Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 13: Rise of the Sword (3)

(Second more)

In the virtual world, Chen Zong joined the battle again.

This is a small valley, the land is black, and the stones are black. At a glance, all of them are black, and the sky above is covered with white clouds, black and white, and very clear.

Chen Zong stood in the valley, and in front of him was a young man holding a double stick, looking cold.

This is his opponent in the first battle, a soldier.


The low-pitched sound suddenly sounded like a thunderous surge. The young man was physically fit and rushed out like a black cheetah. He blinked over a hundred meters, his two sticks rose, and he was shot down fiercely. The air was broken, as if Chen was going to Zong's body was completely crushed.

Chen Zong was motionless, as if he was stunned. When the opponent approached, the two sticks shot down.

The roar swept through, the sound became sharp, stretched, and penetrated into the eardrum fiercely, it seemed to pierce the eardrum.

At the next breath, Chen Zong's body will be shattered. From the face of the other person's Leng Jun, there is Morin's murder in his eyes.

The battle in the virtual world has always been dead and without mercy, because here is the battle of arrogance from thousands of worlds, the most direct and cruel. .

Here, there is no such thing as taking a step back. The step back means a missed opportunity.

Strive for!


Do your best.

Chen Zong didn't move, not because he was frightened, but because of his strength, which is nothing to himself now.

No need to react too much.

At that moment, when the two sticks carried the mighty strength of Di Yuanli down fiercely, a touch of white sword light, light and agile, reached the extreme, as if the white foal flashed away.

When the sword is out and closed, the white sword light still kills it from the front, crossing with that person, leaving a faint trace across the sky before it dissipates.

The eyes of the young man holding the sticks became dull and unbelievable.

Why is that sword so fast?

Just momentarily, he was completely unable to react and was killed immediately.

A dozen people watching the game were surprised.

With one sword, Chen Zong barely consumed any power. The understatement of the killing was compared with the first battle that initially entered the virtual world. I don't know how many times better.

At the beginning of the second war, the opponent was also a soldier.

Some of the soldiers are in the Xinding group, while others are in the previous batch, but as long as they are in the soldiers' section, the most is to master a basic martial art.

It may be offensive martial arts or footwork martial arts.

For Chen Zong, who has mastered three basic martial arts and has cultivated to a successful state, and has also cultivated the world to the fourth level, it is nothing at all.

Compared with these people, Chen Zong's improvement is undoubtedly more advanced.

Win the second battle!

Third battle, win!

Win the fourth battle!

Fifth battle, win!

When Chen Zong won five games in a row, more than a hundred people entered the spectator, and it was still increasing.

These people looked at Chen Zong's information and were surprised.

The initial detection of Chen Zong's information is very ordinary, very common, it is the bottom of the lower level, but the information also shows the change of Chen Zong, that is, the promotion from the lower level to the intermediate level, which means that the opponent has already entered the world war The first three floors of the tower enter the fourth floor.

From the information point of view, this is undoubtedly a newcomer. It has only been a few months, but with such achievements, it is naturally shocking.

Win the sixth battle.

Win the seventh battle.

In this way, Chen Zong once again won seven consecutive victories and achieved a record of 280 points. In addition to the original 500 points, the record exceeded 800 points, approaching a thousand.

At present, the highest consecutive winning streak in the battlefield of the Heaven and Earth in the virtual world is a 98-game winning streak, which is very amazing, and those who have achieved a 90-game winning streak are not a minority.

However, it was accumulated in countless years in the Eternal War Fortress. From a small scope, it is quite amazing to achieve seven consecutive victories.

In the eighth battle, it was a second section of a warrior, martial arts, but was still killed by Chen Zong's three swords.

Eight-game winning streak, breaking their own records, they got eighty records at once, approaching nine hundred.

In two games, as long as he maintains a winning streak and wins two more games, Chen Zong can get a record of more than a thousand and raise the level of the soldiers to the second stage.

If you reach the second stage of the war, the record obtained will be improved.

Therefore, the higher the combat rank, the easier it is to obtain a record.

However, the promotion of the rank is not difficult on the surface, as long as the record is sufficient, but it is actually not easy, because the rules of the virtual world will not make you so easy to improve.

In the ninth game, Chen Zong won again.

The record has accumulated to more than 900, nearly a thousand.

Tenth game!

I only need to win this game in a row to break a thousand records.

Even if this game is defeated, one or two more games can break through a thousand records, thereby improving the ranks of the soldiers.

In a way, this is a battle for promotion, and it is even more difficult.

Under normal circumstances, the rule of the virtual world arranges the opponent to not exceed its own position. For example, Chen Zong is a segment, and the opponent is often a segment. In a few cases, there will be a second segment. As for the six-segment dispute, it was completely bad luck. The probability is very small.

