Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 12: Cut off the traitor without taking the sword (2)

It took thousands of years from ancient Shuramon to Shuramon. Many things, big and small, happened a lot. Every thing kept the ancient Shuramon declining, and eventually became Shuramon.

The biggest incident should be the disappearance of King Gusula, and the suppression of King Rakshasa, which plummeted, but in just a hundred years, Gusuramon fell, from the top power to the top power, and quickly fell For middle power.

At that time, the honor of the ancient Shuramon could not be maintained at all, and it could only be renamed as Shuramon. Even under the circumstances and pressure, it could only be moved from Shura Peak to the second-class peak.

Later, because of another accident, the master in the door was killed and injured, and his strength dropped again, becoming inferior, and he could only relocate here.

Too long, Chen Zong could not pursue, and did not intend to pursue, it was countless, and I did not know how much time and energy it would take.

However, after the relocation of Shuramon to this lowest and most remote mountain peak, he was repeatedly suppressed, but it had to be liquidated.

The original Shuramon had five elders and one doorkeeper, but now there are only the doorkeeper and two elders, and Chen Zong is not included.

In other words, three elders were not in Shuramon.

The two elders were killed by other strong men. This grudge will be counted later.

As for the three elders and the four elders, they saw that Xiuluomen was declining sooner or later and were tempted by other schools. Eventually, they defected from Shulomen to join other schools, and also took away some fairly good disciples.

Under the elders, there are deacons. Originally, there were more than a dozen deacons of Solomon, but now there are only three. In addition to the few who died in the battle, there are eight defiances.

As for the disciples, there were hundreds of disciples after the fall of Shu Luomen. Among them, there were more than a dozen disciples at the sacred level, not the current one.

In addition, there are a lot of disciples and transcendent disciples.

Some of these disciples felt hopeless and left the martial arts. They disappeared. Some talents are better, but they are joined by other martial arts, while others are hopeful. They go out and look for opportunities to break through. He became stronger, and intended to revive Salomon, but it seemed to disappear. There was no news for a few years.

Counting down, there are two elders, eight deacons and nine disciples in the holy realm, and hundreds of semi-holy and transcendental disciples who have defected from Shuramon and joined other martial arts.

These people have rebelled against Salomon, but the practice of Shuramon is still in use.

After all, Dasha Shugong is a sacred-grade top-grade method, even if you join other martial arts, at most it is to obtain the sacred-grade top-grade method. There is no need to change it.

Today, the original three elders of Luomen were killed by Chen Zongyi. Chen Zong even made use of the four elders and five elders of Tiewumen to speak out.

The traitor will come to the door automatically, abolish the exercises and be alive.

The factional forces that house the traitors have to compensate Shulumen for a thousand days.

For the current Shuramon, one thousand days of Yuandan is not a small number. At least the current Shuramon cannot be obtained, unless he sells iron.

If it could be thousands of days more, the wealth of Shuramon would increase a lot.

Of course, thousands of days of Yuandan are obviously not enough for reviving Shuramon, but it is a good start.

What's more, all these are just Chen Zong's initial actions. When they will proceed step by step, they will continue to raise Shuramon from the spirit of spirit, and really cheer up.

The strength of one martial art and one power cannot be achieved by one person. Even the great sacred paradise can support one martial art and one power, but in case of leaving, there is no news for a long time. He is not strong enough, he will be stunned, even if he falls, he will even be destroyed.

Therefore, the true strong of the martial forces must not only have the strong to sit in the town, but also enough masters and Xeon beliefs.

If Chen Zong wanted to revive Salomon, he had to start from all aspects, and then he would be able to leave without concern.

The first step in reviving Xiuluomen is to let the doorkeeper and two elders repair the entire burned Shaulong, instruct the deacon and disciples.

As for the second step, Chen Zong originally hadn't fully planned it, and was still waiting, but since the rebellious three elders came to the door, they started with it.

For a time, all the forces in the borders of Daluo City received the news and became heated.

"So arrogant!"

"It's a big deal now."

"Suramon has long been battered, and now it is such a thing to come up that I really don't know.

"The new second elder is indeed not weak and talented, but he is still too young."

"This is intended to fight many forces with one's own power, it is too arrogant."

For a time, no one was optimistic, but ridiculed.

As for the factional forces that housed Deacon Shulman and his disciples, they were disdainful.

Even among the inferior forces, there are also many masters who sit in the town. At the end of the sacred period, there are at least as many as six or seven. Under the joint force, the strength is not weak.

If the other party really dares to come to the door, let the other party know how powerful it is.

After all, it is a shame to really hand over a person and pay a thousand days to pay for it.

Any power attaches great importance to their faces.

This face does not refer to good or bad, but prestige.

