Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 76: Disparity


The fire from the Zihuan Burn Ruins swept away. Suddenly, the mist demon was ignited and burned, and within a short period of time, it turned into nothingness, leaving only a grain of mist.

Chen Zong put away the fog crystal, and kept moving forward.

Fortunately, it was only one encounter with the mist demon, the others were mist demon.

Through the treasures given by Tiangong Elderly, Chen Zong knows that it has been almost half a year since he left the island of Tiangong Elderly. In the past half year, Chen Zong has been advancing in the fog and glare, and he does not know where he is going How many miles.

In fact, at your own speed, it is enough to cross the Miguang Sea, but this Miguang Sea is like a huge natural maze. It feels like you are moving straight ahead, but in fact, you have shifted direction without knowing it. Where is it going?

"Oh, I didn't expect to see a newcomer." A sound that seemed to sing with a joke suddenly sounded a little frivolous, but it seemed to have a kind of madness, suddenly called Chen Zong creepy, there is a kind of encounter with the mist magic The sense of crisis exploded deep inside.

Almost immediately, Chen Zong exerted the Tianfeng Wuxiang body method to the extreme, only feeling a sharp light with the ultimate killing power, passing by from the original place, crushing the afterimage.

Chen Zong instantly affirmed that this was a practitioner who shot at himself and was very strong, but he was a half-step grand saint.

Need to find a reason as to why you're shooting yourself?

Staying in this sea of ​​light for a long time, every day is facing various dangers. For ten or one hundred years or even one thousand years, I ca n’t leave like a day. When I open my eyes, I can see the fog and endless glare. Even the toughest minds, there will be times for madness and even madness.

Great change of mind and distorted temperament!

After avoiding the attack, Chen Zong moved forward without hesitation and never looked back.

Because of the power of that blow, it made me feel palpitated, which shows that the opponent's strength is very strong, which is not what I can now fight.

"A scorpion-like ant who avoided me to strike was really interesting." The teasing voice glowed a cold smile into Chen Zong's ears again.

The drastic murderous persecution came, called Chen Zong shudder, and the thrilling feeling emerged from the deepest part of the body.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong burst out with a small amount of remaining spiritual force, causing the speed to increase dramatically. Immediately afterwards, he displayed the Royal God's method and called up the small Royal God's soldiers, which made the speed increase again.

However, that drastic killing was followed closely like a sacral sacrifice, without being left in the slightest, but accelerating as his speed increased.

"That's right. It's amazing how fast a half-step sacred person can break out of Samsung in the late stage of the eighth stage of entering the sacred realm. It seems to me that there must be some big secret in your body." The voice of banter was introduced into Chen Zong's ears once again, implying an indescribable coldness and cruelty.

It is like a perverted executioner who likes to slowly kill people in order to seek happiness.

The sense of crisis was so strong that Chen Zong was so shocked that he had to come up with the secret of the speed of increase.

This secret treasure, the elderly Tiangong gave himself a total of three, not want to give more, but the refinement of these secret treasures is not easy, the materials required are quite ordinary, so they are limited.

The elderly Tiangong himself has not much left.

However, Chen Zong has inherited the Tianhuo refining method and thousands of years of refining experience of Tiangong elderly people. If he has the right materials, he can also try to make some.

Now, the most important thing is to escape, to escape from this strong man who is trying to kill himself.

Excited by the power of the secret treasure, a silver light enveloped his body instantly, and the power poured into his body endlessly, as if a powerful force had been injected, directly increasing his speed again.

"Oh, the secret of the speed increase, it seems that you have a lot of good things on this little cricket ant." The teasing voice sounded again: "A speed of four stars and half steps can be achieved."

Chen Zong was more and more frightened.

The former fog demon had thrown it away at this speed, but this time, he was closely pursued by the opponent.


"No, you are Peerless Tianjiao, the top peerless Tianjiao, you have already passed the Fengwang Tower. With your ability, at least you can detonate the colorful ceiling."

"A top peerless Tianjiao like you, I like Luo most."

The last few words, with an indescribable addictive thrill, suddenly called Chen Zong's horror, trembling all over his body, a goosebump, and the cold air burst.

This is a pervert. If he falls into his hands, there will be no good end. Chen Zong is extremely determined.

However, today's speed is already the fastest, and the power of the secret treasure can not last too long.

But as long as there is a hint of hope, Chen Zong will not give up.

