Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 17: Fear dominated by swords (2)

At the peak of Shuramon, the breath is extremely violent.

The astonishing killings raged in all directions and rushed towards Chen Zong.

The strong breath of the Paramount Gate is extremely hot, containing a kind of majestic and domineering.

The breath of the powerful Yinhemen is a kind of cold, with the sharpness of the glow, seems to be able to cut everything.

The breath of the sky elephant strong is immense, full of amazing power, seems to be able to suppress everything.

The breath of the strong Lei family is like a thunderous, raging for nine days, containing the terror that seems to be able to destroy everything.

As for the other five inferior powerhouses, they are also practicing holy grades, and their strength is also overbearing.

For a time, every horrible breath locked Chen Zong without reservation and kept on rushing away. It seemed that Chen Zong would be defeated by this.

Faced with so many powerful enemy lock-in shocks, Chen Zong calmly promised, and suddenly made everyone a little bit surprised.

"Everyone, let's do it together without leaving any future troubles." The elder of Bailiemen said suddenly, the speed of speech was very fast, and it was introduced into everyone's ears very clearly.

The moment the voice fell, the three elders of Barremont shot all together and shot it suddenly.

Like palms and palms, like hands and palms, it is the holy class martial arts martial arts shattered empty hands of Bailiemen.

In the moment of one hand's outburst, the breath of extreme force suddenly diffused, and it became extremely violent with amazing hot breath fluctuations. Amazing power mixed with the blaze of fire, as if it could break the mountains and the void, but also the sea Burned out.

One shot, without mercy, bombarded Chen Zong from three directions.

The moment the three elders of Barremont shot, other people also shot.

The elder of Yinhemen drew out a sword. Vaguely, it seemed that the Yin crane spread its wings and swept away in the sky, surprisingly sharp and sharp.

The three elders put on their gloves and put their fingers together. The terrible finger was so sharp that it pecked like a crane crane's mouth and smashed into the void to kill Chen Zong.

The three elders of the Tianxiangmen lifted the sticks, and the strength like a mountain condensed on the sticks. Then, the turquoise yellow light was released, and the elliptical arcs of light between the rays stretched out. Magnificent.


The three sticks fell off, each of them bursting out with a mighty force that was enough to break the mountains, and seemed to smash Chen Zong.

Before the stick arrived, the astonishing coercion made the void collapse.

The three elders of the Lei family also shot in succession. The fists wearing fists were filled with endless purple thunder, densely packed, wrapped their arms, and slammed them out.

Purple Thunder fist broke through the void, and blasted away with horrible powers that destroyed everything, and dug open the void.

Five inferior powerhouses also shot one after another without half a reservation.

They know very well that either they do n’t take the shot, and since they decide to take the shot, they ca n’t reserve the slightest chance for the other party.

Otherwise, if the other party escapes because of retaining their hands, once they lurk for a few years or even a dozen years, maybe the cultivation is to increase their strength and advance, and then return to revenge at that time. For any force, absolutely It was a big disaster.


More than a dozen sacred realm nine strong men, a dozen sacred realm eight strong men tried their best to attack, extremely horrible, colorful and exciting in all directions, as if to break that void ring.

It can be imagined that after this horrible wave of attacks, the two elders of Shuramon will certainly have no bones, and even the hall of Shuramon will be crushed into a powder pan in an instant and disappear directly.

Everyone watching from a distance could not help but sigh.

In the final analysis, it is really a pity, after all, such an amazing peerless Tianjiao has fallen.

If he was given more time, it would surely shine brighter, and even covered Tian Luozong's first day of pride.

However, the world of practitioners is so cruel, not to say that with talent, you can laugh to the end.

Strength is the most important.

Talent is superb, without strength, it is nothing.

Talent is low, but if it is strong enough, it is also amazing.

Everyone stared at it. Although there were some judgments in their hearts, they still had to be seen with their own eyes.

The blast that went together in one blow was as terrifying as the smashing of everything. The whole mountain trembled and seemed to collapse at any time. The disciples of Shuramon were terrified.

The light gradually dissipated, the dust gradually settled, but everyone's eyes widened, full of horror and incredible.

That figure actually stood in it, looking intact, and around the feet, it was broken around, covered with amazing cracks, and all of them were winding like lightnings, spreading in all directions, shocking and mixed. Violent breath fluctuations.

what happened?

What happened at that moment?

Why, under such horrific attacks, this person was safe and sound, without any damage.


Whether it is the strong among the forces in the mountain peaks, the strong watching the distance, or the old alcoholic of Da Luomen and the red old ghost of Xinxinmen, they all stare, full of incomprehensible shock. look.

"It's a secret treasure!"

