Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 33: Sword Combat Tian Luo (Part 1)

(The Silver Knife King is six stars, and the six are confused.)

Void, nothing strange, but covered by Tianluozong's secret treasure, Tianluo Town, the interior is dark.

Chen Zong held Shen Yejian, his eyes filled with a trace of Yinhui, absolutely calm, so calm that it made the heart shiver and tremble.


Each sword seems to be trembling with precision after the most rigorous calculations.

The speed and power of each sword has reached the extreme that can be achieved.

Using mysteries to improve combat power will bring a stronger load to yourself. With the continuous consumption of power, the load becomes more obvious.

"How can this be." Luo Zong's strong man was totally unthinkable that day.

It's just two days later, the opponent ’s combat power has soared, and he can even show his terrible power with his own combat power, which is not inferior to his current ordinary five-star combat power.

Moreover, one's own strength is constantly being consumed, and it seems that the other's strength will not be consumed, and the strongest attack can always be released.

It's incredible.

Infinite sword ... serial kill!

The infinite sword under the spirit of swordsmanship in the polar realm is also very powerful. Under the serial outbreak, it is even more terrible.

Fading away!

Tian Luozong's strong can only continue to wield his sword to resist, it is difficult to find opportunities for counterattack.

The more immersed in self-confidence, the more Chen Zong developed his mysteries.

Unconsciously, the strong man of Luo Zong this day has become Chen Zong's sharpening stone, constantly sharpening himself.

The outbreak of secret methods to improve combat power is time limited and has side effects.

Not long after that, the strong man of Luo Zong felt that his strength began to become unstable and his face could not help but change greatly. He knew that the secret treasure would be terminated. Once the secret law was terminated, his strength would drop to a level.

The ordinary five-star combat power can't help the opponent. If the secret method is terminated and dropped by one level, it will only be an ordinary four-star, not to mention the opponent.




When an idea emerges, it grows wild like weeds and can no longer contain it.

The face of any strong person does not matter. Survival is the most important thing.

The secret treasure of Tianluo Town is under his control. He will run away soon.

In an instant, he left immediately and appeared outside Tianluo Township, and Tianluo Township ignored it and fled.

Although it is very painful, it must be so. The surrounding area of ​​Tianluo Town encircles the other side for a while, and tries to get away.

As soon as the other party left, Chen Zong felt it.

Heaven and earth line!

Killed with a sword, breaking the darkness in an instant.

With Chen Zong's current strength, there is no need for a blood thunder burst, which is enough to tear up the power of Tianluo Township.

Of course, it would be difficult to motivate the people of Tianluo to exceed four stars.

After breaking through the dark void, Chen Zong immediately scooped out and chased away quickly.

In his self-confidence, Chen Zong's speed also reached the extreme, it was extremely fast, and he kept chasing away.

Lei Guanghuan!

Speed ​​surged again, getting closer.

"Damn." Tian Luozong, a strong man with a blue complexion, was very angry.

Fortunately, I am not slow, so I should be able to return to the valley.

As long as you enter the valley, it is basically safe. After all, the formation protection of that valley, even a six-star combat power, is hard to break through.

Others, find a chance to spread the news, I believe that other strong will be heart-warming.

"Where are you going to flee?" A sound suddenly sounded, a strange sound. The first time I heard it, it made Luo Zong's strong man creepy.

In front of him, a figure appeared. The silver long sword traversed the void, as if it had existed in ancient times. The diffused breath was so sharp that it seemed to be able to tear everything in the world.


Tian Luozong is a thriller.

This is the breath of six-star combat power, and it is not an ordinary six-star combat power.

On the second glance, Luo Zong's strong man was recognized that day. This is the man who returned to Shu Luomen with the two elders.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an elite six-star warrior. Before the original, the other party deliberately suppressed his own breath.

This is a conspiracy against yourself.

"Despicable!" Tian Luozong suddenly scolded.

At the same time, Chen Zong came after him and did not hesitate to come out with a sword.

Heaven and earth line!

A sword smashed through to nothing, running through nothingness.

At this moment, the secret law of the Tian Luozong strong has continued to end, and the breath drops sharply.

In the face of Chen Zong's sword, he was so frightened that he did not dare to resist, but tried his best to avoid it.

When he avoided it, he found that Jian Guang did not know when it had been killed, as if waiting for himself.

Dodge again and find that another sword is coming.

Like a heavenly net, there is nowhere to hide.

Tian Luozong's martial arts has always used the Tian Luo Di net as a subtlety, which makes it difficult to evade, but at this moment compared with the opponent's sword, it is like a child compared to an adult.

Of course, Chen Zong's sword is not a tentative network, but under the control of one's own self, he can better infer all the trajectories of the opponent, and then respond in advance.

