Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 72: Royal God Soldier (1)

The endless dazzling lights of the misty sea and mist, Chen Zong did not expect that here, the elderly Tiangong has a foothold.

A very small island, only a few thousand meters long, with only stones on it, no trace of vegetation.

The Tiangong elderly seems to have lived here for a long time, so he forged a Dongfu for living. The Dongfu is surrounded by bans and interlocking, so that the Tiangong elderly can rest and practice well.

The old man from Tiangong opened the ban, and Chen Zong also stepped into it. This cave is very simple. The old man from Tiangong motioned to Chen Zong to sit down, and he himself sat down across a table with Chen Zong.

"My husband has been here for decades, and there is nothing to entertain you." The elderly Tiangong laughed.

However, Chen Zong waved his hands. Suddenly, several altars appeared on the table. This was Chen Zong's inventory. Usually, Chen Zong would keep it in the ring.

Seeing the wine jar, Tiangong elderly man's eyes suddenly lighted, and he couldn't wait to reach for it. He immediately took a wine jar into his hand, and the palm of his hand lightly shook to open the mouth of the jar. Suddenly, a strong wine The incense permeated and stirred the wine bug of Tiangong elderly.

Chen Zong knew at a glance that this Tiangong old man was also a good drinker.

The old man from Tiangong immediately took a big sip, and immediately showed a look of intoxication.

In fact, although these wines of Chen Zong are good, they are still different from those top-notch top-quality wines. The old man of Tiangong has a good wine for life, has lived for thousands of years, and has drunk a lot of wines. What kind of.

However, the elderly Tiangong still looked contented, because his previous drink had been consumed ten years ago.

In other words, he hasn't touched wine for ten years and has never tasted a drop. To him, even if it is bad wine, it is delicious.

After a jar was drunk directly, the elderly Tiangong felt that the wine bugs in his stomach had eased a little.

"Little friend laughed." The elderly Tiangong smiled, but he was not embarrassed, but looked very healthy.

"I still have a lot of drinks here, which is not very good. If the seniors don't mind, I will send some with you." With a smile, Chen Zong waved, and suddenly there were hundreds of wine scenes, almost every scene There are about three pounds of fine wine.

"So, the old man will be rude." Tiangong elderly knew how uncomfortable it was to live without alcohol.

Although he is not a life-threatening person, sometimes he also wants to drink a few drinks. Once he wants to drink but has no wine to drink, the taste is like a cat's paw scratching his heart, straight Itching.

This one hundred altar wine, if you drink it well, is enough for yourself to drink for many years. As for no drink in the future, that is a future thing.

The elderly Tiangong accepted the hundred altar wines politely, and immediately smiled at Chen Zong: "Little friend, this sea of ​​light is extremely dangerous, why did you come in?"

"Chased by strong enemies, there is nowhere to run." Chen Zong responded, but didn't say it concretely, and the elderly Tiangong didn't mean to ask specifically.

"The old man was also offended because he had no way to go after he was chased. He could only get into the sea of ​​light. This entry was decades." Tiangong elderly smiled bitterly.

Although his strength is not weak, there are many who are stronger than him.

Both men had to enter the Miguang Sea because of danger, but they had similarities.

"Senior, haven't you tried to leave for so many years?" Chen Zong asked, leaving here is the most concerned issue.

"I have been working hard, but it is difficult to leave at all." Tiangong elderly smiled again bitterly: "For decades, I just used this small island as the center and explored the nearby area of ​​100 miles. You will be lost and it will be difficult to return here. "

When Chen Zong heard the words, he could not help but change his look.

For decades, it has only been possible to find out the square mile, and it is more difficult to grasp it farther.

How big is the Miguang Sea?

Chen Zong doesn't know, but at least it can be very large, I don't know how many times it is.

How to leave?

Do n’t you just stay here?

"Within a hundred miles, there are two other people besides me. One is stronger than me, but it is not much stronger. One is weaker than me, and it will not be weaker." Continued: "But the two entered earlier than me. They have stayed here for a long time, and their minds have changed a little. If they meet them, they may be in danger."

Chen Zong is also grateful for the elderly Tiangong he met, and the mentality of the elderly Tiangong did not become distorted because they could not find a way out for decades. Otherwise, they would inevitably be fighting and fleeing.

It's too dangerous and full of uncertainty.

The danger is not only the Miguanghai itself, but also those practitioners who have entered the Miguanghai. As long as they are not dead, most of them stay for a long time, and their mentality will be affected.

Although he knew it was difficult to leave, Chen Zong did not give up hope. He still has a long life and can continue to try hard. Before that, he needed to know more about Miguanghai.

The information about Miguanghai that the outside world knows is relatively simple and simple.

Tiangong has spent decades in Miguanghai and must know more.

Tiangong also knows everything.

Therefore, Chen Zong soon had a more intuitive understanding of Miguanghai.

