Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 18: Fear dominated by swords (3)

At the peak of Xiuluomen, killings permeated the sky, filling every void and every corner, making people seem to be wrapped in that amazing murderous tide.




The endless killings swept through, as if it were full of turmoil and surging.

Watching the crowd in the distance looked horrified one by one.

"the fourth!"

"the fifth!"

Even under the siege of the powerful enemies, Chen Zong still showed no signs of defeat.

He was like a wind blowing in the void.

Can the wind fall?


But it's hard, at least these people can't.

In particular, the perfect completion of the heavenly wind in the perfect state of heaven is extremely delicate.

If Chen Zong let go of Xiu Wei's restrictions, let alone them, even some half-step big sacred powerhouses could do nothing.

However, Chen Zong himself is under no small pressure, because he has suppressed the cultivation, and he will inevitably be unable to make the mystery of the sky wind phaseless to a fuller extent.


Today, five masters who have entered the sanctuary have died under Shen Yejian.

Chen Zong's body is like a wave of wind wandering endlessly, the speed is extremely amazing, the speed is terrible, and leaving countless afterimages to confuse each other, it is even more elusive.



As soon as a sword was taken, it was bound to take a life, making everyone more furious, but even more frightened.

Chen Zong's face was cold, his eyes were deep, and a deep cold and cold breath permeated the depths of his eyes. He was extremely calm and calm to the extreme.


The dark sword flashed by, as fast as aurora.

The sixth sacred yae strong fell from mid-air.

The hearts of the five inferior powers are bleeding, because all who died are theirs.

"Damn thing."

"Do not hide if you have the ability."

One in power was extremely angry and yelled.

"As you wish!" There was a sudden sound in my ear, and immediately, the dark sword light pierced through the void in silence and came to assassination.

This is one of the five inferior forces in power. Its cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth entrance to the sanctuary, and its strength is not weak at all, but in the face of Chen Zong's sword, it has no half-evasion ability.

Despair shrouded!

Death is coming!

Speaking of time and time, horrific attacks rushed to death, it seemed that Chen Zong would be crushed and the void would be sieved.

But what they broke was just the afterimage of Chen Zong.

However, at least the inferior power-holder was rescued. In the next breath, they were shocked to find that they had not been rescued. The person's heart did not know when it was pierced. The terrible sword gas poured into his body and raged directly. The heart shattered and died by accident, when the air fell.

the seventh!

It is another death of the eight strongman who entered the sanctuary.

The red old ghost and the old alcoholic looked more dignified.

In the midst of the siege, he was able to continuously avoid the extremely terrible offensive, and in turn killed the opponent, and more than one.

This is enough to show that the opponent's strength is not only terrible, but its combat talent and skills are even more amazing.

Every practitioner has his strengths and weaknesses.

Some practitioners are good at frontal attack, and their shots are amazing, but some are good at guerrillas, some are good at dodge, some are good at changing skills, some are good at defense, and so on.

However, what Chen Zong has shown now, whether it is offense, body skills or skills, has reached a very high level, and his mastery is also very terrible.

Such a person is undoubtedly the most terrible opponent.

You can't kill him. Once he finds a flaw and fights back instantly, he may be killed by him.

The more you look at it, the more shocking it becomes.

"Are these people working together to really kill him?" Someone murmured helplessly.

Can it be killed?

do not know!


If it can't be killed, maybe the boundary of Tailuo City will change.

Chen Zong's calmness and calmness were shocking.

The infinite endless serial sword spreads out, unloads the opponent's attack, and cooperates with the Tianfeng Wushen method, there is no attack that can affect itself at all.

The fierce battle has so far killed seven people without any injuries.

Each force has its own merit and martial arts, each with its own mystery, and they have cultivated for many years. They have already cultivated to a complete level. Their power is terrible and there are few flaws.

The void is constantly being bombarded, sending out incredible explosions, turbulent in all directions.

The colorful light is raging, and every amazing expression is permeating, such as the dragon and snake meandering and dancing.

The dark sword light flashed by, causing everyone's hearts to tremble unconsciously, and there was another eight strong person who fell into the sanctuary and fell in the air.

The eighth!

Suddenly, everyone in the distance watched everyone scalp.

"Destroy him."

"His cultivation is limited and his strength is limited, which consumes him."

One by one, they became more dispersed, forming a layer of enveloping circles, enclosing Chen Zong in the middle, and constantly firing. In coordination with each other, the offensive formed by the arrogant attacks actually covered the void like a tentacle.

This kind of indiscriminate and large-scale attack can't be avoided even if it can be subtle in the void, or if it can truly become nothing.

Chen Zong's heavenly wind is truly amazing and mysterious, but in the face of such an offensive, it can't be completely avoided.


