Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 25: Tianluo Town


Fenxinmen and Daluomen are both superior forces. They are located on both sides of Mount Tailu, far apart.

Of course, for the half-step sage-level powerhouse, it is not much, and it can be passed soon.

Chen Zong was extremely fast. He quickly left Da Luomen, turned into a mighty sky, drifted between the sky and the sky, and hurried away towards the burning heart gate.

In the middle, you will cross a valley that stretches for hundreds of miles. The trees in the valley are lush and dense.

When Chen Zongfei swept to the middle of the valley, his look suddenly changed, and he hesitated without hesitation. The speed of the thunder surged.

Lei Guangzheng is an explosive body that cannot last long, but at this moment, Chen Zong, who feels the danger is coming, has to do so, even if the power consumption is intensified.

However, the people who shot it seemed to have premeditated and had already prepared everything.

A touch of black appeared over the top, spreading rapidly at an alarming rate, and buckled down, and around the bottom, black appeared, spreading upwards like a tide.

Close up and down!

The speed of black spreading is extremely fast. Although Chen Zong's speed is also fast, it is still slow.


Lei Guangzhang directly hit the black edge, and a sword slashed out, but Chen Zong felt a tenacious force, blocked his sword, and burst out an amazing rebound force, and directly bombed himself.

Chen Zong's expression sank slightly, and he could only watch the black cover completely, as if he had formed a dark void, and incorporated himself into it.


The whole person is completely isolated, unable to feel all the breath outside the dark void, even if Chen Zong's devotion is powerful and amazing.

This dark void appeared so abruptly and so quickly that it was a premeditated action, but Chen Zong was not panicked, but calm and calm.

The more such times, the more you have to stay calm.

"Come out." Chen Zongbuxubuji said, his eyes faint, with a hint of sharpness.

Poppy poppy ...

A burst of high-five sounds suddenly sounded, in this dark void, very crisp and harsh.

"You are very good. If you change to my age and encounter such a situation, you can't be so calm." A few hoarse voices sounded, but it seemed as if from all directions, it was difficult for Chen Zong to judge the other party Where you are.

"Who are you?" Chen Zong said again, one side was sensing, looking for the position of the other.

"You don't need to know." The other's voice was still hoarse.

"What did you mean to me?" Chen Zong said again, this was delaying time so that he could find out where the other party was.

The force of arrogant divine thought passed like a storm, covering the whole dark void, but it was difficult to find out where the other figure was.

It's as if the other party is integrated into this dark void, it doesn't seem to exist, and it seems to be everywhere.

"I'm very interested in you." The husky voice was a little joke, and the words were straightforward: "There must be a big secret on your body, as long as you hand over the exercises and martial arts you have cultivated and everything Secret, leave your appetite, and I will spare you. "

"Are you from Tian Luozong?" Chen Zong asked suddenly.

"Hey, you can think so." The other party responded very quickly, not to deny or directly admit it, but to respond in an unpredictable tone, and its content was very vague.

is not it?

Yes or no.

The other person is Tian Luozong's person, but if he denies it directly, it will inevitably make life doubtful. Such a vague answer will make people think more about it, and think that it is deliberately throwing doubts into Tian Luozong.

The other party may not be Tian Luozong's person, and its purpose is to get rid of the black pot.

Ambiguous answers have no effect on stupid people, but for smart people, they are a kind of confusion.

Chen Zong is a smart man, but he is not a smart man who thinks too much. Therefore, ignoring the ambiguous words of the other party, he has already made a judgment in his heart.

The other person is Tian Luozong's person.

Inferred for a reason.

The first is that this is the Tailuo mountain boundary.

The second is that the other party is doing this because it is afraid of leaking information and identity.

To sum up, the probability that the other party is Tian Luozong is as high as 70%.

If it is Tian Luozong's three-star combat power, he is not afraid of it, but if it is a four-star combat power, it is quite tricky.

Especially if the other party is well prepared.

If nothing is wrong, this dark void is a secret.

The other side traps himself with a secret treasure, the purpose is not to kill himself, but for the so-called chance.

Of course, after getting the so-called chance, whether or not I can survive is very unclear.

Will Chen Zong surrender the so-called chance?

Naturally impossible.

Then, find out each other and fight.

"When did Tian Luozong's four-star powerhouse do this kind of unscrupulous act." Chen Zong said again.

The moment the voice fell, sure enough, Chen Zong's keen perception caught a trace of inconceivable fluctuations.

This wave of fluctuations immediately caught Chen Zong, and the sword came out instantly.

Shen Yejian swept through the darkness, running through everything, relentlessly running through the darkness and vanishing.

