Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 14: Rise of the Sword (4)


The double platform under double gravity seems to have lost its effect on Chen Zong. The celestial psychic fantasy in the perfect state has been exerted to the extreme, and the figure has become extremely light, erratic and elusive.

The body seemed to be constantly changing and dispersing like a cloud of mist.

Roshan's small eyes narrowed, cold light, and sledgehammer, the whole person seemed to turn into a black storm of destruction, sweeping in all directions, roaring wildly.

In the blink of an eye, the entire platform was filled with amazing black storms, spreading in all directions and nowhere.

Under this circumstance, Chen Zong's psychic imagination is also slightly affected, and the clouds and fog will almost disperse.

However, Chen Zong's physical skills are superb, and the fourth place in the world is also superb. The application of his own power is even more superb. With the nine attacks of Tianling, he immediately tears the black storm and approaches the other side.

A sword volleyed down.

The sword is dark, powerful, and overbearing, as if uniting a mountain in it, breaking everything and breaking everything.

Earth strike!

The fourth elementary force of heaven and earth determines the elementary strike of the perfect state. The power is extremely powerful, and there is a sharp edge belonging to the sword.

The ground element strike that Roshan performed with the Octagonal Hammer is violent and overbearing.

Roshan seems to be huge, but the response is very fast, and he suddenly blasted an eight-sided hammer to Chen Zong.

Earth strike!

Because of his body shape, his own strength is overwhelming, and he does not hesitate to come out. He has full confidence and can suppress the opponent with one touch, and even defeat the opponent with a single blow.

Unexpectedly, the two strokes of the first element hit each other at the moment they were about to collide. However, the first strike over the sky suddenly became psychedelic. The white replaced black, and the first element hit became the Ninth Strike.

Suddenly nine swords, eighty-one styles, hundreds of variations, each sword is surrounded by silk like light, not with hard touch, but with soft grams.

The sword entangled silky, and in an instant, the opponent's fierce and violent blow was entangled, as if caught in a quagmire. Even if there was extreme force, it was difficult to really exert it, which was very unpleasant.

"Give it to me!" Roushan drank violently, and if the mountain fell apart, the thick thighs suddenly lifted up, countless black lights rushed, the earth's elemental forces penetrated in, and finally condensed on the thick and thick soles.


One foot stepped on and stomped on the ring platform, and instantly, as if the sky trampled the earth, a terrifying roar sounded. The entire ring platform trembled fiercely, and the black ripples circled like a raging tree. The foot of the mountain is the center, and it is swept away like a frenzy.

Di Yuan Ta!

Endless vigor swept endlessly, covering the entire platform, shaking in all directions.

Di Yuan Ta is one of the four basic martial arts in the world of heaven and earth. It is footwork, while heavenly magic is actually body.

Heavenly magic is light and flexible, changing indefinitely, just like clouds and mists, but the opposite is true for the Yuanyuan Ta. There is no change, nothing at all, and some are just pure power.

To say that Di Yuan Ta is footwork, in fact, it is not complete. In addition to the role of footwork, it also has an effect on the Quartet.

With one foot stepping down, the force is like a raging storm sweeping through and impacting everything around it. If there is sand and gravel, it will be crushed into powder dust in an instant.

At the same time, a powerful force kicked back, allowing Roshan's arm to inject more powerful horizontal force, and suddenly swung up, breaking free from many entanglements like silk sword gas, violently bombarded Chen Zong, and the stone was shocked.


Only in an instant, Chen Zong's figure was crushed, but that was just an afterimage.

Under the magic of heaven, clouds and clouds fluttered and diffused away. Chen Zong appeared behind Roshan, killing with a sword.

The sword was dark, like a black meteor shot down in the air, bursting into an incredible power.

Totally unexpected.

Roshan's response was also fast, but he still couldn't keep up. After all, he tried his best to hit a blow, and it was too late to relax.

This sword is irresistible.

The sharp edge of the lower-grade fighter sword and Chen Zong's own strength gave a full blow, and the power of the Yuan Yuan strike was fully exerted.

Different people practicing the same martial arts often have differences.

A sword, as if it could penetrate the earth, pierce directly into Roshan's huge body.

With a long sword advancing, Chen Zong can feel heavy resistance. Roshan's body is not only huge, but also amazing.

But under this blow, it was still impossible to resist.

The sword rushed straight in, and the heavy and vigorous sword gas exploded in the body, raging endlessly.

Kill with one sword!

Roshan's small eyes widened and stared at Chen Zong, full of unwillingness.

One hundred records also instantly became the possession of Chen Zong. Chen Zong's record broke through a thousand moments, approaching 111.

"The soldier Chen Zong is promoted."

A sound sounded in the ring.

Immediately afterwards, a second voice sounded, a kind of grand and magnificent, as if to spread throughout the virtual world.

"The soldier Chen Zong won ten straight games."

"Ten straight wins!"

"Someone has won ten straight games."

"Chen Zong, who is this?"