What is defined by good and bad is only a kind of belonging, and the strength of prestige is related to the development and inheritance of the martial arts.

Prestige is strong, and naturally you can recruit more disciples and better disciples, so that you can continue to inherit and continue to become strong, on the contrary, they will not be connected, as is the case with Shuramon now.

Shuramon's prestige is low. Whoever wants to join such a diminished martial art has no future at all.

Therefore, face is important and prestige is important.

These factional forces ignored Chen Zong's words. On the contrary, if Chen Zong did not come to the house ten days later, it would be another blow to the reputation of Xiuluomen.

And if you go to the door, even if it is the ninefold limit of entering the sacred realm, it will be difficult to obtain any benefit. After all, ten days is enough for each school to make a lot of preparations.

The ten-day period is actually very short, and all the factional forces are watching.

Will anyone send back those who leave Shuramon and give them a thousand yuan in these ten days?

If not, what would the young, newly promoted second elder of Shuramon do in ten days?

As if you never said that?

Or is it really coming to your door?

Even in the city of Tai Luo, there were even forces opening the market, and there were not a few people who bet.

"I think that after ten days, it should be as if I haven't said it. After all, it is better to lose face than to lose my life." Someone said.

"That's not necessarily the case, sometimes some people think they are talented and often can't tell the situation." Some people said.

No matter what views and opinions are, time is passing.

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

Chen Zong did not waste time, but he still enlightened and instructed the disciples of Xiuluomen.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed, but none of them came from the abolition of Gong Fa and compensation for a thousand days.

The news released that day may be seen as a joke.

Chen Zong was not depressed.

There are always some people who are lucky.

When I came to Xiulong to self-defeated Gongfa, I just abolished Gongfa, and the practice is still there. Although the strength will obviously decrease, as long as I practice other skills, it will take months or even years to recover.

This is the price of betrayal to take the initiative to come, but if you let yourself find the door, the consequences will be different.

It's not as easy as simple self-destructive exercises.

"You are so cultivating, I will come back when I go." After Chen Zong told his disciples, he turned into a streamer and went away quickly.

Maybe someone will come to your door to cause trouble while they are away, causing damage.

But Chen Zong couldn't stay there all the time. Shuramon had to reinvigorate. He couldn't do it alone. Others had to bear it.

The closest to the Shulomon Peak is the adjacent peak, which is separated by about a hundred miles from each other. It is fully opened at the speed of Chen Zong and can be reached within a short time. Even if it returns to Shulomon, it is only short Just a short time.

This martial art, called Jumubao, is like the inferior forces, and of course, the overall strength is much better than that of Solomon.

It can be said that among all the inferior forces, Shulomon was completely bottom, and even the inferior forces were not as good as the strength of the disciples.

Chen Zong did not follow the normal process, but flew directly to the main fort of the giant wooden castle, permeating the air.

This is the breath that belongs to Shao Shugong. It is pure and powerful, and it immediately shocked the people of Jumubao.



With a strong voice, the master of the giant wooden castle suddenly flew out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Facing Chen Zong, the arrogant breath swept through and came under pressure.

"Who are you?" An elder of Jumubao gazed at Chen Zong, locked in a domineering breath.

"Elder Xiuluomen." Chen Zongbu Xu Xuji responded.

"Elder Xiuluomen!" The elders of Jumubao suddenly changed their expressions, exclaiming.

"Why did you come to my giant wooden castle?" The elder of the giant wooden castle stared for a moment.

"The giant wooden castle houses five traitors of Shu Luomen." Chen Zongdao said with a cold look in his eyes: "I came, one punished the traitor, and the other asked for compensation."

The confessions of Shumen who were hosted by Jumubao were plain. They also used the means to dig in, and they would naturally ask for compensation.

"Please do not mistake yourself." The eyes of the three elders of this giant citadel were instantly frozen, and a ray of coldness burst out.

Suddenly, a number of figures appeared, a total of six, respectively, the owner of the giant wooden castle and the five elders, each of them permeated the sacred realm of the sacred realm with seven breaths, and locked Chen Zong.

"I only give you a chance." Chen Zong didn't seem to feel the lock of any breath. His face was light and clouded, but his eyes glowed with a touch of light.

This gesture immediately angered the owner and a elder of the giant wooden castle.

(Today in the public account: Six Ways of Destruction, the first chapter of the first God of God alone, everyone read it and expressed heartache, because the big brother Chu can't afford to eat meat, and his wife and children can't afford to raise it. Ah, Liu Dao is also intolerable. In this way, everyone gives a helping hand to give love and give a quick reward. Liu Dao will bring everyone's love. In addition, the lunch of Liu Dao and white bean porridge with tofu is leaked. Go out, pitiful, come and give love to Liu Dao too)

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