Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 32: Fight again

(In the momentum of the outbreak, brothers, come with some monthly tickets to help, so that six can be better outbreak)

The city of Tailuo was caught in a strange atmosphere.

The elders of Shuramon II suddenly emerged, their strength was arrogant, and successively let a number of inferior forces lose their strength and fall apart. It also caused the four middle forces to decline in strength, and the situation was critical.

Even the three and a half-step great saint-class strongmen of the high-level power ramon also killed, so that the high-level power of the high-power ramen survived. It is certain that in the near future, the tyrannosaurus will lead the high power to Medium power.

The heart-burning gate that might end up like that of Da Luomen, but it is safe.

Because, Elder Xiuluomen disappeared on his way to the heart of Burning Heart.

Yes, it just disappeared.

This disappearance is two days.

Under normal circumstances, two days are actually very short, and it is not surprising that a person disappears for two or even ten days.

But the problem is that the second elder of Shuramon disappeared on the way to the burning heart gate. It disappeared under the attention of countless people, which naturally caused great repercussions and caused many kinds of speculation.

Some people said they were scared and escaped by themselves.

Some people say that the person who burned the heart gate ambushed and killed him, etc.

Xiuluomen naturally received the news.

The arrival of the second elder has stabilized Shuramon from the storm and renewed, and he has become a pillar of the minds of everyone. They also believe that with the second elder, Shuramon will be better and better.

But now, the second elder has disappeared and disappeared without trace, all kinds of external rumors continue to disturb the hearts of the people.

The master and the two elders could not retreat, and Shuramon lost his backbone.

"Don't panic, the second elder will definitely return." Xin Yuan shouted, with a firmness and confidence between his eyes.

In fact, Xin Yuan didn't have the bottom of his heart, but the more such times, the more calm and calm he must be. In particular, he is still the first disciple of Shu Luomen, and it is necessary to take the lead.

Xin Yuan's words had some effect.

"Everyone goes to practice well. If the second elder returns, he will definitely not want to see us like this." Xin Yuan said again.

The crowd dispersed and began to cultivate.

Fortunately, Chen Zong only disappeared for two days. If it takes longer, the confusion caused will be even greater.

Everyone knew that in the dark, a pair of eyes were staring here.

With the passage of time, the two streams of light flew from a distance at an extremely fast speed with an amazing breath.


These two figures came to the main hall of the peak of Shuramon.

Chen Zong's divine power swept across, and he was relieved.

The people of Shuramon were still there without any loss.

In the final analysis, I only left for two days, not long, so at most, it just aroused some attention, and it didn't make people really stare at Shuramon.

Of course, if you leave for a few months yourself, someone may be eyeing Shuramon and take a risk.

On the way, Chen Zong had already introduced the situation of Xiuluomen to the King of the Silver Knife. Therefore, seeing that Xiuluomen was so declining, Zhao Mingkong did not have any unusual look.

On the contrary, Zhao Mingkong even thought that with Chen Zong's presence, Xiuluomen could develop sooner or later.

"It's the second elder!"

"The second elder is back."

The disciples of Shuramon felt the turbulence of breath, and they were excited and excited.

"You guys, stay well." Chen Zong's voice passed directly into the ears of every disciples and three deacons of Shuluomen.

The next breath, Chen Zong quickly flew away.

As for Zhao Mingkong, he stayed in place, which Chen Zongyin told him.

Chen Zong did not explode at full speed, but controlled the three-star speed to fly away from Shuramen.

"Come out." Chen Zongyi stood in the void, said Xu Xubuji with a coldness on his face.

Immediately, a tyrannical breath appeared, and then, a black diffused quickly, forming a ball like a cloud covering Chen Zong.

At the current speed, Chen Zong could completely escape when the darkness was completely wrapped, but Chen Zong did not do so.

This time, I came back to find the other person's account.

Depending on your strength, you can defeat or even kill the opponent.

As for the danger, Chen Zong was not afraid, not to mention, there was also Zhao Mingkong, a five-star combat force, at full speed at his speed.

Of course, Chen Zong is confident and does not need Zhao Mingkong to take a shot.

"You are back." Tian Luozong's four-star powerhouse appeared again, his eyes twinkling with horrible light and staring at Chen Zong: "How did you lift off the power of blocking the magic beads?"

"Tell you, you can't understand." Chen Zongbuxubuji said.

This is actually a big truth.

After all, such an unpredictable level of self-reliance, according to the predecessor of Hua Ji, even the great sacred realm of the Lingwu sacred realm never reached it.

The other party is only a half step, and it is even more impossible.

However, this sentence fell into the other's ears, but turned into a mockery.

