Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 38: Eternal Fortress (1)


Miguang Island at Miguang Sea, Miguang Island in Miguang Island.

A figure appeared instantly.

Adjusting his breath, the spirit of spirit reached its peak, Chen Zongbuxubuji took out the eternal world order.

Reviving Shuramon is one of the last wishes of King Shura. Chen Zong is doing it, working very hard, and it is very effective. Today, Shuramon is very united and cohesive in the human heart, and it is also a Tailo city in the cultivation environment The boundary is second to none. In terms of security of the gates, it is also the strongest boundary in Tailor City.

After opening the gate, through Chen Zong's personal selection, the total number of new disciples increased by five hundred, all of them are young people, with strong plasticity and good mentality. Those who are not evil villains are worth training.

Next, it depends on their own efforts.

It is believed that ten years later, Shuramon would have the qualifications and ability to host the Taira.

Another wish of King Gusula was King Rakshasa.

But today's Rakshasa doesn't know where he is. In addition, if Rakshasa is still alive today, his combat power is at least an elite seven-star. Now he is not an opponent.

In any case, it is necessary to continue to improve our own combat power.

However, since breaking through the half-step grand sacred level, the combat power has soared, and there have been no small improvements in all aspects, but Chen Zong also feels that his progress has begun to slow down.

Perhaps that eternal battlefield will be his great opportunity.

In order to break through the practice to the level of a half-step grand sacred level, Chen Zong's spiritual thoughts have been further strengthened, and he can already manage to send the strong seven-star combat power off Miguang Island.

Therefore, Chen Zong realized his promise and sent King Lei Yan and Gu Feng Wang to Taixuan Realm.

As for the others who have not left Miguang Island, Chen Zong will be ignored for the time being.

Concentrate all the spiritual will, the mind is highly cohesive, and focus on the token in your hand.

Suddenly, Chen Zong just felt that the token in his hand seemed to become extremely heavy, as if it were a repression of the ancient bronze mountain, and it seemed to become extremely light, almost floating like a feather.

In a matter of importance, Chen Zong's spirit flew for a moment, as if he saw a colorful channel.

Each of the nine colors looks bright, and each of them is filled with extremely profound mysterious fluctuations, as if interpreting the eternity of the road between heaven and earth.

The nine colors are floating like ribbons, as if seaweeds are swaying in the water, and they are intertwined with each other.

Chen Zong found that with his own level of understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth, he could not see through even the slightest, not even a trace of fur.

Nine colors are flying in front of them, becoming more and more blurred, which is why they are getting faster and faster.

I don't know how long in the past, Chen Zong saw a little light, it seemed like an exit.

Without hesitation, go away.

Immediately, the nine-color color disappeared, and the light also disappeared. Only darkness existed forever.

Can not see, Chen Zong has a very strange feeling, as if the air flow in all directions is constantly permeating, condensing in the whole body.

"Oh, there are new people coming." When Chen Zong didn't see his eyes, Chen Zong heard someone talking.

"This is the number of the year?" Another voice sounded.

"It should be a few thousand, without intentional memory." The original voice disapproved, full of care.

Gradually, Chen Zong felt the existence of his body, his eyes opened, his eyes were as clear as water.

At a glance, Chen Zong found himself in a magnificent hall. The top of the hall was like a void, filled with stars, and as deep as the universe.

Looking around, it's extremely empty. The whole person is standing here as if in an endless world, how small he is.

On the ground, all the lines were exquisite and complicated, but just looking at it, Chen Zong had a feeling of dizziness in his head, and quickly took his eyes back.

Chen Zong couldn't imagine just being a big hall, letting him develop a sense of vastness as if facing the world.

"Here ..." Chen Zong murmured: "Is this the Eternal War Fortress?"

Whether it is an eternal battlefield or not, Chen Zong is still not 100% sure, but the only thing that is certain is that here, it is far better than any building in Tianyuan Sanctuary, and it is not a level existence at all.

It's as if the thatched cottage contrasts with the grand palace.

"Hmm ..." A sneer with a slight disdain sounded suddenly, and I didn't know where it came from, but Chen Zong could hear that it was one of the two previous voices: "It is indeed eternal The battlefield is correct, but it is only the hall of eternal battlegrounds, specifically to guide you, the demigods who can only get the token as a conscious body. "

Chen Zong ignored the disdain in the discourse, but paid attention to the information contained in the discourse.

Here, it is true that the eternal fort is true.

However, it can only be regarded as a part of the Eternal War Fortress, or in other words, it is only a very small part. It only leads to the temple. Listening to that tone is like the tip of an iceberg floating on the sea.

The second point is the token.

