Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 15: Cut off the traitor without taking the sword (5)


Chun Lei appalled!


Burning Mountain Fist!

With a single blow, the power is extremely powerful and terrifying.

In the face of these two horrific attacks, Chen Zong looked slightly dignified, but he did not improve his cultivation, but only used a more powerful sword move.

Heaven and earth line!

Chen Zong naturally used his swordsmanship to express the infinite sword that was just cast.

However, in the world, Chen Zong has retained a lot of power and did not urge it. Rao is so powerful.

A sword was killed, and the surrounding area suddenly fell into the dimness and became blurred. Only the extremely dazzling black sword-man's hair was torn through the void and killed.

Without the slightest pause, the mighty palm that contains the terrible thunder and the boxing power that contains the astonishingly hot power are torn in an instant, like a bamboo.

At the moment of danger, the look of the nine strongest peak in the sanctuary changed dramatically, and he did not hesitate to burst out of full force, and even urged the secret method, so that his own speed surged to the level of the ninefold limit of the sanctuary. Flying away.

Indeed, he got a heavy invitation from Chun Lei Men, and he was paid, but he was not obliged to die with Chun Lei Men. This time the enemy was very strong, and he could not compete with himself, and it was terrible.

Just as he was distant away, Yu Guang's vision glanced at the elder elder of Chunleimen, which was torn by a slight sword-like sword-like gas, and he could not die any more.

This result was expected in the reason, and he was shocked. If he didn't leave, maybe he wouldn't.

Several watchers in the distance were horrified.

How could it be so!

How could it be so!

How could it be so!

The news here will definitely cause an amazing storm.

Chen Zong did not chase the person who had left, if it was not bad, then he would meet again soon, and then resolve it.

Now, it is first to solve the matter of Chunleimen.

Too Elder!


Five elders!

All were killed, and Chunlei Gate was up and down.

But no one dared to disobey Chen Zong's will, for fear of being killed.

There were four people kneeling in front of Chen Zong, each looking downcast, with a pale face and despair in his eyes.

Of these four, one was a deacon and three were a disciple. They were also deacons and disciples of Shuramon.

At that time, they were so beautiful, they abandoned Shuramon severely, and even betrayed some of the benefits of Shuramon and left.

For several years, Shuramon has fallen so quickly that he cannot be separated from these betrayers. While rebelling against the martial arts, he has also damaged the interests of Shuramon.

Maybe one person's injury is not much, but the multi-person injury is very amazing.

If it is simply to leave Shuramen and join other martial arts, although it is also a betrayal, at least, Chen Zong will not be held so deeply.

It is precisely because these people not only betrayed the martial arts, but also betrayed the interests of Shuramon either directly or indirectly, which led to the decline of Shuramon.

This is a sinner.

They are sinners, so they cannot be forgiven.

One flick of a finger, a sword energy divided into four, directly penetrated the sacred spins of the four people, abolished the exercises and cultivation practices, in this life, unless it is a great opportunity, you can no longer practice.

What if we can practice again?

Then, Chen Zong took the compensation for two thousand days of Yuandan from Chunleimen, and did not get one more point because of the death and injury of the master of Chunleimen. This is a principle.

The news of the Battle of Chunleimen suddenly turned into a storm, and it swept away instantly, spreading across the boundaries of Tailo City, shocking to the extreme.

At this moment, all the people clearly understood the cultivation of the new second elder of Salomon.

In the early stages of entering the sacred realm!

They are not very old, but they are really amazing, but even more amazing is their strength.

Really has the strength of the ninefold limit to enter the sacred realm. It seems that it is not the same. It will directly kill the strong men of Chunleimen, even if it is the second elder of the hundred forces of Barremen. Go away.


The storm is raging!

Chen Zong has already gone to the next inferior force.

Among the dozens of inferior forces within the territory of Tailo City, there are thirteen inferior forces that contain and damage the interests of Shulomon.

Today, five have been settled and eight remain.

Of these eight, three are still in Tailo Mountain, and the remaining five are located in Tailo City, which is relatively far away.

In addition, not only inferior forces, but also several medium forces.

There is even a superior force.

That first-class power was named Da Luomen.

It can be said that this second step is not easy to go, and even, it is difficult to go.

But to this day, Chen Zong can only go on.

Taking a step forward, there was absolutely no reason to look back.

Powerful, Chen Zong swept the other three schools.

These three schools did not end up like Chunleimen, but they were worse than the four schools before.

Like Chun Leimen, after today, it will disintegrate. After all, the factional forces are not good stubble, but wolves, tigers and leopards. Otherwise, Shuramen would not fall from the top forces to the bottom forces .

