Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 63: Fearless

The darkness is rendered in all directions, covering the void and covering the sky. Chen Zong is also engulfed by darkness, as if swallowed.

The astonishing pressure came from all directions, as if to infiltrate Chen Zong's body and destroy it.

Chen Zong operated the sword power in the beginning, and the tyrannical forces immediately resisted the invading forces, and at the same time, he operated the ancient fire-making tactics, and quickly protected himself with the fire of Zihuan Burning Ruin, from the dark and cold atmosphere. .

Tian Mingzi was slightly surprised, and one of the sacred places in the sanctuary was able to resist the erosion of his breath, which was really good.

Sword Emperor!

This man is a contemporary sword emperor who has been approved by the Fengwang Tower and the will of the heavens and the earth.

But no matter how good it is, today and today it is also going to fall under his own hands, to sacrifice for the dead brother Tian Lingzi.

Deep in the eyes, a burst of intense killing was shot, and Tian Mingzi shot it with a palm, and the palm was enlarged ten times in an instant, and the black light permeated with an astonishing explosion. The palm seemed to blow around. The void is suppressed.

Chen Zong had a feeling of suffocation, as if under this palm, he seemed to become a bird in a cage, unable to dodge the slightest, and could only resist.

Shen Yejian came out of the sheath, and the dark sword light flew across the sky in an instant, as if the void was cut open.


As soon as Jianguang came into contact with Zhang Yinfu, the palm seal swelled with infinite power, and then he smashed the sword light and ruthlessly blasted it.

Chen Zong looked dignified, and immediately performed a serial sword move.

The sword lights are constantly overlapping, seemingly intricately intersecting, but extremely delicate, constantly passing the huge palm print, trying to weaken it and defeat it.

However, the strength of the palm print was extremely concentrated. For a time, Chen Zong found that the serial sword move was nothing, he could not weaken it at all.

Liangyi sword world!

Jianguang is divided into black and white, and it is a whole world, which protects itself firmly.


The one that came and killed, carrying the power of extreme horror, directly bombed the Liangyi Sword Realm. How could the Liangyi Sword Realm that could not be shaken in the past be violently shaking at this moment, a terrible force This made the Liangyi Sword Realm almost impossible to operate.

Immediately, an extremely powerful force was constantly coming through the bombardment of the Liangyi Sword Realm.


Do your best to resist!

Chen Zong was shocked to find that under the palm of the opponent, the Liangyi Sword Realm could hardly resist, and after a slight pause, weakening some forces, cracks appeared suddenly and then broke apart.

Liangyi Sword Realm is invalid.

Don't break the golden body!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately detonated the power of spiritual force to enhance the cultivation practice, and fully urged not to break the golden body. The golden light burned like a flame and rendered the whole body, so that the defense surged to an extreme level in an instant.

With a blast of palms, Chen Zong felt like he was being directly hit by an ancient monster. The horrible power was released on his body. The bones made an overwhelming sound, and it seemed to be broken.

The golden light on his body kept flashing, dim and dim, as if it might collapse at any time.


The power of that palm was too arrogant, arrogant to the extreme, arrogant enough to call his Liangyi Sword Realm irresistible, and arrogant enough to break the golden body, and was about to be broken.


Chen Zong could only retreat quickly, so as to unload that blow of terror.

The gap is too big.

The half-step big sacred power is really not something that he can fight now, and the gap between the level of entering the sacred realm and it is too great.

Little did they know that Mingzi was even more shocked that day.

The palm of Fang Cai seemed to be very simple, but it was a palm of his ten success, or a martial art that was not weak. He thought that it should be a deadly blow to kill the other party directly. However, he was unexpectedly given by the other party. Resist it.

At any time, the sanctuary can be so powerful.

Throughout the ages, even when the Emperor Lingwu was young, he had a record against the ordinary half-step grand saint when he entered the limit of the sacred realm.

Tian Mingzi knows that he is at the half-step grand sacred level, not the top, but not the lowest, but belongs to the middle level. This strength is enough to sweep any sanctuary, whether it is Tianjiao or Peerless Tianjiao.

But this son blocked his one-tenth-strength blow, which was really appalling.

You should know that the other side ’s cultivation is only the eightfold entry into the sanctuary. If it is raised to the ninth limit of the sanctuary, the strength will surely increase greatly and become more powerful. At that time, maybe it really has the ability to counter the extraordinary half-step saint. Level of strength.

If you become a half step big holy class powerhouse, maybe you will reach the top level.

But it's too late to say anything, this time today and this time, I will die under my own hands.


Since one shot is not dead, then come the second shot.

In an instant, Tian Mingzi's hands were printed, and a huge palm print appeared like Foshan Yue's condensation, appearing in the sky, endless black breath permeated, exuding terrible coercion, as if the four poles of heaven and earth were suppressed, and the void was frozen and frozen. .

Chen Zong's body was a little meal, as if being oppressed in the void, the endless pressure of omnipresent endless squeezing and pouring.

