Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 53: Kendo Undead (1)

In the ancient tomb of Gutian Sword, there was a misty fog, as if chaos had not yet opened.

Chen Zong and Tian Jianzi acted with great vigilance.

In fact, compared to Tian Jianzi, Chen Zong is more secure, because the realm of the heart is pervasive, covering a range of two kilometers in a circle. Everything is in Chen Zong's perception, even if it is difficult to see with his eyes. influences.

Senran's grey sword qi appeared from time to time, seeming to be spiritual, and felt the vitality of the two people fluctuated. Assassination came, but they were broken by Chen Zong and Tian Jianzi, which could not hurt them.

go ahead!

Under the guidance of Tian Jianzi, the two kept on advancing, about an hour or so, and finally came out of the gray foggy area.

Presenting to the eyes of the two are cemeteries one after another, each cemetery separated by several kilometers, and at a glance, the cemetery stretches to a distant place, and there seems to be no end.

Chen Zong was shocked. I don't know how many of the Falling Powers of Tianjian Mountain were buried here.

If you think about it, each generation of Tianjian Mountain is only the master and the disciples, so there seem to be many cemeteries here, and I don't know how many years passed.

"According to the old man's one-sided understanding, there are more than 200 cemeteries in Gu Tianjian's tomb." Tian Jianzi said.

In other words, there are more than 200 kendo strongmen in Tianjian Mountain buried here.

Chen Zong's heart was fiery.

Tianjian Mountain ’s true inheritance of Tianjian Road, you do n’t need to think about it, it belongs to Tianjian Mountain. You can only get it if you join Tianjian Mountain, and in the current situation, you ca n’t be a member of Tianjian Mountain.

However, aside from Kendo, everyone who is strong in Kendo must have more than one hand. There must be others. His goal is other inheritance. In order to strengthen and consolidate the foundation of Kendo, he will do more for himself. accumulation.

The two kept walking and walked to the first graveyard.

The cemetery is very simple. It looks like a bulging soil bag, but it is very hard to break. A tombstone stands in front of the cemetery like a sword. The tombstone is black and the letters are red and gold.

"The tomb of the 420th Tianjian of Tianjian Mountain."

Tianjian Mountain has been passed down from generation to generation, and some generations have a long history, which may be hundreds of years or even thousands of years, but some are relatively short, only decades.

Even if it is calculated in a short period of 100 years, more than 400 generations are enough to show that the Taoism of Tianjian Mountain is ancient. Perhaps it is difficult to find a more ancient Taoism than Tianjian Mountain in the Tianyuan Sanctuary today.

After all, for the first time in ancient times, the Void Demon attacked in a big way. In that battle, I don't know how many strong men fell, and how many gates fell apart without being passed down and disappeared into the long river of history.

Even if it has been passed down, it has actually changed its appearance, and it will never be the same again.

Only the inheritance of Tianjian Mountain is missing, but it has not lost the style and rules of ancient times.

"My generation, if you want to count, it should be five hundred years later." Tian Jianzi sighed impassively: "After the ancient war, all the descendants of Tian Jianshan were killed, and they were regained the opportunity after ancient times. Among them, There are thousands of years apart. "

In fact, after the ancient times in Tianjian Mountain, the generations and generations are already somewhat difficult to distinguish. Therefore, the person who reopened Tianjian Mountain defined himself as the fifth century.

The sky sword in front of Chen Zong is the 557th generation, and the small sky sword is the 558th generation.

So how do you get the heritage now?

Chen Zong didn't know.

Is it breaking the cemetery?

It is estimated that Tian Jianzi will not allow it. After all, this is the burial place of Tian Jianzi of all dynasties.

"The 557th generation disciple of Tianjian Mountain came to ask for the second part of Tianjiandao, and asked the ancestor to give the Fa." Tian Jianzi stood in front of that graveyard, calmed down, gathered his breath, and the sword stood up. There is a faint indescribable power that looks like a mighty sky.

This arrogant power gradually came forward, covering the cemetery, carefully sensing, while opening, the sound was concise and contained a unique rhythm.

As if in a pilgrimage posture, Chen Zong stood tens of meters apart and did not bother, but looked at it with interest.

Is this method feasible?

I don't know. Seeing the appearance of Tian Jianzi, it seems uncertain, it should just be a fight.

Gradually, the breath of Tian Jianzi seemed to be connected with the breath of that graveyard, creating a kind of resonance wave.

The sword-shaped tombstone trembled slightly, as if the sound of a sword sounded, and then a forceful breath burst from the graveyard.

The sword air was permeated with deep silence and ominousness.

Immediately, I saw a phantom rising out of the graveyard, and as it appeared, countless breaths rolled down like a storm, poured into the phantom, and continued to solidify.

That looks like a person, but the gray-white skin and broken robes are so weird. The eyes are even more pale. It seems that the eyes turn around and stare. The name is Chen Zonghe. Tian Jianzi's look changed slightly, and a creepy feeling emerged from the deepest part of his heart.

