Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 11: Cut off the traitor without taking the sword (1)

There are dozens of peaks on the Tailu Mountain. Almost every peak has a gate standing on it, and there are not a few influential forces in the city. There are hundreds of high and low levels.

Among the hundreds of influential sectarian forces, Shuramon today can only be regarded as the bottom, not only the number of masters is not as high as other forces, but even the level of the disciples is not as good as other forces.

Of course, if it is compared with those who do not enter the market, it has to overcome a lot, at least in the strength of the master. As for the level of the disciples, there is no advantage.

For the sake of Chen Zong, Shuramon, which was about to disintegrate in the storm, was like a new year, and revived a trace of vitality. This vitality was condensed on every elder, every deacon, every disciple, and slowly strengthened, just like The fire of the stars will turn into the flames of Kashihara with the passage of time, releasing a great deal of light and heat.

Chen Zong, while enlightening, instructed disciples of Xiuluomen to practice.

These twenty-nine disciples, even if they did not fall down, did not leave, and this loyalty is worthy of key training, even if their talents are relatively ordinary.

Common talents also have their benefits, especially after the failure of Shuramon, one by one, the mind becomes more tenacious and stable. This is only good for cultivation, but not bad.

Coupled with Chen Zong's real guidance, everyone's progress is good.

Chen Zong is like a famous teacher. The great gap in the realm, the superb understanding and the sharp vision allow Chen Zong to see through the other party's strengths and weaknesses in an instant, and then point out, strengthen the strengths, make up for the weaknesses, and improve the strength.

Every day, the disciples felt that they were making progress, and the fire of inner hope became stronger and stronger.

Although Shuramon still looks so broken, his breath is completely different. There is no half decadence, and some are just thriving and vigorous, like the rising sun rising.

Time passed slowly, the doorkeeper and the two elders were still in retreat. It was not easy to change the practice, although it has a solid foundation and the same characteristics of the practice and the Tianshadan gifted by Chen Zong. It is also impossible to complete the repair in a very short time.

However, Chen Zong estimates that it should be possible before the Tero Club begins, after all, it is about half a year before the Taro Club starts.

"This Shuramon seems to be a little different from the past." In the distance, three figures were flying at an astonishing speed, and in the distance they felt the change of Shuramon.

In the past, it seemed that there was a layer of decadent atmosphere, just like the twilight of the sunset and the western mountains. It was frustrating, unmotivated, and deadly, like an old man who was about to die.

But now, far away, the mountain is still the mountain, the temple is still the temple, but the breath has swept away the decadence of the past, becoming active and full of vitality.

"It seems that this so-called new second elder is very capable."

"It is good to have the ability, only to have value worth us to draw."

"Yes, as long as you pull it in, Shuramon will definitely not fall again."

"Six elders, you were also the elder of Shuramon. Do you feel unbearable when you do this?" The voice was a little ridiculous.

"The old man has long been separated from Shuluomen, and there is no longer any relationship. Now, the old man is the six elders of Tiewumen." The original elders of Luomeng three and now the six elders of Tiegumen said coldly.

In the sound of discussion, the three divine voices came with a domineering breath, descended on the top of Shuramon Mountain, and fell in front of the main hall, but did not land, but stood in the midst of the sky, overlooking from a height.

At this moment, a disciple of Shu Luomen and three deacons are gathering in the open space in front of the hall for cultivation and accepting the instructions of Chen Zong.

The arrival of these three figures surprised the deacon of Shu Luomen and a disciple, but Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, and they had already felt their breath long before.

What surprised Chen Zong was that the breath fluctuations pervading one of the three figures were truly the breath fluctuations of the strength of Xiulong.

At an instant, Chen Zong knew the identity of this person.

"Who's coming?" Chen Zong asked.

"I am the four elders of Tiewumen." The old man in a black robe carried his hands.

"I am the five elders of Tiewumen." The same old man in a black robe, but a bit thinner, had a somewhat high posture.

"I am the sixth elder of Tiewumen." The last man, the old man in a gray robe, looked indifferent.

"The six elders of Tiewumen, why did I cultivate Salomon Dasha Shugong?" Chen Zong asked this knowingly.

None of the disciples and the three deacons spoke. On the contrary, after hearing the words of Chen Zong, they suddenly raised a point of expectation in their hearts, and they themselves could not tell what was expected.

"What kind of exercises is the old man practicing and what is it to do with you?" The elders of Tiewumen six said a little while, and then said indifferently.

"Dasha Shugong is my Xiulong practice, non-Sulmon people cannot practice it." Chen Zong stared at the other person and said, "You can abolish the practice right now, I can be the master and I will never blame it."

