Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 86: Last hit

The black spirit was like a raging flame, and it seemed like an endless stream, and a mighty hurricane-like roar swept away, covering in all directions, and passing through the bodies of Chen Zong and the black demon god.

The blade and the fist also collided instantly.

Chen Zong only felt that the sword body trembled suddenly, a terrible force suddenly violently rushed, causing the blade to tremble, straight into the palm of the hand, it seemed to break the hand bone.

Under the characteristics of the sword power in the early stage, the sword blade also broke the fist of the black demon and cut a sword mark.

The dark eyes of the black demon **** suddenly showed a surprise, even they could hurt themselves, even if the injuries were slight.


The terrible amount of violent violence erupted from the edge of the sword and fist.

The black demon's extremely strong body resisted this amazing power recoil, and he did not retreat. He raised a punch in the other hand and severely bombarded Chen Zong. The terrible fist pressure suffocated Chen Zong, and it felt like the whole person was about to be beaten. broken.

Under the force of the earthquake, Chen Zong receded forward, leaning back, as if the bamboo shoots in the wind gave off a stronger force, rebounded instantly, and Shen Yejian beheaded.


One sword is mysterious, and the sword is countless. Each sword contains amazing mysteries, interpreting the skills to the extreme and killing the black demon.

Chen Zong pays for his current strength, even if it is only in strength training, it is far better than entering the sacred realm, and has even reached the point where he can compete with the one-star half-step big holy strong.

Of course, Chen Zong cannot be sure without real fighting, but even if he has n’t reached it, it wo n’t be too far apart. The black demon ’s physique is astonishing, and the black power is very terrible. Destroyed and rotten, Chen Zong felt great pressure.

With such strength, the Dark Devil has far surpassed the level of entering the sacred realm, maybe it has really reached the level of one-star and one-half step grand sacred level.

The thoughts flickered by, but Chen Zong's sword was not hesitated and kept killing.

The infinite endless chain sword unfolds, countless sword lights kill the black demon from all directions, envelope it, and from time to time, sword light cuts to the black devil's body, but it just breaks a layer of defense, and it is difficult to cause the black devil to be obvious. Injury, the physique of the dark demon is really overbearing.

The fierce battle is endless, the black demon's physique is arrogant, the power is amazing, and the power is violent, but its fighting skills are mainly strong and violent, with double fists bombardment, not paying attention to any changes, one punch goes like a mountain to suppress rampage, like Break everything.

No matter how you change, I only break it with one punch.

It's so simple and so outrageous. With such amazing power, every punch of the black demon is blasted out, and Chen Zong feels that his sword light is going to be broken and it is difficult to resist.

Too strong!

It's not just the tyranny of power, but it also contains the characteristics of destruction and rottenness. The practice of the other party is also very clever, and it is estimated that it will not be inferior to his own early sword sword power.

Of course, this is also the reason why his level of Jian Yuan Gong was not high enough.

If you can reach the 31st floor, the power will be more powerful, especially the ground-breaking characteristics will be enhanced.

However, this exercise is self-made, and it is not so simple to want to raise the level.

Put aside all thoughts, go all out to fight.

The Dark Lord is a strong enemy, a very powerful opponent, and an opponent who must do his best to be able to compete.

Boom boom!

The black demon stands on two feet as if it is integrated with the ground of the palace. Its extremely strong body is like an iron tower, unshakable, and its fists are continuous, forming an extreme offensive, like a meteorite rainstorm. Kill to, the power condensed in each punch, even if it is a one-star and half-step grand saint, do not dare to underestimate.


The sword light continued, weakening the black demon's attack layer by layer, but the black demon's offensive was too violent.


That punch, burning with black strength, was like a black comet that shot down and suppressed the bombardment, causing Chen Zong's face to change dramatically.

A sword is drawn, black and white is clear, and the spin is mixed.

Liangyi sword world!

Suddenly, that terrible one-strike bombarded and killed, hitting the black and white sword world, the power was weakened layer by layer, completely resisted, compared with the serial sword, the two sword worlds' defensive power Yes, it will undoubtedly exceed many times.

That punch blasted out, and the black demon's offensive was also a moment's pause, and Chen Zong immediately seized the opportunity.

The sword was lifted high, the endless sword air, sword light and sword mang spread like a picture scroll, spreading around all directions, and the light became darker in an instant, as if going into the night.


Suddenly, Chen Zongyi sword was cut off, and the endless sword air sword light and sword light instantly converged on Shen Yejian and turned into an extreme ray of sword light, which was as thin as a hairline, tearing the sky into the sky. Sympathetic beheading on the black devil.

Previously, it was difficult for each of his swords to really hurt the black demon. Now he is exhibiting the Xeon trick, the world is on the front line, and its power is terrible. Chen Zong does not know whether he can hurt the black demon.


