Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 10: 1 case in 1 sword town (7)

Da Luomen, like Burning Heart Gate, is a superior force in the territory of Tailo City, with strong strength and deep foundation, far from being comparable to Shuramen.

Of course, the two differ by one word, and the momentum has nothing to do with each other.

From the stand of Xiuluomen, Daluomen, Chen Zong still had to give some face.

Yang Ming just felt that there was a flash of light in front of his eyes. Immediately, a figure appeared in front of him, and the sudden speed appeared, shocking him.

If the other party has to deal with themselves, I'm afraid they can't react.

When the heart was dark, Yang Ming looked at the other party quickly, and was more and more shocked.

So young!

It seems to be younger than himself.

His own strength and that of Ling Tianyu are actually between Bo Zhong, the other party seems to be younger than himself, but he can defeat Ling Tianyu and make him take the initiative to retreat.

This also shows that the strength of the other party is only to be above themselves.

Yang Ming is cautious by nature and has to be careful about this.

A mild and eager smile appeared on his face, and Yang Ming immediately arched his hand and said, "I have seen the Second Elder, and the Second Elder was so amazed that Yang Ming was impressed."

"Your Master asked you to come to me, why?" Chen Zong didn't think half way with the other side. Although he might be inferior to the other side in terms of age, he was far better than the other side in experience. The son saw that this man was not a superficial person, but a profound man of the city.

For such people, Chen Zong has always been unhappy.

Moreover, the two are not familiar with each other, it is the first time to meet, let alone the other, naturally there is something to say.

Yang Ming hesitated for a moment. He had such a city-like words. Every word he said was reserved, and it contained multiple meanings, which made people speculate. Then he jumped into the pit he dug and the rhythm was mastered by him.

However, Chen Zong's response did not seem to follow the routine of playing cards, as if a sword was directly assassinated, sharp and direct.

Having settled down, Yang Ming quickly responded: "My Master is the second elder of Solomon. I heard that one of the Solomon's remnants was returned from Tianjiao, and he was specifically ordered to come and visit me and invite him to be a guest. I Da Luomen likes Tianjiao like the second elder most. "

"I'll go when I'm free." Chen Zong responded, still so direct and sharp, asking Yang Ming to open his mouth and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Immediately, Yang Ming said again: "The second elder should have heard a sentence: shallow water can't raise a true dragon, the second elder is so young but has such cultivation and strength. If he is talented, he can be like a true dragon if he can enter the sea. Generally travel in all directions. "

What he didn't say was very direct, but Chen Zong could also hear that the other party was saying that Shuramon was just shallow water and could not support him.

Another important meaning is that Da Luo Men is the deep sea. It is the correct way for Chen Zongdang to leave Da Shu Men and join Da Luo Men.

"If you can't raise a real dragon in shallow water, then you will turn it into the deep ocean." Chen Zongbu Xubuji responded.

Yang Ming felt unable to continue talking.

Each answer from the other side is not controlled by his own rhythm.

"The second elder has ambitious ambitions, and Yang admires it." Yang Ming could only laugh, regardless of the other's age, strength, or the way he talked. It was beyond his expectation. If he continued to talk, it would only be bad for himself and fall. In the downwind.

"Since the second elder had this ambition, Yang Ming went back to confess to Master." Yang Ming said, "However, it is sincere and sincere for my Master to invite the second elder to Da Luomen, and I hope the second elder will arrange the time."

After speaking, before Chen Zong answered, Yang Ming immediately cast himself into a streamer and quickly left.

Chen Zong also looked back and looked at the three elders.

"Elder Three, how is your injury?"

"No problem." The three elders laughed, but inside he was very happy.

The second elder was really powerful. It was really the lucky star of Shuramon and the hope of Shuramon.

Chen Zong took a bottle of healing elixir to the three elders.

Today's Shuluomen is not just rainy and windy, and the mountains are scarce. As for Chen Zong, he has killed many powerful enemies and gained a lot of opportunities. Therefore, there are many elixir in the ring and the quality They are all very good and of poor quality.

"Thank you very much." The three elders were even more pleased.

"Three elders, you should heal yourself, and then switch to Gongfa by the way." After Chen Zong's thoughts turned, he said, "This time, I will guard Shuramen."

"Okay." The three elders nodded and agreed.

My own strength is too weak, so I should improve it. I believe that as long as the successful transfer of exercises, my own strength will be stronger, only good for the martial arts.

The second elder was so powerful that he guarded him, and Xiuluomen became the most powerful.

"I'll try to get out of the customs before the Tailuo Club begins." The three elders immediately took the healing medicine and the three evil spirits from Chen Zong to retreat.

Then, Chen Zong also found the doorkeeper and asked him to retreat and practice.

In this way, only one of the strong men in Shuramon was Chen Zong, but it was enough.

Even if it is a half-step sage-level strong strike, as long as it does not exceed three-star combat power, you can resist yourself.

The current Shuramen will not provoke a half-step grand holy strong.

