Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 1: Void

(The new place represents a new opportunity. Little sister-in-law is going to make a wave. Today, it continues to erupt, and I will give two more first.)

I do n’t know the years of cultivation, the calculation method of time is different, and it brings some interference to Chen Zong, which is not so precise.

Therefore, I feel that it is roughly equivalent to half a year of Tianyuan Sanctuary, and finally, it will be restored to its original level.

Heaven and Earth is an exercise that focuses on refining, and it is very mysterious and amazingly powerful, but Chen Zong also found that the refining is not really a refining.

For example, the body of his own deity is cultivated by Nanli Yuyu Gong. The strength of his body has always existed and is very arrogant.

But the heaven and earth's refining body integrates the black power into the body and penetrates into the muscles and muscles, thereby strengthening the body. Once the black power is exhausted, the body will return to its original level.

Strictly speaking, it can't be regarded as a true refining body, but it serves the same purpose.

The power of black is called earth force, and the power of white is called celestial force.

The earth's power is heavy, vigorous and overbearing.

Tian Ling is light, fast and vast.

The first priority of heaven and earth is to cultivate the spiritual power and the elemental power of the earth.

Although the consciousness came down and reunited the body, the powerful divine thought still exists. It comes with consciousness, coupled with the profound understanding of self-freedom, it is better than many people. Therefore, for the spiritual power of heaven The application of Hediyuanli is better than many people.

Heaven and earth are the second most important thing, which is to deepen the heavenly power and the earth's elemental power, making it more and more intense.

The third is the same.

Only in the fourth place will there be new changes.

Chen Zong originally realized the three mysteries of the heavens and the earth. The practice for a period of time not only raised the cultivation to the same level as the ontology, but also fully grasped the three heavens and the earth.

The third power is more pure and powerful than the first.

The strength of the fundamental forces held by a practitioner is not only related to the cultivation of high or low, but also to the level of the exercises.

Since Xiu Wei has recovered to the level of the ontology, it is more difficult to further improve, after all, it is also limited by the level of exercises.

The level of the level of exercises has a great impact on whether Xiuwei can break through to a higher level.

Chen Zong estimates that the third heaven and earth decision is almost equal to the Taichu Jianyuan Gong on the thirtieth level.

In the pavilion, Chen Zong's eyes opened, and a ray of black and white intertwined and rotated, bursting out.

Lean and restrained, Chen Zong got up and went out.

It's time to look elsewhere.


Battle Tower!

However, where is the entry point of the virtual world, Chen Zong still needs to ask, the best person to ask is undoubtedly Yang Guan.

"I'll take you there." Yang Guan Xing said suddenly: "If the lower and intermediate newcomers want to enter the virtual world, they must go to the Temple of Heaven, and the superiors and kings can enter in their own battle hall."

This is also the gap in treatment.

After all, when it comes to superiors, even if it is worthy of key training, intermediate and lower levels are more casual.

But here, even if it is a subordinate evaluation, when it is placed in places such as the Lingwu Holy Realm, it is the best. It can be the peerless Tianjiao of an era, and it is almost a peerless evil.

If Chen Zongfei had missed a lot of practice time because he forgot, the evaluation would not be so low.

Of course, another reason for the low evaluation is that Chen Zong is relatively old.

After all, the spiritual and holy realm is a relatively ordinary world in the void of the universe, and because of the invasion of the army of void demons, it has caused changes and the rules of heaven and earth have been greatly affected.

This effect is not felt by ordinary people, but it is very direct. It will affect everyone in the world and limit their growth.

It is difficult to raise a true dragon in shallow water!

This principle is universal everywhere.

The Lord of the Heavens and Earth also felt this, so he sprinkled some seeds of hope.

Chen Zong is one of the beneficiaries.

Dichu Hall is the place to check for new people, while Tian Jue Temple is the place to connect to the virtual world.

The first hall of the earth is black, and the white hall of the heavenly hall is white, as if the white clouds are leisurely.

The Temple of Heaven is very large. There are octagonal objects arranged in all directions, about three meters high and one meter wide. There are many lines on it, which are densely crisscrossed and crisscrossed. It looks very complicated and mysterious.

"Brother Chen, look, that is to enter the virtual cabin of the virtual world. The center of the virtual cabin is lit with red light to indicate that someone is already there, and the green light is lit to indicate that it is empty and can be entered." Yang Guan pointed to the ordered virtual cabins. Introduced: "Before entering the virtual cabin, take out the heaven and earth order and put it in the groove, then you can enter the virtual cabin and enter the virtual world through the virtual cabin."

"Thank you." Chen Zongdao and Yang Guan each found an empty empty cabin, took out the eternal heaven and earth order into it, the cabin door opened, Chen Zong stepped out, stepped into it, the cabin door closed automatically, the original center The green light turned red.

As soon as he lay in, yes, when Chen Zong entered the virtual cabin, he felt as if he was lying down, which fits perfectly, and he was just tailored for himself, extremely comfortable.

