Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 1: Tai Xuan Jie

(Second more)

Taixuan Realm is one of the nine realms in the Heavenly Realm, and it is also the most prosperous and powerful one.

In the Taixuan Realm, there are many ancestors, and the strong and the genius come out to compete, and their cultivation atmosphere is more intense than in other realms.

In terms of area, the Taixuan Realm is also larger than other realms, and only the Zhengu Realm and Tian Di Realm can compare with it.

Taixuan Mountain is the largest mountain in the Taixuan Realm. It does not know how to stretch for thousands of miles. The Taixuan Realm is wrapped in a semi-arc. The highest peak is 9,999 meters, and the low one is 2-3 kilometers. .

Located at the corner of Taixuan Mountain, at the foot of a mountain peak more than 2,000 meters, there are dense vegetation, but no one has passed by.

The wind blows gently, the leaves shake, and the rustling sounds continue to sound, as if playing a beautiful movement, quiet and moving, the next breath, this silence is broken.

The two rays appeared as if they were shot down from the sky, and appeared as if they were born out of nothingness. They appeared very abruptly under the mountain peak, and the light changed rapidly from light to intense.

It was two gray, chaotic rays of light, about one person tall, and when the gray chaos light dissipated, two figures appeared in it.

One old and one young.

The old man has a gentle look, but there is a majestic and magnificent coiling of the mountains and oceans around him. It is the first strong man on the island of Miguang and has an elite seven-star combat power.

When the younger one hit the fitted white sword robe, his look was indifferent, his eyes were as deep as the stars, and it seemed difficult to feel a strong breath around him, but as long as he felt strong enough, he could feel a bit of sharpness like a sword from it. After staying on Miguang Island for more than ten years, Chen Zong, the contemporary sword emperor, finally crossed the eighth state of Miguang Realm.

After crossing the eighth realm of Miguang Realm, when you can leave the Miguang Sea, and you can leave with one person, you can go to any realm of Tianyuan Sanctuary.

"Brother, I have been away for thousands of years, and I do n’t know what the family is. I ’m one step ahead. If my friend is free, I can come to Taishan City to find me." The King of the Sea and Sea seemed to be a little urgent, and said to Chen Zong.

"Brother go first." Chen Zong smiled: "I will come to visit Japan when I come to Japan."

"Brother said goodbye." The voice dropped, and the mountain and sea king rose into the sky, turned into a magnificent streamer, flew away quickly, blinked, and disappeared under the eyes of Chen Zong.

After Chen Zong's eyes swept around, they also rose up in the air, and flew away in a different direction from Shan Haiwang, like a ray of wind.

Bringing only one person from the sea and sea king indicates that Chen Zong failed to challenge the Ninth Realm of Miguang Realm.

Previously, Chen Zong's consideration was that if only one person could be taken away, then the priority was the Tiangong old man and the silver sword king Zhao Mingkong, and then he was the Shanhai King. Although Shanhai Wang helped him a lot in the follow-up, At the beginning, Chen Zong also spoke clearly.

The King of Mountains and Seas agreed.

When he learned that he had crossed the ninth realm, he could become the master of Miguang Realm and Miguang Island. When anyone could be taken away, Chen Zong became excited and put into action to challenge.

Unfortunately, the opponent in the ninth realm is difficult to deal with.

It seems that it is not as strong as Chilong. After all, it is equal to another one, who has the same ability and the same sword skills.

However, during the battle, Chen Zong found that the opponent's use of his own strength and martial arts seemed to be more subtle than himself, and each shot clearly used the same power, and the power that erupted seemed to be better than himself. a bit.

When the strong fight, a little gap will evolve into a gap between life and death.

What's more, the opponent Chen Zong in his own situation is arrogant, the opponents he knows will be, and each sword is at its peak.

Yes, after losing one challenge, Chen Zong thought for a while, and then carried out the second challenge.

the third time!

the fourth time!

Challenges again and again, but lost again and again, but this did not discourage Chen Zong, but inspired a very strong fighting spirit.

Although several times failed, Chen Zong also explored a little bit, that is, his opponent, and his own strength is very strong, and its status has been at its peak.

Regardless of power consumption or other reasons, the power of each sword will not be weakened in any way.

Chen Zong is a very good practitioner. He controls power far more than many people, so he understands it better. In combat, especially in high-intensity combat, it is impossible to let himself be at all times. At its peak.

After all, at the beginning of the battle, as the intensity increases, the pressure on yourself is getting more and more. In this case, sometimes the shot will become hasty.

A hurry means lack of strength.

Another point is that the battle will consume, the consumption of your own strength, physical strength, mental consumption, etc. Once consumed, you will not be at its peak, and its power will inevitably be affected between shots.

Therefore, it is impossible to reach the peak of each hit with each hit, but there is a fluctuation.

However, under the opponent sword of Miguang Realm Nine Realm, there are no fluctuations. Each sword is killed, all of them are the highest power.

