Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 35: Shura Mystery

The top forces Tianluozong moved, and for a time, they shook the territories of Tailo City, and even spread to the neighboring territories.

Anyway, Tian Luo Zong Ke is the only top force in the territory of Tai Luo City. He has a four-star combat force and is powerful and amazing. His every move is often more noticeable.

Tian Luozong did not leave the boundary of Tailuo City. After all, Chen Zong gave too much pressure and time was too short. Without sufficient preparation, if he left the boundary of Tailuo City, I don't know where to go.

After all, Tianluozong is not a weak force, and the resources of other realms have already been allocated. To go to other realms is to seize resources with other sectarian forces, and no one is willing.

Settle down, renovate, and plan for the future.

The grievances of being driven away cannot be left alone.

Of course, in the absence of an absolute strongman, Tian Luozong can only endure.

With the Tiangong elderly man, Chen Zong first returned to the original peak of Xiuluomen and immediately gathered everyone to ask them to pack and go to Tianluofeng.

First a moment, then shocked, then ecstatic and excited.

"We are finally going to rise." Deacon and his disciples were excited.

On this day, they also thought about it, but they just imagined it, just like dreaming.

Since the arrival of the second elder, every day has changed, changing with each passing day, and finally realized.

Shuramon began to migrate. Relatively speaking, it was relatively simple. Shuramon now has fewer staff and fewer resources.

The doorkeeper and two elders who are still in retreat have successively exited, and their exercises have been successfully repaired with the help of Tianshadan. However, the practice has been greatly reduced. After all, it is just a successful rehab. Time to repair it for recovery.

Upon hearing the news, the elder elderly kept tearing, and the host and the three elders even sighed.

Soon, Shulomen moved up and down to Tianluo Peak.

The Tianluozong palace community that originally belonged to Tianluo Peak is still there. However, the big Tianluozong array was destroyed. They were destroyed when the Tianluozong people left. They were unwilling to leave this large array. Used by Shuramon.

That's not enough.

In the formation method, the old man is a master-level accomplishment, and it is not difficult to repair it.

In fact, the ancient Shuramon also has a large guardian array, which is more powerful than the big Tianluo array. Unfortunately, it disappeared with the decline of the ancient Shuramon.

Chen Zong took out Tianluo Zhenyu and gave it to the old man of Tiangong. After repairing the formation method, the old man of Tiangong put it into Tianluo Zhenyu's treasure, and the complete big Tianluo array was enough to withstand the elite six-star combat power Offense without breaking.

Of course, if the seven-star combat force is shot, it can only resist a few times.

But the current Shuramon is no small matter.

The strongest is the silver sword king Zhao Mingkong, followed by Tiangong elderly with an elite five-star combat power, and then Chen Zong, with at least four-star combat power. Tian Luozong before the crush.

But in other respects, it is inferior and needs further development.

"Okay." The doorkeeper and the two elders sat in the main hall with great excitement, not knowing what to say.

And when they learned that the two five-star and six-star powerhouses were to become members of Shuramon, the excitement couldn't be increased.

Whether a sect is powerful or not, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of talented disciples, and it is also necessary for the top strong to sit in the town. In normal times, it is a kind of deterrence. The inheritance fire continues to burn and never goes out.

In the past, if Shuramon had a half-step saint-class powerhouse sitting in town, why would he fall into such a situation.

Now there are not only half-step grand saints, but also two deities, no, three deities, including the second elder.

Each of the three and a half step saints is a four-star five-star or even a six-star, which is more powerful than Tianluozong.

In the end, it didn't take long to consider and passed directly through negotiation.

Shuramon formed a Taishang regiment.

The Taishang regiment is the Taishang Presbyterian regime, and the regulations are set down. Anyone who is half-step big holy class will be automatically included in the Taishang Presbyterian regiment as the Taishang elder of Shuramon.

Entering the Taishang regiment, theoretically, there is no distinction between high and low positions.

As a result, the silver sword king Zhao Mingkong and Tiangong Elderly, as well as Chen Zong, who also stepped into the half-holy level, were included in the Taishang regiment, becoming the only three Taishang elders currently in Shuramon.

The richness and purity of the heaven and earth on the Tianluo Peak are far from the original hill of Shuramon. The gap is several times. When practicing in such a place, the staff of Shuramon are very happy, they can feel it. The improvement of self-cultivation is more rapid.

The repair of Datian Luozhen is completed, and there is Tianluo Township, which can be excited at any time. Of course, every time it is opened, it takes a lot of energy, so it will not open in normal times.

Tiangong Elderly is improving Da Tian Luo Zhen, which can naturally absorb the power of heaven and earth to store energy. If it is opened, it can have enough power to support consumption. In fact, it will reduce the resource consumption of the ancestral gate.