"He must have used some kind of life-saving secret to stop our attack."

Suddenly, the elder of the Second Lei Family shouted and awoke everyone.

Yes, this is the only explanation.

It must be that some kind of life-saving secret treasure was used to block such a tyrannical attack. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to block the attack by the opponent ’s initial cultivation in the sacred stage of Yae. It will be impossible to block the attack, and it will be killed directly. .

Think about it, the other person talking about talent is a peerless arrogance, and there must be a good opportunity. Therefore, it is reasonable to have a life-saving hole card.

Regardless of the reason why the life-saving hole card is the hole card, it is precisely because it is rare and rare.

"Kill!" The elder of Bailiemen yelled again, and once again gathered his momentum, faintly breaking through the limit, and blasted out again.

You can keep your life cards once, can you keep them a second time?

Even if I can keep the second time, can I keep the third time?

Do not believe that under the joint attack of others and others, the other party can always save their lives.

Everyone was thinking that way, and they shot it all out again.

Only this time, when they shot, Chen Zong also exerted his body to the extreme.

The sky is windless!

The sky in the perfect state is phaseless, the speed is extremely amazing, and Chen Zong's body is extremely flexible and light. It is almost impossible to turn it into a possibility. It instantly diffuses through the shuttle, not only avoiding the previous attacks. , Three elders approaching the Tianxiang Gate more quickly.

Boom boom!

Each attack was violent, terrifying, and the void was slammed endlessly. It seemed to break apart. The storm formed by the aftermath was extremely violent. It was like a hurricane howling and destroyed everything, but it could not hit Chen Zong.


That body method is really too fast, and it is very subtle and shocking.

"Second supernatural power!" The red old ghost who burned the heart and the old alcoholic who was a big roman all stared at each other, and said with a deep voice, there was a touch of greed in his eyes.

Secondary magic!

This is rare, even if the heart-burning gate and Da Luomen are superior forces, the sub-supernatural powers within the martial arts are just one.

But now, an elder who has not fallen into a martial arts group has mastered the sub-supernatural power, which must be the opportunity that this person has had before.

For a time, the red old ghost and the old drunkard were heartbroken.

"Old drunkard, according to this situation, it is not impossible for the other party to get away. At that time, you and I will jointly capture it, forcing us to find out all the secrets and share it." The red old ghost immediately spoke to the old drunkard.

After all, the opponent's body is so flexible and fast. If only one person takes a shot, there is not much certainty to capture his life and force him to ask for a secret.

If the two work together, they have a greater grasp, of course, they have to share.

"Okay." At this moment, the old alcoholic was not half drunk, and his eyes were brilliant.

Chen Zongke didn't know that he had become a prey in the eyes of others.

And the strong men who joined together became increasingly frightened of Chen Zong, because the speed of the other side was too fast, and for a while, it was changing, which made it difficult for them to lock in.

A dark sword light suddenly shone, and Shen Yejian emerged from the sheath, scratching a dark sword mark in the void.

The sword marks spread quickly, and wherever they passed, the void seemed to be rendered in general and quickly became dim. This dimness would not make people unclear, but it had a wonderful feeling, it seemed to make people feel It also became dim ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A sword was shot through the air with a very subtle voice. It seemed that an elder who had killed the sky gate, but turned in the middle of the air, and killed five of the inferior forces. One strong.

It was just a swaying sword.

Suddenly, the elder of the inferior forces was immediately penetrated by Chen Zongyi and died by death.

This is the first dead.

Under the siege, he avoided, but did not run away, but also killed one person, which made people even more shocked, but also angered everyone.

Which one to take out on the scene is not loud in the territories of Tailor City. In this case, it is a joke to join forces to siege a junior in the early stage of the sacred realm, but they are killed instead.

Apart from their anger, they felt cold again.

In such a situation, it is still possible to kill one person. It is really terrifying. If it is not removed today, it is absolutely terrifying to retaliate in the light of the situation that has already settled the grievances.

Therefore, even today, even if it pays a certain price, it must be completely killed.

In an instant, everyone shot more and more violent, and immediately brought greater pressure on Chen Zong.

After all, Chen Zong cultivated himself to the level of the early stage of the eighth stage of entering the sacred realm, and used Chen Xiu's power to burn Shao Gong, not his own power.

However, the main purpose of Chen Zong is to use the pressure brought by the other party to sharpen his swordsmanship to improve the realm of kendo and master more profound mysteries.

The sky winds are displayed to the extreme, incorporating the meaning of the sky wind, the body is constantly flashing, leaving numerous afterimages, but they are torn and crushed.

Suddenly, Chen Zong appeared in one place again, sending out a sword, and killing an elder of another inferior force.

the second!

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