Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 34: Sword over Tian Luo (Part 2)

(Thank you to the teachers and sisters who voted monthly. The first one will be offered first, and the second one will be around 8 o'clock in the evening, and it will start tomorrow)

The anger was soaring, the black smoke filled with smoke, overflowing in all directions, condensing into dark clouds, rowing mountains and rivers, amazing killings are condensing, and the forest is cold like prison.

All the seven half-step holy saints were all angry, the rage was abnormal, and the killing was overwhelming.

The strongest person in Tianluozong was actually killed. The two who killed him were the two in front of him.

In any case, this is hatred and must be reported.

Chen Zong looked slightly cold, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Looks like, you have already made your choice." Chen Zong's voice also brought severe murderousness, like the nine cold winds.

The breath of arrogance was suddenly diffused from Chen Zong. This was the breath of ordinary four-star combat power. It was very arrogant and shocked. A shadow of the sword in the early days condensed behind it, permeating an incomparable edge, cutting Everything in the world instantly tears the other's momentum.


The silver sword king Zhao Mingkong also released his own breath, which is the breath of six-star combat power. Although controlled at the ordinary six-star level, he also completely shattered the momentum of the opponent's seven people in an instant. .

Under the strong breath, Tian Luozong's seven and a half steps of the Great Saint-level strong thriller, cold sweat.


There is a clear gap. Under such a gap, the strength of the two sides is very different.

A five-star warrior is enough to slaughter seven of them.

"What do you want?" After calming down, the elite three-star warrior gathered his eyes and asked Shen.

"This person wants to kill me, don't say that you don't know." Chen Zong said, not questioning, with a bit of questioning.

"We really don't know," said the elite three-star Shen Sheng. The fact is that he doesn't know, but it's true. Of course, even if he knows, he can't admit it at this time.

Otherwise, I'm afraid Tian Luozong is in danger.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Zong also didn't know whether the other party really didn't know or didn't know. The purpose of his coming here was nothing more than to use this as an entry point: "This peak is where my Xiumen was once. , And now, on behalf of Shuramon, withdraw this peak. "

Chen Zong expressed his true intentions.

For Solomon to revitalize, he naturally needed a better environment.

At the boundary of Tailo City, this mountain is the best, and there is a secret place of ancient Shuramon. For Shuramon, it is almost the best place for the gate.

Chen Zong's words suddenly changed the look of those seven and a half steps.

Although the other party was right, it used to be the gate of the ancient Shuramon, but that is the past tense, but now it belongs to the Tianluozong.

To recover this mountain, it means that Tianluozong must move.

Who wants it?

"Two options, one is that you leave on your own initiative, and this mountain is returned to Xiuluomen." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, his words filled with a hint of astonishing sharpness, and brought terrible oppression to the other side: "two, will you Seven people were killed, and all of Tian Luozong's sanctuary was killed later. By then, Tian Luozong would be dead in name. "

pick one of two!

This is actually a good choice.

Normal people should choose the first one.

Chen Zong believes that Tian Luozong's people will make the most correct choice.

"We need time to think about it," the elite three-star warrior blinked, and immediately said.

"A quarter of an hour," Chen Zong said without hesitation, with a domineering tone that should not be questioned.

"Ten days!" The other party bargained.

It takes ten days to think about it. Anyone can think of it, and the other party must be asking for help.

And this is what Chen Zong is not willing to see now, because it is not known whether the other party will ask for five-star or six-star power.

Then, the sword will be chaotic, and everything will be settled first.

"After a quarter of an hour, if there is no choice, I will help you make a choice." Chen Zongbu Xubuji said.

"Damn!" The seven half-step holy saints almost broke their teeth.

Tian Luozong, in fact, there are still big guards.

Once the Huzong formation is fully opened, its power is amazing enough to withstand the attacks of the elite six-star combat power.

This big Tianluo array is actually the foundation of Tianzong.

But unfortunately, the front line of the big Tianluo array, which is also the secret treasure of Tianluo Township, was taken away. There is no doubt that it was taken away by the four-star powerhouse.

The big Tian Luo Zhen, which lost the Tian Luo Zhen Yan Zhen Yan, its strength dropped directly by one level, it can only barely resist the five-star combat power, and because it is not related to the Zhen Yan, it cannot withstand a long time.

Another point is that the opening speed is slower.

This is also the reason for the arrival of King Chen Zong and the King of Silver Swords. Tian Luozong has not had time to start the formation. Otherwise, if there is a need to negotiate now, the big Tian Luozhen will be opened directly.

Asking for ten days, one is to contact the outside world and ask for support. Although it is a price to pay, it is better than being driven away.

The second one? It's also to open the big sky team.

Of course, the opening of the big Tian Luo array does not need ten days, and a quarter of an hour is completely enough.

"If you don't give up, I can let you start the big Tian Luo array." Chen Zong said again, "But when the time comes, the array will be destroyed."

