Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 17: Rise of the Sword (7)

(Another day broke out today, I ca n’t carry it, I will resume normal updates tomorrow, and the first one is offered)

The sea of ​​clouds is turbulent, and the waves are strange.

The two figures were crisscrossed and torn apart.

Heavenly Nine Strikes ...

Countless sword lights were cast, smashing all directions, turning into sword waves, surging and surging, blending into this sea of ​​clouds, engulfing both figures.

One is Chen Zong, and the other is Chen Zong's opponent, a strong enemy with up to seven soldiers.

This battle was exactly the battle of Chen Zong's 30-game winning streak, which was very difficult.

The strength of any warrior who reaches seven stages is very terrible, unpredictable and terrifying.

After all, in order to reach the seven-segment warrior, there will be many life-and-death fights, and countless wins and losses, and continuously get records, and then exchange and improve themselves.

Therefore, the weapons used by the Qidan soldiers have reached at least the highest grade, and even practice martial arts that is more sophisticated than basic martial arts.

Chen Zong won twenty-ninth consecutive games, not overnight. After twenty consecutive victories, he hit a higher winning streak, but was defeated and accumulated again from a winning streak.

Today's fighting environment is filled with clouds and mists, which is suitable for the opponent, but also more suitable for Chen Zong.

As the Ninth Strike of Huanjing Tianling was exhibited, Jianguang suddenly turned into a sea of ​​clouds.

In the sea of ​​clouds, everything was felt by Chen Zong, as if he had become his own domain.


Gather the strength of the whole body, and pour the fusion of the true world of heaven and earth into the sword, kill it with one sword.

This sword, as a lore, is merciless. It is like a bamboo shoot, turning into one of the sharpest sword lights in the world, tearing the world straight.

It is as if the light **** thunder tearing the dark void is indestructible.

Jianguang Huayun is the first half move of Chen Zonghua's Ninth Strike. This Jianguang lore is the second half move.

The first half is a trick to confuse the enemy and confuse the five senses. The second half is a lore.

Kill with one sword, never go forward, never look back, die or die.

This is the ultimate sword.

The other side was suddenly creepy.

Even if this cloud is in your favor, at this moment, it has become a bondage.

In the face of Chen Zong's terrible Jianguang, he couldn't escape at all, but felt that all the Jianguang around him seemed to be oppressed, making it difficult to move.

Jianguang passed by, killing everything in an instant.


Watching the other side fell to the ground, Chen Zong could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It ’s not easy. This sword has exhausted all of the true meaning of heaven and earth. If you cannot kill it, the consequence is that your strength is greatly reduced and you will be killed by the opponent.

very dangerous!

Fortunately, I finally won.

"Fifth-stage soldier Chen Zong won thirty consecutive victories!"

The low voice sounded again, it was magnificent and magnificent, and spread in a wide range, so that more people heard it, shocked.

"Who the **** is Chen Zong?"

"It was incredible to get thirty consecutive victories in such a short period of time."

"Have you won thirty consecutive victories? It's time to report it to the master of the palace." After the strong man who secretly followed Chen Zong got the news, think back to the time when the other party won twenty consecutive victories, it took a moment, and immediately reacted, immediately Report the news to the Lord of the Celestial Palace.

"Thirty consecutive victories." The cold voice sounded, and the Lord of the Celestial Palace secretly surprised.

For her, a 30-game winning streak is really nothing, after all, she won 90 consecutive victories that year.

But after all, in the entire eternal battlefield, winning thirty consecutive winners can already be called a true elite.

You know, if anyone in the Eternal Battle Fortress is placed in any world, it can be regarded as the top-level Tianjiao, or even the peerless evil, if the elite, it is even more amazing and unimaginable.

Therefore, a thirty-game winning streak has the right to cause her to take a look.

Of course, it is also because Chen Zong's background is not high and the detection rating is very low, but he can achieve 30 consecutive victories in a short period of time. This is something that many intermediate and even superior geniuses can hardly do. Such a large contrast will only allow She pays more attention.

"Perhaps, he has some qualifications to get in-depth inspections." The Lord of the Celestial Palace secretly decided to wait and see the changes, and then wait and see to see if the other party can still maintain such a refined attitude or slow down.

This can continue to improve, indicating that the potential of the other party is not only here, but higher, but if it slows down, it also shows that the potential of the other party may be so.

After thirty consecutive victories, Chen Zong terminated the battle and left the virtual world.

This battle is very difficult. It is almost impossible to win. Everything will start from scratch.

However, this battle also allowed Chen Zong to have a better understanding of martial arts than Tian Ling's Nine Strikes, which made Chen Zong's heart throb.

It is a pity that martial arts, which is more brilliant than the Ninth Strike, requires at least 10,000 records to be exchanged.

I don't have as many records now.

The next step is the fourth priority in enlightenment fighting and cultivating the world.

So far, Chen Zong has successfully merged 30% of the true meaning of the heavens and earth, and has become more powerful.

Time flies, and Chen Zong will enter into the virtual realm to fight from time to time to obtain the record.

