Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 87: Stone carving

(The first one is provided first. Please pay attention to the public account: the six road sinking, you can know the update time)


Even if it was torn, it seemed to be as if two clusters of meteor bombers arrived. The power was amazing. Chen Zong exploded continuously to cast the line of heaven and earth. The final blow was the most powerful, but it was also a sword that exhausted all its strength. When banned, his arm trembled for a moment, and he felt instantaneous numbness and stiffness.

I tried my best to reluctantly move my body, but only avoided half of the meteor, and could not avoid the other half. I was hit by an instant. Chen Zong only felt like he was really hit by the meteor. The force of violent extremes constantly bombarded his body, seeming to blow up.

Hold on!

Be sure to stabilize!

Chen Zong was bleeding, and the whole man flew back several kilometers, directly hitting the incomparable hard wall of the palace. The huge force penetrated from the back, sweeping the whole body, and the bones on his body and his body made a weak sound, which shattered.


At this moment, Chen Zong was still alive, but extremely miserable. His body was like the tragic bombardment of a meteorite, blood overflowed, his left arm was broken, his chest collapsed, and his back was broken.

The horrible injuries are dying and the whole person is still alive. It is also because Chen Zong's spiritual will was sharpened in the sixth realm to break the original limit and reach a higher level of relationship.

Blood was dripping, but Chen Zong still hung a smile.

The black demon was split into two halves by his own line of heaven and earth. By the count, he should be dead. The vagueness of his vision could glimpse that the two halves of the body fell to different places.

Well, if you are still alive, you should be considered a winner. You have crossed this seventh realm.

Everything around was blurred and the palace disappeared. Chen Zong entered chaos again. With the advent of the magical power, Chen Zong felt that his injury was quickly healed and his power was exhausted. It is also recovering quickly.


Two breaths!

Three Breaths!


Ten Breaths!

Chen Zong's strength was fully recovered, and his injuries were completely healed.

After healed, I just felt that my strength seemed a little pure again, my body seemed a little stronger, and the movement of power was more rounded.

"Chen Zong obtained the qualification for permanent residence in Miguang Island through the challenge of the Black Demon in the seventh realm, and the qualification to enter the Miguang realm challenge at will. Does he challenge the eighth realm?" mild.

Whether or not they have crossed the seventh realm, the treatment seems to be different, at least in the tone of the speech, and it also proves indirectly.

"Challenge!" Chen Zong answered without hesitation and was very firm.

In the seventh realm, I almost couldn't get through it. The eighth realm would only be more difficult. Maybe I couldn't go through it, but I have to try it anyway.

After all, I have already passed the seventh realm and obtained the corresponding qualifications. Even if I ca n’t go through the eighth realm this time, at least I have to look at the difficulty first, feel it for myself, make sure that I know something, and come in next time. Only when the challenge is clear.

The strength of the black demon that finally broke out in the seventh realm, when it reached the level of a one-star half-step grand saint, was very arrogant.

However, all the strengths that erupted by him also reached, or even reached the more powerful level of the one-star, before he could kill the black devil.

"The eighth realm of dragons ..."

The voice went silent, and the chaos changed again.

Chen Zong found himself in a volcanic purgatory valley, the ground fissures were large and small, and each fissure was filled with amazingly hot magma flowing, and the red light emitted was extremely dazzling, making it difficult to see directly.

Standing in this scorched valley, Chen Zong felt the amazing blazing everywhere, and the whole person seemed to be burnt.

In front of it is a huge volcano. There are waves of magma emerging from the Qianzhang crater and flowing down the volcano, like a torrent of waterfalls. That kind of power made Chen Zong look extremely dignified.

Even so, Chen Zong can still resist, then, where is his opponent?

In other words, how is this situation assessed?

When Chen Zong's eyes stared coldly and searched, a horrible and extreme breath suddenly rose from the volcano, accompanied by a torrent of violent 100-meter magma torrents, and soon, Chen Zong saw a huge Dragon head appeared in the crater.

The dragon was huge, transparent, and there were countless magma reds dripping continuously. It was just a dragon head, but it was a hundred meters in size. A pair of huge eyes were burning with an incredible flame, like a sky fire.

It is hard to imagine that this is just a dragon head. If it comes out of the whole body, how amazing it is.

Gazing at that huge eye, Chen Zong suddenly tightened his body, as if being constantly gripped by an invisible big hand, and kept shrinking, the whole person's bones were shaking, and his strength was shaking.

So strong!

very scary!

Although it is not as good as that blood killing king Luo Yan, but for himself, it is also a very arrogant existence, which is totally better than the dark demon god.

The eyes of the magma Chilong stared at him, locked Chen Zong, and immediately opened his mouth. A blazing red to the extreme torrent of flames spewed out of the huge dragon's mouth instantly, as if the flames poured down the sea, pushing the four poles across the void in all directions. Dodge-like bombardment came.