What I get is the eternal heaven and earth order, which is left by the Lord of Heaven and Earth. According to Hua Ji's words, the Lord of Heaven and Earth is one of the three masters of the eternal battlefield, but the Xeon standing in the void of the universe. One of them.

Then, you can get the eternal heaven and earth order, so that you can reach here with your consciousness, and other people can too. After all, in the universe, there are countless worlds, and the spiritual and spiritual realm is just one of them.

Moreover, according to Hua Ji's words, Lingwu Holy Realm is not yet a powerful world.

It is said that in some powerful worlds, there can even be multiple peerless monsters, still within the same generation, not like the Lingwu Holy Realm. There is only one generation, and the next generation will be faulted for many years.

Therefore, thousands of people mentioned in the previous two voices and so on this year also made Chen Zong startled.

The last point is the title.

Demi god!

Chen Zong remembers very clearly that the half-step grand sacred level of the Void Demon is called a demigod.

In Lingwu sacred realm, it is called a half-step saint.

In this way, the title in the cosmic void is demigod. In this way, the Great Holy Realm of the Lingwu Holy Realm is considered a god.



Chen Zong is not sure, but can only speculate.

"Excuse me, how do I go?" Chen Zong asked calmly, asking not to be ill or humble, even though he didn't know where the voice was.

This calm gesture surprised the secretly, but didn't care too much.

"Show your token." The voice sounded again.

Chen Zong waved his hand, and a token appeared in his hand, twinkling with black and white. The black was steady and heavy, and the white was light and vast, as if the earth and the sky.

"The eternal heaven and earth order is the vein of the Lord of heaven and earth."

"You turn left and go straight ahead, you can see the gate of heaven and earth, step into it." The second sound sounded.

Chen Zong stepped forward.

Immediately I discovered that the place where I appeared was an altar, and countless lines gathered in it. The altar has an indescribable ancientness, as if it had been immortal and immortal.

On the altar, countless gods circulate, countless gods shine, countless gods Xia show through the sky, and contain endless mystery.

Chen Zong can feel the atmosphere a little familiar, it seems to be just before, around his body, constantly condensing his current body.

It's just an altar. The sun, the sun, the sun, and the sun are endless, as if the dragons are roaming, interpreting the eternal mystery of the sky and earth.

However, Chen Zong didn't dare to look at it, he didn't dare to think deeply, because his consciousness couldn't bear it. If he thought deeply, he would feel dizzy, and even more serious, he would even disintegrate the consciousness and hurt it.

Retracting his eyes, Chen Zong continued to walk forward, stepping forward.

With each step, Chen Zong was not slow, but the front seemed infinitely distant.

The mind was calm, Chen Zong kept moving forward, and felt like he had walked for several days before he saw a black and white door.

The gate was 100 meters high, and black and white flowed through it, permeating a kind of majestic, light and vast atmosphere fluctuations, just like the eternal world in your hand.

Gate of Heaven and Earth!

This is the portal that belongs to the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

The black and white color made Chen Zong think of the yin and yang meaning he understood and mastered, and it was also a black and white color, but the two felt different.

The mystery of it is that Chen Zong is still unable to see it.

Full of excitement, Chen Zong took a deep breath, trying to calm down his mind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Immediately, holding on to the eternal world in his hand, with the fearless and forward-looking mentality, his eyes became sharp, like a sword. The air blasted out, his footsteps lifted, and he stepped forward resolutely.

The buzzing sound was very subtle, but it was diffused in all directions, running straight up and down, resonating with the eternal world in his hand.

The next breath, Chen Zong felt an irresistible force pervading his body, as if he had washed himself.

But this exercise seems to bring some change, but it is hard to detect.

Chen Zong didn't have time to notice, and found himself before a gate.

The gate is very strange, the upper part is white, as if there are endless white clouds permeating it, and it turns into a vast sea of ​​clouds, boundless and magnificent, just like an endless sky.

The lower part is black, a kind of black that I do n’t know how many years have passed and how many vicissitudes have gone through.

Just looking at it, Chen Zong felt that he seemed to be caught in it.

Gate of Heaven and Earth!

Here is the true portal of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

He calmed down and became excited again. Chen Zong immediately stepped forward and walked forward, gradually approaching that huge portal, feeling more and more small.

The road is extremely wide, it is black, it is deposited forever, and when walking in it, you can feel an indescribable thickness.

The eternal world in his hand trembled a little, permeating a trace of power. That power is not very powerful, but it must go forward and become a guide to guide the direction of Chen Zong.

Following the guidance of the eternal heaven and earth order, Chen Zong kept accelerating and crossed the gate of heaven and earth.

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