Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 75: Mist

The fog is endless, and there is a lot of glare. A black sword light passes through it instantly, and then a second black sword light passes by. After that, it is a figure.

Chen Zong is still moving forward.

On his body is a time-calculated gadget made by the elderly Tiangong. Chen Zong knew that he had left the island where the elderly Tiangong was located for half a month.

In the past half month, Chen Zong has gone through seven battles, and his opponents are all fog monsters. The most frequent encounter was the attack of three fog monsters, but he eventually killed the fog monsters and got ten fog crystals in total. Just don't find a suitable place to try how effective the mist crystal is.

After flying for half a month, Chen Zong didn't know where he had been. The only thing that was certain was that he had left the island where the elderly Tiangong was far away. Even if he wanted to return, he couldn't find any road.

However, Chen Zong did not have any idea of ​​returning.

The heart is like a sword, and it is like a sword.

Even if the road ahead is distant and the endless danger is endless, it will not dispel our conviction and determination.

In the fog, a rush of gray-like rapids like chaos, streamers and lightnings flew past in a blink of an eye, its speed was astonishing, and wherever it passed, the terrible evil spirit and murderous power remained. Jiuyou **** is so horrifying that everything is extinct.

In the distance, Chen Zong suddenly felt a strong palpitation, and there seemed to be some danger in approaching.



Suddenly, Chen Zong accelerated the speed of his advance. His perception has always been very accurate and keen. Since there is a danger approaching, there must be any danger coming, and only a faster speed can break out.

However, as the speed increased, the sense of danger did not abate, instead, it suddenly intensified.

Immediately, a ash-like light burst into the air like a flash of lightning, killing Chen Zong's scalp and feeling numb. He felt like he was going to be pierced and torn into nothingness.


Speed ​​did not dare to have the slightest reservation, and burst out with all its strength.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's body turned into a subtle wind, but it was as fast as aurora.


The gray light brushed with endless evil spirit and murderous power, and the terrible breath fluctuation made Chen Zong's heartbeat speed up and his scalp tingle.

Almost, it was almost that he would be hit. From that breath, Chen Zong felt that if he was hit, he was afraid that the end would be bad, and he would be badly hit if he didn't die.

Who did such a terrible attack come from?

Are other practitioners entering the Sea of ​​Miguang?

Or something else?

The fog demon can be ruled out because Chen Zong's means of the fog demon are already clear.

Well, if it's not the mist demon and the practitioner ... there is only one possibility.


According to the characteristics described by the elderly Tiangong, it seems very likely.

According to the elderly Tiangong, the mist demon is a fierce horror that is many times more terrible than the mist demon. Even if the strength of the elderly Tiangong can be listed in the upper middle class of the Great Yuan Sheng Sheng, it is correct The mist demon is jealous.

The fog demon is strong and fierce, and it is difficult to deal with.

For decades, the elderly Tiangong encountered three times before and after. One was to kill the fog devil, and the other was a tie. They had nothing to do with each other and had to give up. One time, it was made in their own strength and peace. Some secret treasures escaped.

It can be seen that the mist monster is terrible.

Chen Zong's strength is indeed a lot stronger than when he first entered the Miguang Sea. Even if an ordinary half-step big saint-level strong shot, it may not be possible to leave Chen Zong, but the fog magic is a very terrible existence. According to the elderly Tiangong, the weakest strength of the fog demon will also be stronger than the ordinary half-step grand sacred level.

A gray figure with endless wickedness and murderous power, locked Chen Zong away, and that breath came in, leaving Chen Zong with a feeling of sinking into the nine hells.

Chen Zong can be sure that if he is targeted, the consequences will be very bad.


Chen Zong burst into full speed, and no matter where he would eventually go, he just fled.

But the grey figure chasing behind him was approaching quickly, and the astonishing evil and murderous forces continued to invade, causing a terrible killing storm.

The fog and glare seemed to be shaken at this moment, almost to break apart.



Ignore everything and kill everything.

After seeing it, Chen Zong saw a gray light approaching with endless evil spirit.


The whole body is chaotic gray, as if an endless dense mist is flowing, and it will turn into a substance slurry. The mortar will fluctuate like a flood on the body, and the whole body will look like the evil devil who came out from the nine **** .

Just a glance is enough to make many practitioners tremble with fear.

Chen Zong wasn't deterred by his appearance, but that shocking horror made him extremely fearful.

The Dacheng Wanliu force field rushed out instantly, the power of Lingwu broke out instantly, Shen Yejian raised high, the endless sword Qi Jianguang and Jianmang diffused out, and it seemed as if dusk had fallen around and became dim. One sword slashed in the sky, and the numerous sword qi Jianguang and jianmang merged into one in an instant, and turned into a hairlike jianman, which was shot through the air and beheaded directly on the misty demon.