That feeling was like turning into a small fish, and the water around it became ice.

Can't move!

The black mountains appearing over the sky, seemingly only a dozen meters in size, are not large, but extremely solid, as if condensed into a substance made of some kind of gold, indestructible.

Its breath is unmatched. When it is suppressed by air, it seems that one side of space and time is frozen.


With this strike, Chen Zongxinsheng felt that he would die. With his current strength, he could not resist at all, and would be killed if he fell directly.

So far, Shura's avatar cannot be hidden.

An eyebrow flickered, and a wave of chaotic gray light suddenly burst out, showing an indescribable extreme edge. The edge seemed to destroy everything and silence all vitality, and everything in heaven and underground couldn't resist the slightest.

Shura as Chen Xiu ... comes!

As soon as Chen Xiufu appeared, he immediately rushed up, and the sword of annihilation waved out, sending out all his strength to display the sword of Xeon. The sword light was like a chaos-like dragon soaring into the sky. Broken sky.

Under the supply of sufficient evil spirits, Xiuluo's self-cultivation of Xiu Xiu has already reached the late stage of the ninth stage of the sacred realm, and his strength is extremely pure. His Tiansha Taoism has also transformed into the top Taoism, and it is infinitely close to the extreme.

This sword was killed, the chaotic dragon was broken and empty, and its power was much better than that of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the momentum of blocking and suppressing the void was broken, Chen Zong returned to normal, raised his sword, the endless sword air, sword light and sword mang were boundless and bounded into this sword.

Heaven and earth line!

Erupted with all his strength, a sword immediately beheaded and killed, killing Tian Mingzi.

The emergence of Shura's avatar completely surprised Tian Mingzi's surprise, and he was extremely surprised. Moreover, Shura's avatar could break the blockade of Tian Mingyin, which shocked him even more.

Seeing a touch of black sword light like a silk shattered to the sky, and called Tian Mingzi's eyes and pupils contract like a needle, this sword made himself feel a little threat.

It is incredible that a mere sanctuary made him feel threatened.

Immediately, I saw Tian Mingzi pointing like a sword, dragged in the void, and outlined a black trajectory in the air. Immediately, he slashed out with one finger.

Suddenly, a ray of black fingers burst through the air and filled it with an astonishing forest chill. The darkness surrounding it followed, rendering in all directions, penetrating the void.

Jianguang, a line of heaven and earth, immediately collided with the black finger, and suddenly he was crushed and broken by the black finger.

The power of the world is indeed very strong, but Chen Zong's cultivation is still too low. If there is an ordinary half-step sacred cultivation, this sword may be defeated by the opponent's fingers in reverse.

If not, the cultivation of the other party is indeed very strong, and there is a fundamental gap with himself in this regard.

Tian Mingyin shot down, Chen Xiu tried his best to resist, but was still defeated. Although Chen Xiu was very strong, he was still unable to directly resist the half-step grand saint.

However, it also won a little time.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu immediately emerged from the underworld seal, the void was suppressed, the ground collapsed countlessly, and a pit of several kilometers directly appeared.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu immediately slid to the left and right, killing Tian Mingzi.


It is difficult to do so at all, unless Chen Xiu is left behind to hold the other side so that the deity can escape, and there is only a small possibility that he can escape.

However, Chen Zong will not do this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Xiu's potential is endless. He should be one with his soul and should not be lost.

In this case, let the deity and the avatars join forces to confront the enemy, not to mention, Chen Xiuke also mastered the big killer, that killer 锏 has once caused the demigod-like void demons to be wounded.

At the time, Chen Xiu Xiu was not as powerful as he is now.

Taking Chen Xiu's current practice as an example, if the wicked evil eye is exhibited again, its power will certainly be strengthened.

Just because all hearts are dependent and fearless, Chen Zong is like this at this moment.

Exactly, although he is not the opponent of the other party, under the joint of the deity and the avatar, it is not without resistance. Chen Zongzheng also wants to try it out, where is his limit.

This is a strong enemy, a rare strong enemy. Usually, Chen Zongke will not take the initiative to provoke the half-step big holy strongman, but now, it is just right.

Use the pressure of such powerful enemies to oppress oneself, stimulate one's own potential, and make oneself more advanced.

Cultivation has never been smooth. If you want to be as good as this, you can only use more powerful external pressure to oppress yourself and stimulate potential.

Of course, if the potential is not enough, these methods are not effective, but will also damage their foundation.

But Chen Zong believes that his potential is very abundant, and there are many, many that have never been tapped.


The war will rise to the sky, killing without fear, and suddenly Tianmingzi is furious. At the same time, Tianmingzi is also very surprised. It seems that the two people are different except the robes and swords they hold and the fluctuations in breath. Appearance and body are exactly the same, as if printed by a mold.

(Thank you for your concern. The situation of Xiao Liu Dao has improved slightly. It will be awful to go to the hospital for a review tomorrow.)

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