Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 73: Royal God Soldier (2)

A few kilometers of small islands stand in the sea of ​​misty light, surrounded by countless mists, but the mists and glare on the islands will be relatively sparse.

Chen Zong's whole-hearted cultivation, under the strong sense of crisis, this cultivation effect seems to be more significant.

However, the environment in Miguang is actually very bad. The heavens and earth in it are thin and mixed, which is not conducive to absorption. It is also a troublesome process to temper.

But Chen Zong owns the Zihuan Burning Market Fire, which is fine.

As for Tiangong Elderly, he took the materials given by Chen Zong and devoted himself to the forging of the Royal God soldier.

The Tiangong old man who possesses the nine-flavor fusion of heavenly fire has more forging ability than the Tianlingzi. He is a true master. This is the case. The old Tiangong dare not neglect at all. This is his first practice Weapon for making gods.

There are not many materials. If it fails, it will be difficult to find suitable materials.

Time passed, and a dozen days passed.

It was about a month or so after Chen Zong was caught in the sea of ​​lost light.

A hearty laughter sounded immediately, full of joy and excitement, and awakened Chen Zong during cultivation.

"Xiaoyou, take a look. The old man has successfully forged an Imperial Soldier." Tiangong's voice passed into Chen Zong's ears, which immediately made Chen Zong a joy, his body flashed, and he immediately appeared in the sky. In front of the workers.

There is something in Tiangong's hands, about one foot in length, and the whole body is black, as if he can absorb all the light. Looking at it, it seems that Chen Zong's eyes are absorbed.

This foot-long thumb is as thin as a thin piece of paper. It looks like a blade, and there is a simple and introverted introvert, but Chen Zong can perceive an indescribable sense from it. Breath fluctuates.

The breath seemed obscure and made Chen Zong feel very familiar. It was the breath fluctuation of the divine mind.

He did not reach out, but released the power of divine thought, and instantly covered the black sword's edge, trembling lightly, and seemed to emit a trivial trembling sound, immediately flew from the hand of Tiangong elderly and gradually rose.

At the beginning, Chen Zong had a jerky feeling, which disappeared within a few breaths of time. Instead, he was proficient and felt like his arm was extended.

Under the control of the divine mind, the black sword's blade suddenly flew and spun up. At first, it was very slow and gradually accelerated. At last, it was like a stream of black streamer, which broke out instantly.

Very fast!

Suddenly it appeared outside the kilometer, and stopped steadily. Although it was separated by kilometers, Chen Zong could completely control it.

This feeling is wonderful.

The elderly Tiangong is watching and observing.

Chen Zong immediately operated the imperial power to control the black sword, which was the imperial power. Immediately, a blood-lined connection suddenly emerged.

If it was said that the simple use of God ’s thought to control the Royal God Soldier was a very simple operation, then the operation of the second chapter of the operation of the Royal God is a deep and sophisticated control.

It is as if there is a level difference between the forging apprentice and the forging master. This metaphor may not be accurate enough, but there is indeed a great level difference, like the difference between the low level and the high level.

Under the mysterious control of the Royal God's magic, the imperial soldier flew up and down, extremely flexible, like a fish playing in the water, as if an eagle was fighting in the sky.

Smart, light, free and natural.

The control is simple and complicated from the beginning, as if the master of embroidery controls the embroidery needle in his hand to shuttle, weaving a beautiful and lifelike pattern, and the butterfly dances in the flowers, dancing gracefully.

Immediately, under the control of Chen Zong, the imperial soldiers displayed swordsmanship, and the sword was stabbed with extreme sharpness. The sword edge was astonishing, as if piercing the void. Secretly surprised.

Like an innocent child who got a beloved toy, Chen Zong loved it, and constantly controlled the imperial soldiers with the imperial power, constantly applied and displayed, and constantly familiarized with them to develop their potential.

The elderly Tiangong didn't bother, but just stood by and watched constantly. This was the first time he forged the weapon of the gods, and he was also very curious. Therefore, more observation will help to continue to forge the imperial soldier.

After all, the Royal Guard is a set of magic soldiers, and the power of a single piece is limited.

Chen Zong's attempt was stopped for more than half a day, and he felt that he had reached the extreme of his control of the imperial soldier.

However, Chen Zong also knew that Yu Shenbing still has a lot of potential to tap, and that requires time and enough energy to pay for himself.

Moreover, the current Imperial Guard is only a small part of the complete Imperial Guard.

The complete Imperial Guard is a complete set, which is divided into nine sets, each of which is divided into nine swords.

In this way, it is the eighty-one swords that are the Imperial Guards. Now the black swords are only one part of the complete Imperial Guards.

However, it is impossible for you to get a complete Royal God soldier here, because a soul melting stone can only forge a part of the Royal God soldier.

