Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 80: Stray light

Miguang Island, a few hundred meters from the top of the mountain, a strong breath suddenly rose into the sky, and immediately, a figure skyrocketed, slowly falling.

"Congratulations to your friends." Zhao Mingkong, who had just stepped out, saw this scene and laughed suddenly.

Because he can see that Chen Zong's cultivation has improved.

Enter the sacred realm of Yae!

However, Zhao Mingkong didn't really care about it. After all, the promotion from the late stage of entering the sacred realm to the peak of the entrance to the sacred realm was just a small level of improvement, and the increase in strength was often not too large.

ten years!

No matter how fast Xiuwei is promoted, at most it is the level that reaches the ninefold limit of sanctuary, or it cannot reach the half-step grand sacred level. Even the top peerless Tianjiao, when it enters the ninefold limit of sanctuary, its strength is the highest At most, it is equivalent to a half-step saint of one-star combat power. No matter how high it is, at most it is equivalent to two-star combat power. It is expected to survive with three-star combat power.

That's it.

The gap between three-star and six-star is huge.

It can be said with full certainty that a six-star combat power can kill a three-star combat power in one move, and the strength gap between each other is many times.

When the level reaches the half-step big holy level, the improvement of each point of strength becomes more difficult, so the half-step big holy with high combat power will be less.

"Senior, I'm going to venture into the light." Chen Zong laughed.

During the retreat for more than half a year, more than 50 mist crystals have been used up. Chen Zong's understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth has reached a higher level. It can be said that everything that he can improve in a short time has been upgraded. To the extreme.

It is not so easy to continue to improve next. Chen Zong knows that even if he continued to practice in isolation for eight or nine years, the progress is not expected to be too great.

After thinking about it, Chen Zong made a decision to challenge the light.

Maybe you are lucky, you can get permanent residency if you cross the seventh realm, and you can challenge the light realm at will.

"That being the case, I will take you there." Zhao Mingkong laughed.

He just went out of the gate now, he doesn't need to retreat immediately, and he has the right to take a walk.

Miguang Realm is located right in the center of Miguang Island. There is an octagonal altar about ten meters high. The altar is ash-like, chaotic and unopened.

On this altar, eight huge pillars stood up to 100 meters, as if pointing directly to the sky.

Each pillar was covered with complicated lines.

Located in the very center of the altar, there is a square with a height of eight meters, which is also full of mysterious runes and lines, full of inexplicable mysteries.

On the whole, the altar is not that big, that is, a thousand-meter circle, but when Chen Zong stood in front of him, he felt a small feeling.

As if this altar is a sleeping ancient god.

You can only enter one person at a time. When the eight pillars and the rune in the center of the altar are shining with different colors, it means that someone is challenging the light at this moment.


Wait for the challenger to come out.

Before long, two more figures flew in.

"Lao Zhao, are you here to challenge the lost light again?" A sound of laughter sounded and looked back, a middle-aged man with a short body.

Although his appearance is somewhat indecent, this person is also a strong six-star powerhouse.

"I'll bring a friend to try." Zhao Mingkong laughed: "You, how can you improve?"

Now a hundred or so people staying on Miguang Island know each other, some of them are more familiar, and they can talk more casually.

Zhao Mingkong's relationship with this chubby middle-aged man is OK.

"No, it's my brother who wants to challenge." The short middle-aged man laughed.

"I've seen the Silver Sword King." A fat man was also next to the short, middle-aged man. He smiled and fists at Zhao Mingkong. He has five-star combat power and is not as powerful as the Silver Sword King. It is necessary to respect some when he meets.

"The practice of this little brother is ..." The chubby middle-aged man stared at Chen Zong, his expression a little surprised, and was surprised.

Go to the Holy Land!

Turned into the holy realm!

This is really very strange. After all, there have never been any examples of entering the sanctuary into the island of Miguang since ancient times. It is not impossible. Even if you are a mortal, you can enter the island of Miguang.

The problem is that Miguang Island is located in the center of Miguang Sea. If you want to reach Miguang Island, you must enter Miguang Sea first. Some people will be lost in Miguang Sea for decades or even hundreds of years before they will enter Miguang Island by chance.

Some people are lucky and may only take a few years.

However, Miguanghai is not a place to set foot in the green, but a forbidden area full of danger.

Don't say anything into the sanctuary, even if the top half-step big holy class enters, if you are unlucky, you will die.

The higher the strength, the greater the possibility of survival. On the contrary, the lower the strength, the greater the possibility of death.

One into the sanctuary means that he may die soon after entering the Miguang Sea, where can he come to the island of Miguang.

Therefore, when seeing Chen Zong entering the sanctuary, the middle-aged man was naturally surprised.

"My little brother has good luck." Zhao Mingkong laughed.

"It's really good luck," the chunky middle-aged man laughed, but it wasn't clear what he thought.

"Chen Zongyou, this is the King of Mixed Sky, this is the King of Mixed Mountain." Zhao Mingkong introduced to Chen Zong.

"I've seen two seniors." Chen Zong saluted his fists.