In conjunction with Chen Zong, King of the Silver Knife erupted into an elite six-star combat power, which was extremely forceful and breathtaking.

This breath made the seven deities and half step saints suddenly shocked.

The big Tian Luo Zhen who lost the secret treasure of Tian Luo Town is not a complete Big Tian Luo Zhen.

Although it can resist the attack of five-star combat power within a certain period of time, the five-star is inferior to the six-star.

This person is not a five-star, but a six-star, or an elite six-star.

Obviously, the large Tian Luo array is unable to withstand many attacks.

Once burst, it is time for Tian Luozong to die.

A bet?

Within a quarter of an hour, turn on the big Tian Luo array to block each other?

The fate of Tian Luozong is in their hands. In the past, this feeling of suffering should be borne by others, but today they are replaced by them.

Time passed slowly, and Zhao Mingkong, the silver sword king, still released a terrifying horror.

Among the Tianluozongshan gates, the gatekeeper, the elders, and the disciples all looked startled.


That breath is really terrifying.

They naturally recognized Chen Zong.

Elder Shuramon!

Tian Luozong's big brother and a man and a woman who were always with him were shocked.

Not long ago, they looked down on the so-called Tianjiao, but now, Tianjiao appears directly above Tianluozong, overwhelming Tianluozong.


What a gap!

Compared with Tian Luozong's big brother, it seems that Firefly is better than Haoyue.

A quarter of an hour is short.

"Time is up, tell your choice." Chen Zong's voice sounded, as if the sound of judgment, immediately made everyone in Tian Luozong's heart trembled, horrified.

Zhao Mingkong's long knife came out of the sheath slightly, and the diffused knife was shocking.

The void seemed to be unbearable and was torn directly.

Amazing killings shrouded in the seven and a half-steps of the Holy Masters in Tianluozong, making them icy cold like a falling ice cellar.

It seems that as long as the words of refusal are spoken, then, with the sword out of the scabbard, a terrible blow will erupt and kill them directly.

How strong is the elite six-star warrior?

Not sure, but definitely they can afford it.

"Let's go." At last, the elite three-star warrior said, his voice was extremely low, and in a few words, everyone in Tianluozong seemed to be drained of energy and spirit, and became weak.

"Very good, now, pack up your stuff immediately and leave immediately." Chen Zong's tone was unmatched.

"Brother Zhao, please trouble me here. I will now bring Tiangong seniors out," Chen Zong said.

"Relax," Zhao Mingkong said.

Unless the seven-star combat power comes, otherwise, below seven stars, you have no fear.

You know, the environment of Miguanghai is very bad, and it can survive for hundreds of years. It was a life-and-death kill. Many elite six-star combat powers can't compare with it.

The elite six-star combat power is placed in the entire Taixuan Realm, and they are all ranked high.

Chen Zong quickly left, and he had to open the door to Miguang Island, and did not want to be seen by others, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

After a while, Chen Zong returned to Miguang Island and no one knew.

The place where Chen Zong appeared was where Shanhaiwang's Dongfu was.

"Senior, I'll take you away first." Chen Zongdao.

"Okay." Tiangong is naturally very happy.

"This time, I need help from seniors." Chen Zong also explained directly.

"I can use my old bone, you can say ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tiangong smiled.

Another reason that Chen Zong brought out Tiangong this time was that Tiangong was proficient in array formation, and his accomplishments in formation were amazing.

Instantly, Tiangong left Miguang Island with Chen Zong.

The strength of Tiangong Old Man is not as good as that of Silver Knife King, but it is only an elite five-star level. Therefore, this time, the place where Chen Zong and Tiangong Old Man appeared is closer to the boundary of Tailo City, and the return time is shorter.

Tian Luozong quickly cleaned up and started to evacuate under the control of the Silver Sword King.

As for where to go, that's their business.

Maybe it was to find a nearby mountain to settle down first, or it was to relocate and leave the boundary of Tailor City and go to other boundaries.

Everything is changing so fast that it is too late to accept.

Under normal circumstances, the migration of a martial art is a big deal, but there is no such haste.

However, Chen Zong did not give them time.

Since the plan can't keep up with the changes, let's move faster.

Another point is that Chen Zong would like to go to that eternal battle.

Just according to Hua Ji's words, if you want to go to the Eternal War Fortress, you have to be prepared and have enough time, because once you go, it is the direct entry of consciousness, it is estimated that it will stay for a while.

Therefore, things here must be settled as soon as possible.

In this way, I have the heart to chase others.

After all, your own strength is the most important.

If his own strength is not enough, he develops more, and finally makes wedding dresses for others. This is what Chen Zong sees very clearly.

Tian Luozong's high-rises were all gloomy, while Tian Luozong's disciples were bewildered.

Chen Zong and Tiangong also quickly approached.

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