Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 16: Fear dominated by swords (1)

Early in the morning, the sky was twilight, and the eastern sky was a touch of white.

At the cliff behind Shulomen Peak, Chen Zong is still wielding a sword.

Although encountering a bottleneck, it does not mean giving up. The opportunity is not waiting, it is found.

Only at the dawn, Chen Zong will dispatch again to the city of Taro and pick five inferior forces.

In the distance, silhouettes flew from all directions, with the same goal: Shuramon!

Every figure was filled with amazing breath fluctuations, very terrible, very amazing, extremely powerful, the breath was not covered in the slightest, like a storm roaring, shaking the earth.

The mountain wind whistled and grinned, and the breath of breath spread quickly.

Chen Zong wielding his sword on the edge of the cliff gave a slight meal. The sword was already sheathed.

He had already felt that one arrogant breath was approaching. There were many, and each breath came out, carrying a killer.

The visitor is not good!

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and Chen Zong turned away.

Soon, those figures that exuded arrogance and murderous power arrived outside the main hall of Shuramon, and stood in the air, showing a circle to surround Shuramon.

Their breath pervaded wildly, and the divine thought swept across all directions, which directly made Shulumen's disciples tight and horrified, the chill permeated from the depth of the bone marrow, and he couldn't help shaking.

This is brought about by too much difference between cultivation, realm and strength.

In a hurry, it seemed that a breeze was passing by, silently and silently, but the pressure on a disciple was reduced to the extreme, just to the extent they could bear.

These changes are silent, and no one notices that even the disciples themselves are just weird. They don't think much, and they don't have time to think more. They must run their exercises to concentrate their minds and cohesive will to resist those coercion.

It is under the coercion of extreme pressure and resistance. It is just right, it is a kind of grind.

As for the powerful men who came with murderous forces, they did not notice such changes. Their goal was Chen Zong, and Shulumen was a disciple who could kill them easily.

His body flashed and Chen Zong appeared in the sight of everyone.

At a glance, Chen Zong generally knew who was coming through the breath induction.

The five inferior powers in Tailor City entered Ninefold and Eighth Level of Holy Land. In addition, there were two people at Yinhemen, three men at Bailiemen Gate and Tianxiangmen Gate and Lei Family.

In such a calculation, there are as many as sixteen strong men who have entered the ninth level of the Holy Land alone.

There are fifteen masters who have entered the sacred realm. These combat powers are very amazing and terrible. If Chen Zong's strength is really only the sacred limit of the nine realms, he will definitely not be spared.

My family knows their own affairs, but others don't.

In the face of so many strong men, Chen Zong didn't look tense for half a minute, and it was light and light.

"You all come, what's the matter?" Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said.

"You are the second elder Shuramon, acting backwards and acting like a demon, which has brought me terrible consequences for the city of Tailu, and the sin is extremely unforgivable." The elder of Bailiemen directly spoke, and it was a reprimand, and Chen Zong was charged with a demon to act A big, unforgivable hat, standing on the moral high ground.

"Now, you self-defeated for this reason, the old man can take the lead, spare your life, let go of Shu Luomen, otherwise, the chickens and dogs do not stay." Elder Lei's elder seems to have countless purple arcs jumping and flickering, his The sound is carrying an astonishing will, like a thunder billowing.

Will Chen Zong be self-defeating?

of course not!

Even if it is really not, what is the result of self-defeating?

It is to be slaughtered by anyone.

Cultivation is in the body, maybe the other party will have some fears, for fear of loss, but if it is lost, it is equivalent to losing the minions or even the old, weak and sick tiger. It is not yet the other party ’s manipulation, whether it will be killed or imprisoned, it depends on the other party. meaning.

"Self-defeating repairs, even if you are not for yourself, you have to think about the people of Shu Luomen." The elder of Yinhemen said slowly, his voice was a bit soft, a sincere tone, as if standing Think the same for him from the perspective of Chen Zong.

The others didn't speak, or looked indifferent or stared at the corners of their mouths.

How does Chen Zong choose?

Is it self-defeating?

Or fight against one and then be killed?

They are very confident. After all, although this is not the full force of each force, it is also a very powerful force, and even such forces must be treated with caution.

In the case of a half-step grand sacred strongman, no matter whether it is Da Luomen or Burning Heart Gate, he is unwilling to be an enemy of such a strong alliance, because even if he finally wins, he will lose himself. heavy.

Nowadays, so many strong men join forces, but only to deal with the elders of the lowest ranks, and say, I don't know how many people should be alarmed.

It's like killing a chicken with a bull's knife.

But this man is young, talented, and has grudges with himself and other forces, if not removed as soon as possible, I am afraid that it will become a major problem.