Moreover, the opponent's swordsmanship is not inferior to himself, even more than a few points.

In this way, Chen Zong can compete with it in the beginning, but will soon fall behind and even be defeated. It feels that the opponent's power is like a monster that will never be consumed.

But in fact, after several challenges, Chen Zong also grasped that the other party is the same as himself, and the power will continue to be consumed, but the power is consumed, but it will not affect its state in the slightest.

Nine challenges, nine defeats.

Although the following challenges have improved their swordsmanship and are no different from the opponent, they can compete for a longer time, but the problem is that after their strength, physical and mental consumption, the state will decline invisibly, and the other party But it won't, so, in the end of the battle, you will lose yourself.

This is different from the Eighth Realm and the Battle of Chilong.

The battle with Chilong's life and death, as soon as Chilong suffers, it will weaken, lose vitality, and eventually die.

But the adversary of ego is not.

Consumption and injury of spirit energy have no effect on it.

Facing such an opponent, Chen Zong found that he was really difficult to defeat.

Unless, you can always be at the peak like the other.

"That should be a secret method, no, it should be a strange state." Chen Zong secretly said.

With nine challenges, Chen Zong also gradually grasped some mysteries with his own super high level of understanding. However, it was just a clue and it had not been realized yet, but this was a good start.

Chen Zong didn't know how long it would take him to realize and master that state, so he had to leave Miguanghai first.

Then the problem came, I just broke through the eighth state.

Hua Ji seemed to look at Chen Zong differently, and agreed to Chen Zong's request to bring the Tiangong elderly directly to Miguang Island and live there.

At the request of King Shanhai, Chen Zong summoned Tiangong elderly and silver knife king Zhao Mingkong and Shanhai Wang Su Zeyue to explain the situation.

Who leaves first!

this is a problem.

After all, no one wants to stay long in this mysterious sea.

The longer you stay, the more desperate you are.

The King of Mountains and Seas is desperate to leave here. After all, he has been here for thousands of years. Without the ability of the King of Stars, he could not break through the eighth state with his own ability.

Shan Haiwang proposed compensation for Zhao Mingkong and Tiangong Elderly. First of all, Dongfu was owned by two people, and they could practice and live in Shanhaiwang's Dongfu.

Second, the King of the Seas will enter the misty sea to hunt and kill the mist demon to obtain the mist source and hand it over to Zhao Mingkong and Tiangong Elderly, to ensure that they will not have to pay the mist source within one hundred years, and can concentrate on the cultivation on the island of mist.

The last point is Chen Zong's request.

That is the blood killing king.

The blood-slaying king has a distorted heart. If he left, maybe he would fight against the elderly Tiangong, who has ordinary five-star combat power and is not weak, but he is not an opponent of the blood-slaying king.

Despite the ten-year protection period, the ten-year period is actually short.

Even if the strength of the elderly Tiangong will increase within ten years, it is estimated that it is the elite five-star level, and it is not the opponent of the blood killing king.

Although he really wanted to do it himself, Chen Zong also knew his current strength. He was not an opponent of the Blood Slayer, and it was a long way off. In order to ensure safety and avoid future troubles, he asked the King of the Sea and Sea to deal with the Blood Slayer.

In World War I, the blood-slaying king was severely wounded, and with the secret treasure, he entered the sea of ​​Miguang, away from the island of Miguang.

In the words of the King of Mountains and Seas ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if the blood-slaying king did not die in the Sea of ​​Miguang, the damage was so serious that it would be difficult to make waves in fifty years.

However, to ensure that Chen Zong added a second level of insurance.

That is King Lei Yan and King Gu Feng.

These two men, however, have ordinary seven-star combat power.

The condition given by Chen Zong is that when he crosses the ninth realm, he will take them away, and all they have to do is take care of the silver sword king Zhao Mingkong and the elderly Tiangong so that they will not be attacked on Miguang Island. Kill.

As for the others, for example, the Silver Knife King and the Tiangong Old Man will enter the Miguang Sea to hunt the Mist Demon, and their safety is not related to King Lei Yan and Gu Feng Wang.

Do your best to exchange for a hope that you can leave. King Lei Yan and Gu Fengwang agreed with a little thought.

Double insurance is a joy.

If so, neither Zhao Mingkong nor Tiangong could survive until they came to take them away. All they could say was that they should.

"Self-consciousness!" As Chen Zong flew quickly, he thought secretly, it was a mystery. If he could see the mystery, it would definitely be of great benefit to himself.

But this mystery is too deep and not so easy.

However, you can return to Miguang Island and enter the Miguang Realm Challenge to sharpen yourself and better understand the magical mystery.

As for now, it is to go to the place where the ancient Shuramon was.

According to the ancient King Shura told himself at that time, the ancient Shuramon should be located in the boundary of Tailo City.

The cities in Taixuanjie are basically named after the word Tai.

The purpose of this trip was to find the grudges of King Gusula, and to find Gusuramon first to see if it still exists, or if it has already been destroyed.

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