Next, in addition to the previous practice, Chen Zong will continue to tap the potential of the next chapter of the Royal God, and continue to cooperate with the Royal God soldiers.

Three days later, Chen Zong controlled two black blades, sometimes straight forward, sometimes crossing, and flying up and down, left and right, like two spirit snakes.

This is the second Yushenbing component cast by Tiangong elderly in three days.

Day by day goes by, time is like water, and more and more components of the Imperial Army cast by Tiangong Old Man are growing up. Chen Zong's spirit is powerful and he can control multiple swords at the same time.

However, Chen Zong also found that, without the use of the Royal God, he can only control nine swords at the same time. Moreover, he will have an obscure feeling and cannot work as intended. If he wants to control the tenth Will cause great interference.

However, when using the gods to control the gods, the nine swords can be manipulated easily and without any burden. In addition, Chen Zong can control eighteen swords in a row, but it feels a little laborious. The feeling of labor is diminishing with continuous practice and will disappear.

But unfortunately, although there are a lot of materials prepared by Chen Zong, there are only two soul melting stones, which can only forge eighteen swords.

The exclusive Royal God soldiers on the Royal God's Law, called the Royal God soldiers in their entirety, consist of eighty-one swords, and nine swords can form a small Royal soldier.

In other words, Chen Zong now has two Xiaoyu Shenbings available.

"Disease!" Chen Zong secretly said, under the control of the imperial god, suddenly, the eighteen dark rays glowed with an astonishing sharp chill, and instantly penetrated the sky, bursting out with the most amazing speed forward. Throughout everything, it seems that the void is a sieve.

Terrible exception!

This kind of sharpness, Chen Zongdu is determined, even if it is Tianjiao's level of entry into the sanctuary, it is difficult to resist.

However, the power is still not enough, and it is still inadequate to deal with such high-level sacred people as Tian Jianzi.

"Here!" The sword points in a circle, and the eighteen black blades light up the black awns instantly, and they form a mysterious connection with each other, as if there is a general connection deep in the blood.

Suddenly, the nine sword blades converged into one and turned into two large sword blades that were about ten times larger. The power they radiated increased more than tenfold, and the power was even more terrible.


Under the control of Chen Zong, the two larger black swords and Xiaoyu Shenbing were shot out instantly, and the power became more and more amazing.

As if being able to cut everything.

The void seemed to collapse in an instant.

The two black sword lights continued to spread forward, seeming to penetrate the depths of the void, and the scratches only disappeared after a long time.

Chen Zong secretly was shocked.

The power of this blow is so strong.

Tian Jianzi's strength, even if all the power broke out, can not resist the slightest, it will be defeated in an instant.

In other words, the power of such a blow is already above the front line of his own world.

But similarly, this blow also consumes his own thoughts and strength. Chen Zong estimates that his strength can only erupt two such powerful attacks in an instant. However, this is also the practice of his self-cultivation. For insufficient reasons, if you continue to cultivate, the more powerful you will be, the lower the consumption will be.

With one more method, Chen Zong was happy from the bottom of his heart.

However, the soul-melting stone is not enough, otherwise you can forge more small Royal God soldiers.

"Little friend, since you have the strange fire of heaven, don't know if you are interested in the art of forging?" Tiangong old man suddenly asked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What did the senior say? Chen Zong was slightly surprised.

"The old man is a master of forging craftsmanship. It is called Skyfire Refinement. It requires a mastery of the heavenly fire to cultivate, and also has a strong divine power." The old man at Tiangong sighed: "I can live a long time , But I do n’t know if I can leave this mysterious sea of ​​light in my lifetime, and I do n’t know when it will happen unexpectedly.

"Being together for half a year, the old husband sees you have a very good gift for your heart and soul, and is the best inheritor of Tianhuo's refining method. Of course, the old husband doesn't need you to worship, as long as you master the inheritance of Tianhuo's method."

"My husband guessed that you wouldn't stay here with your husband all the time. If you later find the soul-melting stone, you can use the fire of the sky to refine the Xiaoyu Shenbing to become the true God soldier."

Chen Zong was impressed by Tiangong's last words.

Indeed, if you can master this method of refining, you will be able to forge the Xiaomi Shenbing in the future.

If you think about it before, if you have mastered these skills, you don't need to find the spiritual child that day, and you will not cause a series of unnecessary enemies and troubles, so that you have to risk death and enter the sea of ​​lost light. No go out.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Zong made a judgment. Since the old man of heaven is willing to pass on the forging technique he is proud of, and he has no reason to refuse.

So, accept it.

Elderly Tiangong does not need Chen Zong to worship the teacher, as long as this tradition is passed on, don't cut it off.

After all, it was a collection of thousands of years of work for Tiangong Elderly, and it was the essence of the masterpiece.

(Tell everyone to drink and relax, for the reason that you are drunk, shed tears, you can't help yourself)

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