Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 16: Rise of the Sword (6)

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Heaven and earth are true!

Xiao Zheng slashed out with a sword, sweeping thousands of troops.

As a soldier in the sixth stage, he can also be regarded as a senior soldier. Xiao Zheng has achieved a lot of records. At the same time, he has already crossed the fourth floor of the battle tower, and has already been exchanged for the fourth rehearsal of Tiandi.

In addition, part of the true essence of heaven and earth is also fused, and it will not be used normally. After all, the true essence of heaven and earth is consumed, and the difficulty of recovery can be above the spiritual power and the elemental power of the earth.

But now, I have to use it.

The power of the true power of the heavens and the earth is astonishing. It is terrible to kill with one sword. Even with the ever-changing sword of Chen Zong, the mystery is infinite and cannot be resisted.

Drop for ten sessions!

Chen Zong was terrified when the astonishing sword pressure spread to the surface.

At the time when everyone watching the game felt that the outcome would be determined, Chen Zong's body also burst into an overwhelming atmosphere, a kind of heaviness and lightness.

Heaven and earth are true!

Xiao Zheng looked startled.

One soldier has three stages, and it seems that the newly-increased three-stage soldiers not only practiced the fourth place in the cultivation of heaven and earth, but also integrated the true meaning of heaven and earth, which was unexpected.

Di Yuan Ta!

Prompted by the true meaning of the heavens and the earth, the Yuanyuan Ta was exhibited, and the nearly transparent black light trampled on the ring, turning it into an astonishing violent storm that swept away.

If the Diyuan Tawei energy displayed by Diyuanli is compared to the rapids, then the Diyuan Tawei energy displayed by the true meaning of heaven and earth is like the torrent of a dyke.

Under the impact of a fierce torrent-like wave, the entire platform seemed to be broken. With Chen Zong's foothold as the center, countless fissures spread like lightning and seemed to be collapsing.

But Yantai is very tough. This collapse is just a kind of visual and perceptual deception.

Xiao Zheng only felt that he was violently shaking under his feet, and the amazing strength madly hit his feet with madness, thus affecting his body and difficult to maintain balance.

At the same time, Chen Zongyi sword was killed.

Earth strike!

Abandoning the Nine Strikes of Change, and replacing them with the elemental forces of pure destructive power. They are motivated by the true power of the heavens and the earth.


Suddenly, Jian Guang, swept by Xiao Zheng, was crushed in an instant.

Although Xiao Zheng broke out of the Heaven and Earth True Essence, he did not use it to promote martial arts, while Chen Zong used the Heaven and Earth True Essence to initiate ground strikes, and the power was completely different.

Shocked by the ground element, and directly bombarded by the ground element strike, Xiao Zheng was unable to dodge and was hard to resist.

Killed with a single sword, the horrible power broke out, and suddenly the heart of Xiao Zheng blasted out a hollow the size of a fist.

"Three-segment soldier Chen Zong won twenty straight games!"

The low voice immediately sounded and passed into the ears of many people, causing new vibrations and debates.

"Twenty consecutive victories!"

"This Chen Zong seems to have won ten straight games not long ago."

"It's unusual to get a 20-game winning streak in such a short time."

"It seems a little skill to let me pay attention to this person, but it is just a 20-game winning streak, which is not enough to shock the Dian Master. I will talk about it until the 30-game winning streak." Muttered.

After winning twenty consecutive victories, Chen Zong did not join the battle again, but left the virtual world.

At present, there are more than 1,200 points. Not much. Basic martial arts have already been exchanged, and no more brilliant martial arts can be exchanged. After all, more powerful martial arts need at least 10,000 records to be exchanged.

As for warfare, Chinese warfare requires a record of 10,000, and a record of more than 1,000 cannot be replaced.

In the case of elixir, at least it is only Chinese products that can change the world.

After much deliberation, Chen Zong decided to watch the basic martial arts explained by the strong.

With a thousand records, you can watch a nine-strike of the four basic martial arts performed by an ancient man named Aufaming.

There are many people who practice basic martial arts, and the record they need to exchange is not the same. A record of one thousand is the highest level, and a record of a few is one hundred.

The reason why Chen Zong chose the most expensive is precisely because this man's nine-strike images performed by Tianling are the highest and the most valuable.

Since you want to buy, try to choose the best.

"Aofa Mingu." Chen Zong thought the name was strange, at least in Lingwu Holy Realm, he had never heard of such a name.

But the name doesn't matter, the focus is on the content.

As if into a dark void, suddenly brightened, a figure appeared out of nowhere.

This is a middle-aged man with an unusually thick body and large shoulders. His skin is dark and complexion. The earlobe is wider than ordinary people. The eyes are deep, as if it contains the profound mysteries of the universe.

"Nine spirits strike, I am optimistic." The middle-aged man spoke, his voice was unusually vigorous and low, and in a word, as if he could shake the void, then his fingers shot straight like a sword.

Chen Zong only felt a flower in front of him, everything became blurred, it seemed that even time and space were affected.

Seeing nothing at all, the middle-aged person had already stood up.

Chen Zong looked blank.

This is the Ninth Strike?

If it is just such a deduction, the gap between the realm and the cultivation will not be able to see clearly the slightest, is it not a waste of a thousand records?

