Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 74: Sword hidden front

Tianhuo's practice of refining virtual tactics is the life-long effort of Tiangong's old man. He wants to pass it on to Chen Zong. Not only is the content and tactics of refining virtual tactics from Tianhuo, but also his foundry experience that he has worked tirelessly for thousands of years These experiences are extremely precious.

One is willing to teach, without reservation, the other is willing to learn, and has a great understanding.

Thanks to mutual cooperation, Chen Zong quickly mastered the Heavenly Fire Refining Method, and Chen Zong also found that the Heavenly Fire Refining Method was also of great help to the practice of Heaven and Earth's strange fire, and its effect was even better than that of ancient times. Refining the fire.

Naturally, the Xuanhuo Xuanjue replaced the Xuangu Lianhuojue.

Chen Zong constantly tried to control the fire in Zihuan with the fire of the sky fire, and combined with the experience and skills of the craftsman taught by the elderly of Tiangong.

Fortunately, there are a lot of refining materials stored in his own ring, which can be used to practice his hands.

Chen Zong's talents are astonishing, his understanding is very superb, and the old man of Tiangong is amazed. The more he teaches, the more he is motivated.

Although there is no relationship between the two, there is a real apprenticeship. Chen Zongzi respects the elderly elderly.

Time is flowing slowly, and in this period, Chen Zong and Tiangong elderly have stayed on the island and never left, and Chen Zong's level of refinery has been continuously improved.

Superb perception and superb learning ability make Chen Zong like a huge sponge entering the water and continuously absorbing water, even if there is something that is not well understood for the time being, you can remember it first and wait for later Grasp the mastery slowly.

In the end, under the guidance of Tiangong Old Man, he refined the components of the imperial soldier by himself. Of course, because there is no relationship between the soul melting stone and the refining, it is only an embryo, but it can be kept first and wait for the future to find the melting When the soul stone is incorporated into it, it can be formed into a component of the true Royal God soldier.

All the materials were refined, and a total of two sets of embryos of the Xiaomi Shenbing were obtained.

Next, Chen Zong shifted his focus to cultivation.

In a flash, Chen Zong stayed on the island for almost two years.

At the beginning of the Taiyuan Sword Yuan Gong, it was running at full strength, and amazing power hit every part of the body, rolling up a sound of violent whistling.

A large amount of heaven and earth vitality gathered from all directions, poured into the body and was purified and purified by the fire of the Zihuan Burning Ruins, and was absorbed by Chen Zonghua.

Tianyuandan burst into pieces, transformed into an astonishingly powerful element, and continued to pour into Chen Zong's body.



Repair for promotion!

The breath fluctuated and suddenly became stronger.

Entering the Holy Land of Yae!

After practicing Qi, we finally made a breakthrough again.

For Chen Zong, every breakthrough, even a small-level breakthrough, will have a significant increase in strength.

Not only did the practice of qi training break through to the late stage of entering the sacred realm, but also the practice of physical training broke through to the second stage of mixed heaven, the practice of qi and practice finally leveled up.

The practice of the Supreme Master Wuling Magical Power is still in Xiaocheng, and there is still a big gap between Dacheng and Dacheng.

Chen Zong felt that another mysterious blood thunder burst was also on the verge of breakthrough, and he practiced with all his strength.



The blood thunder burst in Dacheng Realm has the power contained in the blood thunder species, which is enough for one hundred times to use it.

"Senior, I should leave." Chen Zong found the old Tiangong and made it clear.

The Tiangong old man was silent for a while, in fact, he could see from the beginning that Chen Zong was not willing to stay here for long, and when he would leave, but he did not expect to come so soon.

However, what is the strength of Chen Zong, the Tiangong old man has actually tried or tested it, plus the strange fire of the side, as long as it is not a sea beast or a fog monster, the ordinary fog monster can't help him.

As for the strength of the sea beast and the mist monster, even if he himself has a powerful half-step great sacred strength, he dare not say that he can completely compete. If he is careless, he may be killed.

"The old man can see that your mind is determined. In this case, the old man won't keep you, but remember to be careful and be alive. In addition, the danger in this fascinating sea is not only the mist demon and the sea monster, but also Others, "Tiangong said positively.

He did not wish that he had just passed down the fire-fire refining tactics, but Chen Zong died in this mysterious sea.

"I'll be careful, senior." Chen Zongzheng said, immediately bowing and saluting the elderly Tiangong.

Although he did not have the name of a master or apprentice, he was inherited by the other party. These three courtesies should be done properly, and the elderly Tiangong accepted them comfortably.

"Senior, I'm gone." Chen Zongdao immediately turned around and unfolded, and quickly went outside the small island.

The old man from Tiangong watched Chen Zong leave, and then sighed slightly. Since then, he has to be alone again.

"Old, more afraid of being lonely." Tiangong sighed fortunately, fortunately, and wine.

Chen Zong has left all the wine, there are hundreds of altars, so he can stick to it for a long time.

