Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 24: Unfathomable (5)

(Second, third at nine in the evening)


The void burst, filled with endless black light and permeated.

The power and power of terror raged in all directions, and everyone in Da Luomen was shocked, and everyone watching from a distance was creepy.

This kind of prestige is too terrible. I wonder if the second elder of Shuramon can stop it?

The endless sword light shone through the sky with the scarlet blood, shattering the endless darkness.

A figure also emerged with the destruction of Jian Guang, his eyes glowed with a gleam of cold light, calmed to the extreme, as if ignoring all the gazes, passing over the two and a half step big saintly strong men of Da Luomen, let They trembled unconsciously.

What kind of eyes are those.

Indifferent to the world, the world.

It seems as if you are doing everything in the world, as if you ignore the world.

Deep down, Chen Zong has sentenced Da Luomen to the two half-step grand saints.

Killing one is killing, killing two is killing, and those three are killing as well.

Kill kill!

Secluded black pupil!

Chen Zong has also cultivated this superb pupil mystery method to the highest level.

The black light was so deep that it quickly passed over the eyes at an astonishing speed. For a moment, the eye white was completely disappeared as if rendered. Only the dark road was so dark that the extreme light was diffused, as if it were a black hole to absorb all the light.

When stared at by these dim and deep eyes, the big two-star powerful Romance only felt a tremor, and the whole person's spiritual consciousness seemed to be absorbed into it, forgetting his own situation.



In an instant, the two-star powerhouses responded immediately, and quickly gathered their whole body to resist.

He had understood that the other party had performed a mysterious pupil technique aimed at the spiritual level, and instantly seemed to absorb his consciousness.

The two-star warriors have a strong mental will and a very fast response, but they are still slow.

The battle between the strong and the front line is the difference between life and death.

With a touch of condensing to the extreme, Jianguang instantly broke through the air to kill, the speed was indescribable.

The horizon seems to be close at hand, passing by instantly.

The two-star powerhouse broke out with all its strength, and tried its best to dodge, the entire face was completely distorted, and it felt like its body would be deformed by this drastic overload.

However, he still couldn't avoid it.

Everything is under the control of Chen Zong.

Even if it is also a two-star combat power, mastering different means is excellent in all aspects, the more powerful it will be.

In the final analysis, combat power is a manifestation of strength, not completely absolute.

For example, Chen Zong, who is very good in all aspects, can deal with ordinary three-star power even with his elite two-star power.

A sword broke through and pierced everything.

A two-star powerful Romani was penetrated by a sword through his throat. The terrible sword gas invaded his body, raging endlessly, strangling all extinction vitality.

He could not counterattack before dying. He could only look at Chen Zong with consternation and the last reluctance, and then fell.

Secluded black pupil!

Chen Zong stared again towards the last half step of the Great Saint, this person is an elite one-star combat power.

Under the stare, for a moment, he couldn't resist the slightest, as if waiting to be slaughtered by Chen Zong.


Watching the three and a half steps of the holy holy strongmen in the door were all slaughtered, all the people of Da Luomen were stunned, unable to respond for a while.

And when they reacted, they burst into tears.

Those three statues, but the pillars of the big roman, are the strongest of the big roman, the inside of the big roman, and a symbol of the big roman.

Was killed!

All of them were killed.

Sadness pervaded, and it was shrouded over Da Luomen, as if invisible clouds were overcast. Chen Zong could clearly feel the rich atmosphere.

Condescending, Chen Zong looked slightly indifferent, but he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

At first, I didn't think of killing people, so why kill them?

Is it because of his cruelty and murder?

Do not!

After all, the other party asked for it.

If it is not for your own chance, if you are not killing yourself and killing yourself, you will not die, at best it is to pay some price.

The world of the practitioner is so cruel.

Some people enjoy killing!

Some people are compassionate!

Some people have clear grudges!

For yourself, the principle is obvious. If you have no intention of killing yourself, you generally will not kill each other.

But if you kill yourself and put it into action, you won't let it go.

Why did Chunleimen's gatekeepers and elders die because they wanted to kill themselves.

Why did the elders of the five inferior forces and the four middle forces die, because they wanted to kill themselves.

Why did the three and a half steps of the big sacred strongman die, because they wanted to kill themselves.

Everything is as simple as that.

The cry of Da Luomen's staff and the stunned look in the distance made Chen Zong think. Immediately, his eyes became brighter and clearer.

Let me do my thing!

"Where is the person who betrayed me?" Chen Zongju looked down, his eyes stared at the doorman of Da Luomen, his voice cold and sharp.

"You are so cruel, you will not die." An elder of Daluomen yelled, and the hatred in his eyes could almost be turned into a roaring roar that seemed to burn Chen Zong.

