Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 70: Stray light sea

The fog is heavy, the glare is like flowing water, and a trace of astonishing fierce evil spirit permeates it, and the shuttle is uncertain.

As soon as I enter here, I will lose the direction induction immediately. I do n’t know what is north-south or north-south. All the means for finding directions seem to be ineffective. I ca n’t see the sun, the moon, the stars, and no white clouds or dark clouds.

Here, there are only endless fog and dazzling glory, the glory is pale, permeated with endless ruin, as if there is no vitality, only death.

Chen Zong looked around blankly, the direction was difficult to distinguish, and he could only keep moving forward, so far away from the confusing Henghai ship, that he was more secure.

As the deity is within a certain distance, the induction between him and his avatar is clear. Therefore, when Chen Xiu broke out with all his strength, and even borrowed the power of the Sword of Extinction, Chen Zong stopped and waited for Chen Xiu to return.

After a while, a dark cloud of light drew across the mist and dazzling light, and immediately fell into Chen Zongmei's heart, straight into Shenhai.

Chen Zong can clearly feel that Chen Xiu is in a very bad state at this time, not only exhausted his strength, but even slightly damaged himself. Fortunately, it can heal itself and its strength can be restored.

But the breath of the Extinct Sword became weak, and the vitality restored by the slaying of the Nether Demon was almost exhausted.

Great loss!

But he and his avatar saved and survived.

There is hope for survival, but the five kings of light ...

Chen Zong's eyes flashed an extremely glorious brilliance, like a sword blade across the mist and glare. The amazing sword meaning was contained in it, it seemed to be able to cut and tear everything.

Had it not been for the five kings, they would not have fallen into such a situation.

This revenge must be reported.

However, his strength is not strong enough. He is not yet the opponent of Miguang Five Kings. Another point is to leave the Miguang Sea first.

In the end, what kind of dangers are contained in Miguanghai? After all, I have learned about them before. I have not seen them or experienced them.

But there is no doubt that Miguanghai is very dangerous, and you must be cautious and cautious.

Divine thoughts spread out, and Chen Zong found that here, the divine thoughts have been greatly affected. The distance in the range of about 1,000 kilometers is still clear, and it becomes very blurred and continuously dissipated beyond kilometers.

When the divine thought spreads over a thousand kilometers, the depletion speed of the divine thought is ten times more than usual, which is very amazing.

Even if it covers a kilometer circle, its consumption speed is two or three times more than usual. If it is not for Chen Zong ’s divine thoughts, which are pure and powerful, and are always running the first chapter of the God of God, continuously recovering the power of divine thoughts, I feel the consumption is amazing, but I can barely keep up.

When gazing at both eyes, it is difficult to see 500 meters away. About one hundred meters away, the vision will become blurred. After three hundred meters, you can only see endless fog and glare, but no other.

At this time, the importance of divine will becomes apparent.

After all, three hundred meters and one thousand meters are usually nothing, but in such a dangerous place, it may become a life-saving or fatal distance.

What Chen Zong didn't know was that if it was changed into another sanctuary, even if it was the limit of entering the sanctuary, the divine mind could only cover a square of 100 meters at most. If it exceeded 100 meters, its consumption would be very amazing. Even if you keep a distance of 100 meters, you can't stay for a long time.

Moreover, unless there is any pupil training, their vision will also be greatly affected, at most it is a visual range of tens of meters, far from being comparable to Chen Zong.

Therefore, entering the sanctuary to enter here is almost a mortal situation. If you are lucky enough to survive, you will be completely lost in it, like a headless fly.

By comparison, the visible range is very small, and the sea of ​​light is very large. According to the normal half-step flight speed, it usually takes about one month to pass, which means that the road is not affected by any impact. .

But in the misty sea, the mist is endlessly dazzling, making people unable to distinguish the direction and the target. Once the direction cannot be distinguished, the self-righteous flight will continue to drift without knowing where it will eventually drift. Do not know at all.

I don't know how many of them are lost in the loafing around, unable to find a way out.

Chen Zong's slow flight, with his instincts, continued to move forward. This seems to be the direction to the Taixuan Realm, but it is not sure whether Chen Zong is so, because when the sight and the mind are greatly restricted, the sense of direction Will be greatly affected.


Even so, Chen Zong couldn't stop and give it a try, maybe he was lucky.

Flying and flying, Chen Zong was suddenly creepy, seeming to be stared at by something that could be broken, the shadow of death shrouded in coldness.

The body stopped, Chen Zong's eyes became dark and deep at the moment, the white eyes seemed to be swallowed by the black light, staring in front, but not seeing anything.

Under the mysterious black pupil, Chen Zong did not see anything, and under the cover of divine thought, he also did not find it, but the sense of crisis gradually strengthened.

