Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 62: Half step

The explosion shook the sky and destroyed everything.

Tian Lingzi appeared thousands of kilometers away, staring at the center of the explosion. That amazing power can make people look very different. These powers are afraid that if they are half-step grand saints, they will be in danger, let alone Say one is in the holy realm.


Tian Lingzi secretly said that his heart was full of regret. His original intention was to subdue the other party for his own use. For this reason, he had to come up with a secret coined by chance.

Unexpectedly, in those cases, they still couldn't deal with each other. The strength was really terrible and amazing, so much that they had to come up with the final killer to blast Tianlei and kill it.

Hun Tian Lei has the terror power of threatening the half-step holy sacred power. Once in the sacred realm, it will undoubtedly die.

It is a pity that an extremely talented peerless demon had died.

While Tian Lingzi regretted it, there was another sense of joy that pervaded the whole body. If he did not agree with his own conditions, there would only be a dead end.

The explosion lasted for dozens of minutes before it gradually became silent. All the dust settled down. The palace on the top of Tianling Mountain was broken into ruins, and a huge pothole appeared on the ground. It was hundreds of meters in height and shocking. .

But Tian Lingzi froze. His eyes couldn't be moved away, but he stared into the hundreds of meters of pit, where a figure stood.

That figure rendered a golden halo all over, as if the flames were burning, a sword in hand, filled with a black sharp edge, amazing breath, as if pointing to the sky and tearing the void like a sword.

Sword Emperor!

Under the power of such amazing things as Hun Tianlei, they did not die.

Could he be a half-step holy power?

Impossible, according to previous news, although this sword emperor defeated Tian Jianzi, it was not easy, it just took the upper hand slightly. In a short period of less than a year, no matter how much the power can be improved, it cannot be a big step. Holy strong.

How could Hong Tianlei not kill him, and it seemed to be intact.

But in fact, that momentary explosion made Chen Zong smell the smell of death.


It's just that he could be killed by a little bit.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, all the power broke out, and the Liangyi sword world was exerted to the extreme, and the power that did not break the golden body, so that all of its own defenses reached the extreme level, and barely resisted this terrible explosion. .

Rao is so. He has also suffered some traumas.

In fact, if you cultivate the Heavenly Wind without Phase to perfection, you can be transformed into Heavenly Wind at the moment of explosion, but if you do n’t, the Heavenly Wind is without phase as the top ten secrets and sub-supernatural powers. Not so easy.

Chen Zong's eyes condensed the ultimate murderous power, almost, but just a little bit, he died here.

And the culprit of all is Tian Lingzi.

Starting from not answering the party's conditions, Tian Lingzi began to target himself and do everything right.

Damn it!

Chen Zong no longer talks nonsense, and never hides his murderous power.

"Stop, I will give you all the soul-melting stones, and promise to make you a **** soldier." Tian Lingzi realized that it was not good, the crisis of death came, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted for compromise.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

I knew it was so why.

In the face of Tian Lingzi's compromise and submission, Chen Zong seemed as if he had not heard it. Shen Yejian did not hesitate with his sword, and a sword volleyed out.

Tian Lingzi's own strength is also good, but there is a huge gap compared with Chen Zong. Although this sword is not a trick, it is not something that Tian Lingzi can resist.

The dark sword light with the ultimate murderous power instantly broke through the air, without mercy, without hesitation, suddenly made Tian Lingzi look terrified.

"Stop, kill me, you won't end well." This is the last will of Tian Lingzi.

Jian Guang was killed in the air. Suddenly, Tian Lingzi was penetrated by a sword, and his vitality was extinct in an instant.

After killing Tian Lingzi with one sword, Chen Zong immediately took away his appetite and quickly checked it. There were many things in Tian Lingzi's appetite, most of them were cast materials. Chen Zong found two black ones. Stone, that stone seems to be permeated with a trace of divine thoughts.

At first glance, Chen Zong recognized it and melted the soul stone.

These two black baby fist-sized stones are exactly the soul melting stone that they have been looking for, an important material for the imperial soldiers.

Immediately all the valuable things such as the soul melting stone were included in their own appetite, and the apprenticeship of the Tian Lingzi was dropped.

Then, Chen Zong operated the ancient ancient fire tactics, grabbed the void, and grabbed a crimson flame directly from the body of Tian Mingzi, which was a kind of heavenly fire that quickly sealed up.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately displayed the sky wind without phase, turned into a ray of sky wind and quickly left from the top of Tianling Mountain. It was no small matter to kill Tian Lingzi. Then, maybe he would be chased by the strong. It is better to leave first.

It is best to rush out of the Upper Yuan Realm and enter the Tai Xuan Realm to be more secure.

At the moment of Tian Lingzi's death, as far away as the top of the Wanling Pavilion in another city, there was a pervasive wave. The atmosphere was faint and angry, and it seemed that something anger was encountered.