Comfortable, just like returning to the fetal period, peaceful and quiet, unconsciously, slept without resistance.

Suddenly, Chen Zongwa woke up, but found that his environment changed.

There was a white void, and at its feet was a black altar.

Immediately, a transparent panel appeared next to it, listing Chen Zong's personal information in turn.

For example, the name is Chen Zong, the age is ten, and the test results and final evaluation of Dichudian are clear at a glance. There is also a column of the virtual world, which is a section of the soldiers.

There is also a record of zero.

The winning column is also zero.

The highest winning streak is also zero.

This information can be viewed by anyone.

Then, Chen Zong had more choices. One was to watch the game. The so-called watch game was to watch other people's battles directly. However, some of these watchers can enter at will, but others need to pay the record.

The other is called watching, which is to watch the battles that have already happened. Often, the battles of some more famous people must consume records, and the amount of records consumed is closely related to the reputation of both sides in the battle.

The third is to participate in the battle. It is very straightforward. It is to participate in the battle yourself. This type of battle does not require a record of consumption. It randomly matches opponents and is subdivided into regional battles and general battles.

The fourth is the challenge. Designating any one to challenge requires a record of consumption, and the opponent is eligible to choose whether to fight.

Chen Zong did not rush into the battle, but chose to watch the battle without consuming records.

After the selection is completed, there are countless black and white two colors flashing like a streamer. Immediately, no human figure is seen, and the human voice is heard first.

In front of me is a valley that is not very large. The valley is barren, there is no vegetation, but sand and stones are scattered.

Two figures appeared on the valley, hundreds of meters apart, facing each other.

Countless figures appeared in the void around the valley, as if there were overlapping illusions, and it was exactly one who watched the battle.

Chen Zong is among them.

With concentration, Chen Zong was able to see the information of the two men.

All are at the soldier level, but one is the three soldiers and one is the five soldiers.

The soldiers are the lowest level of the eternal battlefield. They are divided into nine stages, and their strengths are all demigods. Therefore, the ranks of the soldiers are closely related to their performance.

A record of less than one thousand is a section of the combatant, a record of less than two thousand is a record of two thousand, and so on. A record between eight and nine thousand is a nine-stage soldier.

Chen Zong's record is zero, so it is a period of war.

At the beginning of the battle, what the two men cultivated was also heaven and earth, one with a knife and one with a gun, whether it was a knife or a gun, all were black and white.

It can be seen that the strengths of the two men are not much different, the battle is fierce, Chen Zong's pupils shrink, and secretly startled.

This is the first time I have seen the battle in the Eternal Fortress, and sure enough, it is not trivial.

If this level is placed in the heavenly sanctuary, there are few rivals among peers.

Is there such a high level in the Eternal Fortress?

If so, Chen Zong felt pressure all the time, not a small amount of pressure like Foshan Yue, but did not scare Chen Zong, some, just excited and excited.

Your opponent is hard to find!

Although there are many and many people who are stronger than themselves in Tianyuan Sanctuary, they are often stronger than themselves because they have cultivated more time than themselves, and their combat power is above them.

Among the peers, except for the Taixuan Shengzi, it is difficult to find rivals in the entire Tianyuan sanctuary. It is still unknown whether the Taixuan Shengzi is his opponent now.

In the Eternal Battlefield, however, there are many Tianjiao who have reached at least the level of Taixuan Shengzi and even higher. They can be their opponents, how excited.

While feeling upset and excited, Chen Zong watched the battle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With the battle, it was tentative at first, and then it became fierce.

Whether it is swordsmanship or marksmanship, all of them are superb, so that Chen Zong is happy, and replaces himself with a strong spirit, and imagines that he will fight with each of them, how to deal with the counterattack.

A moment of fighting, one of them gradually fell into the downwind. Suddenly, the breath changed. You can see in his eyes that there is a trace of silver awns, and the whole person is different.

"Self-confidence!" Chen Zong secretly said.

Although Hua Ji has said that there are many people in the eternal battlefield who master their own self-confidence, Chen Zong was surprised when he saw it.

Self-confidence, these unpredictable realms are placed in the entire heavenly sacred realm. Perhaps only you can master it, even if others master it.

But in the Eternal War Fortress, it has become sparse and commonplace. This is the gap.

Gap in the background!

Height gap!

But speaking back, it is also normal. The Heavenly Realm or Lingwu Holy Realm is just an inconspicuous world in the void of the universe, and the eternal battlefield is one of the top forces in the void of the universe. Elites of countless worlds.

As soon as he entered the state of self-comfort, his fighting ability increased immediately, and he reversed his disadvantage and gradually gained the upper hand.

The opponent immediately went into self-confidence and once again prevailed, eventually defeating the opponent.

Seeing that it was difficult to suppress his inner warfare, Chen Zong immediately quit the spectator mode and chose to participate in the war mode. At present, he can only choose to participate in the war.

Suddenly, the light of black and white flickered endlessly in front of his eyes, and Chen Zong was matching the corresponding opponent. This match was completely random.

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