Field of Hearts!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong opened the realm of the heart, directly covering a circle of two thousand, and a figure suddenly entered the perception.

It seemed to be condensed by an endless gray mist, filled with astonishing and extreme shame, it was extremely fierce, and there was an indescribable oldness and fierceness, as if Shura was reborn.

Suddenly, the mist condensing figure flashed into a dazzling streamer passing by like lightning, approaching Chen Zong.

The ultimate evil spirit came to an instant and was merciless, as if to sink Chen Zongyongshi.


That misty figure is extremely fast, as fast as lightning.

The dark sword light flashed by, passing through the heavy mist to break down the dazzling rays of light, killing that mist-like figure like a bamboo.

The next breath, Chen Zong's eyes contracted, and Junlang's face showed a ripple of surprise.

Shen Yejian directly penetrated the misty figure and did not hit the entity, but the opponent illusionized a fog of dead white rays that shattered to his eyebrow, making Chen Zong feel his own. The brows are faintly painful and seem to be pierced.


If he is stabbed, he is unlikely to end well.

When the fog blade penetrated through the sky, Chen Zong's subconscious broke out, and his head was slightly shifted. The fog blade quickly passed by his ears without any pause, and struck to the cross.

Chen Zong responded very quickly and was of low build. The misty blade cut past the head and cut off a few strands of hair.


Soon, not only fast, but also very flexible. A mist of blades continued to attack in the hands, such as the cheekbones around Chen Zong's whole body, constantly cutting and assassinating. Each hit was very dangerous, which brought extremely Strong threat.


Chen Zong kept dodging, compressing the realm of the heart to a radius of ten meters, and applying the sky wind to the extreme, so that he could avoid the repeated attacks of the fog blade.

In addition, his sword is difficult to hurt the other party, as if the other party was formed by the condensation of fog, and there is no entity.

A strong enemy without an entity can hardly hurt the opponent, but each attack of the opponent brings extreme danger to himself. How can such a powerful enemy fight?

In the beginning, the power of sword Yuangong was invalid, Chen Zong seized the opportunity, and the mixed iron-smelter blasted out. The horrible fire hit the misty figure instantly. The amazing power broke out in an instant, and it instantly shattered it. .

But the sense of crisis has not disappeared. I saw that in a short breath, an endless mist filled with turbulence, mixed with a touch of mysterious light, re-converged and killed again.


Chen Zong tried a variety of methods, either directly penetrating it or smashing it, but they couldn't really defeat it.

"I don't know if the fire at Zihuan Burns Market can really hurt the other party?" Chen Zong secretly said.

Immediately, a sword crosses the fog blade, and that moment when the fog blade splits into Shen Yejian, it suddenly dissipates, appearing in front of Chen Zong's brows again and condensing, killing it to the ground.

Chen Zong's body flickered and turned, avoiding the assassination of the mist blade, and blasted out with one hand.

The flames of the Zihuan Burn Market burned directly, hitting the opponent's body directly, and instantly burned as if the fire was pouring oil.

The sound of beeping sounded continuously, as if the firewood was burned and broken, but in an instant, the foggy figure turned into a flame. The figure burned more and more, it seemed to be struggling and rolling, and there seemed to be a sharp sound. It sounded extremely loudly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seemed to bear great pain.

Chen Zong didn't take another shot, but backed away to keep a certain distance and watched indifferently. It seems that the fire at Zihuan Burning Ruins seems to be effective for it, but it seems that the power is not enough to kill it in a short time.

Then, I saw the burning fog rushing down quickly, blinked, and disappeared in the eyes of Chen Zong. Chen Zong wanted to confirm whether the fire at Zihuan Burning Ruin could really be removed and immediately followed.

I saw the burning figure plunging into the waters of the Miguang Sea, deepening and disappearing.

Chen Zong did not plunge into the seawater, because the seawater was pale and gray, it seemed to give Chen Zong a very strange feeling, and the closer he got, the more he felt a sense of depression, hard to breathe, and his mood was not There was a slight excitement under control, and a kind of palpitations permeated from the deepest.

There seemed to be some terrifying danger in this sea.

Chen Zongyou has learned that there is a kind of beast in Miguang Hai, called Miguang Beast, or Miguang Beast. It is a kind of beast with no intelligence and only instinct but terrible and very powerful. The power of each Miguang Beast, At least it has reached the level of the ordinary half-step holy saint, which is powerful and even called the invincible level of the half-step holy saint.

With your current strength, it will be very dangerous if you encounter the beast of the sea.

In desperation, Chen Zong could only give up chasing the misty figure. Although he is not sure whether the fire in Zihuan can be killed, but at least it is certain that the fire in Zihuan is enough to threaten him. Otherwise, the foggy figure will definitely not struggle and mourn, and plunge into the sea.

It also shows from another point that the misty figure is wise, at least, some wise.

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