The sword air was broken in an instant, but the body of the misty demon was just an inconceivable meal. The body was surging with gray light, and a sword mark disappeared as soon as it existed. The misty demon was rushed by as if being an enraged beast, and kept approaching.

The founder's sword is the world that he has gathered with ten successes. So far, it is the second best shot after Xiaoyu Shenbing's full-strength strike. It only left a sword mark for the opponent, or because of the early sword. Yuan Gong's strength characteristics seem to have failed even the Wanliu force field in Dacheng's realm.

This undoubtedly made Chen Zong even more frightened.

Not an opponent.

Not an opponent at all.

If you change places, Chen Zong may try his best, even let Chen Xiu appear in a war, verify his strength, and use the pressure of the other side to stimulate his own potential and go further.

But here is the sea of ​​light, which is not good for yourself.

Sword training is not invincible, but it does not mean that you must put yourself to death. Only when you have no choice, you need to die and live.

All the speed broke out, Chen Zong quickly flew forward, but the fog monster was chasing after him.

Once they are followed by the Mist, they will not give up at all and will keep hunting to the end unless they are killed or their speed is much better than the opponent.

But Chen Zong found that he was very fast, and that the fog monster was faster, not only approaching.

"Yu Shen!" Said secretly. Suddenly, the nine black swords appeared, and they were combined into a small Yu Shen, and turned into a slap-like sword with a length of about 50 meters, appearing under Chen Zong's feet.

The speed soared more than doubled, Chen Zong flew forward at a faster speed, and suddenly opened the ever-shortening distance from the Fog Demon.

The Mist Demon seemed to be irritated, and issued a savage roar, like the roar of the evil ghost from Jiuyou Hell, with an extremely powerful and extremely fierce roar.

It was angry.

Compared to the Fog Demon, the Fog Demon seems to have more obvious intelligence, but also has more beast nature, and it is easy to be provoked, just like a person with an extremely irritable temper.

What is called Feng Chi Electric Switch!

Chen Zong realized that under the control of Xiao Yu Shenbing, he was twice as fast as before. The original speed of Chen Zong was almost crowned into the sacred realm, and it could be compared with the ordinary half-step grand sacred level.

Today, under the power of the Xiaoyu Shenbing, his speed has doubled, and he is no less than those ordinary half-step grand priests.

The fierce and angry misty eyes sprayed a thick red light, and a gray flame seemed to burn from the whole body. The flame seemed to render a trace of blood red, and its speed also increased sharply. It once again surpassed Chen Zong and kept approaching.

The power of spiritual martial arts ... erupted!

Suddenly, Chen Zong's strength reached the level of the ninth stage of entering the sanctuary, and the speed increased again.

But the accumulation of spiritual power takes time, so Chen Zong generally does not use it easily. After all, it is difficult to find a safe place to rest in this sea of ​​mystery.

Therefore, the amount of spiritual force is how much, once consumed, it is difficult to replenish it.

However, the power of Lingwu can increase its strength in a short time and only use it at critical moments.

Under the outbreak of Lingwu's power, Chen Zong's speed again surged, doubled again, and flew away the Fog Demon again.

The gray flame on the Mist Demon became more and more fierce, and its speed increased again, and it continued to chase.

"You can only use this secret treasure." Chen Zong helpless ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With his own ability, it is difficult to get rid of the mist.

The secret treasure, which was used by the elderly Tiangong to give Chen Zong for his escape, can erupt in an instant and double the speed of Chen Zong.

Even a half-step sacred power will also be doubled instantly.

The strength contained in each treasure is enough for the half-step Great Holy Power to use sixty breaths.

At the speed of a half-step Great Saint-level strongman, he can fully multiply within sixty breaths, enough to fly out far and far.

Chen Zong was only in the late eighth stage of the sacred realm, and there was a clear gap in strength with the half-step grand sacred level. Therefore, the duration of this secret treasure power will be longer.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths ...

Chen Zong kept flying forward. The speed was so amazing that Chen Zong was addicted.

The fog demon is furious, but can no longer catch up with Chen Zong, but is cast aside by Chen Zong.

When Mibao's power was exhausted, Chen Zong's speed fell again. At this moment, the misty demon had been thrown away by himself far away, and I did not know where it was.

But Chen Zong's heart was always haunting a feeling, as if the misty demon might chase it at any time.

With the extreme speed just found, Chen Zong feels that he has a deeper understanding of speed. If he can retreat, maybe he can realize the Tianfeng Wuxiang method to a complete state.

It's a pity that I can't find a suitable place for understanding for a while. If there is a sense of crisis, I will not let myself stop.

Taking the elixir to restore the power consumed, Chen Zong kept flying forward at a high speed.

Where is ahead?

I do n’t know, I do n’t know, but in any case, I ca n’t stop still, move forward, keep moving forward, and never move forward.

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