After nearly two years, Chen Zong once again stepped into the fog of the Miguang Sea, choosing a direction and moving on.

The improvement of Xiuwei has made Chen Zong's strength even stronger, and the success of the practice of Yushen's Falun Dafa and the casting of the Xiao Yushen soldiers has also greatly enhanced Chen Zong's devotion.

Originally covering about kilometers, the recovery speed barely kept up with the consumption speed. Now it can cover a range of 1,500 meters, and the recovery speed barely keeps up with the consumption speed.

The black sword sharply burst out, blinked, and appeared two kilometers away, maintaining the same speed as Chen Zong, and within a hundred meters of the circle with the black sword as the center, it was also similarly Chen Zong clearly felt.

This feeling is wonderful.

It was as if part of his consciousness was attached to the black sword's edge.

The black sword's blade broke out again at an astonishing speed. It suddenly appeared three kilometers away and stopped.

Similarly, the 100-meter square centered on the black sword's edge is in the clear perception of Chen Zong.

Three kilometers, which is a distance of 1,500 meters more than the coverage of Divine Thought, and the consumption of Divine Thought will not increase. In this environment, it will undoubtedly be safer for you.

Immediately, the second black sword edge broke out, appearing six kilometers away, and three kilometers away from the first black sword edge.

With the imperial soldiers and imperial magic, Chen Zong was able to grasp some situations six kilometers away, and felt everything that was a hundred meters away from the black blade at the six kilometers.

However, now only two black swords can be used to extend the sensing distance. The maximum distance is six kilometers and the sensing range is one hundred meters.

The forging materials of the Royal God Soldier are very precious. After forging, they are very hard, and their hardness exceeds the nine-pin sacred artifact.

Using two black swords as forwards to explore the road in front, Chen Zong's flying speed was more than doubled.

"Fog Demon!" Under the induction of the black sword, Chen Zong keenly felt the existence of the fog demon, and the fog demon also found the black sword and attacked him.

The fog blade is extremely powerful and kills it, but it is immediately resisted by the black blade. The power of the fog blade is good, but it is more directed at the spirit level.

The mist demon possesses a little wisdom, but is not high, and instinct occupies a larger part.

The black sword's edge could not be destroyed with one blow, and the misty demon was a little meal, as if a person was faint in an instant.

At that moment, the black sword blade sent out a terrible sharp edge, and instantly struck back and killed it, tearing the mist demon directly.

However, the body of the mist demon is composed of countless mists, there is no entity at all, and it is extremely difficult to kill.

Either it is constantly defeated, and eventually it can not be recombined, or it is attacked with heaven and earth force.

Coincidentally, Chen Zong grasped the fire of the sky's strange fire, Zihuan Burning Market.

After the black sword blade cut off the body of the mist demon, it instantly burst out an extremely amazing sword gas. The sword gas strangled like a storm, and the mist monster was smashed into countless broken instantly.


Suddenly, the fire power of the Zihuan Burning Ruins ignited on the sword's blade, and struck again, as if the fire of the sky directly hit the mist monster who had just reunited and immediately ignited it.

In the past two years, the fire at the Zihuan Burning Market is still at the level of eight grades, but it is better to ignite the virtual fire tactics than the ancient fire tactics, and its power is stimulated more thoroughly.

Supplemented by the meaning of the sky fire, its power increased greatly. Suddenly, the fog demon was continuously burned, and it was impossible to escape like two years ago.

The mist demon was burned into nothingness in the struggle, leaving only a crystal about the size of a soy bean ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ mist crystal!

Contributes to mystery and mystery.

However, obviously, this is not a good time for enlightenment. Chen Zong temporarily puts Wujing in the ring.

The black swordsman was the pioneer, and Chen Zong followed closely and kept going.

The effect of beheading the Fog Demon is gratifying, much easier than before. Sure enough, the casting of the Royal God Soldier has indeed greatly improved its own means and strength.

How big is the Mi Guanghai, Chen Zong does not know, the elderly Tiangong who has been here for decades also do not know, the elderly Tiangong and Chen Zong have different choices.

Decades of continuous temptation and search have polished the ambitions of the elderly Tiangong.

It took decades to explore the 100-mile square in the center of the small island. Then, how many years will it take for the huge Miguang Sea to be explored?

Hundreds of years?

For thousands of years?

Tens of thousands of years?

Even if they have lived for thousands of years, Tiangong elderly will not feel that the time of hundreds of years is short.

Therefore, he stayed more on that small island, and occasionally went out to hunt and kill the Mist Demon to get the Mist Crystal, improve himself, and only when he was strong enough, maybe then he chose to leave again.

Chen Zong is different. Chen Zong is still very young. It didn't take long for him to enter the Miguang Sea. He had blood and ambition, and he wanted to leave here urgently.

If one day, he has enough ability to find a way or road to leave the Miguanghai, Chen Zong will also find the elderly elderly and take him away.

Of course, that means that if you have enough ability, if you do n’t have that ability, you can only give up temporarily.

Anyway, that's a respectable elder.

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