One sword comes out, countless swords are endless, and the layers are turbulent, as if stones were thrown into the calm lake surface and rippled in layers.

The subtlety of this sword called Chen Zong to weaken the heavy offensive, and then interpreted the mystery of the heavenly wind to the extreme. Along the weak point of the offensive, a sword waved torn and shuttled away.

It's incredible that everyone can be stunned.

Where is this evil, how can it be so.

The realm of the red old ghost and the old alcoholic is deeper, so it will be even more shocking.

Change to any of them and fall into that kind of encirclement. You can only resist with tyrannical strength, and break through the encirclement as much as possible. You can use this superb sword and body to control and apply power. And out, it can't be done at all.

Passive beatings are not Chen Zong's style.

Even in order to sharpen himself, Chen Zong will not be beaten passively, especially in the case of limiting his own cultivation.


Killing with one sword, the sword light contains countless changes. It looks like a sword, but it is like a million swords hit in the void. It is the weakness of the offensive that detonates it in advance.

The sky is windless!



Suddenly, Chen Zong was approaching a sacred realm again, Shen Yejian had already penetrated it, and the sword gas raged and strangled and killed the vitality.


Everyone suddenly found that it was unrealistic to use this siege to consume the strength of the other party and eventually kill it.

Without any hesitation, one of the inferior forces is too elder, possessing cultivation practices in the middle of the ninth stage of the sanctuary, and immediately broke away, flying away in the direction of the disciples of Shu Luomen.

He intends to threaten Chen Zong with Shulommen's disciples and let him be captured.

He was fast, Chen Zong was faster, like a rush of wind.

The elder elder only felt that there was a slight wind sound in his ears. Then, the eyes were getting dim and entering darkness.


The tenth!

It was also the first to be killed in Jiuzhong.

The difference between the entrance to the sanctuary Yae and the entrance to the sanctuary is very clear. Therefore, when the entrance to the sanctuary is killed, the crowd is angry, plus some consternation, but when the entrance to the sanctuary is also killed, the consternation is in an instant Is magnified several times.

Chen Zong found that the other party did bring a lot of pressure to himself, but he still couldn't make a breakthrough.

This is not an opportunity.

In this case, kill it.

"Leiguang prison!" Suddenly, the three elders of the Lei family joined forces. Leiguang was magnificent, purple covered the sky, and thick purple thunders descended from the sky like sky pillars. The total number was distributed in all directions, suppressing the earth, and also Chen Zong shrouded.

This is a unique trick of the Lei family. The power of the three people to perform together is even more amazing.

Just to perform, it is not easy for the three of them to be synchronized and full force to erupt.

Anyone present, even if the strong old man such as the red old ghost is caught in the thunderbolt prison, it will be difficult for him to stand out for a while.

This thunderbolt will not only trap the enemy, but also the terrible thunderbolt power it contains will attack the enemy.

Chen Zong slightly scalp.

If you fall into it, it is difficult to get out unless a stronger practice breaks out.

Once caught in it, I am afraid that we will face a more brutal attack directly.

Lei Guang's prison repressed and the terrible breath directly suppressed the void around Chen Zong.

Say it later and then faster.

Lei Guanghuan!

Suddenly, the speed of Chen Zong's outburst was more than doubled before ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ turned into a thunderbolt and rushed to the three elders of Lei's family quickly.

Originally, they thought that it was Chen Zong's speed. It never occurred to them that even faster speeds could be exploded, and more than doubled.

This directly exceeded anyone's expectations.

Even the old red ghost and old drunkard in the distance couldn't be more wrong.

This speed, I am afraid that many of the nine limits of entering the sanctuary cannot be reached.

Nowhere to be seen!

It happened so suddenly.

The thunderbolt of Lei Guang's prison fell, but it fell through. A silver thunder light appeared in front of the three elders of the Lei family. In the face of their terrible panic and fear, the dark sword light was killed like a waning moon.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a snoring sound, and the three skulls also flew up high, and his face was still filled with astonishment deep into the bone marrow.


The three Lei's three powerful men who entered the sanctuary died instantly!

The high-flying head rolling in the mid-air and the blood spewing from the broken neck were shocking, and everyone stopped breathing. Even the heart seemed to have an instant pause.



Breeding from the deepest heart, permeating out, spreading quietly.

If Chen Zong had been killed one by one before, making them feel shocked and shocked, the current killing with one sword and three killing directly destroyed some people's minds.

In the face of such a terrible and powerful enemy, how to fight?

Keep fighting?

Waiting to be killed by the other sword?

Everything was completely unexpected.


A few inferior strong men who were frightened broke out at full speed and fled.

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