Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 40: Lowest level

(Fifth more is over, seek monthly tickets to restore vitality, and pay attention to the public number: the six sinking)

The black and white disappeared and returned to chaos, and then Chen Zong returned to the black room and waited quietly.

"When the upper test is over, the world and the ground are the first priority, and the status is lower. The lower test is over. The actual status is mid-level ... The year of consciousness test is over, ten years ... The physical test is over, and all the subordinates are ... Subordinate! "A low voice suddenly sounded and passed into Chen Zong's ears. Immediately, Chen Zong felt that a breath was coming and imprinted on his eternal heaven and earth order.

"Status ... subordinate ..." Chen Zong frowned slightly, what kind of division was this?

It is completely different from the division of the heavenly sacred realm of Lingwu Holy Realm, and it is difficult to grasp for a while.

Status refers to cultivation, and according to the standards of the heavenly realm, he is one of the transcendental realm, which is regarded as the early stage of transcendental realm, corresponding to the lower rank of status.

Then status should refer to the level of transcendental realm.

As for the subordinates in the final evaluation, this can make Chen Zongsheng feel a bit uncomfortable.


It doesn't sound like an advanced ranking.

As for the year of consciousness, does it refer to age?

There is also the so-called fitness test, what does it refer to?

Well, anyway, the inspection is over. Now, I can only accept it temporarily, and wait until I know enough about it.

In front of the change again, Chen Zong found himself in a magnificent hall. In addition to himself, there were many other people who had previously entered the Dichu Hall. All men and women looked young. There is a very lively atmosphere.

That kind of breath belongs to the younger generation.

"Congratulations, all of you have passed the test of the First Hall of the Earth, and are qualified to become the eternal battlehouse soldiers." Demigods cannot reach the real body, but can only come with the consciousness body. The body is recast by the power of the eternal battlefield. In the future, it will be re-cultivated. "

"Of course, your consciousness can also return to the original world and the ontology by the eternal world."

"Here, heaven and earth will be your main practice in the future, unless one day you have enough patience to get a higher level of practice of heaven and earth."

Heaven and Earth fortune!

Chen Zong did not respond, but was able to notice that some people's bodies trembled slightly, and their looks seemed a little excited.

They should know the tactics of the heavens and the earth, and that should be a very clear and far-reaching practice.

"The secret of heaven and earth!" Chen Zong repeated silently, as deeply imprinted.

"Now, your accommodation will be arranged based on the evaluations obtained from your tests."

There are hundreds of people in the hall at the beginning of the earth, each of them arranged to different residences.

Chen Zong's detection evaluation is lower level, which belongs to the lowest level of evaluation. Chen Zong also knows that the detection evaluation is divided into lower level, intermediate level, superior level and king level in turn.

The lowest level of evaluation, the residence, is the most ordinary.

In the lower fighter area, there are about two hundred meters apart, and there are two double-storey pavilions, some of which are empty and some of which have a master.

In the adjacent building of Chen Zong, there is the Lord, who is a very passionate man named Yang Guan.

Yang Guanlai has been in the Eternal War Fortress for nearly two years. With his personality relationship, he has a deep understanding of the Eternal War Fortress. It can be said that except for some more important information and even confidential information, he basically understands it.

Just a few times, Yang Guan and Chen Zong are more familiar.

Chen Zong himself doesn't talk much, but he is not indifferent, and he also looks at people. Yang Guan is not bad and can make friends.

From Yang Guan, Chen Zong naturally has a more intuitive and profound understanding of the Eternal Battle.

The eternal fortress is very large, very large. It is said that it was transformed from a star. This is called Chen Zong's unthinkable feeling.

The transformation of a star into a huge fortress is incredible and shocking.

The huge eternal battlefield is divided into three veins.

Because there are three masters in the Eternal War Fortress: Lord of Eternity, Lord of Void and Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, these three pulses are divided into eternal pulse, void pulse and heaven and earth pulse.

Compared with the ancient Lord of Eternity, the Lord of Void and the Lord of Heaven and Earth appear younger. Of course, that is relative. Even if they are young, they are old monsters who do not know how many years of void.

The so-called void year is a time algorithm of the universe void. When converted, each void year is equal to ten years in each world.

One to ten!

There is no hostility between the three veins of the Eternal War Fortress, but it can also be regarded as a competitive relationship.

As for the test of Dichudian, that is what every newcomer must experience.

The training level of the universe from low to high is divided into human, status, heaven, demigod, and above the demigod, it is called the supernatural state.

Compared with the Lingwu Holy Realm, the human position corresponds to the foundation, the status corresponds to the extraordinary realm, and the heavenly position corresponds to the sacred realm. The demigod is the half-step sacred level. Strong?

