Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 81: Break 3 Realms

One step out is the replacement of heaven and earth. Instantly, Chen Zong appeared in a gray and chaotic space-time.

"Challenger, report your title." A cold voice sounded, it seemed to contain no trace of emotional fluctuations, full of mechanical sense.

"Chen Zong." Chen Zong responded quickly.

"Chen Zong, human race, practicing Qi is the peak of the eighth entrance to the sacred realm, refining is the peak of the eightfold peak in the sacred realm, and splits, and practicing the Qi is the nine limit of the sanctuary. Please choose the assessment system and target. Sounded again.

"Practice qi, deity." Chen Zong did not hesitate. Obviously, he practiced qi more by himself, and was good at swordsmanship. The practice of refining together brought him a stronger life-saving ability.

"The selection is complete."

With the sound falling, Chen Zong felt a violent force coming down and fell on his body instantly. Then, Chen Zong felt that his powerful blood and mixed power were blocked at the moment, unable to use it. Intensity instantly drops to the level of the eighth peak of normal sanctuary.

This feeling suddenly became weak, and it was called Chen Zong who was not used to it, but Chen Zong was very adaptable and gradually adapted to this feeling.

The avatar is also banned at the same time and cannot be used, and Nubuat is also banned.

At the same time, together with the Xiaoyu Shenbing, they were banned and lost their induction. The fire at Zihuan Burning Market, which reached Bapin, was also banned.

"The assessment of the top ten gates of Miguang Realm begins. After breaking through the top ten gates, you can enter the second realm through the first level."

Immediately, the eyes were gray and separated, as if the heavens and the earth were opening up. In front of Chen Zong, there was a dim promenade. Deep in the promenade, it was dark, and suddenly there was light shining on it. It illuminated both sides and let Chen Zong see At the end is a black stone gate that cuts off the sides.

"Ten doors." Chen Zong said secretly, stepped forward, and quickly approached the black stone gate.

Reaching out and pushing, the stone gate was as if moving to the ground.

Immediately, Chen Zong's palm pressed against the stone door gave a slight shock, and a powerful force suddenly struck the stone door through both palms.

The sound of Kaka Kaka sounded continuously and densely, and the dark and thick stone gates shattered into countless moments and scattered.

Along the front, there is a promenade. With the broken stone gate and Chen Zong stepping in, the lights on the two sides of the wall are lit one by one, progressively.

At the end, there was the second black stone gate, and the first one seemed no different.

Chen Zong approached and contacted again. His keen perception immediately made Chen Zong know that this stone gate would be thicker and stronger, obviously better than the first stone gate.

The hardness of the first stone gate can just reach a level of attack limit for the peak of the eighth threshold of the Holy Land, and the second stone gate is to overcome it, reaching the level of the eighth limit of the ordinary entrance to the Holy Land.

Broken again!

The third stone gate is more solid and heavy, but it is still in the eighth level of entering the sacred realm, less than the ninefold of entering the sacred realm.

Such a stone gate, naturally, cannot stop Chen Zong.


As the name implies, there are ten stone gates. You must break through the ten stone gates one by one to enter the second state through the first state.

In addition, each stone gate has only one chance to shoot. You must consider carefully before you shoot. If you can break it with one blow, if you ca n’t, you will be defeated. Or animal source.

If you have enough strength, but fail because you look down at Shimen and fail to give you the strength you deserve, then it is too sad.

Therefore, before Chen Zong's shot, he would sense it first, look at the strength of the Shimen, and try his best to keep his heart in order to avoid accidents.

The strength of the fourth stone gate reached the critical point of entering the sanctuary, which is almost ninefold.

After all, the eighth to the ninth is a leap in the big realm, and the gap is obvious.

However, by the fifth stone gate, its intensity has really reached the level of the early stage of the nineth stage of the Holy Land. Of course, it is the ordinary early stage of the nineth stage of the Holy Land.

This is nothing to Chen Zong, it can be easily broken.

The sixth stone gate, the strength of which was further increased, was between the early and mid-levels of Nine, and was broken.

The seventh stone gate is the strength of the mid-nineth stage of the sanctuary, which was broken.

The eighth stone gate is the strength of the mid-to-late period of the nineth stage of the sanctuary before it is broken.

The ninth stone gate, with the strength equivalent to that of the ninth stage of the sanctuary, was broken.

In front of him is the tenth stone gate.

The breath fluctuation from the tenth stone gate is more intense. You don't need to contact Chen Zong to know that the tenth stone gate has higher intensity.


The intensity of this tenth stone gate has reached the extraordinary level of the ninth peak of the sanctuary.

This test is not a martial arts accomplishment, but a pure power.

If the exercises are not strong enough and their sanctity is not strong enough, they will not be able to break through and pass through the first realm.

If you want to change to a cultivator, it should be tested with mixed powers.


This is aimed at strength, which represents more than physical strength.

The tenth stone gate was struck by Chen Zong and was immediately broken.

