Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 71: by chance

Inside the sea of ​​light, the mist is heavy and the light is endless, Chen Zong is more careful.

Here, the sight is greatly obstructed, and the divine thoughts are also obviously restrained. The action becomes less convenient, the speed does not dare to open fully, and can only be restrained slowly, and every action must be careful and not afraid to have The slightest relaxation.

Especially three times before and after being assassinated by the misty figure, the misty figure was very ghostly and abrupt, and if there was no realm of mind, Chen Zong could not be sure whether he could still be intact.

The three attacks before and after all depended on the cremation of the Zihuan Burn Market to resolve the crisis, but Chen Zong was not sure whether he actually killed the other party. At least, it was repelled, indicating that compared to other forces, Zihuan Burns The market fire did work.

Here, I can't feel the passage of time, and Chen Zong also doesn't know how long he has traveled, and he doesn't know how long he will stay here.

To be sure, I have deviated from the direction. From the encounter to the first shadow attack of the misty man, the battle completely disrupted my grasp of the direction. The next thing was to walk by feeling. Is it OK? Leaving Miguanghai, he didn't feel a little deep inside.

However, Chen Zong did not regret breaking into the sea of ​​Miguang, which is better than falling into the hands of the five kings of Miguang.


Gradually marching, for a while, Chen Zong did not know what to do, he could only take one step at a time.

Shennian always maintains a kilometer coverage, and the realm of the heart also spreads to a range of two kilometers. In this way, even if a foggy figure suddenly appears, you can respond to it in the first time.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt a strong enthusiasm sweeping through him, as if the volcano erupted.

Chen Zong's complexion suddenly changed and he was terrified. This feeling made him unable to resist the slightest, and he would be defeated and killed in an instant.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong let go of the speed of suppression, and the explosion erupted and rushed forward. First, the explosion of Lei Jiu Jiutian, and then the sky became phaseless.

Behind him, there was a roar of stone-shattering roar, and the violent voice made Chen Zong's expression change greatly, and his heart trembled.


If it weren't for your keen sense of danger, you would have died.

Although he didn't see anything, Chen Zong estimated that it was a fascinating sea monster that burst out of the water, which was too amazing.

We must also pay attention to the assassination of the misty silhouettes, and the haze of the beasts, which is really dangerous here. Even the top half-step sacred powers are not vigilant enough to fall here.

Chen Zong's heart sank a little. It seemed that it was not easy to leave.

Calm down, keep vigilant, and move on.

I don't know how long in the past, the realm of the mind felt a slight breath fluctuation. As it approached, the breath fluctuation became more and more obvious, and the fluctuation chaos constantly collided. It seemed that someone was fighting.

"Someone!" Chen Zong suddenly showed a touch of joy.

Alone, traveling in such a deadly place full of dangerous crises, we must always be highly vigilant. There is nothing in a short period of time, and the pressure on our heart is beyond words.

Chen Zong's mind is extremely tenacious and has not been affected so far, but Chen Zong himself is also very clear. After a longer time, he will inevitably feel irritable and even become irritable in the end. In that case , You will lose your calm judgment, and if you are attacked, it will be very dangerous.

Even if no danger is encountered, a long period of irritability will affect the mind, and to a serious extent, it will even affect its own foundation and become impure.

Now there will be battles, maybe other practitioners who entered the sea of ​​lost light, no matter what, it is necessary to see the previous one.

Maybe, I can learn some information from the other side.

Chen Zong approached quickly, while exuding his breath fluctuations, he would not appear so abrupt, so that the other party would also perceive himself.

Chen Zong also felt more clearly that the two sides of the battle, one is indeed a cultivator, whose breath fluctuates very strongly, is a half-step big holy class strong, and feels not weaker than the Yin King of that place.

The opponent of this half-step grand saint-class powerhouse is three foggy figures.

The three misty figures are haunted by ghosts, and they continue to shoot around the half-step great saint-level strongman.

When hit, the misty figure will disintegrate in an instant, and re-condensate in another place, as if the ghosts and ghosts strike again. It seems that only the misty blade is the essence, but the misty blade can also It's weird, as the fog spreads and condenses in an instant.

Chen Zong kept a distance of about 500 meters, so to observe how the half-step Great Saint-level strongman dealt with these three foggy figures, if there were any other means.

The strength of the three foggy figures is very strong, almost reaching the limit at the level of entering the sanctuary, and the ordinary nine-level limit of entering the sanctuary will be instantly killed by it.

However, the strength of the half-strength big holy class is very strong. Under the sweeping force, they will be broken with a single blow.

Immediately, as soon as the half-step Great Saint-level strongman waved his hand, a fiery flame swept away. The flame was silver, very pure, and had an amazing holy taste.

