Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 15: Rise of the Sword (5)


Chen Zong's re-entry into the virtual world is not a challenge, but a battle.

All the four basic martial arts in the world of heaven and earth have been cultivated to perfection, and the degree of integration of the true meaning of heaven and earth has reached 10%.

The integration of the true meaning of heaven and earth becomes more and more difficult the later. The speed of integration such as Chen Zong is relatively fast. Although his constitution is only intermediate mortal body, his super-perception and super strong idea are enough to make up for many.

Cultivation is needed, so is combat.

There is still a lot of time before the next tower battle. Chen Zong will of course go to the virtual world to fight a lot. One is to sharpen himself and the other is to accumulate records.

In the Eternal War Fortress, the record is the best currency in circulation. It is amazingly practical and more beneficial.

Chen Zong also maintained a ten-game winning streak, and now it is equal to the eleventh battle.

The second paragraph of the soldier, his opponent, is also the second paragraph of the soldier.


After several dodges, Chen Zong figured out the opponent's law of shots, took out a scabbard, and countered it.

The problem is that the strength of consciousness is stronger than that of the body, which leads to restricted consciousness and uncoordinatedness.

However, this restriction has been partially lifted since the constitution was upgraded to intermediate mortal body, and the restriction was further lifted when Chen Zong continued to cultivate the basic martial arts school of the heaven and earth. Although not completely lifted, his own conscious The advantages can already be brought into play.

Every time a restriction is lifted, the effect on itself is obvious.




Chen Zong keeps winning streak and has reached fifteen consecutive streak.

When Chen Zong entered the war, dozens of people watched the battle, but now there are nearly two hundred people watching it.

"He's the Chen Zong who won ten games in a row."

"Why is his test rating so low?"

"Perhaps a latecomer."

Another five consecutive victories, Chen Zong's record accumulated, more than 700 points, closer to 1,000 points.

Six in a row!

Chen Zong's record reached more than 800 and nearly 900 points.

"The next game should be a battle for promotion." Chen Zong secretly said, looking forward to it.

Battles in the virtual world, battles to advance in the ranks, often encounter strong enemies, and battles in which the whole series wins, will also encounter strong enemies.

Last time, Chen Zong's ten-game winning streak and the promotion of the ranks just happened to merge, and then there was an opponent in the fourth stage of the war, otherwise, it should be only the third stage of the war.

This time, the opponent should be the four soldiers. Of course, if you are unlucky, you may encounter five or even six soldiers.

But regardless of the opponents of the soldiers, Chen Zong was not afraid. On the contrary, he had some expectations.

The appearance of the opponent is normal, but it is the four soldiers, a woman using a long whip.

The long whip dances like a dragon and snake dancing. Black and white are intertwined. It is agile, light and changeable, and it contains a terrible power, as if it can tear everything.

Chen Zong recognizes that the opponent's Nine Strikes are performed by the opponent. Of course, different people practice the Ninth Strikes of Nine Strikes. After the completion, there will be differences and characteristics.

This is a good opponent. Chen Zong did not break out with all his strength, but watched the opponent ’s Heavenly Nine Strikes.

One's own kendo has always been a return to school, and the martial arts of others has its own uniqueness. It is worthy of your own observation and reference, to draw the essence, and to become your own.

Celestial Illusions are constantly displayed, and their physical form is extremely flexible, but the other party also exhibits Celestial Illusions, and his body is swaying.

"That's it." With a dozen moves, Chen Zong, with keen eyesight and superb understanding, saw the other side's secrets in the Nine Strikes and the Celestial Fantasy, and immediately countered.

One sword, however, contains ever-changing things, and suddenly the opposite side changes suddenly. I just feel that everything I have is in the hands of the other party and falls into that ever-changing sword light.

Even all the changes in the nine strokes of his own spirit were also included and affected.

Can't stop it.

The ever-changing Jianguang seemed to condense into a fleeting fleeting moment.


Seventeen games in a row.

Three soldiers!

The promotion of the rank will be announced in a small scope, which is limited to the current battle environment.

Only when the winning streak increases will a wide range of announcements be made known to more people.

When the soldiers reach three stages, the performance obtained at each location will increase by ten points on the original basis.

Without any hesitation, Chen Zong immediately entered the next battle.

Goal: Twenty consecutive wins!

This is a challenge to the ego.

Chen Zong is looking forward to, how strong will the twentieth winning opponent be?

According to the rules of the virtual world, if you have achieved 19 consecutive victories, your next opponent is at least five soldiers.

So, first get eighteen straight wins and nineteen straight wins.


The opponent is the three soldiers, with good strength, but not Chen Zong's opponent.

Eighteen consecutive victories!

Then came the nineteen-game winning streak.

The opponent was also the three soldiers, and was defeated by Chen Zong.

The next battle was instantly anticipating.

"It's already a nineteen-game winning streak. I wonder if we can achieve a twenty-game winning streak?" One of the hundreds of spectators whispered.

Although in the record, the highest winning streak is 98 games, and many people have achieved 90 consecutive victories, but that is an accumulation of countless years. In fact, as long as the winning streak is ten consecutive, it is quite amazing, otherwise No extensive notifications will be made.