King of Heaven and King of Shan are brothers, and they are both strong bodybuilders.

"Little friends don't need to be courteous, I haven't seen the sacred realm and immersed in the light realm, and the young friends will go ahead." Lutian Wang laughed, and Lushan Wang naturally didn't have any opinion.

An overwhelming amount of murderous murderous air permeated the air, boundless evil spirit condensed into a cloud of blood, dyed the red half of the sky, and rolled over, the murderous force was extremely extreme, and suddenly everyone looked very changed.

"Blood kills the king!" The mixed king is a five-star combat force, feeling a great deal of pressure, looking dignified.

"Are this guy going crazy again?" He looked a little dignified.

Chen Zong felt that this breath was a little familiar. Wasn't it just a rumor that he had played his own time and time again, and its title was Blood King.

"Small cricket ant, you are really here." The voice of Yin Yin sounded, making Chen Zong a sweaty hair, terrible murderous attack came, as if from Jiuyou hell.

Immediately, the scarlet blood was condensed into a huge palm, shot down in the air, endlessly powerful, as if the sea of ​​blood capsized, and was about to blast everything into pieces, together with the three kings of the silver sword and the king of the sky and the king of the sky. Shroud shrouded.

"Ten-year protection period." Zhao Mingkong said five words without Xu Xuji.

Suddenly, the big **** hand was empty, and it turned into a cloud of blood.

A blood-colored figure also appeared not far away, his eyes staring with amazing murderousness, and the air was filled with Mori coldness.

Ten-year protection period!

Although the blood-slaying king Luo Yan was arrogant and confident, he was not stupid. Once he really shot and fell, the consequence was being killed by the power of Miguang Island.

Although he felt pressured and needed to find a way to vent, it didn't mean he didn't want to live.

"Luo Yan, this is not a place for you to scatter the wild." The mixed king said solemnly, he is a strong bodybuilder, a six-star level, really fighting, can not be inferior to Luo Yan, let alone his brother and Zhao Mingkong is here.

If Luo Yan insisted on the shot, the three of them would join forces enough to suppress the other.

"Little ants, enjoy your last time." Luo Yan was not furious, but his eyes were colder, staring at Chen Zong, his voice became sharp and full of threats.

"Before I kill you, you have to be alive." Chen Zong responded in a non-sexual way.

"Aspirant ... ha ha ha ha ..." Luo Yan turned into a **** light and fled away from the mad laugh.

Wang Tianwang and Wang Shanwang gave Chen Zong a surprised look and shook his head secretly.

There is indeed ambition.

Zhao Mingkong also shook his head secretly, not enough to say nothing.

On the altar, the light suddenly flashed rapidly. Then, countless lights flowed to the center to gather and stretch, forming a deep chaotic light door about two meters high.

A figure also appeared in the light gate at the same time, and stepped out.

"I've seen King Lei Yan." Both Zhao Mingkong, the Celestial King, and the Celestial Mountain King fisted at that person.

"King Lei Yan!" Chen Zong secretly startled. One of the three seven-star strong combat powers on Miguang Island had a title of King Lei Yan.

King Lei Yan only glanced at the three of them and did not respond. Immediately, he glanced at Chen Zong with a little surprise ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seems very curious why there are juniors in the sanctuary here, but he did not say What, a flash of body shape, turned into a crimson light across the sky like lightning, and disappeared instantly.

"Looks like, King Lei Yan's challenge stopped at the seventh level again." The mixed king sighed.

There are more than a hundred people on Miguang Island. King Lei Yan is not only a very powerful person, but also a very talented person. After years of hard work, he has only broken through the sixth realm, and never crossed the seventh realm. The hope of others is even smaller. Already.

"Little friend, go." Zhao Mingkong said.

After Chen Zong held his fist, his body flickered and landed in the center of the altar.

Suddenly, I just felt a wave of power sweeping across, and seemed to be verifying Chen Zong's identity.

Then, the eight pillars lighted up, followed the lines of the pattern straight to the center, lit the runes and patterns at the center, condensed and stretched upwards, forming a two-meter-high gray chaos. door.

With a little bit of hesitation and excitement, Chen Zong took a deep breath and stepped out, stepping into the door of chaos, the figure seemed to be swallowed and disappeared.

"Lao Zhao, are you optimistic about him?" After Chen Zong disappeared, Fangtian Wang just asked at will.

"Not optimistic." Zhao Mingkong's answer was very straightforward: "It was just a coincidence that he was rescued from Luo Yan by chance. The good guy did it to the end and let him enter Miguang Island. Since entering the island, do n’t come to challenge Miguang Realm. Is it not white? Come here, and challenge the light environment, it is also a sharpening of one's own strength, so that he is expected to live longer in the light sea. "

The hybrid king nodded and didn't answer any more. He was the character of the King of the Silver Sword King. It is not surprising that the King of the Silver Sword saved one into the realm. In fact, the King of the Silver Sword saved more than one or two people.

In the same way, he also endorsed the statement of King Silver Blade.

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