For a moment, the magma around it seemed to be being towed and trembling, filled with terrible coercion, and smashed Chen Zong from all directions.

There was no escape, Chen Zong could only watch the torrent of red flames rushing at a speed of astonishing speed, grandeur, and earth-shaking.


Suddenly, Chen Zong detonated the power of the spiritual force, the power of the bleeding thunder burst, the Taiyuan Sword Yuan Gong was operated to the extreme, and all the power was integrated into one sword.

Heaven and earth line!

This sword is the strongest when Xiaoyu Shenbing cannot be used.

It is also this sword that will kill the black demon in the seventh realm.

The sword-like hair, like a silky hair, was killed, and it collided with the Chiyan Torrent instantly.

It's as if a big rock was thrown into the water, but it was silent after breaking up the ripples.

Chen Zong was surprised, that the Chiyan flood rushed to kill, but in an instant, he defeated all the defensive forces of Chen Zong, and the extremely fierce heat and strength, directly destroyed Chen Zong.


Chen Zong just resisted for less than three breaths, and the whole person was melted, losing all consciousness, and sinking forever.

When consciousness was restored, Chen Zong appeared in a chaos again. When he recalled the scene of the genius, he suddenly smiled bitterly.

The gap is too big.

If the black demon is almost the level of a one-star half-step grand saint, then the strength of this volcanic red dragon is at least a two-star half-step grand saint, or even higher.

A few percent difference in strength is enough to form a repression. The difference is double, even more amazing, and the difference is twice. It is completely crushing spike.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The eighth realm is really difficult and difficult. Moreover, the assessment of the miraculous realm is closely related to your own cultivation.

The higher your own cultivation, the stronger your corresponding opponent will be.

Only when the strength of the other side is improved and the strength is enhanced in order to strengthen the strength can we hope to defeat the opponent.

Although it failed, it was surprisingly difficult to let myself know that the eighth realm was a goal for me.

Only with the target will be more motivated.

"Chen Zong challenged the eighth realm to defeat the dragon realm. The highest record. After crossing the seventh realm, he will be able to choose four heaven and earth stone carvings. Please make a choice." The voice seemed to have a trace of regret.

Immediately, nine steles appeared in the chaos, became clear, and distributed around Chen Zong.

The color of each stele is the same, it is chaotic gray fluttering color, but the lines carved on it are completely different.

Chen Zong was not surprised at all. Before entering, Zhao Mingkong had already said to himself. As long as he crossed the fourth realm and started, he could choose the heaven and earth stone carvings.

You can choose one when you cross the fourth realm.

You can choose two after crossing the fifth level.

After crossing the sixth realm, you can choose three.

After crossing the seventh realm, you can choose four.

Chen Zong crossed the seventh realm and was able to choose four.

Each of the nine heaven and earth stone carvings contains a different mystery. When Chen Zong stared at the texture of the first stone monument, he suddenly felt that a sharp and extreme light had torn the darkness, as if it opened up heaven and earth, endless. Mysteries also emerged.

But being restricted, I couldn't understand what I was doing, just a kind of induction.

Silently remember ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong looks at the second stone monument.

The second stone disappeared instantly, and it seemed to turn into a sea of ​​fire. It was burning, there was a hurricane blowing, the wind was roaring past, the fire was rising and spreading continuously, rising upward, getting higher and higher, and finally permeating the world.

The third stone stone suddenly appeared, and instantly turned into a streamer, like a meteor flying at a rapid speed, leaving only a dazzling trajectory. Immediately, more starlight appeared, as if a meteor storm filled the darkness. Void.

The fourth stone monument is dark and deep, as if stagnant. Suddenly, black and white light emerges and surrounds each other, as if black and white fish chased and played around in the dark void, faintly forming an endless mystery. pattern.

The fifth stone monument, in the dark void, from time to time, a darker crack appeared, and once it appeared, it breathed an amazing breath, like an open mouth devouring everything, smashing everything into pieces.

The fifth stone, the endless thunder flashes, the endless thunder is shot down from the sky, bombards everything, and is bombarded by the raging thunder, as if it were extinct, and a little bit of sparks spatter away, gradually forming a flame, which then turns into The flames spread quickly and turned into fire.

The sixth stone monument, spring, summer, autumn and winter, everything grows wilted, rivers and rivers run wild, the sun and the moon rotate, the sea and mulberry fields change, and the world changes.

The seventh stone monument, the beasts roaring, the beasts roaring, vying for contention, the **** battle of the wasteland, cruel.

The eighth stone monument, empty like the sea, is full of raging clouds, permeating the heavens.

The ninth stone tablet, a horrible spirit burst out of nothingness, as if it shattered the darkness and emptiness, and returned to nothingness again. It was shocking and elusive at the same time.

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