Then, as long as it is not a half-step sage-level strong strike, how many come into the sacred realm, Chen Zong is not afraid, with a sword in his hand, it is enough to keep Shuramon and keep it stable, and it will not destroy it. .

The master and the two elders successively closed the retreat to practice the exercises. Chen Zong wanted to guard the Shura Gate. Naturally, he could not retreat, but he could part of his mind to understand the mystery of the heaven and earth stone carvings.

Now, in order to reach the ninth limit of entering the holy realm, if he breaks through, it is a half-step holy level. At this point, Chen Zong does not want to break through so quickly. At least, he has to wait until he defeats the ninth place of Miguang. Behind the powerful enemies.

Otherwise, if you break through yourself, the other party will surely break through, and it will be more powerful and difficult to deal with.

The improvement of the cultivation practice is difficult if there is not enough resources.

So what is going to be promoted now is the Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong, Taoism, and swordsmanship. In addition, it is the mystery of the strong enemy in the ninth realm of Miguang.

While enlightening, Chen Zong gathered all the disciples of Shu Luomen.

What is it about gathering disciples?

Naturally it is to enhance the strength of the disciples.

Burning Shura Gong cannot be taught for the time being. At least, this is the method of Zhenzong as Shuramen. It cannot easily be taught, otherwise it will be easily leaked.

But in addition to the exercises, instructing the opponent's martial arts is also an improvement.

Among the nearly 30 disciples of Xiuluomen, the highest one is the one who enters the sacred realm, named Xin Yuan. His age is already over a hundred. At this age, he ca n’t be challenged. Hou class genius.

Xin Yuan practiced his sword, and Chen Zong let him use his sword.

Xin Yuan's swordsmanship performed fairly well. There was nothing strange about it, but it had a benefit. It was solid, maybe it had something to do with the character of the opponent. The solid swordsmanship allowed him to use that holy grade swordsmanship. Cultivation is very stable, near Dacheng.

"You're listening." Chen Zong said at once, and began to point out. Xin Yuan's temperament was warm and loyal, his heart was calm, and he couldn't help feeling excited.

Under some guidance, Xin Yuan only felt that he had found an opportunity to break through, and immediately cast his sword skills. The power of the sword skills became more and more amazing, and he had achieved great success.

As an elder, and with the intention of reviving Xiuluomen, Chen Zong naturally would not care for all of them and only care about Xin Yuan.

Nearly thirty disciples were all deeply instructed by Chen Zong, and each one gained something. Whether it was to improve or martial arts breakthrough, their strength has been improved a lot.

Disciples are naturally grateful for this.

As for the three deacons, Chen Zong also summoned them.

The deacon's authority was not enough to cultivate Shao Shugong, so Chen Zong still instructed them in martial arts and so on, so that they had made some progress.


Inside the heart-burning gate, the three elders are shooting with all their strength to expel Ling Tianyu's extremely pure burning sword energy.

However, the sword-burning qi was too pure and extremely tenacious, so that the three elders who had been cultivated in the ninth stage of the sanctuary had no time to do it.

Alas, a spit of blood spewed out of Ling Tianyu's mouth, and his complexion became paler.

The three elders had to take back their skills and looked gloomy.

"You hold on, I'll ask the elders and the second elder to help." The three elders said in a deep voice.

The second elder's cultivation is the peak of Nine-folded Holy Land, while the elder is stronger, but the limit of Nine-folded Holy Land. Together, the three can defeat the extremely tenacious sword spirit in Ling Tianyu's body ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ After Yang Ming returned to Da Luo Men, he immediately reported what happened to Elder Master Shizhuang.

"Yang Ming, in your opinion, what about the newly-appointed elder Shuramen?" The elder Daluomen groaned. He knew the temperament of his disciples, and knew his mind, so he trusted his judgment.

Yang Ming did not answer immediately, but groaned.

After he left, he kept thinking about it, and he became more and more unfathomable.

"Unfathomable." Yang Ming said slowly, solemnly: "If you are an enemy, you should use all your strength to kill it completely without leaving a trace of vitality, otherwise ... there will be endless troubles!"

The last four words, called the second elder Luomeng face suddenly changed.

"Watch it," the elder finally said.

In the final analysis, Da Luomen did not do anything bad to Xiuluomen, and did not worry about revenge with the other party. On the other hand, there are many great masters with great knowledge and no fear, just not willing to provoke unnecessary Trouble.

What's more, it is not the style of Da Luomen to use the entire martial arts master to kill others without injustice.

In addition, there have been many forces that have been targeting Shuramon over the years. Now, Shuramon seems to have some hope of rising. Although not strong, it will also touch some people's nerves.

Not quite flat!

I just don't know if Shuramon can hold on to the beginning of Tailuo.

Within the boundaries of Da Luocheng, it seems that there is a little undercurrent because of the new second elder of Shu Luomen.

For the superior and top forces, Shuramon has one more or one less master. Unless it is a half step grand priest, it will have little effect, but for the lower and middle forces, it is a little different.

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