Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 2: Wind and rain


The Great Sacred Realm is a super strong being standing at the peak of the heavenly realm. It is the ultimate strong, but very few.

For example, in the Xuanyuan Realm and the Great Realm, there are only three or four of the Great Holy Realm.

Two are Xuanyuan Supreme and Xuantian Shenjiang in the Xuanyuan dynasty, and two belong to the Heijie Palace and the Dust-free Palace.

The Taixuan Realm is the head of the Nine Realms, and it is the most powerful.

Rao is so, there will never be more than six Great Holy Realms in the entire Taixuan Realm.

Among the most sectarian forces, the strongest is the half-step grand sacred level.

The ancient Shuramon of that year was also regarded as the most famous sect of the Taixuan Realm, because its master, the ancient Shura, was a powerful half-step grand saint, and its combat power suddenly reached the elite seven stars Among the many half-step sacred powers, they are at the forefront.

But now, thousands of years have passed, and the strong men such as King Gusula lost their way to the town, and some strong men such as King Raksha have bad intentions and do not know what the ancient Shura is.

Has it been dissolved?


Still exists.

What if it still exists?

Tailuo City is one of the many cities in Taixuan Realm. It is a huge city with many families and gangs in the city. It is also very clear, but it is also secretly competing with each other for resources.

But not all forces are located in Tailor City, especially Zongmen, often outside Tailor City.

The city of Tailor is a city, and it is also the title of a boundary. With the huge city as the center, within tens of thousands of miles, it is owned by Tailor City, which is the boundary of its boundary.

To the north of Tailuo City, it is a section of Taixuan Mountain Range. It is named after Tailao Mountain and is easy to remember.

In fact, many cities are related to the Taixuan Mountains. After all, the Taixuan Mountains surround the Taixuan Realm on the half side.

Although Tailuo Mountain is only a section of Taixuan Mountain Range, it may be only a few tenths, but it is also very huge. Its highest peak is more than 6,000 meters. The mountain peak stands. At a glance, there are dozens of towers. The layers are clear, and the higher up, it seems to be shrouded in clouds and mist, floating in the mist.

In this Tailuo Mountain, there are many gates.

The lowest mountain peak is about two kilometers in height. It is remote, sparsely planted, and the fluctuation of the vitality of the world is relatively weak. Compared with other peaks, it is a lot worse.

Generally speaking, no sect gate will choose such a relatively weak environment as the place of the mountain gate, but there is a sect gate on this peak.

A figure appeared at the foot of the mountain, walking up the broken steps step by step.

The steps are long, but the gaps are broken everywhere. It looks like it has been affected by some fighting. The marks are still very new. Maybe the fighting happened not long ago.

An old, broken mountain gate stands halfway up the mountainside. The marks are mottled, and there are a lot of scratches and potholes. It seems to be crumbling in the wind. I don't know when it will collapse.

Under the mountain gate, the two figures leaned against the mountain gate, looking like two young people, but half of them were not as vigorous as the young people should be, but they were full of decadence.

At this time, a figure was walking quickly from above.

"Brother Lin, where are you going?" One of the disciples to the right of Shanmen looked up and was surprised.

"Two younger brothers, this is the last time I call you younger brothers." The man who walked down said bitterly, "I can't stay any longer, leave."

In other words, the man crossed the gate, walked faster, and quickly went down.

"Ah, I left again." The disciples who asked the question sighed long and looked bitter.

"Coward." Another disciple snorted, indignantly: "In the past few years, I also vowed to co-exist with the sect and die."

"Yeah, even if you have to leave, you have to wait until the Tailuo meeting." The disciple on the right of Shanmen sighed.

"Taro, do you think we still have hope?" The disciple on the left smiled coldly.

"I don't know how long our martial arts can support ..." The body of the disciple on the right of Shanmen was weaker, like a snake with his spine removed. He leaned against the Shanmen and seemed to slip.

"Who knows, anyway, I have decided, and when I ca n’t dissolve, I will go back and do business with my father." The disciple on the left exhaled a long breath and said, "I'm not a cultivator, right or left, Otherwise, let those traitors regret it. "

When speaking of the word traitor, they both showed a bit of hatred.

If it wasn't for the traitors, even if the martial arts were gradually declining, they wouldn't fall so fast at least, at least, they could support some time, instead of being disheartened.

At the foot of the mountain, a white robe figure with a sword around his waist, his face was dull and his eyes were deep, and he was marching up the mountain, not fast or slow.

Those who rushed down from the mountain took a look at the people who were amazed. If they were left in peacetime, they would definitely greet them, but now it doesn't matter.