Many soldiers in the virtual world received the news and were surprised.

Fighting in the virtual world, winning ten straight wins, twenty straight wins, thirty straight wins, etc., will be notified. Although they will not receive substantial benefits, they will promote their reputation and indirectly cause high-level strong attention.

If you enter the eyes of some powerful people, you may be able to get benefits, such as being pointed, or being accepted as a disciple.

All in all, fame is very important in the Eternal War Fortress.

"Finally, I am promoted to the second section of the soldiers." Chen Zong showed a smile, but he didn't pay much attention to the announcement, which was also because of the habit of staying in the Lingwu Holy Realm for a long time.

"Next, if I win another game, I will not get 110 points, but 120 points."

After all, the starting point of the second stage is better than the first stage.

However, Chen Zong did not plan to continue to participate in the battle, maintaining a ten-game winning streak before improving himself.

Ten consecutive battles not only brought more than five hundred records to themselves, but also improved their ranks of soldiers and enriched their combat experience.

Withdrawing from the virtual world, Chen Zongke didn't know. Because of his relationship, many soldiers in the virtual world noticed and remembered the name of Chen Zong.

Some people were curious to check Chen Zong's information, and when they checked it, they were quite surprised.

After Chen Zong withdrew from the realm, he exchanged the basic martial arts of Di Yuan Ta. In this way, the four basic martial arts of the universe of heaven and earth were fully obtained.

At present, the Ninth Strike of the Spirit, the First Strike of the Earth, and the Celestial Illusion have been cultivated to a satisfactory condition.

In addition, it is the fourth priority to cultivate heaven and earth, and merge more heavenly and territorial forces into the true meaning of heaven and earth.

In the battle that was just before, the opponent was indeed strong, but Chen Zong did not burst out of full force, at least, the true meaning of heaven and earth had not yet been used.

Now, practice Diyuan Ta first, try to cultivate Diyuan Ta to a complete state in a short time, and then practice the fourth place in the world, then you can enter the virtual world again, or wait for the opportunity to come next month and continue to challenge the heaven and earth battle tower. See if you can get past the fifth floor.

If you pass the fifth floor, you can get a reward of 20,000 records, and you can also get an additional reward.

Presumably, the rewards that have passed through the fifth layer will no longer be basic rewards and should be more advanced.

At least, it should also be the level of Zhongpin stealing the world.

This feeling of continuous improvement is very beautiful, which immerses Chen Zong.

Within the pavilion, Chen Zong started practicing Di Yuanta.

Di Yuan Ta is very direct. There is only one step, or all its essence, is condensed in one step.

Celestial magic lies in flexibility and change. It is as if the clouds and mists are unpredictable. The essence of Di Yuan Ta is one step, one step out. Will burst out in an instant, giving a more violent blow.

On the first floor of the pavilion, Chen Zong took a step, and the power of the black earth pervaded, trampled the ground, and made a deep roar.

But I saw the ripples spread out, but they were not even at all, indicating that at this step, Chen Zong did not step out of the essence of Di Yuanta.

Continue to cultivate.

Repeatedly, over and over, never stop.

This feeling of ascension at all times is very beautiful, so Chen Zong is immersed in it, and it is difficult to extricate himself.

"It's really good to win a ten-game winning streak." The cold voice sounded. This person was one of the three people who had previously negotiated with the small general assembly. It was the owner of the Celestial Palace and the manager of the virtual world. .

Because of the relationship between Mingjiang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ she also noticed Chen Zong, of course, she just noticed it, but it was just a small thing, an insignificant person. I did not expect to hear it in the near future. The news of the other side's ten-game winning streak, more or less distracted attention.

Immediately, he was ordered to follow up and let his followers follow up.

"I don't know if you can give me some surprises." The cold voice seemed to be talking to himself, and then went silent.

Unless it is a king-level genius, it is not so worthy of attention.

Of course, if you can get a 30-game winning streak, it is worth paying more attention to.

However, the difficulty of a 30-game winning streak can be far better than that of a 10-game winning streak. If you are unlucky, if you encounter an extremely powerful opponent, you will lose and terminate the winning streak.

The strength of Xiao Zheng who defeated Chen Zong before is not weak, but the highest is only to achieve thirteen consecutive victories.

Di Yuan Ta!

Chen Zong lifted up in one step, endless black light flowed into the soles of his feet, exuding an astonishing mighty power, magnificent, as if falling like a mountain.


This foot was trampled directly on the floor of the pavilion. In an instant, the numerous black ripples turned into violent waves, and the whole pavilion shook with it. It seemed to collapse.

On the ground, centered on the soles of Chen Zong's feet, fine cracks appeared, spreading quickly and spreading in all directions.

As Chen Zong kicked up, the crack disappeared instantly, the ground recovered as usual, and the pavilion stopped shaking.

This pavilion and the ground are made of special materials. Even if Chen Zong's strength is increased tenfold, he cannot really destroy it.

The reason for the cracks is actually to let people see their cultivation results more intuitively.

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