Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 39: Eternal Castle (Part 2)


Wuhe Avenue, as if endless, Chen Zong tried to move forward, but how fast he couldn't get up.

Because this body is purely a body without cultivation.

After all, I came to this place with consciousness through the eternal heaven and earth order. Otherwise, this eternal battlefield is located in the void of the universe. I don't know how far away from the spiritual realm of Lingwu, even the most powerful Holy Land might not be able to arrive.

However, the mystery was too deep, and Chen Zong could not understand it.

Guided by the eternal heaven and earth order, Chen Zong came to a large hall.


Although Chen Zong could not understand what the three words were, he could understand their meaning.

The ground floor hall is dark, as if it were a turbulent mountain, standing on the edge of the avenue, as if fused with this dark earth, indestructible.

Outside the first hall of the ground, there were many people standing in line. Chen Zong stood up in order, lined up the team, and glanced at it, and found that there was no breath fluctuation on the people in the line.

Or, it's introverted, so that you can't feel it.

But there is another possibility that these people, like themselves, come to this place with consciousness, and rely on the power of this place to take their own consciousness as the main body and reshape a body.

This body is not a real flesh body, but a pure energy body similar to Shura's avatar.

Of course, in essence, it cannot be compared with Shura's avatar. After all, Shura's avatar can be regarded as a kind of Tao, and the corpus that he has gathered now is just a very ordinary body of energy, which can only be stable. No special talent.

However, Chen Zong always felt extraordinary, but did not know where it was extraordinary.

The team is not short, it is estimated that there are hundreds of people, but it is moving fast, so it is Chen Zong's turn in less than a quarter of an hour.

Show the token and step into the ground hall.

I don't see any grand palace, it's just a room that doesn't look big. It's dark and the breath is very magnificent.

"Beginning of the test, you can improve your practice by participating in the enlightenment exercise within a limited time." A low voice suddenly sounded, straight through the eardrum, making Chen Zong tremble unconsciously, and her heart was shaking.

Immediately, Chen Zong stabilized his mind, but his thinking moved like lightning.


What test?

Hua Ji didn't say it, maybe it was unclear, maybe she forgot it, or she was too lazy to explain it.

Chen Zong is not a dull man, his thoughts flashed through.

Detection, the two characters are well understood, and the improvement of operation methods.

What are the exercises?

What exercises work?

I haven't got any exercises, so how to run the exercises that I have cultivated?

And what is the purpose of this test?

Don't know!

Except for knowing that this is the Lord of Eternal Battlefield, everything else is unclear.

The buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and a ray of black and white and two-colored divine emerged suddenly, condensing into a mysterious and abnormal characters, turning into strips, and as if a chain around the general body of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong can't understand any character. This is a text he has never encountered, but Chen Zong has a feeling that he can understand the meaning.

Heaven and Earth!

It is by no means a recipe.

This is a practice method, and it is very strange.

Chen Zong began to enlighten himself with his superb understanding.

The body of consciousness came here, but the perception was not half weakened.

However, Chen Zong found that the realization of this method is not easy, even if it is his own superb understanding, there is a kind of difficult feeling.

I don't know how long in the past, the first enlightenment is completed, the mystery is completely mastered, Chen Zong does not pause, and immediately enlightens the second.

Heaven and earth are very mysterious and profound. As soon as Chen Zong is enlightened, he is attracted, completely attracted and completely immersed in it.

What this caused was that Chen Zong completely forgot where he was and what he was doing.

I do n’t know how long it will take, and the second enlightenment is over.

Without a pause, he started to enlighten the third.

The first is the easiest to understand, the second is more difficult, and the third is more difficult.

However, Chen Zong's understanding is extremely amazing, and he takes the first and the second as the fundamental enlightenment, and thoroughly understands the mystery of the third.

When Chen Zong wanted to enlighten the fourth, he suddenly found that there was no more.

In this world, there are only the first three.

"How is that?" Chen Zong was surprised, and then remembered that he was in an unknown test, and the content of the test seemed to be enlightenment and practice, and there was a so-called time limit.

But I do n’t know how much time is limited.

"Hope it's too late," Chen Zong said secretly.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong practiced immediately.

Heaven and earth are more subtle than any other exercises that Chen Zong has seen in the past, because this is a practice that takes into account both qi and refining. At the same time, the strength of its cultivation is amazing, as if it is to refine some strength The secret method of force is also integrated into the general.

For example, there is a mysterious method of Lihuo Jin in the South Liyu Jade Gong. Based on the power of the South Liyuyu Gong, the secret method of Lihuo Jin is cultivated, and the lateral Lihuo is stronger than the Lili Jade Gong. The power comes out, the power is stronger.