Although he has not directly enhanced Chen Zong's combat power, Chen Zong's strength has been inspired to the extreme, and his fighting ability has become increasingly amazing.

One was arrogant and the other was declining. He was directly suppressed by Chen Zong, but after a few strokes, he immediately hit the sword.

"Don't force me, or die together." Tian Luozong threatened with a strong expression on his face.

To die together is to explode.

A four-star, half-step holy sage with a combat power of self-explosion, its power, even if it is a five-star, did not dare to resist, it could be directly killed.

However, Chen Zong did not seem to hear it, and continued to kill.


On this day, Luo Zong's strong man had a utter face, and even if he died, he would pull two backs.

The power returned and reversed, and the momentum of terror suddenly spread.

Immediately, the soaring breath was in a flash, and I don't know when the abdomen was pierced and all power was leaking.

Can't blow yourself up.

Not reconciled!

On this day, Luo Zong's strong eyes were full of unwillingness, and stared at Chen Zong stubbornly.

Next sword, cut off his head.

Naturally, the ring that was taken away was also taken back, and the other ring was also owned by Chen Zong as a booty.

Even the secret treasure of Luo Zhenyu fell into the hands of Chen Zong that day.

A black bowl-shaped body, covered with countless complicated lines, is very deep.

Out of his self-confidence, Chen Zong felt that his energy and energy had been consumed a lot, and the rest was less than 20%.

Although the combat capability has increased dramatically in this realm, the consumption is also alarming.

If the other party persists for a while, Chen Zong can no longer maintain his self-confidence.

In this way, it also means that you can't always maintain your self-confidence, but it can be used as a hole card.

Take out the elixir to restore the power consumed, but Zhao Mingkong, the silver sword king, is protecting the law.

Before long, Chen Zong's strength was fully restored.

"Brother Zhao, let's go to Tianluozong." Chen Zongwei smiled, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Did Tian Luozong know about this?

It doesn't really matter, after all, the mountain where Tian Luozong was originally belonged to the ancient Shuramon.

Since Chen Zong wanted to revive Xiuluomen, it would be natural for him to take back the mountain someday as the place where Xiuluomen was located.

Since it is a matter of time, sooner or later, I will take advantage of this opportunity to do it in one fell swoop.

To this day, everything has changed. There was no idea that I planned to develop slowly and wait until it grew.

In this case, it will be a sharp knife.

Capture the mountain first, after all, there is a very important secret place of ancient Shuramon.

The method of opening it has been lost. Neither the current Shuramon nor the Tianluozong can be opened, but Chen Zong can, because the ancient Shuramon was taught.

That mystery is of great benefit to the cultivation of Shuramon.

As for King Rakshasa, who disappeared for hundreds of years, although Chen Zong was jealous, he can only do his best to improve himself and the power of Shuramon.

Under the leadership of Chen Zong, the two quickly flew away in the direction of Tian Luozong.

That mountain was originally called Xiuluofeng, but now it is renamed Tianluofeng because it was occupied by Tianluozong.

Tianluo Peak is the highest peak of Mount Tailuo, and it is also the most powerful and pure peak in the heaven and earth. If you practice in such a place, you will enter the country faster.

Chen Zong and Zhao Mingkong did not conceal their breath fluctuations, and rushed to the top of Tianluo Peak, which is where Tian Luozong's main hall is located.

Looking at it, countless palaces are located among them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~. It is like a continuous mountain, dotted with stars, as if it surrounds all sides, there is an indescribable mystery.

There is no concealed breath. Naturally, the people of Tian Luozong felt it, and looked up one by one.


In the face of those flying in the volley, the reactions of all sects were similar.

Unhappy and even angry.

Because it feels like a provocation.

The breath fluctuations emanating from Chen Zong and the King of the Silver Knife have reached the level of four-star combat power, which is very overbearing.

This time, I didn't come here to negotiate, but to provoke the teacher and even suppress the other party.

For a moment, Chen Zong alarmed Tian Luozong's remaining half-step big saint-class strongman.

Suddenly, the arrogance breathed out.

Tianluozong is the only top force in Tailo City because of a four-star star power.

In addition to the four-star powerhouse, Tianluozong also has two three-star powerhouses, one is elite level, and the other is ordinary level. As for the two-star power and one-star power, There are as many as five.


The entire Tianluozong has a total of eight and a half steps, and is considered a very powerful force.

"Why did the two lords come to Tianluozong?" Shen Shen, the elite three-star warrior, asked.

Chen Zong threw a skull directly, which was the head of Tian Luozong ’s four-star warrior. He immediately asked: "This person, you all recognize it, and designed to ambush me. If I have some patience, I'm afraid It has been killed by him and it is impossible to stand here. "

In an instant, all the seven and a half step saints in Tianluozong were all red-eyed, and their arrogant breath exploded, killing them.

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