely tough. The breath that Tian Jianzi exploded with all his strength could not cause the slightest damage, and no trace could be left, which shocked Chen Zong.

"Tianjian!" Tianjianzi's eyes flickered with horrifying light, and she must be angry, as if in a mighty wind, each hair was condensed into the breath of extreme sword, able to penetrate everything.

Tian Jianzi is urging his own strength to exert Tian Jiandao.

An illusive sword suddenly condensed behind him.

The eyes were so strong and powerful that they were as glorious as the little sun. The forehead was swollen and raised, and the shadow of the sky behind him became more solid.

Do your best!

Seems to squeeze every strength of its own.

"Tianjian ... Go!" Tianjianzi also refers to the sword as a sword, and the void draws a mysterious trajectory, pointing straight forward, and the shadow of the giant sword behind him also flutters and quickly flies away. Out.

It seems to be cutting the sword wall that day, but in fact it is not the case. The giant sword virtual shadow is close to the sky sword wall instantly, and is branded towards the sunken sword mark.


Chen Zong only felt that the wall of Tianjian seemed to tremble slightly, and then, the lines around Tianjian's brand were illuminated one by one, permeating a burst of silver and golden light, as if strikingly bright.

There seemed to be a rattling sound. Immediately, in Shenhui, the sword was branded open a little bit to the left and right, as if a door was pushed open.

A ray of astonishing sharpness leaked out from the open gap, and as soon as he appeared, the three of Chen Zong shivered as if torn apart.

Moreover, that sharp edge contained a dead silence and paleness, as if it came from countless time and space from Jiuyou Hell.

A touch of gray-white radiance dazzled the eyes of the three.


Continuously open!

It wasn't until the crack on the wall of Tianjian was about half a meter wide or so.

"Sir Emperor Jian, let's go." Tian Jianzi sank in a deep voice, leaping forward, and turned into a rush of sword light rushing towards the crack on the wall of Tian Jian.

Suddenly, Tian Jianzi disappeared into it.

Chen Zong did not hesitate, his body slightly shook into a gust of wind, and disappeared as soon as Tian Jianzi sank into it.

Xiao Tianjian stared at the rift in the wall of that sword, pressing the thought of breaking into it.


The grey breath pervaded in all directions, as if the chaos had not yet opened, but it was permeated with deadly waves, as if it could not feel life.

Immediately, Chen Zong heard the sound of cries and drinks coming from the front. Then, a tight scalp covered his body, and a gray-white Sensen Jianqi shot through the air without a sound.

If you don't perceive Superman yourself, you will not be able to detect and respond instantly.

Shen Yejian came out of the scabbard, slashed in the volley, and chopped down the morbid white-sword. Chen Zong hurried forward, and the vocalization and screaming was just a bit quick. It was Tian Jianzi, and the situation seemed not great.

After dying, Chen Zong saw Tian Jianzi and was being attacked by Sen Han's pale sword gas, which was a bit difficult to deal with.


Chen Zong instantly shattered several swords to relieve the pressure on Tian Jianzi.

"His swordsman, please help me resist, I need to restore my strength," Tian Jianzi said quickly.

"OK." Chen Zong answered immediately.

To open this ancient Tianjian tomb, Tianjianzi burst into full force to perform Tianjiandao. He has little power left. Now when he stepped into it, he was attacked by a lot of swords. He can usually resist it, but under insufficient power Inevitably, there will be some reluctance.

Moreover, who knows if there will be other dangers in the future.

Therefore, it is necessary to restore strength.

As a companion, Chen Zong naturally also has to bear its corresponding responsibilities and obligations. This is the meaning of the companion.

If not, Tianjianzi can enter the exploration himself, why bother to find others and let others enter the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain to get the benefits.

The previous generation of Tianjianzi fell into it because it entered alone and no companions depended on each other.

But in fact, Tianjianzi is not clear. In ancient times, people in Tianjian Mountain did not encounter any danger when they entered the ancient Tianjian tomb. After all, this is the place where Tianjianshan's strong men have fallen behind. Cemetery, a place of rest.

It was only with the severance of ancestors that it had been too long, and there had been some variations here, that danger had emerged.

The gray and white sword spirit seemed to kill Nine You Hell. Although the power of each one was not strong enough to resist crushing, if it was hit, it would have bad consequences.

Chen Zong flatly won't let it hit.

Shen Yejian is in his hands, and the mixed Yuan is not broken. No matter how much the anger of the gray sword is broken, it is completely broken by Chen Zong's defense. It cannot hurt Chen Zongmin, and it cannot affect Chen Zongzi behind him.

Tian Jianzi has already made sufficient preparations and prepared a large amount of elixir to restore strength and healing. At this time, he is taking some elixir of restoring power to fully exercise the power method to restore his strength and rest assured to Chen Zong .

At this time, if Chen Zong is intent, he doesn't need to do it himself, as long as he misses one or two off-white sword qi, he can be buried here.

But Chen Zong will not do this, this is not his own way of life.

Either he doesn't agree, if he agrees, Chen Zong will do his best to do it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so as not to violate his heart.

Under the protection of Chen Zong, the strength of Tian Jianzi is constantly recovering. The elixir obtained for many years of preparation is a fine product with amazing effects and minimal side effects. Therefore, about two quarters later, Tian Jianzi was completely powerful restore.

"Thank you, Emperor Jian, the old man has recovered." Tian Jianzi stood up, and then a forceful breath permeated from inside his body, his eyes flickered with a strong spirit, and when he took it a little, he shot a sword and broke it. An off-white sword spirit.

"So now, what should we do?" Chen Zong asked.

The ancient Tianjian Tomb is the cemetery of the fallen swordsman in Tianjian Mountain. It belongs to the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain. Only the people of Tianjian Mountain know enough about it. They are outsiders. If they were not invited by contemporary Tianjianzi, I don't know much about Tianjian Mountain, let alone this ancient Tianjian tomb.

Perhaps after countless years, the inheritance of Tianjian Mountain is missing, and the understanding of the ancient Tianjian Tomb is also lacking, but overall, it is also clearer than itself.

Somehow, it ’s better than encountering various dangers like headless flies.

Tian Jianzi didn't answer, but stared carefully around his eyes, his eyes flashed with the dazzling spirit, and the Qi of his body fluctuated like tides, which seemed to be sensing something.

Immediately, Tian Jianzi gazed at one place, and although it looked like a large grey area, he did not hesitate to say, "Sir Emperor, go this way."

As soon as the words fell, Tian Jianzi immediately led the way and Chen Zong quickly followed.

Entering here is dangerous and unpredictable. It is better not to separate them. It may be safer for them to work together.

If it was just before, if Chen Zong had not arrived in time, I was afraid that Tian Jianzi had already been wounded. If it was serious, he might fall.

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