An old man opened his eyes from the darkness and burst out a terrible coldness, tearing the darkness like a cold electricity.

"Tian Lingzi, you are dead. Who killed you?" A slightly old voice sounded in the darkness, but it contained immense power.

Soon, the order was issued, and the Wanling Pavilion went into operation immediately, and cleared the news.

"Tian Lingzi, I told you long ago that we need to change the reformed form, otherwise sooner or later we will suffer. Now this day is coming, and the price you pay is life."

"But as your brother, your revenge, I will report, no matter where the fledgling fled, I will kill it and sacrifice you."

The voice fell and fell into darkness, but the figure disappeared.

In the mighty sky, a black light swept by at an astonishing speed, and disappeared into the distance instantly.

Inside the black light is an old man, wearing a black robe, eyes dark and deep, glowing with extreme coldness and murderous power.

This old man is exactly one elder of Wanling Pavilion, a half-step grand saint, and the elder brother of Tian Lingzi. It is because of this old man that Tian Lingzi was able to follow him twice. Wanling Pavilion obtained the soul melting stone, targeting Chen Zong.

Wanling Pavilion is well-informed. Tianmingzi already knows where Chen Zong is going and is planning to leave Shangyuan Realm. The route should be to Taixuan Realm.

How can it be done!

Tian Mingzi is a half-step holy saint, and his strength is not bad in the level of half-step holy saint. At full speed, it is extremely amazing.

In an instant, Tian Mingzi crossed tens of thousands of meters and chased away in the direction of Chen Zong's departure.


"This feeling ..." Chen Zong, who was quickly away from Tianling Mountain, suddenly stopped in mid-air and looked back. There were white clouds floating around without seeing people, but Chen Zong instinctively felt a terrible threat. Approaching quickly.

Now, with his own strength, he can bring such a sense of threat to him, and only half-step sacred powers.

The speed of half step big holy class strong is extremely fast, it is estimated that it is difficult for him to get out.

In this case, fight.

For a time, Chen Zong's heart was filled with astonishing and extremely high warfare, and the warfare rose into the sky, as if torn into the void.

His strength has been continuously improved. Although he is still at the level of sacred realm, Chen Zong feels that no one can be the enemy when he enters the sacred realm.

So how does one's current strength compare to the half-strength strongman?

How much is the difference?

Perhaps, in this battle, I knew it myself.

As far as life and death are concerned, Chen Zong sees it very seriously, but he also sees it through, and has a lot of certainty that he can save his life in the hands of a powerful half-step sage, even if it is not his opponent.

What's more, there is a Shura avatar himself. Today, the Shura avatar is extremely powerful. His cultivating evil eye power is even more terrifying, enough to hurt the ordinary half-step holy power.

The heart is dependent and fearless.



Wait for the half step of the Great Holy Power to arrive, adjust your energy and spirit to the peak, and prepare for the next battle.

Tian Mingzi's speed is extremely fast. When he was far away, he saw Chen Zong's figure and recognized it directly, because Wan Lingge found the image of Chen Zong, which was very clear.

"I didn't run away." Tian Mingzi was secretly surprised, but didn't pay much attention, and was filled with murderous heart.

Although I have always felt that my brother Tian Lingzi has a bad temper ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is easy to offend people. One day, he may pay a price for offending others, but he did not expect that the price would be so heavy.

After all, Tian Lingzi is a founding master, with an unusual identity and the protection of his own elder brother. As long as he is not the one who provokes the great holy realm in the whole Upper Yuan Dynasty, there is generally no danger to his life.

But this time, it was the price of life.

The killer is a sanctuary.

"What gives you the courage to dare to kill Tian Lingzi." Tian Mingzi's eyes glowed with incredible murderous power to penetrate the void, directly approaching Chen Zong, as if Chen Zongdong was to be penetrated.

"Tian Lingzi targeted me three times and tried to kill me. I am killing him. What a surprise." Chen Zongbu Xubuji responded. Jingqi Shen has been adjusted to the peak and is facing a half-step grand saint. Between the oppression emanated by the person and the vagueness, the spirit spirit seems to be breaking his own limits and being promoted to a higher level.

"That being the case, you die." Tian Mingzi didn't say much, the arrogant breath erupted in an instant, like a volcanic eruption, and as if the sky was falling apart. The instantaneous power caused the void around him to be repelled, Faintly going to break away.

A trace of black diffused rapidly around the center of Tianmingzi, as if thick ink dripped into the water, quickly rendering the water black.

As if darkness had fallen, the horrible breath spread, covering all sides, including Chen Zong's body.

Just moments later, Chen Zong was covered by the darkness, as if to be swallowed.

Chen Zong's eyes glowed with sternness and fierceness, sharp like a sword, and between gazes, it was difficult to see through the darkness, and there was a little excitement and fear in his heart.

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