In fact, there are not many. The endless fog and glare are full of misty sea, which will disturb people's judgment, make people lose their sense of direction and get lost, and will greatly curb the consumption of divine thoughts.

These Chen Zong already knew.

The main point is that the misty figure, according to the name of the elderly Tiangong, is called the mist demon.

The mist demon is a kind of existence only in the world of Miguang. It seems that the creatures are not, and the shape is changing. It can spread into the mist and silently attack. It can be called a peerless assassin.

Moreover, the mist demon is difficult to deal with, and ordinary power cannot cause them any harm.

There are basically two ways to kill the mist monster, one is grinding, which is to break the mist monster over and over again. The more times the mist monster is difficult to reorganize.

The second method is to master the heaven and earth force, and kill it with the heaven and earth force, but the heaven and earth force must be strong enough.

After the Mist Demon is killed, the Mist Crystal will be left. The Mist Crystal is pure and can assist in the practice of enlightenment.

The strength of the fog demon is also relatively general, of course, it is relatively half step big holy class strong, if for the sanctuary, the strength of the fog demon is not weak.

"In addition to the mist monster, it is said that there are mist monsters. The mist monster is different from the mist monster. It has an entity, but its strength is stronger. It is a half-step holy level." Tiangong said.

"Fog Demon!" Chen Zong looked dignified.

"However, Fog Demon is relatively small. I have only encountered it three times in decades." Tiangong said.

In addition to the mist demon and mist demon, it is the sea beast.

Sea beasts only stay in the sea, so as long as they do not enter the water or are too close to the surface, they will not be attacked by sea beasts.

The strength of the sea beast is not worse than the fog monster, which is very scary.

"Mr. Chen Xiu, you can stay for a while." Tiangong said at last, one is to be with him temporarily, the other is to protect Chen Zong.

After all, Chen Zong's cultivation is too low, just to enter the level of the sacred realm, here, once encountering danger, it is difficult to cope.

"Then let the seniors first." Chen Zong did not refuse.

It is good to have a relatively secure foothold. At least for a period of time, you don't have to worry about any danger. You don't need to be alert at all times.

In addition, you can also practice well here and improve your strength as much as possible. Only by becoming more powerful can you have the ability to cross the Miguang Sea.

"Senior, but I don't know if I can make a weapon for the younger generation?" Chen Zong said, his eyes staring at the elderly Tiangong with a little hope.

"Shen Nian Weapon!" The elderly Tiangong was slightly surprised. He did not expect that Chen Zong turned out to need to forge such magical soldiers, which also meant that the other party had a method for making magical soldiers.

Of course, the weapon of divine mind is driven by divine mind. It can be driven without the corresponding method, but it cannot exert its due power.

"Is there a casting picture?" Tiangong asked.

Chen Zong immediately took out the scrolls he had drawn and handed them to Tiangong Elderly.

The elderly Tiangong couldn't wait to turn it over, looked at it carefully, and quickly immersed in it.

Tiangong likes drinking and prefers casting. These are his two hobbies.

A quarter of an hour passed and two quarters passed.

Half an hour later, the elderly Tiangong only looked up.

"Miao Miao Miao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tiangong elderly can't help but admire:" This Royal God Soldier is indeed very subtle, you can control the envoy alone, you can also control more, and it can be integrated into an enhanced power. "

"I don't know if the predecessor can cast it?" Chen Zong asked. Lingzi didn't have much confidence that day, and he didn't know if the elderly Tiangong had any confidence. After all, he didn't have much material.

"Although it is very subtle and the casting is very difficult, I still have a lot of time to give my husband some time to study it carefully." The old man of Tiangong's words was flat, but he revealed a surprising self-confidence, which was about his casting skills. Extremely confident.

Hearing that, Chen Zong suddenly showed a touch of joy.

As long as you can successfully cast the Royal God soldiers, the next part of Royal God Shang Fa can truly exert its power. At that time, it will be more helpful to your own battles, and your strength will be improved as a result.

The importance of strength, Chen Zong is more and more aware of the more and more aware of the desire for stronger power.

Next, Chen Zong settled down on the island for the time being, and accompanied the elderly.

However, Chen Zong is practicing most of the time. After all, strength is very important. If you want to leave here, the stronger the better.

The Tiangong old man is also completely immersed in the mysterious analysis of the Royal God Soldier, and he will only release the shot if he has enough grasp, otherwise it will only waste materials.

Time passes slowly, and it is difficult to feel the flow of time in the sea of ​​misty light, but the old man of Tiangong has forged a gadget that can be used to judge how long the time has passed.

Ten days!

During these ten days, Chen Zong was practicing, but the improvement of cultivation and strength was very small, and the old man of Tiangong had also completed the research of the Imperial Army and was preparing to make it.

Chen Zong immediately took out all the materials for refining the imperial soldiers and handed them all to the elderly Tiangong, hoping only to succeed.

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