The world and the world are like Lilihu directly integrated into Nanliyuyu, no need to practice separately.

There is no doubt that Heaven and Earth is a very profound practice, even if it is only the top three, it is also very tyrannical.

Chen Zong inferred that the complete world decision is definitely far better than the Taichu Sword Yuan Gong he created.

At the beginning of the cultivation, the operation of heaven and earth is the first priority. Suddenly, strands of black breath and strands of white breath are drawn out, permeating from below to the sky, and surrounding Chen Zong's body, as if intertwined with two spirit snakes Twine, black and white.

In the next breath, the black snake and the white snake were extremely agile, drilled into Chen Zong's nostril and quickly refined.

As the heaven and the earth move, Chen Zong can feel that the black breath is integrated into his body, making this body more solid, and the intensity is increasing, just like refining.

The white breath is walking inside the body, like a ray of true air.

Cultivation, Chen Zong is constantly practicing, the breath on his body gradually changes, more and more vigorous, but more and more light and vast.

Disparate breath fluctuations appear at the same time, but there is an unspeakable harmony, which is natural.

At first, the breath is weak, and it continues to increase with cultivation.

Chen Zong can clearly feel that his cultivation is ascending. If divided according to the standard of the Heavenly Realm, it is the lowest level of foundation construction, and the ascending speed is amazing.

When Xiu was elevated to the level of transcendental realm, all of a sudden, Chen Zong could not absorb any breath.

"The upper inspection is over and the lower inspection is started." The deep voice sounded again.

Chen Zong was a little surprised.

The eyes are changing, as if chaos opened up, white diffuses, rises, black sinks, and the world is clear.

On its own, it stands on the black earth, with the white sky above it.

A figure emerged out of nowhere, wearing black and white armor, covering the whole body, with a sword on his waist.

"I'm your opponent, choose the weapon you want." The voice of the black and white Warframe man sounded, with a bit of metal texture in the deep.

"Sword." Chen Zong said without hesitation.

Immediately, the atmosphere of black and white was permeated, and they gathered from all directions, gathered and tangled in front of Chen Zong, and turned into a sword.

The hilt is black, the sword body is white, and its ridge is a black sprawl.

A right-handed grasp, five fingers and one buckle, an extremely comfortable feeling emerged spontaneously.

The weight is just right.

Immediately after the sword started, the black and white warframe man didn't hesitate, stepped out, as if the fierce wolf rushed in, and it was like a fierce tiger attacking.

With a wave of his right arm, a scabbard came out of his waist, bringing out a round of black light, which appeared like a round of beheading. It was astonishingly powerful, as if he was going to split Chen Zong with a knife.

Chen Zong's expression changed slightly, and he was frightened.

This sword is so powerful and very amazing. The breath permeates. There is an indescribable majesty and lightness, and there is also a certainty.

This is obviously the strength cultivated by Tiandi Jue, and the other party is also a master of cultivating Tiandi Jue.

But in the battle, Chen Zong was never afraid, a sword swept out, the first strength of heaven and earth permeated, black light surging.

The heavy power condenses in an instant, and turns into an overpowering force, as if it can defeat everything.


The sword and sword confronted in an instant ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong only felt the impact of an extremely powerful force, and instantly burst his sword into his hands.

The battle sword continued to slash like a bamboo, and Chen Zong was divided into two.


This opponent's cultivation is stronger than himself.

According to the level, his current practice is almost the same as that of the transcendental realm, so the other party is at least the transcendental realisation.

As for heaven and earth, it should be the first priority.

But the gap for repair is really there.

Footsteps shifted, and instantaneously avoided, Chen Zong stabilized the sword in his hand, and under the urging of heaven and earth, one sword turned into a streamer to kill.

This sword is white, and it is the power of heaven and earth that is white. It is extremely light and the speed of the sword is amazing.

However, he was stabbed by the opponent and counterattacked.

Reluctantly to avoid, the third sword fell off.

The incredibly light white knife light diffuses like a cloud of sky, covering all directions.

Immediately, a dark and extremely majestic sword light condensed like a sword mountain, killing in the air and crushing everything.

Chen Zong still didn't avoid it. Even though the swordsmanship was extremely profound, the opponent's swordsmanship was not bad, and his cultivation was far better than himself.

It is completely the suppression of cultivation.

In the last sword, he was domineering, and immediately split back and flew out. The sword in his hand almost shattered and shivered. The strength made his body seem to be torn apart.

Chen Zong only felt that his body seemed to be falling apart, and he couldn't raise any power for a while.

"You are defeated." A low voice sounded and passed into Chen Zong's ear.


Chen Zong knew, but what it meant was not clear at all.

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