"This time, I won't let you go so easily." Tian Luozong, the strong man, was full of face and ruthless, his eyes were extremely ruthless, and the murder was full, and his voice swept out like the Nine You Yin: "I want to abolish all of your practice, break your legs, leave only one arm, and write me all the exercises and martial arts."

On this day, Luo Zong's strong man couldn't help but think of these two days, he was going to forcibly crack the opponent's appetite, but as a result, he couldn't crack it.

You should know that before the breakthrough, Chen Zong's intensity of thoughts will not be inferior to the other party.

In this case, only by abolishing the other party can it be forcibly cracked.


A knife was broken, and the dark blade of light rolled up an astonishing razor blade, killing it overwhelmingly.

This knife, Chen Zong can not be avoided.

But now Chen Zong is not comparable to the previous Chen Zongneng.

Even if it is just ordinary four-star combat power, but the sword skill is enough to resist the opponent.


As soon as he fought, Tian Luozong found a difference.

It's just the past two days. The opponent's combat power has actually improved, and has been directly upgraded to the ordinary four-star level.


It's really incredible and unimaginable.

Big chance!

Great chance!

The opponent's body definitely has a chance against the sky. Not only can he lift the ban on blocking the magic beads, but it can also make the opponent's strength leap forward in just two days.

The strong man in Tian Luozong couldn't feel the change of Chen Zong's power.

That's the power that belongs to the half-step grand sacred level.

That is to say, in the short time of two days, the other side's cultivation was from breaking through the ninefold limit of entering the sanctuary to the half-step grand saint.

As soon as you break through, you have ordinary four-star combat power, which makes you jealous.

Thinking about myself, when I broke through, I only had the elite one-star combat power. After so many years of hard work, I just upgraded to the elite four-star level and reached the limit. If I do n’t get any great opportunities, I will be in this life. Only stop there.

And a breakthrough can have two-star combat power, the upper limit can reach at least six-star level, and even reach seven-star.

As for those who can reach three-star combat power with a breakthrough, the upper limit is at least eight-star and even nine-star.

As for those who have reached the four-star level after such a breakthrough, its upper limit cannot be predicted. Perhaps, in the future, it will be at least a nine-star powerhouse.

A breakthrough is the four-star combat power. Throughout the ages, no one has ever achieved it.

The highest record is the elite three-star combat power.

Night long dreams are too many, can't be delayed, but late changes.

"Tian Luo explodes!" A low-drink, black light permeated, and suddenly, invaded from all directions, incorporated into the body, the breath layered up and became more tyrannical.

The pervasive breath fluctuation was even more amazing, making Chen Zong feel solemn.

Five stars!

The opponent used a secret method to directly rise from the elite four-star combat power to the ordinary five-star level.

There is no doubt that this is a very powerful secret method.

However, Chen Zong was not afraid, only excited.

With the opponent's elite four-star combat power, it is simply not enough to suppress themselves, then the five-star combat power can allow yourself to do more.


The black knife broke through, and it was killed with one stroke, and its power was directly improved, as if to cut Chen Zong twice.

This knife is hard to resist.

Chen Zong quickly dodged and opened his distance.

Immediately, the eyes were closed, it was only a short breath, and when they were opened again, there was a ray of silver permeating the pupils, which looked very little, but there was a hint of cold light.


For a moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong felt that he was in control of himself more perfectly, all powers were under his control, and nothing was missed.

The knife that the other side had killed again became clear in his eyes.

Regardless of the trajectory or the fall point, even the flow of the power of the knife light is also somewhat vaguely presented in Chen Zong's eyes.

Magical Power!


Killing with one sword directly explodes its own most powerful force. Even if the current spiritual force cannot increase Chen Zong's combat power from ordinary four-star to ordinary five-star, it can also increase to elite four-star. level.

With an elite four-star combat power and perfect control of his self-confidence, Chen Zong's strength is becoming more and more terrifying.

This sword was shot, and immediately hit the weak point of that knife light. The next light, the knife light broke apart.

With almost no pause, Chen Zong's second sword came out.

A sword followed by a sword, the speed of the sword was astonishing, reaching the extreme that Chen Zong could play, and the power of each sword was not weakened by the speed of the sword.

The strong man at Tian Luozong was shocked.

how can that be?

He has realized that something is wrong, and it feels like the other party is like the power will never be consumed, and he never knows that he is tired. He can always maintain the peak state.

Fight fight!

Endless fighting!

Chen Zong is in complete calm, free from any foreign objects, and exerts his strength to the fullest.

Feeling like God is in control of everything you do, it's incredibly easy.

For a time, under Chen Zong's sword, Tian Luozong's strong man could not obtain any advantage.

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