The figures crossed quickly, and when I looked back slightly, I could see that the figure walking down the hill seemed to be fleeing.

Looking back, Chen Zong continued climbing.

Gradually, Chen Zong saw a dilapidated and ancient mountain gate, with three big gold characters written on it: Shuramen.

Chen Zong followed the information provided by King Shura and came to Tailuo City, and went directly to the Tianying Tower. This day Yingying Tower is located in the Taixuan Realm, which is the most informed force in the Taixuan Realm.

If you want to know what news, just ask Tianyinglou directly. Of course, you have to pay the corresponding fees. The amount of fees is closely related to the hidden and precious information.

If even Tianyinglou does not know the news, then it is almost impossible for others to know. Except for some hidden secrets that belong to each powerful martial art, only those who are the masters of each martial art are often qualified to know.

The ancient Solomon that Chen Zong asked was not a secret or precious news, so the cost was not much.

Now, Chen Zong is coming.


Not the ancient Shuramon!

This is caused by a change many years ago. The sectarianism has fallen, and its name is no longer glorious.

From the broken stairs and the broken ancient gates, and the two spirits of the disciples who leaned on the gates, Chen Zong can see that the situation of Shuramon or the ancient Shuramon was not good, and even said, Quite bad, bad.

Chen disciples were also seen by two disciples guarding the mountain gate.


There were no martial signs on the robes.

In an instant, the two could see clearly, immediately stood upright, with a smile on their faces.

"Hello, what's your suggestion to come to Shuram?" The disciple on the right asked, humble and humble.

Chen Zong is called His Excellency because Chen Zong looks very young and is about the same age as them.

"Xiu Luomen, do you recruit disciples?" Chen Zong asked with a smile.

Chen Zong has already learned about the news and various circumstances of ancient Solomon, that is, modern Solomon.

Wind and rain shake!

Then, you should do everything you can to fulfill the king ’s last wish and revive the ancient Shuramon, at least, let it continue, instead of dissolving and disappearing in time.

So how to save it?

At least, be one of them.

When the two disciples guarding the mountain gate heard it, they were completely stunned.

Is this coming to worship?


What they heard and saw during this period of time was that the sects and brothers in the martial arts were leaving the martial arts, some were dug away by other martial arts, some were detached from worshiping other martial arts themselves, and some were left there. To make a living.

In short, no matter which one, only the people who walked, but did not come to worship the gate.

Therefore, these two people will feel incredible and be so surprised.

"Why? Doesn't Shu Luomen accept disciples now?" Chen Zong asked again.

"Sir, do you have any idea of ​​the current situation of our Shuramon?" The disciple on the right asked immediately.

"I heard it," Chen Zong said.

"Then, Your Excellency should also know that the current Shuramon is swaying by storm, and disciples are constantly leaving. Now the rest of the martial arts, from the elders of the door to the disciples, are only a few dozen people. I do n’t know when they will be dissolved. Say it again.

Some people want to worship the introductory group, of course, it is a good thing, but now the situation of the martial arts, the other party has heard about it, but they want to come to worship the introductory group ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is not the same.

If you really worship the martial arts and regret to leave, it will be a blow.

There is another concern.

"Sir, tell your true purpose." The disciples on the left became cold, filled with a domineering atmosphere, and immediately locked Chen Zong. There was a kind of evil wave in the atmosphere, although it was very subtle.

Obviously, in this case, no normal person will come to worship the intro, unless it has a different purpose.

Chen Zong's move is naturally questionable.

Suddenly locked by two wicked breaths, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, because the two men's cultivation was very low, only a half-step holy level, and there was a big difference between them. .

How can an ant shake an elephant?

"I sincerely want to worship Shulomon, and please inform me." Chen Zongwei smiled.

Under the impact of the two's momentum, their looks remained the same, and they immediately made them look dignified.

"Also, I will inform the elders and see what purpose you have." The disciple on the left hummed, and immediately took out something and transmitted it to the elders in the martial arts.

After a while, a tyrannical breath appeared and approached at an alarming speed. Chen Zong also saw a figure appearing at the top of the steps, as if a streamer glanced down quickly.

The fluctuations in his breath let Chen Zong know that this is a strong man who has entered the sanctuary. Well, at least for many practitioners, he is a strong man.

Of course, it's nothing to yourself.

After all, Chen Zong's practice of Qi cultivation has reached the level of the ninefold limit of entering the sacred realm.

This is an old man, an old man in a gray robe with a cold look, his eyes flickered with cold light, he shot in the air, and stared.

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