Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 26: Royal God Break

(I admit that the codeword has to forget the time)

In the area of ​​Tianluo Town, the darkness is empty.

Dozens of extremely powerful sword lights slashed as if to destroy everything.

Black and white dual-color sword and light mixed elements, Yin Yang Dao Yi almost touched the polar world, mysterious and abnormal.

"It's another top-level way of meaning!" Tian Luozong's four-star combat powerhouse was unconscious.

It is amazing that a powerful cultivator can grasp a top-level meaning, let alone practice it to the extreme at the sacred level.

At present, this person not only cultivates a top-level Taoism to the extreme, but also masters several high-level Taoisms, all of which have reached the limit of nine turns, and even mastered the second top-level Taoism. Also approaching the extreme.

Being able to have an elite four-star combat power, Luo Zong's strong man naturally understood Taoism to the extreme, and was able to more clearly distinguish the fluctuations of Chen Zong's Taoism breath, which was even more shocking.

As a result, his mind gave birth to the same mentality as many strong enemies in the past.


Be sure to kill the other party, otherwise this talent is too terrible. Now it is equal to resentment. If you grow up and retaliate later, you can't bear it with the ability of Tian Luozong.

Daoguang can't dodge, even Chen Zong's superb swordsmanship can't be broken at the same time, only defense.

Boom boom!

With dozens of black swords beating and killing, Liangyi's sword world trembled endlessly and was eventually broken.

Although the defensive force of Liangyi Sword Realm is very strong, it can be done to defend against a four-star combat attack, but dozens of attacks are difficult to achieve.

But Chen Zong also seized the opportunity at the moment, and shot out with a sword, piercing the weak place between the broken knife lights, as if splitting a thin channel.

The sky is windless!

After practicing this supernatural power to the full realm, the mystery is amazing, especially when it is displayed in conjunction with the Tianfeng Taoism on the limit of the nine turns, when it can really be transformed into a ray of heavenly wind.

Kankan burst out of the broken knife light, and the oncoming long black knife fell off, decisively.

Seems to be able to split the sky in one fell swoop.

This knife contains the ultimate horror power and seems to be able to chop everything. It is overbearing and extremely powerful. It directly suppresses all directions and cannot be avoided, as if it would be chopped directly.

Teana Barrage!

Tianluozong's secret martial arts can be displayed with empty hands or weapons, and its power is amazing.

A blow suffocated Chen Zong, as if he would be chopped.

The realm of the heart was compressed to a range of ten meters, the faint black pupil was urged to the extreme, and Chen Zong stared at the point of that amazing knife light.


Heaven and earth line!

The power that was condensed to the extreme came out in an instant, hitting the point of the dark knife light.


After a slight pause, it was a terrifying explosion. Chen Zong only felt the impact of a landslide-like terrorist force and struck himself flying. If he did not launch the gold body in time, he would be afraid that the tiger's mouth would break and the arm bones would break.

Rao is so, still feels painful attack, can not help but blood and shock, flew out dozens of meters instantly.

Tianluozong's four-star powerhouse also gave a slight meal, and the power of that sword suddenly exploded.

"So amazing consciousness and swordsmanship." His eyes were so bright that they could pierce the sky.

Obviously, the combat power is not as good as himself, but with such amazing consciousness and sword skills, he can directly attack the weakness of Tengu Ba Luo hit. The weakness is insignificant, but he is still caught and used by the opponent.

Sure enough, it was terrible.

Such a talent, why have you never heard of this person's name before?

The thoughts just passed by, not much thought, no need to think more.

No matter how good it is, it is ultimately in your hands.

Tian Luo knife method!

The knife unfolds, the dark light covers all directions, and the layers are densely packed to kill.

Each knife contains two kinds of strength, namely, sturdy and flexible, and when combined with each other, it becomes more and more delicate, and immediately sieges Chen Zong in the middle.

Chen Zong unfolds the infinite endless serial sword, and cooperates to compress the extreme realm of the heart to resist the opponent's sword.

When it comes to fighting skills, Chen Zong is worse than the other side, but when it comes to strength, he is not as good as the other side. After a while, he can still barely compete.

However, the power of spiritual martial arts is rapidly consuming.

Supreme Master Wu is a small magical power, and it is not easy to cultivate. So far, Chen Zong has only cultivated to Xiaocheng.

Only when you practice to the full state can you save your strength, and you can use it directly, and it will continue until you are completely exhausted.

But to reach that level, it is not yet known how much time it will take.

At the moment, it is impossible to defeat the other party with their own strength, and the pressure the other party puts on them is too strong, almost beyond the limit, so that they cannot use their pressure to sharpen their minds and swords. The mystery.

Continuing, when the power of spiritual martial arts is exhausted, its own strength will decline, and by then, it will be even worse.

As for the use of Shura as the wicked evil eye, Chen Zong was not sure about killing the other party. Instead, he would expose the secret of the avatar and cause more trouble. At that time, the scene of fleeing into the Miguang Sea will inevitably be staged again.

Must get away.

To escape, you must first break through this dark void.