"His is the new second elder of Shuramon, and she is indeed young and extraordinary." The elder Tiewumen suddenly interrupted: "However, this Shuramon no longer sees any hope. With your talent and ability, you must have more Good whereabouts. "

"Water flows down, but people should go up high. This is the choice of talents." The four elders of Tiewumen laughed. "My six elders of Tiewumen are such a person. I believe, Your Excellency He is also a hero. "

"If Renjie is this kind of traitor, Chen can't afford it." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, his voice was a bit faint.

The word "traitor" suddenly made Shulumen a disciple's body shake, and the six elders of Tiewumen, the original elder Xiumen three, changed their expressions, and their eyes shot out with intense coldness.

The thing he hated the most over the years was hearing these two words.

Whether it is related to him or not, as long as someone says these two words, it will cause his anger.

Now, some people started to use these two words in front of him. The indescribable anger was mixed with the strongest murderous power, and suddenly burst out from the deepest part of his heart, straight into all directions, like a storm passing by.

This outrageous and direct anger killer rushed to Chen Zong without concealment.

Although there are some rumors about how powerful the new second elder of Shuramon ’s power is, what he heard was false and what he saw was true. Only by seeing and seeing it with his own eyes can he be truly certain.

In particular, the elder who was once a Shuramon rebelled, and his heart was even more reluctant to accept it.

"Six elders, don't be impulsive." The elder Tiewumen smiled. The purpose of his visit was to recruit the newly-appointed second elder of Shuluomen.

One, you can grow this door.

The second can weaken Shuramon.

"I have only one way for Salomon to treat traitors." In Chen Zong's tone, there was a trace of coldness and fierceness, as if immersed in the air. The three elders called Tiewumen suddenly shivered, seeming to feel When an astonishing chill swept through, the membrane was diffused and the whole body became cold.

what way?

There is no need to say a lot of words, everyone in the presence can understand.

The look of the six elders of Tiewumen suddenly changed, and the killing intention soared in an instant, becoming even more amazing.

Immediately, a punch came out.

Dasha Shugong's power poured into this fist as much as possible, and it filled with an astonishing shameful power.

Once the three elders of Shuramon, their cultivation has reached the level of the seventh middle stage of entering the sacred realm, and they have mastered a high-level shamanistic meaning, reaching six turns. This fist is the martial arts Shura Ning of the top grade. Shaquan, powerful.

He punched out with one punch, and did not intend to keep his hand, but turned out to kill Chen Zong directly.

The four elders and five elders of Tiewumen did not take any action to block them. Although their purpose was to solicit each other, the other party was so uninterested that they provoked the six elders, and of course they would not be wicked and offend the six elders.

After all, the strength of the six elders is not inferior to them, or even flat.

In the face of this punch, all the disciples changed their looks, feeling only that amazing coercion, they seemed to be suppressed, and the amazing momentum contained in them seemed to be torn and torn apart.

However, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, as if he could not react to this punch.

Until that punch hit him in front of him, the dark sword light suddenly flashed. I don't know when Shen Yejian was out of the sheath.

One sword!

A dark sword light directly penetrates the power of Shura Ningshaquan. It is like a broken bamboo, broken like a dark meteor, and instantly penetrates the air of the six elders of Tiewumen, completely breaking through the holy spin, as if being punctured Like a balloon, a power leaked quickly.

At the moment, the second dark sword light flashed suddenly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The sword was already sheathed.

The six elders of Tiewumen stood in the midst of the sky, and a little blood red suddenly appeared at the center of his eyebrows, and immediately, his body fell.

With a bang, the dust was flying.

The six elders of Tiewumen fell to the ground and remained motionless with no breath.


Two sword lights!

It's just two swords, very fast and fast as if they were two lightning meteors.

One sword, revise the opponent's body.

A sword, assassination of the opponent's eyebrows.


The four elders and five elders of Tiewumen were all chilled and cold, letting them rush straight out of their hearts, trembling uncontrollably, and Yaguan trembling uncontrollably.

They were shocked!

Originally I thought that the opponent might be very good, but it was just good. I didn't expect that just two swords would kill the six elders who had been restored to the Seventh Place.

No, if the opponent wants to kill, maybe only one sword is needed.

One sword is enough.

The reason for the two swords is that the first sword is to abolish the opponent ’s practice, and the second sword is to kill it.

As for why this is the case, the four elders and five elders of Tiewumen vaguely speculate, but they are not so sure.

"Release news, anyone who betrays Shuramon knows it." Chen Zong's eyes were dark, as if the four elders and five elders of Tiewumen were to sink into Nine Hell, and the voice came into the ear with a hint of chill. Center: "Within ten days, I will come to Shuramon to plead guilty and self-defeated the exercises. When I can survive, I will accept the forces of this traitor, and I will hand over a thousand days of Yuandan as compensation.

(Du Shenfanwai has been released on the public account, everyone pays attention to the public account: six road sinking, you can read it)

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