Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 9: 1 case in 1 sword town (6)

Over the gate of Shuramen Mountain, the two streamers approached from different directions quickly and then converged.

"Yang Ming, what are you doing here?" The young man with a red frown in his eyes slightly wrinkled, smiling and staring at the same time in different directions, said coldly.

"You can come, I can come naturally." Yang Ming smiled mildly, but his words were sharp.

"Huh." Ling Tianyu snorted coldly, turning into a sharp streamer, rushing to the main hall of Xiuluomen.

Yang Ming smiled suddenly, and flew away towards the main hall of Xiuluomen without any worries.

When Ling Tianyu approached the hall of Xiuluomen, a domineering breath suddenly swept away, and the breath with a trace of fiery heat seemed to infiltrate the hearts of everyone, igniting the heart's blood and burning it.

"Who is noisy." The three elders flew out of the sky with arrogance.

Immediately, the pupils of the three elders contracted like needles, staring at each other.

"Ling Tianyu, what's your suggestion to come to Xiuluomen?" The three elders sank, with a bit of vigilance in their tone.

The three elders know this Ling Tianyu quite well, because Ling Tianyu is a master of several younger generations in the tens of thousands of miles of Da Luocheng, and his strength is stronger than many older generations.

Ling Tianyu shouldered his hands and looked down at the three elders, his eyes flashed red and blue, and in his capacity, he could ignore everything of this Shuramon.

After all, he is among the top three among the disciples of Xinxinmen. Among the young people in Daluocheng, he is also ranked very high and has amazing strength, even if he is placed in a stronger ancestral gate than Tianluozong. Can also become the core disciple ranks, but the genius of Tianjiao level, the genius level reaches the king level.

Not only is his own talents superb and powerful, but his heart-burning gate is one of the three top forces in Daluocheng. I don't know how many times he will beat Xiuluomen.

Moreover, the person who wounded the elder was this Master Ling Tianyu.

All these things made the three elders very familiar with Ling Tianyu.

"I heard that there was a Tianjiao disciple coming back from Shu Luomen, and called out for me to see." Ling Tianyu said unceremoniously, as if he was a mediocre person at home. This attitude of arrogance and impulse changed the look of the three elders slightly. Angered.

At this time, another figure was approaching at the same time, making the three elders stunned.

Yang Ming!

This Yang Ming is no less inferior to Ling Tianyu, who is different from Ling Tianyu, who is so high-profile, and more low-key, but also makes some old rivers and lakes more daunting.

"I heard that Xiuluomen returned one day with great strength and unpredictability. Yang was curious and came here for a visit." Yang Ming's words were more polite and personable than Ling Tianyu.

"Falsehood." Ling Tianyu looked disdainful.

Yang Ming didn't seem to hear the same and ignored it.

"The second elder of the door is closing, please forgive me," the three elders groaned.

"Second elder." Ling Tianyu and Yang Ming were slightly surprised.

"Yes," the three elders said in a positive tone, but did not intend to explain more: "Please come back, two people."

"Toasting without eating and drinking." Ling Tianyu was furious, with a pervasive breath, as if a storm that burned the heavens and the earth swept away. The amazing pressure was on the hearts of the three elders, and it seemed to ignite the heat in the heart and the heart. Burning generally: "If it doesn't come out, I'll beat you out."

As soon as the voice fell, Ling Tianyu suddenly lifted a palm, the palms of countless vigour condensed, a bit of redness swirling like blood, and then, like blood dripping into the water, it opened up.


Ling Tianyu ruthlessly banged on the elders with a relentless palm, making the elders' complexion suddenly change.

This Ling Tianyu's practice is not weak, and he has reached the seventh level of entering the sanctuary. His practice is even more holy, and his strength is not comparable to the three elders.

The three elders broke out with all their strengths. They were in shape and stretched with one punch, condensing all of them, and suddenly burst out.

The punches are amazing, they are so terrible that they blast out like a meteor breaking through the sky, seeming to break the sky.

But in an instant, this amazing punch was smashed by Ling Tianyu's outrageous palm, and the terrible palm strength was smashed and killed like a bamboo, directly hitting the three elders.

The gap is very obvious. The three elders flew back more than ten meters, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

This is why Ling Tianyu did not use his full strength. If he did it with all his strength, this palm would be enough to kill the three elders.

Seeing that his palm was blocked, Ling Tianyu did not hesitate to take another shot, and the second palm shot out strongly.

The power of this palm seems to be much stronger than the previous one. Even the three elders in the heyday could not resist, and they would be killed directly, let alone the three elders who were not badly damaged.

The three elders could not retreat. Behind him was the main hall of Shuramon, not to mention that even if he wanted to avoid it, he was too late.

break out!

Full strength erupted again, regardless of the injury, and it was blocked if it could not be blocked, even if it was dead.

Now there are two elders, and Shuramon has hope, even if he dies now, he will die well.