The man followed closely like a sacral sacrum, but did not immediately shoot, and seemed to be observing Chen Zong, as if observing a prey, how to play with this in his heart. prey.

The top peerless Tianjiao like this is not easy to see, especially if you have been trapped here for thousands of years.

This will be a good toy, and now it's time for your own pastime. After a while, wait until the other party's all means are exerted, and then take it back and capture it slowly. To resolve the loneliness of many years.

I just hope that I can persist for a few more years, otherwise, it is not easy to meet a new person.

Last time, it was twenty years ago.

The strength of the secret treasure is exhausted, but Chen Zong did not take out the third secret treasure, because even if the secret treasure increases his own speed, the other party can closely follow himself, and looks very relaxed, it is just playing himself, then, It doesn't matter whether you use Mibao's rate of increase.

Chen Zong even stopped the outbreak of Lingwu's power, and the speed dropped again.

Immediately, the Xiao Yu Shen Bing also automatically disengaged from both feet and surrounded the whole body.

Chen Zong's speed dropped again and again, and even stopped.

"Oh, did you give up?" The teasing voice sounded again, with a bit of dissatisfaction: "Is this the limit of the little ants, if so, it would be too fun, if someone Luo Luo thinks It's not fun and the consequences will be serious. "

The last six words, like the ghost wind blowing from Jiuyou Hell, permeated with extremely cold and murderous. It seemed that the fog and glare surrounding them had turned into a dark purgatory, and Chen Zong was almost suffocated.

too strong!

This feeling is stronger than the elderly Tiangong.

His luck this time was really bad. He encountered such an overbearing cultivator, or a perverted psychopath.

Thinking fast like lightning, Chen Zong was thinking of various feasible ways.

But no solution!

Just like when he was in Miguang City that day, facing a lot of strong players in the big holy list, his strength is too different, he is not an opponent at all.

No solution!

Only with enough strength can we hope to get rid of this predicament.

It's just a pity that one's strength is very strong compared to entering the holy realm, but it is not enough compared to the half-step grand holy.

When Chen Zong was thinking, there was a mist in front of him, and he immediately formed a figure.

The figure was a blood-colored robe, carrying hands, long hair flying, narrow and sharp eyes, a scar like a knife in the corner of the eye, a blood-red glow on the pupil, and a crazy face.

When staring at those eyes, Chen Zong trembled involuntarily. This tremor was not a fear, not a fear, but a reaction of the body's instinct, which originated from the deepest reaction in the body.

very scary!

The look was like a blood-stained butcher knife. When he fell on his body, he looked across his membrane like a knife, straight through the muscles and bones.

I feel like my body is slowly being cut, cut, and lingering.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong burst into Xeon.

Xiao Yu Shenbing!

The black sword edge of Mi Xuchang burst into endless black awns in an instant, brilliant to the extreme, all the power of Chen Zong himself was poured into it, and even the power of the soul erupted in an instant without reservation.

Chen Zong didn't know if he could cause damage to the opponent, but there was no other way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After this attack, it was time for Chen Xiu to take a shot.

After more than two years, Chen Xiu ’s cultivation has reached the peak level of the Ninth Place of Sanctuary, is about to reach the limit, and has a lot of strength. If he urges the evil eye to do his best, he may actually hurt other side.

As for whether he could kill, Chen Zong had no idea, but he could only give it a try.

There is no way to go, it can only be so, leaving it dead.

This sword struck out, as if a black **** thunder that penetrated through the torn void, carrying the unbelievable faith carried by Chen Zong's full power and spirit.


The man in a blood-colored robe was slightly stunned, but he did not expect that a little cricket ant dared to take the initiative to himself, and then his face changed slightly, a little surprised, because he could feel that the impact was very powerful.

If you only have one-star combat power, in the face of this attack, you are afraid that it will be difficult to resist, and you may even be severely injured or even killed. Even this sword is enough to threaten the two-star power of the half-step grand saint. .

But unfortunately, he is not a one-star or two-star Samsung, but he is far superior.

The power of this blow is very strong and magical, the means are brilliant, but how.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is false.

There was no dodge, but a hand was stretched out from behind, and the blood-red, wide robe sleeve waved gently, like an understatement like wiping away a bit of dust, but it gave out an amazing power in an instant.

The impertinence that Xiao Yu Shenbing turned into seemed to be able to break all the light that tore everything, and it became slow in an instant, then stopped, and finally, stopped in front of the blood robe figure, the sharp blade, suddenly Resisted by a pale, slender finger.

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