Taking a step forward, Chen Zong once again stepped into the chaos of grey flutter.

"Chen Zong broke through the first realm, did he challenge the second realm?" The cold mechanical voice sounded.

The difficulty of the first level is actually not too high. At present, everyone on the island of Miguang can pass through the first level. It is nothing, but the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is.

According to Silver Knife King Zhao Mingkong, the difficulty of the first three realms is not high and it is relatively easy to get through. Starting from the fourth realm, the difficulty is significantly increased, and the difficulty of the fifth realm is much better than that of the fourth realm. .

This is why many people fail to reach the seventh realm.

"Challenge." Chen Zong naturally will not give up on this, only the first realm, the difficulty is not high, the purpose of entering here is for the seventh realm, even if he can not break through the seventh realm, he must do his best to make it , Challenge your limits, as a sharpening, in order to stimulate their potential, so that you can be more sophisticated.

"The second realm is the streamer realm. It passes within a limited time and can enter the third realm."

After the words fell, Chen Zong changed again, and a channel appeared like a heaven and earth, and the channel seemed to be in the sky with a gleam of light.

Chen Zong lifted his eyes and looked forward, but could not see the end.

At the same time, a huge light leak appeared in the sky, and there was a streamer splashing in the light leak. When the streamer on the upper part completely spilled on the lower part, it represents the end of time.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately unfolded and moved forward quickly.

The sky is windless!

A happy state!

The whole person seemed to be moving forward like a wind.

Chen Zong's original speed was extremely fast. After practicing the subnormal supernatural wind to perfection, it was even more amazing.

Passing by, it was like a ray of wind, you could not see the figure, and immediately left a ray of light behind.

Taking the first realm as an example, what the second realm evaluates is speed, pure speed.

If he wants to pass the streamer realm within the prescribed time, his speed must be beyond his own cultivation. In other words, Chen Zong's cultivation is the peak of the sacred realm, but his speed needs to reach the ordinary sacred realm. Peak, this is the bottom line.

Before the sky wind breaks through to the state of perfection, Chen Zong's speed will be better than the ordinary peak of the Ninefold of the Holy Land. Therefore, for Zong Zong, the speed assessment of the second realm is actually nothing.

When the light leak hadn't dropped halfway, Chen Zong had already seen the end of the stream of light, a whirlpool filled with psychedelic colors slowly turning, without hesitation, Chen Zong plunged into it and entered a chaos. gray.

"Chen Zong breaks through the second realm, does he challenge the third realm?" The cold mechanical sound sounded again.

"Challenge." Chen Zong did not hesitate.

"The third realm is Wanhua Road, and you can enter the fourth realm by passing through the Wanhua Road within the prescribed time."

Chaos changed again. In front of Chen Zong, there seemed to be a pink flower falling, light and agile, and the trajectory was natural.

As if a beautiful scroll slowly unfolded in front of his eyes, Chen Zong saw a path, both sides of which were planted with trees. There was no half a green leaf on each tree, and some were just pink flowers blooming. , Perfumed with a strong floral fragrance, intoxicating.

This is a flower path that is suitable for viewing with your lover, but in fact, it is an assessment.

The first realm assesses the strength that they have, the second realm assesses pure speed, and the third realm assesses reaction.

Strength, speed, and response are important to any practitioner, and it is not surprising to have such a test.

The light leak appeared again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong moved forward quickly.

Only after crossing the Manhua Road within the stipulated time, can he enter the fourth realm.

The first and second realms did not have any sharpening effect on Chen Zong, after all, his own ability exceeded its upper limit.

It is difficult to achieve any sharpening effect in this third state.

As soon as his thoughts moved, Chen Zong's figure didn't stop, and he stepped into the flower path in an instant. Immediately, there seemed to be an invisible wind passing by, and flowers blossomed from the branches, floating light and smart. The next breath, each floating flower separated several or even a dozen petals, and its trajectory became more unpredictable. It invaded from all directions and floated towards Chen Zong.

Can't be touched by the petals, otherwise it's tantamount to failure.

Chen Zongshi exhibited the sky wind without phase, avoiding the petals, and quickly moved forward, turning itself into a ray of wind, but it was not a real wind, and it would not affect the petals.

In the middle, countless petals swept across, as if converged by invisible power, almost forming a flower wall, blocking the entire flower path.

Chen Zong's figure is very wonderful, and the path has passed through the gaps that are not large and staggered, making the flower wall unable to perform.

The light inside the light leak continued to fall like dust, but Chen Zong ignored it and didn't look at it because it was not necessary.

The first three realms are the least difficult. If you can't even get through the first three realms, it is better to leave Miguang Island as soon as possible.

Soon, Chen Zong's keen eyes saw the end of the Huajian Trail, located directly in front of him, about a million meters apart. The distance of ten thousand meters was nothing, even the countless petals swirled in the air.

Pass by and reach the end.

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