In the distance, many people watched. It was the person watching the war.

"It seems that I don't need a big Roman to take a shot, this son can't escape it." In the void, an old man with a portable wine gourd took a sip of wine and wiped the liquor from his beard. He mumbled that he was just big. One of Rohm's strong men.

This time, those forces naturally wanted to join forces with Da Luomen, but Da Luomen, as a superior force, was so proud that he refused directly.

They don't think that one of the two elders of Shuramon dare to kill Daluomen, that is purely a self-death approach.

Standing on a high place, overlooking the sky, and treating each other as ants.

Although he didn't take a shot, Da Luomen still let people come and see the situation.

"Old drunkard, you are not afraid to kill the siege this time, lurking for decades, to promote Xiu to the extreme, and then kill back to take revenge." Not far away, the old man with a dark red robe and dark red eyebrows had a difficult voice. The coldness of the words seemed to be filled with a trace of fire, and the fire seemed to stir the inner heat, making people fretful.

"Red old ghost, do you think there is any hope of killing the siege?" The old alcoholic of Da Luomen smiled indifferently.

This lineup, even if he is trapped in himself, it is very difficult to get out, unless he uses the secret method of self-damaging foundation, even if so, there is no certainty.

"Huh." Red Lao Gui gave a cold hum and didn't speak again. He was the elder who burned the heart door, while the old alcoholic was the elder of Da Luomen.

Of course, their ninefold limit for entering the sanctuary is not the ordinary ninefold limit for entering the sanctuary. It is the practice of the holy-class superb skills in the gate to the ninefold limit for entering the sanctuary. The ninefold limit of the sanctuary can be compared.

In a one-to-one situation, it is enough to easily kill the opponent.

But in a one-to-many situation, it's hard to say.

For example, in the current lineup, there are as many as four strong players in the Divine Nine Limits, and there are four peaks in the Divine Nine Levels.

Joined together in this way, no matter whether he or the old drunkard is caught in the siege, it is difficult to obtain any benefit.

A young man, in the early stage of the sacred realm, has the strength to be able to enter the sacred realm, although he is talented, but it is estimated that it is the sacred lonely limit.

You know, even if it was the first genius of Tailuo City and the first day of Tianluozong, you could not cross the battle in this way.

There are such people as Shuraman Hodde.

Talent has a bright future, but talent is talent, strength is strength, and they cannot be confused.

In the case of insufficient strength, no matter how talented they are, if they fall into the siege of powerful enemies, they will not escape.

Died, everything is empty.

Taking a step back, if this child is really lucky, he can get out of the siege, and he will definitely not suffer too much. At that time, if he takes another shot, he can directly win it.

A peerless Tianjiao, a Tianjiao who can possess the ultimate strength of Jiuzhong Jiujing in the early stage of entering the sacred realm, must have a big secret in his body.

This old drunkard appears here, and certainly has this kind of thought.

So let's see how it goes.

In the face of so many strong men, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged. Some, but the clouds were light and the wind was light. The eyes looked clear, but deep, and deep, there seemed to be a kind of cowardice.

Indeed, in the eyes of Chen Zong, these so-called strong lineups in front of them are nothing more than a rotten chicken ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you wish, you can sweep across with a sword.

But Chen Zong did not intend to do so.

For one thing, it is unwilling to reveal all its strengths. Some concealment is always good. After all, there is a real strong enemy who doesn't know where.

The second is to suppress self-cultivation and strength, use the strength and pressure of the other party to sharpen oneself, and strive to break through the tragedy and bottleneck of the sword of mind.

Another one of the ninth realm of Miguang Realm is his own opponent.

Defeating it will allow you to break through Miguang and control Miguang Island. At that time, you will be able to leave Miguang Sea.

There is even another big opportunity.

Chen Zong was very excited about the unknown opportunity.

In summary, these so-called powerful enemies are actually nothing.

Chen Zong actually has a third consideration, which is to suppress his own strength, so as not to scare other speculative generations. At that time, one-on-one pay will be eradicated for Xiumen to develop better.

Boom boom!

Feeling that the other party not only did not have the intention of self-defeating, but released a breath, the meaning is already obvious, that is to intend to resist to the end.

In this case, there is no need to stay.

All of a sudden, the strong men urged the exercises to release a tremendous momentum, and the momentum was so extreme that it exploded like a shock.

Different martial arts practice different exercises, which contain different mysteries, and the impact caused by full force is also different, but one thing is certain, the momentum is very tyrannical, as if the world is to be broken.

Far apart, everyone watching the war can feel that such amazing momentum is permeating and turbulent. The hall of Shuramon seems to be swinging and will collapse at any time.

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