The mighty palm smashed the mountain like a blast, as if one sky collapsed, and was about to kill the three elders. The sound of whirling shocked all directions. It was very scary, but Yang Ming didn't intend to intervene Instead, he looked on, with a slight smile on his face, as if watching a farce.

A horrible blow came, an astonishing coercion, and when the air was killed, that pressure seemed to make the heart burst.

This palm made the three elders despair.

At the moment of the crisis of life and death, a black sword light passed silently across the sky, passing by the three elders.

There was a faint vocal sound, and the immense violent palm strength was penetrated in an instant, and in a hurry, it quickly disintegrated like a pierced balloon.

That sword of light smashed through the sky like a broken bamboo, like a dark aurora, and like a dark shooting star.



Yang Ming froze slightly, his face staggered.

Ling Tianyu also changed his look. Immediately, his eyes became colder, a little red bloom bloomed, like a swirling volute, as if burning heart.


The third palm burst out!

With this palm, ten successes erupted, smashing blood for the heart.

One palm blasted out, the red light spread over the world, and it seemed to drive the anger and anger of the birth spirit, making people become restless, and then affecting their own strength.

Under the influence of the three elders, the heart was beating with blood disorders, and the feeling of palpitations made him almost suffocate. It seemed that his blood was going to burn.

Unexpectedly, this Ling Tianyu practiced the heart-burning blood palm to such a realm.

The palm that came out of the bombardment was so powerful that it seemed to collapse the void, making Yang Ming secretly startled.

This Ling Tianyu's strength is even more powerful.

This mighty palm should have broken that black sword light, but the result was dazzling.

The dark sword light was condensed to the extreme, not only was it not crushed, but in turn penetrated that one palm force. The terrible power did not know what mystery was contained, and it even caused the strength of that palm to quickly disintegrate.

The inky sword penetrated everything like a bamboo strand, killing Ling Tianyu mercilessly.

Suddenly in danger, Ling Tianyu deserved to be a king-level Tianjiao, and an instant burst of amazing power broke out.

This half point is the distance between life and death.

This is so. Ling Tianyu's shoulder socket was also penetrated by the dark sword light, and the whole person was pushed back by dozens of meters by force.

Amazing sword air quickly spread from the shoulder sockets, raging the whole body, just feeling that his entire left arm seemed to be smashed from the inside, it was extremely painful.

Ling Tianyu looked fierce and fierce, but did not dare to stay half a minute. Taking advantage of his retreat, he broke out at full speed and turned into a streamer.

That sword was too strong, to the point where it was difficult for him to resist, it was not a level gap at all.

If you continue to stay, there is no guarantee that you will not be killed.

Yang Ming didn't leave. After all, he didn't take a shot and didn't intend to kill, but he was shocked.

One sword!

Just killing a sword light without seeing the figure, he defeated Ling Tianyu's two attacks and wounded him, making him have to flee.

The three elders were also relieved.

Almost killed himself, but the second elder shot in time.

Sure enough, the strength of the second elder was really overwhelming, just a sword of light, and Ling Tianyu was shot back.

He had a feeling that this was not the full strength of the second elder, but only part of it. As for why he did not kill the other party, he wanted to have his own consideration.

In fact ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this stage, it is not appropriate for Shuramon to provoke a strong enemy.

If this Ling Tianyu is to be killed, it will anger the heart-burning gate, and it will not be a good thing for Xiuluomen to move by then.

Although Chen Zong is fearless, he is unwilling to do so. After all, the true enemy is King Luoshu's former friend: King Rakshasa.

The strength of King Raksha then was very strong. It is hard to say how strong it is in the past thousands of years.

Unfortunately, in the Tianying Tower, Chen Zong did not inquire into the details of King Rakshasa. He only knew that he had appeared hundreds of years ago and had a seven-star combat power. Now he has disappeared for hundreds of years.

I don't know if I left the border of Da Luocheng or closed the door.

All in all, the current behavior is no longer the unbridledness of his own single sword, but also needs to consider the ability of Shuramon.

Therefore, Chen Zong did not directly kill Ling Tianyu with this sword, but the pure evil spirit left behind was enough to make the other party extremely uncomfortable. It was not easy to evict him, even if it was heartburning Most of the gates are difficult to get into the sanctuary.

If it could not be dispelled, then Ling Tianyu would always be tortured by that extremely incisive sword-burning qi, which would not be much better than that of the elder Xiuluomen.

Sometimes it is simpler to kill the other person directly. This kind of torture is even more devastating.

It is torturing the other side, and it will not directly anger the heartburn of the heart, killing two birds with one stone, why not do it.

"I'm Yang Ming's disciple Yang Ming. I came to visit the second elder on the orders of the Master." This time, Yang Ming's expression was quite right, and his tone was a little dignified.

(Tomorrow will be released in the public account of the Kendo Monopoly Fan, please watch, remember to pay attention to the public account: six road sinking, like it the first time)

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