But unfortunately, the highest winning streak reached only 39 games. When they were to hit 40 games, the opponent they encountered was eight soldiers, which was very powerful and could not match.

The rank of the soldiers was raised to six, and Chen Zong continued to fight more than just.

When the heavens and the earth merge into 40%, they can go to the tower again.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong began to break into the tower.

The first to fourth floors were all easily crossed by Chen Zong.

Now, it's time to break through the fifth floor.

The difficulty of the fifth layer is naturally above the fourth layer. There are two opponents. Compared to the fourth layer, the individual strength is a little bit more powerful. The strength of the two together is doubled. .

The two opponents, one wearing a white robe and slender, seemed to be filled with clouds, making him more flexible and changeable when moving, making it more difficult to capture.

He was holding a long sword, and the sword walked lightly, and it was exactly Tianling Nine Strikes and Tianling Fantasy.

The other opponent, wearing a black strong suit, was burly and strong, and the lines were permeated on the strong suit. A majestic and heavy power permeated with a long knife in his hand, very domineering, every step out, it felt like It is a hill moving across the ground, and it is Di Yuan Strike and Di Yuan Ta that are performing.

The lightness, the heavyness, the fierceness and the softness, the threats posed by the two complement each other.

For a time, Chen Zong fell into a hard battle.

If you have just crossed the fourth floor and come to the fifth floor, there is no chance of winning, and you may be killed if you cannot resist even three moves.

But now it is different. During this period of time, its own strength has improved a lot, even in the face of two powerful enemies joining hands, it is not afraid.

After a fierce battle, Chen Zong also adapted to the two's offense and slowly controlled the rhythm.

Stepping out suddenly, under the ground Yuan Yuan, the two bodies were slightly shaken, seizing the momentary opportunity, Chen Zongshi exhibited Tian Ling Ji to strike out, and sword light permeated.

Earth strike!

Among the Nine Strikes of Heavenly Spirit, the first elementary strike was implied. This is the experience gained in dealing with the two men.

Unexpectedly, unprepared to attack, and immediately killed a person.

One person was killed, and the remaining one had less threat to Chen Zong.

But under the two swords, they were killed again.

Fifth floor, ever!

After crossing the fifth floor, Chen Zong immediately scored 20,000 points and also received additional rewards. This time, the extra reward was the fourth in the world.

Chen Zong couldn't help but be shocked.

I already have the world's fourth most important decision.

It seemed to detect that Chen Zong had mastered the fourth place in Tiandi, and a voice sounded, asking Chen Zong whether to replace the fourth place in Tiandi with a record.

Chen Zong naturally agreed without hesitation.

Ten thousand records!

In this way, Chen Zong's record reached as many as 30,000 points.

"The sixth floor!" Chen Zong's eyes glowed.

If you pass the sixth floor, you can be promoted to a superior genius and enjoy better treatment.

Chen Zongke doesn't know yet. The owner of the first hall has said that if Chen Zong breaks through the sixth floor and enters the seventh floor, he will apply for in-depth inspection. This will be another opportunity.

After restoring strength, Chen Zong stepped onto the sixth floor.

As if the setting sun was shining obliquely, when looking at it from a distance, Chen Zong saw the smoke everywhere, as if the flames were burning.

This is a broken city. It seems to have been broken a while ago. Standing on the wall, Chen Zong can clearly feel the blood and Xiao killing in the air. It seems that not long ago, there was a massacre here.

Looking up, you can see the burning beacon and smoke, you can also see the stump of the broken wall, and you can see the corpse hanging on the pointed corner of the eaves.

Everything is startling.

Chen Zong's heart sank slightly, what is this place?

The sixth floor of the World War Tower?

Who is your enemy?

Gently jumped ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong fell from the city wall, his footsteps fell lightly and silently, then, as if a cloud of smoke, drifted forward silently.

Several corpses lay on the ground, Chen Zong glanced over, saw the wound, his pupils contracted instantly.

It didn't seem to be a wound from a weapon, but a wound from a claw.

It was torn like the sharp claws of a monster, and the viscera flowed with the blood, perfusing with acrid **** smell.

Not far from the wall, there were also terrible claw marks of several meters long, and the wall was ripped apart and almost penetrated.

The breath from the claw marks was very fierce, and there was a familiar feeling.

Chen Zong's eyes suddenly freeze, thinking of many terrible monsters that have been beheaded in the past: Void Demon!

Really a Void Demon?

Is it just a similar existence?

Chen Zong is not sure.

After all, his knowledge of the Nether Demon exists only at the level of the heavenly realm.

If the existence of the Void Demon can also be seen in the Eternal War Fortress, then it can only be explained that the Void Demon is not so simple.

Converged, Chen Zong was more alert.

Regardless of whether it is a Void Demon or a non-Void Demon, this sixth layer is not simple. If you are not careful enough, you may be injured or even killed because of this.

Chen Zong slowed down, very light, could not hear the sound, kept moving forward, and constantly saw the torn body.

Suddenly, Chen Zong looked back, his eyes burst into chill to extreme cold, and at that moment, Chen Zong felt that there was something, passing by not far behind him.

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