It was like the stare of death eyes, filled with endless death.

"Thirty-seventh generation disciple of Tianjianshan ..." Tianjianzi raised his mind and spoke again, but he hadn't finished yet, and saw the figure filled with death and frustration waved, not knowing what At that time, there was a long sword in the whole body that was filled with the smell of ruined silence, and it was slashed in the air, and a sword of death silence suddenly reached like a smashing moon.

This sword gas is very abrupt, and its power is amazing. It suddenly surprised Tian Jianzi, and quickly drew his sword and slashed it out.

"This is ... Kendo Undead!" Tian Jianzi's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at each other with a dignified look.

"Kendo dead spirit!" Chen Zong slightly hesitated, recalling that it seemed to be recorded in the classics that he had seen before.

After the death of some Kendo strong men, in a special environment, their remaining souls will condense sword energy, continually consolidate the formed body, master various swordsmanship kendos during their lifetime, and have powerful strength, but the power they possess is not The original power was a deadly power of death, which was terrible.

As for the strength of the Kendo undead, it is closely related to the time of birth and existence. The longer the stronger, the stronger.

According to the records, there seems to have been a kendo undead in the level of the Great Holy Realm, which belongs to the monarch level, which is terrible, and more terrible than most of the Great Holy Realm.

After all, the deadly power of Kendo undead has a terrible destructive and erosive effect on living beings.

Judging from the sword spirit of this Kendo undead, his strength is not weak at all.

However, Tian Jianzi should be sufficient.


Chen Zong did not shoot, but stared, to see how the Kendo undead approach.

Kendo Undead mastered the swordsmanship of Kendo during his lifetime, but it may not be all, it may be all or part of it. Of course, if it is all, it will be very powerful.

Tian Jianzi did not exhibit Tian Jiandao, but fought against it with other swordsmanship. The sword air was in all directions, and the aftermath slashed on the tombstone and the cemetery without causing any damage and leaving no trace.

Half a quarter of an hour after the fierce battle, Tian Jianzi slashed with a sword and immediately defeated the kendo undead.

After the Kendo undead collapsed, something fell. It was a half-slap-sized white spar shaped like an irregular sword.

Tian Jianzi grabbed the hand in the void, immediately grabbed the spar, carefully sensed it, and immediately revealed a touch of disappointment.

"Sword Emperor, this is not the inheritance of Tian Jiandao. By agreement, it is yours." Tian Jianzi said, throwing the spar to Chen Zong.

After Chen Zong caught it, he felt the fluctuation of the atmosphere inside, a sharp, amazing sharp, as if it could tear all the sharp, except for this sharp, nothing else, very pure.

Pure, sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

However, when he saw the swordmanship of Fang Cai's undead, Chen Zong knew that the swordmanship inherited in the spar was not weak.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately accepted the heritage.

Tianfeng Jianjue!

This is a sword technique. Whether it was created by the Kendo undead or was obtained elsewhere, Chen Zong does not know, and does not need to know, but it is indeed a very good sword technique, which interprets the sharp edge of the sword to Extremely the same.

Before long, Chen Zong analyzed the mystery and quickly realized it.

Tian Jianzi is guarding at the side ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to avoid any unexpected situations, such as other Kendo undead.

But just a quarter of an hour or so, Chen Zong opened his eyes, and a faint ray of sharpness emerged with extreme sharpness, making Tian Jianzi secretly startled.

In fact, it is not that Tian Jianzi is not interested in it, and he also longs for more accumulation of Kendo, but his cultivation path is different from Chen Zong. Of course, it is the follow-up of Tian Jiandao.

Different practitioners have their own paths.

Although borrowing is right, not all borrowing is worthwhile, and sometimes it will disrupt itself.

Only by following the path of Chen Zong, who gathers hundreds of talents, can more reference be used to accumulate.

This ancient tomb of the sword is obviously a good opportunity.

There are more than two hundred goals here, and there are more than two hundred strong men once buried in Tianjian Mountain. The previous one is just the first one.

Continue to find, do not believe can not find the complete Tian Jiandao heritage.

In the second tomb a few kilometers away, Tian Jianzi stood up again, with a solemn look opening, permeating his own kendo atmosphere to communicate with it.

Immediately, a second Kendo undead appeared.


The body of this Kendo undead is extremely erratic, and it is like a ghost, which is elusive, and for a while, Tian Jianzi is not easy to deal with, but fortunately, the absolute strength of this Kendo undead is not as good as Tian Jianzi. After Tian Jianzi resisted the law of grasping, she was beheaded and killed, or a white spar was dropped.

This spar is also owned by Chen Zong, because it is not the breath of Tianjiandao.

This is an inheritance of body law, called ghost ghost phantom. Chen Zong only accepted the inheritance and did not cultivate, but as an accumulation.

Kendo needs to accumulate, and other areas also need to accumulate. The more foundations are accumulated, the more solid it is.

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