As the silver flame swept away, it hit three foggy silhouettes directly. The foggy silhouettes burned instantly, but after a short breath of time, they were burned into nothingness, leaving three translucent objects the size of soybeans. .

That half-step holy class took a roll and immediately put away the three soya-sized translucent objects.

Chen Zong was curious.

"Which Taoist friend, please show up." After doing all this, the half-step holy strongman just glanced away and said in a condensed voice, the sound seemed to condense into a wave shape. Spread away.

As Chen Zong approached, he maintained a high degree of vigilance. During this period, Chen Xiu's strength also returned to its peak state, and his strength was completely restored. Only after the power of the Extinct Sword was consumed, it was in a state of weakness.

But even so, under the cooperation of the deity and the avatar, it is still possible to burst out arrogant strength. Even if the other party's strength is even more powerful, with the help of the environment of the Miguang Sea, Chen Zong is sure to get away.

It is worth mentioning that the continuous implementation of the evil eyes of extinction has deepened Chen Xiu's grasp of the evil eyes of evil, and his control has become more refined and his power has been improved accordingly.

When I saw Chen Zong, the half-step sage-level powerhouse seemed to be a little surprised, because he could perceive that Chen Zong's cultivation was not high, and he had only entered the sacred realm.

Everyone entered the sacred realm, and even dared to enter the Miguang Sea, completely seeking his own way.

Looks like it seems to have just entered.

While the other side was looking at Chen Zong, Chen Zong was also looking at the other side.

This half-step grand saint is a veteran with long hair, a slightly white beard, and a ruddy complexion. It does not look fierce or kind, but it is an indescribable temperament.

The old man was wearing a gray robe with a restrained breath, but Chen Zong could perceive that the breath on the other side was very strong, and he was definitely able to rank on the list of Yuanda Sheng.

And the silver flame used by the other party, Chen Zong can be sure that it is a kind of heavenly fire, and it is as high as nine grades, and Chen Zong can be determined to some extent, this silver flame is obviously a fusion of multiple times. The strange fire, the ordinary into the sanctuary, ninefold in front of it, has no resistance.

It seems that the Heaven's Strange Fire can indeed kill the foggy figure, but the power of his own fire in the Zihuan Burning Ruins is not strong enough, so he can't kill it in a short time, just repel it.

"Chen Xiu has met his predecessors." Chen Zong was tens of meters apart and saluted the old man with his fists.

"Did you just enter the Miguang Sea?" The old man laughed.

"Yes, the seniors have been in for a long time? But I don't know what the seniors call them?" Chen Zong asked in turn, keeping a vigilant side, because the other party would suddenly shoot out, not sure.

You can't be too careful in such a place, so Chen Zong didn't say his real name, but borrowed the name of his avatar.

After all, the name Chen Zong is connected to the word Emperor Sword. It is easy to think that Chen Zong is not sure whether the old man has heard it. As for the name of Chen Xiu, apart from his deity, he only knows his avatar. .

Therefore, the other party should not recognize himself.

"It's been decades since my husband entered Miguanghai ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How many years can't be determined." The old man smiled bitterly: "As for the name of my husband, some people call me Tiangong elderly outside. . "

"Old man from heaven!" Chen Zong's eyes glared slightly, suddenly surprised.

Heavenly man!

The founding master of Tian Jianzi.

At first, I naturally wanted to find the old man of God to make the Imperial Soldier for himself, but the old man of Tiangong is uncertain and has not appeared for many years. No one knows where he is. Find the false master Tian Lingzi again.

Because of this, a series of terrible consequences have been triggered, and they have become the target of public criticism. They were followed by a strong man, so that they finally had to venture into the sea of ​​lost light and get lost here.

Now seeing the man who claims to be an elderly man in front of him, Chen Zong is inexpressible in his heart.

However, the occurrence of this series of events has nothing to do with the elderly of Tiangong. In the final analysis, everything is driven by interests.

In the final analysis, it's also because he is not strong enough.

"It seems that Xiaoyou also heard the name of the old man." Tiangong smiled suddenly.

"I not only heard the names of seniors, but also tried to find seniors." Chen Zong laughed.

"Oh, what are you looking for for your husband?" The elderly Tiangong thought for a moment, then thought of his identity, revealing a look of sudden realization: "You want to ask the husband to take a shot and forge a holy weapon for you."

"Senior is bright." Chen Zong smiled.

They only met for the first time, but when they started talking, they didn't feel half rusty, as if they had known each other for some time.

"If the little friend has no place to stay, it might as well go to the old man's place for a while." Tiangong invited

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