After picking four inferior forces, Chen Zong brought back eight thousand days of Yuandan, further enriching the financial resources of Shu Luomen.

The news was also quickly introduced to Shulomon, further encouraging his disciples.

"How could this be!"

For a time, the five inferior forces in Daluo City were horrified, and their strength was not better than Chunleimen.

"What should I do?"

"Do you really want me to wait for the disciples to be surrendered, do I have to pay compensation?"

Who wants to pay for such disciples when they surrender actively?

Even when Chen Zong showed amazing strength at this moment, no one was willing to do so, it was really a form of humiliation and a great loss.

Must find a way.

It is indeed feasible to invite the strong to sit in town, but as far as it seems, the effective way is to invite half-step big holy strong.

However, what inferior forces do you use to invite the half-step grand saints?

Not enough to make them emotional.

"I have a proposal to take the initiative." One of the inferior powers' eyes twinkled brightly, said Ningsheng.


"Only when we take the initiative to strike together, I am afraid that it will be difficult to obtain much benefit. Even if we can, we will have serious injuries."

After all, according to detailed information, the strength of the Elder Shuramon II was indeed terrible. Maybe their five forces could win together, but it would also cause great damage and be very unfavorable.

"Certainly it wasn't because of us. It wasn't just us, but the middle forces, too. You said, if you watch us, will Elder Shuramon not focus on those middle forces ? "

"what do you mean……"

"I see. It is best to unite those middle forces, and it is best to unite with Da Luomen and wipe out Shuramen in one fell swoop."

The original Xiuluomen went to the west at sunset. Therefore, a single force did not kill, and was unwilling to bear the name of a massacre.

But now, the other party is doing so, even the master of Chunleimen said kill and kill, and they have seriously threatened them.

It's not good to be ruthless.

Otherwise, the second elder Shuramon is so young, once his cultivation reaches the ninefold limit of entering the sacred realm, his strength is afraid of extreme horror.

Suddenly, the five inferior powers immediately took action and united with other middle powers.

There were four medium-sized forces that violated Shulumen's interests, including Yinhemen, Bailiemen, Tianxiangmen, and Lei's.

Among them, Yinhemen, Bailiemen, and Lei's family had been dispatched before. At that time, when Chen Zong arrived at Xiuluomen, for the sake of just arriving, Chen Zong and his heavy hands, so that his strength was not affected. See clearly.

This time, I can see clearly, especially the second elder of Bailiemen, who has the cultivation of the peak of the Ninth Place of the Holy Land, is still unbeatable, and can only erupt the secret law to escape far away. It is even more important.

Well, once they come to the door, they may be killed, but there is no guarantee that they will not lose.

Anyone who dies any master is a loss.

The joint action proposed by the five inferior powers was accepted in a short time.

Now that it is accepted, everything will be better arranged.

It's an emergency, and no one knows tomorrow ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Will the second elder of Shuramon kill directly in the city of Tailo, so they must take the initiative to go to Shuramon.

"This time, don't blame our ruthlessness." The elders of Bailemen erupted an astonishing murderous shot.

"Yes, either do not move, or you must use enough powerful force to destroy it directly to prevent future troubles." The elder of Bailiemen yelled, he was invited by Chunleimen heavily, and the result was hurried Escaping, after the news was released, there was a hint of irony, which made him angry, and he became more resentful towards Chen Zong.

"Now, led by the elder, the two elders and the three elders are traveling together, and must join other forces to kill Chen Xiu and then remove Xiuluomen." The leader of Bailiemen directly ordered.

The eldest elder is the strongest person who has entered the sanctuary, and the second elder is the peak of the ninth, and the three elders are inferior, but they also have the cultivation in the middle of the ninth.

Medium forces are not comparable to inferior forces. They are not only higher than inferior forces at the level of the strong, they also exceed the number of strong.

For example, in the Bailie Men, there are more than a dozen strong men in the late stage of the Holy Land, which is more than ten of those inferior forces.

This time, the four major and medium forces joined forces with the five inferior forces together, and if the big Romans were not good enough, they would call out the strong. By then, the number of strong forces united would be astonishing, and their strength would be very terrible.

Like the Bailiemen, Yinhemen, Tianxiangmen, and the Lei family also dispatched the first three elders, one by one with powerful strength, all of whom were nine strong in the sanctuary.

In this way, there are a total of twelve strong men who have entered the sanctuary.

And each of the five inferior forces also had a nine-strong entrant into the sanctuary, and an eight-strong entrant into the sanctuary.

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