However, the promotion of the ranks will meet at least two ranks opponents.

If Chen Zong is now a soldier, the opponent of this battle is at least three soldiers, or four soldiers or even higher.

Luck is good, the opponent is three soldiers. If the luck is not good, the opponent will exceed the three soldiers.

After all, being able to achieve higher ranks means more battles and more experience, which means more martial arts, etc., and no doubt, the strength will be stronger.

The surroundings changed into a black ring. Chen Zong suddenly felt that the ring was filled with a black halo. In an instant, an invisible force emerged, as if pulling himself down and pulling heavily, the whole person became heavy. stand up.

Chen Zong secretly was shocked. This platform looks ordinary, but there is another mystery. The gravity is extraordinary. Chen Zong can feel that his body is much heavier, about double.

A portal appears.


A big thick leg, like a leg, stepped out, causing the platform to shake slightly.

Under Chen Zong's gaze, a huge body stepped out of the portal and appeared on the ring.

The height is more than two meters, and the width of its body is almost two meters, just like a mountain of meat, which is terrifying.

Just standing in front of himself, Chen Zong felt an astonishing pressure permeating from the other side, as if suppressing all around.

On Roshan's right arm, he held an octagonal hammer with a length of more than one meter, dark as a base, surrounded by a trace of white lines, and filled with breathtaking breath.

War weapon!

Inferior fighter!

"Four soldiers!"


There have been nearly two hundred people watching the war, one by one exclaiming when they saw the information of Roshan.

The fourth section of the soldiers is in the virtual world. In fact, it is nothing, and it is not ranked, but Chen Zong is now only a section of the soldiers.

Opponents of the battle for promotion to the ranks span three ranks and their luck is not good.

Moreover, this Roshan looks very uncomfortable.

"Such a small one, can you stop me from hammering it?" Roshan began, his voice humming like Ruo Hong's bell ringing, shaking in all directions, the air seemed to be blown up, bursting out of numerous ripples.

The eight-sided hammer with a long length was lifted up, and the heavy sledgehammer looked very light in the hands of Roshan, and seemed to be rolled up like a storm. The sound of whistling sound was terrifying.

Chen Zong looked dignified, intuition that this man was a strong enemy, not easy to meet.

This battle is not easy.


Roshan stepped forward, his thick legs dropped, and the whole platform vibrated slightly, as if the gravity had no effect on him.

"Take me a hammer!" Small eyes narrowed, a gleam of cold light fluttered, his mouth grinned, his teeth white, and a hint of coldness pervaded.

At the moment of the voice falling, Roshan suddenly opened his legs and rushed forward, and then, suddenly, the whole huge body leaped high, like a meteorite, with amazing coercion and shock, called Chen Zong asphyxiation .


The sledgehammer plummeted, as if the sky was collapsing, and Chen Zong gave birth to a feeling that he could not compete and would be crushed in an instant.

The other party's elementary power is applied, and it has reached the fourth elementary power of heaven and earth.

This strike is the basic martial arts strike of the perfect state.

Use the fourth element of the world ’s power to perform the first element of the perfect world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ plus the amazing power of Roshan itself and the increase in warfare, the power is terrifying, as if it can smash the mountains and collapse the earth.

Amazing coercion shrouded in all directions, while Chen Zong was suffocated. At the same time, it felt that the gravity of the ring was also intensified, pulling himself frantically, making it difficult to move.

The spectators watched with surprise. The power of this attack was really terrible, and they could all clearly feel it.

Even those who are also in the fourth stage of the war, may not be able to carry it.

At the same time, Chen Zong's expression was slightly dignified, but he was not half feared. On the contrary, his eyes were calm, like the water of an ancient well.

His keen perception allows Chen Zong to feel the power of the opponent's attack. It is terrible. If he confronts it, he can't carry it unless he uses the true meaning of heaven and earth.

However, for the time being, Chen Zong does not want to expose the true meaning of the world to let others know.

It is enough that only the fourth-strength heavenly power and earthly power are determined by heaven and earth.

At present, Chen Zong still hasn't reversed his ideas. He still maintains his ideas in the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, concealing some of his abilities, not letting people see through, at least, trying not to expose them in advance.

In an instant, the fourth heavenly spirit power runs, and the basic body and heavenly magic are also cast out.

For a period of cultivation, Chen Zong has cultivated the heavenly spirit fantasy to a complete state.

In an instant, Chen Zong seemed to get rid of all gravity and repression, his body became extremely light, with a heavy white like clouds, full of mysterious changes, and instantly broke away from all restraints, from the horror of the other party Get away under one hammer.


Hitting it with a hammer, the Taiwan opera trembled, and it seemed to be broken.

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