Not only this elder, but also the others of Daluomen, glaring at them with a resentment and a murderous look, as if it were cold like a sword.

If the eyes can kill people, perhaps Chen Zong is already full of scars.

However, such a vision cannot threaten Chen Zongmin.

Chen Zong also did not intend to kill them unless they shot themselves.

"I won't ask for the third time." Chen Zongbu said.

Da Luomen only digs out one disciple from Shuramon, but it is the disciple with the highest talent among Shuramon. With regard to talent, he can reach the level of king.

Of course, the king level also has a high and low level.

You can detect the sharpness and absoluteness in Chen Zong's discourse, and the main pupil of Da Luomen's eyes shrinks instantly.

The opponent's strength is too strong, and even the three half-step big holy-level strongmen are killed together. Even if the entire big Roman comes out in a nest, it is not the opponent of the other party, but it will increase the casualties.

"Bring it on." Lord Luomen's eyes were cold, and he did not hide his anger and murderousness, staring at Chen Zong: "You are ruthless and you want to kill, Tian Luozong will not let you go."

Tianluozong is the top power in the territory of Tailo City. The only top power is, to some extent, a kind of deterrence and symbol, just like a ruler.

It is impossible for Tian Luozong to have no response if such a thing happens today, otherwise it will make people chill.

But now, in order to avoid further angering the other party, it is still necessary to act on the other party's wishes.

Suddenly, a figure shot out of the siege, breaking out in an amazing speed and heading in the other direction.

It was the proud disciple who betrayed Shulomon for selling the interests of Shulomon and worshiped Da Luomen.

Today, its cultivation has reached the quadruple of entering the sanctuary.

"Leave it to me!" Lord Luomen burst out suddenly, and the strength of the Nine-fold Limit of Sanctuary was fully opened, the speed was astonishing, and it turned into a black light across the sky to kill.

One shot is full strength, endless killing.

He hates!

Had it not been for this man, would Damon have suffered this calamity.

The arrogance of the fourfold in the sanctuary is indeed good, but it is nothing at all in the face of the nine extreme strongmen in the sanctuary.

Even Chen Zong himself can't use the fourfold cultivation in the sanctuary to fight against the nine strongest in the sanctuary.

Just moments later, the man was captured by Lord Luomen, but he was not killed, but under the burst of power, he directly destroyed the opponent's sacred spine, and even shattered his limbs.

It was like a dead dog, directly dropped to Chen Zong's feet, Lord Luomen stared at Chen Zong without fear, and looked like death.

Chen Zong glanced but didn't care.

"Two thousand days Yuandan." Chen Zongdao said.

This is compensation.

Compared to other losses, two thousand days of Yuandan is nothing at all, even if it pays 20,000 days of Yuandan, as long as the three half-step grand saints are not dead.

But it's too late to say anything.

Causes of yesteryear, results of today.

One drink and one peck seemed to be destined.

Da Luomen soon handed over two thousand days of Yuandan to Chen Zong.

Chen Zong collected Tian Yuandan, his gaze swept away, his eyes remained a bit indifferent: "I welcome you to come to me to take revenge, provided that you have sufficient strength, otherwise death is your only ending."

After all, Chen Zong turned into a streamer and drove away quickly.

The direction is to burn the heart door.

It was a grudge that the burning heart door hurt the elder Shuramen. You can ignore it and give it to the elder to solve it. But this time, a half-step holy saint of the burning heart door shot at himself. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Successful killer.

If you are not strong enough, I am afraid you have already been killed.

When this grudge is settled, how to settle it depends on the attitude of the other party.

If it's just like Da Luomen, it's killing.

Another point, Chen Zong was wondering.

Who is staring secretly?

It can pose a threat to itself, at least three-star combat power, or even higher.

In the territory of Tailuo City, only Tianluozong has a three-star or even higher combat power. Is the person who secretly peeped at Tianluozong?

If so, why not show up?

After all, Tianluozong is the only top force in the territory of Tailo City, and it also exists as a ruler. It stands to reason that you should not let yourself go and kill the half-step saintly strongman of Daluomen.

Even if it's too late to kill the first one, you can definitely shoot the second and third.

Don't understand!


However, Chen Zong did not think deeply, the other party's mind could not guess.

Now leaving, Chen Zongfang felt the feeling of being peeped away.

Perhaps the other party did not keep up.

"Where is he going?" The spectator also responded, with a little doubt in the horror.

"That direction is not the direction of Shuramon."

"Is he going to burn the heart door!" Someone exclaimed.

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked.

Burn the heart door!

The two elders of Shuramon were so crazy that after killing the three and a half-step grand saints of Daluomen, they still had to burn the heart.

Does he also plan to kill the three and a half step holy strongmen who burned the heart gate?

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