In an instant, countless thoughts flickered by like lightning and made a decision immediately.

On God!


Suddenly, the eighteen black rays suddenly lighted up and shot out at an astonishing speed, killing each other like a bamboo shoot.

The sudden move suddenly called the other side a little bit wrong.

However, its response speed is extremely fast. Under the Tian Luo sword method, it can attack and defend. At the same time, it can also resist the eighteen powerful black mangs.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Zong seized the moment, and immediately cast Tianfeng Wuxiang and Lei Guanghuan alternately, and quickly got out.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong rushed to the side and approached the dark edge.

Tian Luozong's four-star warrior had a look at him, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Does he still want to break through Tianluo?

The strength of Tianluo Zhenyu is closely related to the strength of the exhibitor.

In other words, unless the opponent can explode to a level comparable to his own, he is expected to break it.

But obviously, the opponent does not have the elite four-star combat power.

Heaven and earth line!

Killed with one sword, the power directly reached the level of elite three-star, but was resisted and could not break through the slightest.

"one strike!"

"The next blow, I must break it." Chen Zong secretly said.

Then this blow, when the strongest power is about to erupt.


In a hurry, all the power of divine thought was mobilized, as if the tide was surging and surging, as if the storm was raging and raging.

The storm raged, Chen Zong's black hair fluttered, and the sharp sword qi fluctuated.

The eighteen black mangs condensed into two young imperial soldiers in a flash, pointing straight ahead.

All the power of the gods' minds carried the mighty power of the sword power of the early period and the power of the spirit and martial arts, and poured into the Xiao Yu Shen soldiers. Diffuse in all directions.

But this is not enough.

He has only one chance to strike. If he cannot break it, he will inevitably fall into the opponent's hands.

Blood thunder species ... detonated!

In the eighth territory of Miguang Realm, Chen Zong once detonated the blood thunder species, knowing the power of detonating the blood thunder species, and also knowing that the feeling of detonating the blood thunder species is very uncomfortable, and after detonation, it can only be retrained, which will be more difficult.

Before the detonation in Miguang, it would be okay to get out of Miguang, after all, even if it is dead, it is not real death.

But this time, it really detonated.

In order to break through this dark barrier, this has to be done.

At the moment when the perfect blood thunder kind detonated, Chen Zong felt that something in his body seemed to explode, which was very uncomfortable, but an astonishing force that spread out to him also spread like a torrent.


Comes out through the body like a thunderous thunder, falls directly on the two young imperial soldiers, and instantly renders the young imperial soldiers into blood red.

Royal God Break!

Divine thought was the source of strength, and it suddenly pushed the two Xiaoyu Shenbings forward and killed them. The two Xiaoyu Shenbings suddenly turned and intertwined, as if turning into a drill bit, and penetrated through the void fiercely. , Hit the dark barrier.

Tian Luozong ’s four-star warrior did not shoot directly before, but wanted to look at the joke to make the other person despair, but with Chen Zong's killing, his eyelids couldn't help jumping, and a hint of something was born inside. feel.

This awkward feeling seemed to prove something.

With a bang, the dark barrier formed by the extremely tough Tianluo Town Treasure was broken in an instant.

Although he just broke a crack of Xu Fangyuan, it also shocked him.

This shows that the opponent's blow is completely elite four-star combat power, even more than a few points.

Hold back the feeling of uncomfortable body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong fully exerted Lei Guangxi, and rushed to the rift in an instant.

Rush Rush!

The gap was narrowing rapidly.

"Leave it to me!" Tian Luozong, a strong man, was furious to the extreme, and regretted it too much. He was too confident. Who would have thought that the opponent's hole cards were endless, and he exceeded the limits over and over again.

Force urged and the rift narrowed a little more.

The sky is windless!

Chen Zong approached the ever-decreasing rift and turned into a ray of sky wind and quickly got out.

Once out of the siege of Tianluo Town's Mysterious Treasure, there was a sense of joy that Tian Gao Ren Birds flew across the sea with leaping fish. Chen Zong made no effort to spur Lei Guangquan and flew away quickly.

If the Divine Destroyer breaks out for a single time, it is difficult to mobilize for the time being, I'm afraid that Chen Zong will accelerate with a small Divine Demon.


Traveling at full speed, extremely fast, and vaguely, Chen Zong felt like he was about to break through some limits.

Suddenly, a figure appeared over the valley, in a black robe, with a cold look and a stare, staring at Chen Zong, his eyes were as substantive as normal.

"I didn't intend to use it. You forced me." A flicker of pain appeared in the bottom of his eyes. A black ball appeared in his hand. It seemed to be cast of metal. It was covered with countless complicated lines and looked abnormal. The mystery of it seems to contain endless mysteries.

This is a one-time secret treasure, which he obtained from an opportunity. It is very precious and different from Tianluo Township.

Tianluo Zhenyu is not a one-time secret, it can be used again.

"Go!" Running the work method, the power is poured into the black metal ball in an instant, and the amazing black light permeates. It is thrown forward instantaneously, and is quickly streamed to Chen Zong.

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