In addition, Tiangong elderly also intends to set up a poly-element array, which can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth in all directions, so that the vitality of heaven and earth on the peak will be more intense, so it is more conducive to cultivation.

Chen Zong, however, appeared behind the summit with his doorkeeper and two elders.

Here, there is a stone wall with a size of more than ten meters, as if cut by a sharp blade, and the surface looks very smooth, like a mirror.

The people of Tianluozong naturally knew this face of the stone wall, and found that even if it was a half-step big holy class, they could not break it, nor could they leave any traces.

They thought it was a treasure, but after much research, they couldn't help it, nothing changed.

Standing in front of the stone wall, Chen Zong held his breath, his hands were connected with the seal, and the marks were condensed, rising and floating, the pure evil spirits fluctuated, turning into a series of mysterious runes, flying towards the smooth Stone wall.

The doorkeeper and the two elders stared.

As the mark fell into it, as if the water waves were rippling, ripples and ripples spread out and spread in all directions.

One lap!

Two laps!

Three laps!

There are countless ripples, spreading in all directions, endless layers.

The mysterious and extremely inexhaustible evil spirit wave permeated. Immediately, the ripples mixed into one body and spread out from the center in all directions, becoming extremely regular.

"Go." Chen Zong said immediately, stepped out first, stepped towards the stone wall, and the whole body entered the stone wall and disappeared.

The host and the two elders also took steps, as if their bodies were submerged in the water, and disappeared into them directly.



The ubiquitous and endless evil spirit permeates, and the waves are endless, filling every place in the void.

Shura Secret!

This is the holy land of ancient Shuramon: Shura's mystery.

According to King Shura, this Shura secret realm can't actually be called ancient Shuramon. In fact, it was the other way round. Ancient Shuramon was established based on Shura secret realm.

Because the Vientiane Shura little magical power was obtained from the secret territory of Shura, and the burning of Shura Gong etc. was also obtained from it, but I do not know why it is incomplete.

The reason why the ancient Shuramon of that year could be cultivated as a Shura avatar is the relationship cultivated in the secret territory of Shura.

The closer Shura's mystery goes to the inside, the more intense and pure its spirit is, the more amazing it is.

And Chen Zong can feel that the air is filled with endless shame.


These shame will directly impact the sea of ​​gods, causing people to appear all kinds of illusions, even crazy.

Chen Zong kept walking forward, but the host and the two elders couldn't.

Because if you want to go inside, you must resist the more and more intense shock and erosion.

If it weren't for the people of Shulman, they would not have practiced the corresponding exercises, and it would be very difficult here.

"You practice here for the time being, and strive to restore it." Chen Zong said, going further.

The Shura Secret is a holy place for cultivation, for anyone who practices the qigong method.

Cultivation here will do more with less, and you will be able to perceive the ubiquitous shame here, and then learn and master the meaning of shama.

For thousands of years, the ancient Shuramon was so strong that it was also related to the secret world of Shura.

Now that Shuramen has the secret place of Shura, the rise is just around the corner.

The master and the two elders began to cultivate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong continued to move forward, feeling that the evil spirit was getting stronger and stronger, and the evil spirit was getting stronger, but it was still within the tolerance range.

In fact, Shura's mystery is not very big, just because of the relationship of strength, it is very difficult for people to march.

After several attempts, Chen Zong could not reach the center.

According to King Shura's information, this Shura secret realm should be divided into the 9th ring and the center. At present, he should be in the 6th ring, which is the limit that he can reach now.

As for King Gusula's heyday, when he entered the eighth ring, he could not move forward again.

Chen Zong summoned Shura as Chen Xiu, who will not be seen by others here.

Chen Xiu is more in line with this, directly entering the seventh ring, but trying to enter the eighth ring, there are still some difficulties, very reluctant, can only return to the seventh ring after a few breaths.

"So, Shura's avatar will stay here for the time being, and retreat." Chen Zong secretly said.

Anyway, other people are still unable to step into the seventh ring, cannot see the existence of Shura's avatar, and Shura's avatar is born with a natural body, which is more suitable, and the speed of cultivation will only be faster.

The deity began to retreat after he felt it carefully in the sixth ring. The purpose of Chen Zong was not to stay here to practice, but to reopen it so that the disciples of Shuramon could step in.

"Go out first to arrange things, and then step in here," Chen Zong secretly said.

This is because when the deity is savagely impacted on the sixth ring, he can sharpen the mind and strengthen it further.

As long as the power of divine thought is stronger, more people can be taken away from Miguang Island.

As long as some are willing to defend Shuramon for a hundred years, Shuramon will be more secure and will be better passed down.

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