This sword not only used 10% of its strength, but also the power of the explosive thunderstorm, which was turned into the front line of the world and killed.

Only in this way can we threaten the other party.

A sword was shot through the air, and sure enough, the opponent quickly dodged, and the fluctuations brought about were more clearly felt by Chen Zong.

Like the burst of sword light, countless inky black swordsmans continued to kill, arrogant and stern, astounding to the extreme, centering on Chen Zong and pouring out in all directions, each sword was arrogant to the extreme, fully capable of elite two-star power. .

"Negative stubborn resistance!" The husky voice sneered suddenly, with a little ridicule.

A mere two-star combat power, dare to compete with his own four-star combat power, it is simply unknown.

Each time the stars differ by one level, the difference in combat power is more than doubled.

The gap between the two-star and four-star power is several times that.

Several times the power gap, even if the opponent's swordsmanship is superb, it is not possible to cross such a power gap to compete with yourself.

The winning ticket is in your hands!

It was only for insurance purposes that I used this Tianzong secret treasure of Tianzong, Tianluo, to prevent the news from leaking out.

This mystery is not simple. The interior itself is covered by dark space, but the outside world is invisible.

At this moment, when you look at the outside world, you can't see this dark and empty space, and it's the same as before, or the scenery of the valley.

It can only be found in close contact.

"Since you don't cooperate, don't blame my ruthless hand." The husky voice came to my ears, and Chen Zong was shocked, Lei Guanghuan!

The speed erupted, turning into a thunderbolt quickly swiping to the side, a black light passing by instantly, like Chen Zong's original void, and it was called Chen Zong's fright.

"Yes, I was able to avoid my blow, and I became more and more interested in you." The voice, like a sound in the ear, suddenly called Chen Zong creepy.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong burst into real strength.

Too early sword Yuan Gong!

Magical Power!

The combat power soared in an instant.

Originally an elite two-star, it has soared directly to the elite three-star level.

The speed is soaring, the sky wind is inexhaustible, the lightness is incomparable, and the power is fully displayed.

Turned around with a sword, heaven and earth line.


This sword is condensed to the extreme, the dark sword horn is deeper and deeper than the dark void.

The power of this sword is obviously more powerful than before, and in the perception, it has reached the elite three-star level.

On this day, Luo Zong's four-star powerhouse was frightened and terrified.

Surprisingly, such strength can also erupt.

too terrifying.

Moreover, I felt the strength of the opponent changed.

The breath before was full of amazing evil spirits, and the breath now has an indescribable sharpness.

Obviously different exercises.

A person can master two different exercises at the same time?


The four-star powerhouses became more and more excited.

Big chance!

It's definitely a chance, bigger than you think.

With full strength and full explosion, Chen Zong's strength became more and more arrogant, whether it was in attack, speed, or other directions, all improved.

With a sword in hand, he kept killing. For a time, the four-star powerhouse couldn't help Chen Zong.

Under this condition, the four-star powerhouses also burst into full strength.

Elite four-star combat power!

The long knife came out of the sheath, the knife light suddenly lit up, and shone in all directions, and then, as soon as possible, was restrained and turned into darkness.

One shot cuts, the power is extremely amazing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The knife light seems to split the darkness, and it seems to make the darkness deeper.

Killing with one stroke, it was just a sword light, but Chen Zongsheng was asked to face a dozens and hundreds of sword lights, and it felt like a net covering.

Nowhere to dodge.

Secluded black pupil!

This mysterious mystery method can not only hit the target's mind and will, but also enhance Chen Zong's vision and better see through the weakness.

Originally, Chen Zong's eyesight was very amazing, and he trained the fabulous black pupil to the extreme, and the growth rate under this situation was even more amazing.

a little!

One of those hundreds of sword lights was immediately locked by Chen Zong.

Heaven and earth line!

A sword stabbed out and passed through that point in an instant.

Chen Zong only felt that a force of force came back, causing Shen Yejian to bend almost, and the whole person flew back, but that same sword was also disintegrated by Chen Zongyi.

Chop Chop!

The dark long swords are constantly being killed, one after another, as if endless, as if the black sword waves are raging, swelling and endless, flooding in all directions.

Since it can't be done with one knife, there are more.

See how the other party cracks.

The so-called one drop ten sessions!

In the face of such a violent and intensive offensive, it depends on your skill and how to resolve it.

Chen Zong looked cold, his eyes twinkling.

Dozens of knife lights, each of them condensed into substance, each of them can hurt the ordinary four-star combat power, very terrible, attacked from all directions to kill themselves, surrounded themselves.

Liangyi sword world!

Without hesitation, Chen Zongshi showed off his defensive skills.

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