At the next breath, I saw the other party slowly raise their hands, move their fingers together, and hit forward, the movement became slow, and each trajectory of each movement was clearly presented.

Tian Ling Nine Strike Eighty-one Style!

With a very clear trajectory and angle, show the interpretation to the viewer.

For a moment, Chen Zong was obsessed with it and couldn't help himself.

The Heavenly Spirit Nine Strikes in a complete state are different from those they cast. Gradually, Chen Zong felt that the Heavenly Spirit Nine Strikes performed by the other party broke away from the original frame and became a whole.

Chen Zong couldn't help but think of his opponent Xiao Zheng's Nine Strikes, and he built a cage with sword light. He constantly blocked the surroundings, making people unable to move, and finally a sword laid the ground.

Thinking of his own nine-strikes of the heavenly spirit, ever-changing, the true and false is difficult to distinguish, but the sword can be tangled, or it can be shocking.

Vaguely, Chen Zong was touched by an unexplainable touch, which turned into an imprint of heart like heart.

Watching over and over again, until the image disappeared, Chen Zong still stood still, as if he had become a sculpture.

One, two, three ...

Chen Zong's eyelids twitched slightly, his eyes slowly opened, his eyes seemed white and blank, like a sea of ​​clouds, if you look carefully, you can see that the sea of ​​clouds is actually made up of countless white swords and swords.

Suddenly, Chen Zong moved, the sword came out of the sheath, and the sword's light was drawn out, as if the clouds were changing, and the surrounding area was filled with 729 changes, which continued to change and became endless.

In all directions, all are filled with white Jianguang, white and blank, as if turned into a cloud of Jianguang, overwhelming.

As the long sword waved, the sword light continued to diffuse, and eventually filled the whole floor of the attic.

Chen Zong, swiftly performed the nine strokes of Tian Ling in the state of perfection to the extreme, and then went beyond.

Only by surpassing it can we become a martial art that we truly master.

Then Xiao Zheng set foot on this road and is about to surpass it. This kind of transcendence can also be called martial arts realm.

If Xiao Zheng's heavenly spirits reached the realm of nine strikes, they might lose in the battle.

Huajing martial arts will not only fully dig out the potential of that martial arts, make the power to the extreme, but also derive the will of the practitioner himself, integrate into it, and become the most suitable trick for himself.




Jian Guang is getting more and more dense.

Gradually, Jianguang changed from cloud to sea of ​​clouds, suppressing all directions.

Chen Zong's body, as if submerged, disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

Kill kill!

Suddenly, a sharp sword light shone in the sea of ​​clouds, as if a meteor passed from month to month, like a white horse passing through a gap. There was no slight change. Only the extreme speed and sharpness turned into the most terrible killing machine.

As if there is nothing in the world that can block the sharp edge of this sword.

The sword light penetrated, as if the sea of ​​clouds was torn, dissipated immediately, and merged into the sea of ​​clouds. Chen Zong stopped waving the sword, and the sea of ​​sword lights also faded into nothingness.

Chen Zong stood in the pavilion, watching a long straight sword mark on the ground slowly dissipate, revealing a smile.


After watching Olympiad's Nine Strikes of the Heavenly Realm, he was inspired, so he took that step and cultivated the Nine Strikes of the Nine Strike into the realm, and his power increased greatly.

I believe that with the nine strokes of the heavenly spirit, you can get more battles in the virtual world and get more records.

The rank of the soldiers should continue to be improved. If they can be upgraded to the nine ranks of the soldiers, they can get a ninety-point record even if they only win a streak. If they can continue to win, then the record will be even more amazing.

And at the 9th section of the soldier, there is still a certain chance to get the title ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to become the title soldier.

The title is an honor. At the same time, even if the title soldier is a winning streak, he can get a hundred records.

Then, my next goal is to advance to the rank of nine soldiers, and then obtain the title, in addition, to break through the fifth and even sixth floors of the heaven and earth battle tower.

As long as you pass through the sixth floor, you can be promoted to a superior genius and get better treatment.


Here, it is to promote itself as much as possible, to increase the background. After returning to the ontology, power may not be able to be brought back, but both accumulation and background are present, which will allow the body to make further breakthroughs.

What's more, it's definitely not that simple to come to the Eternal Battlefield. It's just accumulation. There must be other benefits. It's just that the level is too low to know.

However, as long as you maintain your brave and progressive attitude and continue to improve, you will definitely know.

The Ninth Strike broke through to the realm. Chen Zong first practiced and consolidated it. Then he practiced the Tianling Phantom, to see if he could find an opportunity to improve the Tianling Phantom.

However, the martial arts environment was not so easy to reach. After some cultivation, Chen Zong did not find any opportunities.

Chen Zong was also not disappointed. The martial arts environment was not so easy to reach.

Then, let ’s leave the cultivation image of the Heavenly Spirit Nine Strikes first, and point out how others can understand the cultivation of the Heavenly Spirit Nine Strikes. Of course, the most essential part will not be left. After all, it is only a kind of guidance. Like Olfa Mingu, at that time, maybe someone will buy it, and they can get the record by themselves.

After Chen Zong recorded the video, he defined the sale price as a record of five hundred. As long as someone bought it, he could get 60% of it.

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