No, it should not be. According to Hua Ji's words, there may be a connection between the Great Holy Realm Xeon and the Tongshen Realm, for example, it is only the lowest level of the Tongshen Realm.

However, these distances are too far away, so we don't need to dig deep.

Chen Zong also knows the detection techniques and how to get a high evaluation.

The upper part detects cultivation, which is very intuitive. After all, cultivation is very important.

Therefore, often after you realize the first heaven and earth decision, you will start to cultivate and improve as much as possible.

Under normal circumstances, you can cultivate to a high rank, and Chen Zong's low rank is very weak.

Followed by actual combat, actual opponents are limited to high-ranking positions.

Then comes the year of consciousness, which is the so-called age. After all, some people are born earlier and some are born later.

Chen Zong ’s age is ten. I did n’t understand it before. Now I understand that it is defined as one hundred years old. Of course, it is not an accurate number, except that a void year equals ten years in other worlds. And Chen Zong thinks that this may be He also counted in the Lingwu Holy Realm and the previous world.

The last is physical fitness testing. According to Yang Guan, when consciousness comes to the Eternal War Fortress, it will be condensed by the power of the Eternal War Fortress to form a new body. The unique power injected into the heavens and the earth has the basic qualifications for practicing heaven and earth.

However, that's only the most basic constitution. Some people from powerful forces will have preparations or special care, etc. Therefore, they will get more power in the heavens and earth, and the condensed body will be better and closer to the Tao.

The Tao practice the corresponding exercises, which is more effective.

And after his own physical examination, it is the most basic subordinate mortal body.

In fact, most of the elders of the Eternal Battlefield are subordinate mortal bodies.

There are also some excellent or prepared ones that can reach intermediate mortal bodies and even higher mortal bodies and even top mortal bodies.

In terms of age, compared to other newcomers, Chen Zong has no advantages, but is at a disadvantage, and physically, he is almost the same as most newcomers.

However, in terms of cultivation, he missed the cultivation time because he was obsessed with being enlightened in the heavens and the earth, resulting in cultivation only to the lower ranks.

Restricted by Xiu Wei's relationship, he defeated the opponent with a high-ranking and high-skilled opponent in the first battle and was evaluated by the middle-ranking actual combat.

In general, it is not good, it is very ordinary, and it is even the lowest in a subordinate evaluation.

The problem is that Chen Zong was unaware of the test and was unprepared for any reason. In addition, he could not help but be completely immersed in the mystery of heaven and earth and lost time.

However, Chen Zong did not care too much, which is not worth remorse.

Because the initial evaluation results are only initial and subsequent performance is also important.

The record is important in the Eternal Fortress.

The first three times of the world can be obtained by any newcomer, but the subsequent exercises must be exchanged with corresponding records.

In addition, some martial arts and secret methods, as well as cultivation resources, also need to be exchanged for record.

The newcomers at the lower levels have no other treatment except for a double-storey pavilion and the former three-tiered venue, and everything must be fought for by themselves.

If you can be promoted to intermediate, you can choose a martial art for free.

If it is superior, the treatment will be better.

The king level is beyond imagination.

Chen Zong asked Yang Guan again how to get the record.

There are two ways to get the record ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One is to break through the tower, which is called the Heaven and Earth Battle Tower. Every time you pass through one layer, you can get the corresponding record. The higher the number of layers, the more records you get.

The second is battle.

There is a virtual world in the eternal battlefield. Anyone in the eternal battlefield can step into the virtual battle and win, you can get the record, and even improve the rank of the virtual world.

I have to say, fortunately, my neighbor is a passionate person like Yang Guan, otherwise it is not easy to know so thoroughly.

"According to my experience of staying here for two years, I'd like to tell you that it is best to practice first, try your best to improve to the level of the body, and then go to the battle tower or the virtual world to challenge." Yang Guan finally said.

Chen Zong nodded.

Workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to be good at it. There is also a saying that it is called sharpening the wood without accidentally cutting wood.

Practice first.

"Thank Brother Yang." Chen Zong held fists at Yang Guan, although he was older than Yang Guan.

"Haha, Brother Chen, come on." Yang Guan smiled optimistically.

Yang Guan left and Chen Zong began to practice in isolation.

Heaven and Earth are the first!

This is a work of art that belongs to the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Only the corresponding constitution can cultivate.

Two distinct forces continued to pour into the body, being absorbed and refined by Chen Zong, and promoted to cultivation.

In the realm, Chen Zong is a half-step grand sacred level, also known as a demigod level, so it is not too difficult to upgrade this body to a corresponding level.

But for now, it will take some time.

After all, physical fitness is just a subordinate mortal body.

The higher the fitness, the faster the cultivation speed.

If it is the Tao, it will be amazing to practice.

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