The timing of this sword was very precise. One sword was beheaded and killed, and it was like a bamboo shoot that was directly killed on the black demon god. It was amazingly sharp and had the characteristics of the original sword. The black demon **** was spread all over the membrane. His defensive power tore, and then tore the extremely tough film of the black demon into the body.

Dorattle sounded, as if the cloth had been torn, and a dark sword mark appeared on the body of the black demon. The redness was extremely hot and the blood was as thick as magma overflowing from the wound.

The wound was bleeding, and the dark demon stared down, staring at it, seemingly not convinced that he was hurt.


The fury roar suddenly sounded from the mouth of the black demon god.



Extremely furious!

The black demon under the fury, which was originally very strong, even swelled up again, with muscles bulging up, like a volcano, and was about to explode with the power of terror to destroy everything.



Chen Zong's expression changed dramatically.

The breath of this black demon **** has soared more than 50%, and its body shape has also risen a lot from about two meters to a height of two meters and five, his arms have become thicker, and it seems that we can see a horrible black strength. During the surge, it gradually diffused into the body surface membrane, as if ignited, and turned into a touch of black flame.


That seemed to be the magic fire from Jiuyou Hell.

"Dead!" A violent and violent voice sounded from the mouth of the raging black demon god, and the redness in its eyes turned into flames, gushing out, and burning.

The fist became bigger, with five fingers clasped, and a mass of black fiery fire full of destruction was soaring.


When the sky fell like an extinct star, in one hit, the stone was shocked, and it seemed to collapse the sky and crush the earth.

Chen Zong had a thriller that the whole person was bombarded and killed, and this feeling went straight to the soul and mind, which was irresistible.

Unstoppable and destroyed!

This momentum is terrifying.

As if this fist fell, he would be smashed, the whole body would be broken, and the entire soul would be destroyed.

The power of spiritual martial arts ... erupted!

As if the roar of a volcano erupted suddenly, the strength of Chen Zong's Qi training suddenly surged from the peak of the eighth entrance to the sanctuary to the peak of the ninth entrance to the sanctuary, and the basic strength greatly increased.

Liangyi sword world!

Black and white, sword halo.

The punch was carrying terrifying power, and it was instantly killed by bombardment. It directly bombarded the black-and-white Liangyi Sword Realm. Chen Zong could feel a terrible force that made the sword tremble without being broken. .


The mystery of the Liangyi sword world seemed to separate space and time, and the violent power of that punch was constantly weakened, which could not hurt Chen Zong.

The furious and violent black demon's double fists kept bombarding, and he vowed to break Chen Zong's Liangyi Sword Realm. Without stopping, Chen Zong could not find the opportunity to fight back.

Chen Zong can only expend his power to maintain Liangyi Sword Realm.

This is a trick, you can cast it and stop it instantly, you can always protect yourself, and you will continue to consume your own power.

While maintaining the Liangyi Sword Realm, Chen Zong is waiting for an opportunity. Even if the black demon becomes violent, it cannot be bombarded forever. There must always be a pause, and it only takes a moment to make a counterattack. .

This time, it is not necessary to counterattack. Once counterattack, a more powerful force will erupt and kill it.

The Black Devil could not continuously attack continuously. For a moment, Chen Zong immediately counterattacked.

Heaven and earth line!

Under the outbreak of the power of the Lingwu, the power of the blood thunder burst into the sword body, a touch of blood color like electricity.


The power of this sword is much stronger than that of the previous one ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The black devil is shocked, and quickly crosses his arms to resist, the scary sword-like hair with a trace of redness, Tearing to the void to kill, immediately cut off the arm of the black demon, leaving a sword mark in the chest.


Chen Zong exploded a second time, and once again displayed the world.

The outburst of all these forces, the load on Chen Zong for the second time was not small.

The broken arm made the black demon pain extremely painful, but it was extremely fierce and directly hit Chen Zong with the entire body, as if Foshan Yue moved sideways, with a terrifying momentum.

Chen Zong pulled back a little later, and the sword fell out sharply.

Heaven and earth line!

The power of the Blood Thunder bursts into this sword, once again hacking the dark demon.

The third sword!

Heaven and earth line!

Seize the opportunity and let it go.


One arm of the Black Demon was completely cut off, and in the roar, if the blood cried, but the fearless death rushed, the entire strong body burned with the fiery black magic fire, and the whole body seemed to become a dark meteor. A bombardment arrived.

perish together!

Chen Zong retreated quickly, standing on both feet, calm, and clenching Shen Yejian with both hands, holding up high.

In the end, the power of Lingwu poured out without reservation, the Wanliu force field, the realm of the heart, and the blood thunder burst.

The Wanliu force field and the realm of the heart were mixed in an instant, and the power of the torrent surged, hitting a group of dark meteorites, causing a slight pause, and the momentum of the attack slightly weakened.

One sword fell off.


The space of the hall seems to be cut off under this sword.

The hairlike swordmang also tore the dark meteor instantly, but the dark meteor still carried all the power to destroy, and rushed to Chen Zong.

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