"I don't know who his opponent is."

Everyone was curious and looking forward, and Chen Zong was looking forward.

Who is your opponent?

Five soldiers?

Or higher?

Immediately, the black and white portal opened, and after three breaths, a figure stepped out.

The moment he saw the other side, Chen Zong gave a slight stun, and immediately a smile hanged at the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Zheng!

The opponent of this battle that struck a 20-game winning streak turned out to be the one who defeated him last time: Xiao Zheng!

Exactly, the last time I was defeated by the opponent's sword, this time I will defeat the opponent.

Xiao Zheng's combat ranks are still in the sixth stage. It is not easy to break through to the seventh stage, but the number of winning streaks has increased from the original thirteen to fifteen, and there is no small improvement.

Xiao Zheng stepped out of the portal and looked at Chen Zong. He felt that the other party was a little familiar. He seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

After all, I am in the virtual world, after many battles, I have seen many faces, and sometimes I am left with an impression, which is normal.

Regardless of who the opponent is, he will face up.

Chen Zong did not speak, and Xiao Zheng did not speak. The two eyes met in the air, bursting out an astonishing sharpness, as if the swords were fighting.

Chen Zong practiced sword, Xiao Zheng also practiced sword.

In a hurry, the two moved in unison, one after another performing the magical body of heavenly spirits, approaching each other.

The long sword came out of the sheath, Jianguang tore through the sky to kill, and the heavenly spirit hit nine times.

Chen Zong ’s Nine Strikes are ever-changing, containing infinite mysteries, and the sharpness of the sword, while Xiao Zheng ’s Nine Strikes are like prisons, blocking the surroundings and running through everything.

Even if they are heavenly spirits, they have their own characteristics.

Only in an instant, the two confronted countless times, which surprised Xiao Zheng.

The other party is just a three-segment warrior. Although the rank does not represent absolute strength, there is also a great relationship between the rank of the rank and the strength of the strength.

The sword comes out, one sword after another, the swords are connected, and they are constantly killing each other. Each sword contains a little change. The trajectory of each sword is combined and spreads around just to block the space around the opponent. Narrow the range that the opponent can dodge, and finally, when the opponent has nowhere else to dodge, he sends out a sword and lays down the victory in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the other party is sinking into his Jianguang prison cage a little bit, constantly being compressed by the movable range.

Chen Zong, while he was out of the sword, carefully realized the mystery contained in Xiao Zhengtian's Nine Strikes.

This is the most powerful one he has encountered in the virtual world. He is still practicing swordsmanship. The sword skill evolved by Nine Strikes is very superb and amazing.

That Jianguang is like weaving a net to catch the target like a fly.

Chen Zong did not resist, but continued to be narrowed along the opponent's sword.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt that Jianguang in all directions came under oppression, bursting out of a mighty power, blocking the void, and making himself momentarily difficult to move.

Xiao Zheng's eyes burst into endless cold light, extremely sharp, as if running through everything, the celestial power was urged to the extreme, and a sword suddenly assassinated.

The white sword light suddenly changed from subtle to magnificent.


As if the banned and solidified void was smashed by violence, a sword light released the horrifying power of stone breaking, and was about to destroy everything.


Chen Zong was horrified, only feeling that under this sword, he would be completely crushed and turned into a fan.

The Ninth Strike of the Spirit can even erupt such terrible power.

Suddenly, his thoughts moved like lightning, Chen Zong thought of two ways to crack.

One is to use the true power of heaven and earth to break through with force.

The second is integration skills.

Chen Zong chooses the second one ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Di Yuanta!

Lifted and lowered in one step, the earth's elemental force was violent, and the trampled trampled the ground, causing endless fluctuations.

The roar sounded like a cymbal drum, and the amazing vigor hit all directions, turned into a black tide and swept away, hitting the entire platform.

The ring was shaken, and Xiao Zheng's body was slightly affected.

At the same time, a strong force broke out and Chen Zongyi sword waved.

The blockade was broken in an instant. Chen Zong, like an ice-breaking fish, cast his heavenly magical stature to the extreme, avoiding Xiao Zheng's slaying sword, approaching quickly, and breaking his sword.

The ever-changing, defenseless.

Xiao Zheng's look suddenly changed, and he never expected that a three-stage war soldier could break his own sword and kill a trick, and could perform such a brilliant and exquisite Ninth Strike.

Xiao Zheng horrified to find that the sword light that came from the assassination contained countless changes, and seemed to include all his evasion reactions in it, nowhere to hide.

It just happened that he had just cast a slaying sword, and his strength had not yet eased.

Is it about to be killed by the opponent's sword?

The hearts of the spectators were raised one by one, holding their breath and staring.

This battle is about whether Chen Zong can achieve twenty consecutive victories.

If you win, that's a 20-game winning streak. If you lose, you will get a 20-game winning streak next time. I don't know when.

It was said time and time soon, all the surprised look on Xiao Zheng's face disappeared, replaced by a touch of indifference.

A breath of strength that is stronger than the strength of the heavenly spirit and the element of the earth, suddenly erupted from Xiao Zheng's body, and also has the breath of the breath of the heavenly spirit and the energy of the earth, both arrogant and terrifying.

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