Sword God

Vol 30 Chapter 18: Rise of the Sword (8)

A slaughtered city full of corpses, a city full of unknown enemies full of danger.

Chen Zong walked alone, looking for the so-called enemy, and then beheaded.

The eternal battle, as the name implies, is war.


Then the test in this battle tower is naturally a battle.

Perception was elevated to the extreme, and even perception was elevated to the extreme. Chen Zong noticed all the movements around him, but just felt that way, I do n’t know if it was an illusion.

Not an illusion!

Chen Zong can be 100% sure, unless he is trapped in a certain illusion, otherwise, he is absolutely sure, that is not an illusion.

Since it is not an illusion, it also indicates that the enemy is approaching, or that they are already focusing on themselves, but they have not yet appeared directly, perhaps they are using themselves as prey.


Who is the prey?

Chen Zong's eyes flashed a cold mang, and then he was restrained and continued to move forward, as if he didn't notice any abnormality.

After a while, Chen Zong felt that there seemed to be something behind him, passing by at an astonishing speed. It was a dark shadow, and it disappeared in an instant.

Chen Zong, as if without any awareness, still walked forward.

One step, two steps, three steps ...

The slightest possible murderous rush to the air, swept away, terrifying and anomalous, called Chen Zong's horror.

The black cold light diffused in an instant, condensing behind Chen Zong, tearing the sky and falling down.

The sound of dozing was extremely harsh.

As if Chen Zong was too late to react, he was torn apart instantly.

But in fact, at the moment when the claws fell, Chen Zong had avoided it, just because the speed was too fast, leaving a vivid afterimage in place.

As soon as it was shot down, the Lord of the Talons also moved instantly and turned into a black light, bursting into an incredibly fast speed, swiftly and far away, but a white sword light was killed across the sky instantly, as if waiting for a long time.

Jian Guang enters the body, cuts through, and cuts directly.

Looking at the corpse that was cut off with his sword, Chen Zong looked dignified.

Void Demon!

You are not mistaken, this is the Void Demon, and it is a demigod Void Demon.

Faintly faint, in the past, when he was still in the Void Battlefield of the Xuanyuan Realm, he could only escape when he faced the demigod Void Demon. If he was not careful, it was a dead end, but now, he can already kill demigod Void Demon.

At the moment of Chen Zongfa's fascination, a dark shadow appeared from the void and appeared behind Chen Zong.

Between silent and restless, a bit of cold light burst, stabbing Chen Zong in an instant, it was necessary to pierce it directly.

However, Chen Zong, who seemed to have a long hair, seemed to have been aware of it. He turned around instantly, and a sword traversed. He was urged by the power of the earth to block the blow. The sword trembled and the heavenly power alternated, becoming light and flexible.

Heavenly Nine Strikes!

Instantly counterattacked, killing the sneaking Void Demon.

Killing two demigod void demons in a row, Chen Zong did not have any joy, but was more cautious.

How many void demons still exist in this city that has just been slaughtered?

I don't know, I can only find it slowly, or force them out.

Perhaps the Void Demon here should have noticed himself, and then he will continue to be attacked.

After changing his previous attitude of converging breath, Chen Zong recklessly urged him to release his breath fluctuations, so as to attract more attention from the Nether Demon, let them appear on their own, and save them from searching one by one.

When Chen Zong released his breath, as expected, he immediately felt that a wave of fierce breath erupted in the distance and quickly approached.

Sure enough, not all void demons had noticed themselves before, just a few, so now, you should all notice yourself.

In this case, choose a relatively wide area as the battlefield, and kill all the void demons here.

Chen Zong unfolded, and ran quickly, as if it were a smoky smoke. After a while, he found a place that looked relatively wide and empty. He paused and stood with his sword, waiting for the Nether Demon to come.

But within a short breath, there was a void demons flying from a distance, with a fierce and fierce breath.

The Void Demon slammed to the ground, trying to tear Chen Zong, and Chen Zong slew across the sword.

The white sword light changes endlessly, running through the sky, killing.

More Nether Demon appeared.

Kill kill!

This is a lifeless battle.


Amazing sounds kept ringing, like throbbing drums, making terrible roars, trembling endlessly, the ground trembling, and the broken walls also collapsed again.

A huge figure quickly walked from a distance, more than ten meters tall, extremely strong, full of devil-like muscles on his body, protruding, knotted, as if twisted steel bars.


The breath fluctuations emanating from this vanity demon are extremely shocking and more arrogant than any previous opponent.

Is this the most powerful Nether Demon in the sixth floor?

After killing it, you can break through the sixth floor and step into the seventh floor?

By then, I can get the status of superior genius and get better treatment.

Although there was a little excitement and excitement, Chen Zong didn't rush into it. The threat of this void demon to himself was not small.

Strong enemy!

If you guessed it yourself, then it is estimated that the sixth layer is not so easy to break through, but it does not mean that you cannot break through.

The eyes were as bright as a sword, condensing and staring at each other, and taking all the other's every move into the eyes.

Constantly approaching, the fierce breath is like a raging turbulence, madly rushing, extremely shocking.

The momentum pervaded by this vanity demon almost turned into a substance, a burst of black smoke was rolling like a storm, sweeping and destroying everything.


The ten-meter-high Nether Demon seemed to come from the battlefield with an endless body of gunpowder smoke, a huge fist clenched, and suddenly blasted out.

The horrible dark fist is like a dark dragon blasting out, crushing a vacuum, crushing everything and killing everything.

Chen Zong looked extremely dignified. The threat from this punch was extremely terrifying, as if to crush himself.

Heavenly magic!

In an instant, Chen Zong quickly avoided, and his body was stretched to the extreme. The land behind him was bombarded with a punch and broke directly, breaking a long gully like a dragon, turning over a distant city wall .

Chen Zong was extremely fast. He appeared behind the Void Demon instantly, killing with a sword.

Jian Guang burst into the air and beheaded on the back of the Nether Demon, but the result surprised Chen Zong.

It turned out that the defense of the opponent could not be broken.

When Jian Feng slashed up, a layer of black light permeated the back of the Nether Demon, blocking Jian Feng's slaying.

The Void Demon turned around, sweeping his arms, rolling up a horrible storm, and directly killing Chen Zong.

Heavenly magic!

The body seemed to lose all its weight, became extremely light, and danced with the wind, and the true meaning of heaven and earth followed.

Transformation ... Nine Strikes!

The sword is waving, the sword light is pervasive, and the vastness spreads, turning into a sea of ​​clouds, covering all directions, covering up and engulfing the huge body of itself and the other side.


The true essence of the heavens and the earth condensed into that sword, and turned into the sharpest swordman in the world, tearing the sky and killing it, and directly slaughtered it on the body of the void demon.

The black light spreads and gathers automatically and resists instantly, but is torn by this terrible sword light.

After tearing the black light, Jianguang Yuwei directly slashed on the body of the Nether Demon and tore it apart.

However, this sword did not kill it, but only caused damage. After all, this void demon is not only powerful, but also relatively large.

He urged the rest of the heavens and the earth to condense into this sword, and turned it into the second horrible sword light that tore up everything.


Along the torn wound, this sword was extremely accurate and directly struck.

Without resistance or obstruction, he drove straight in, and suddenly penetrated into the body of the Void Demon and vandalized it.

However, the sword did not kill the Nether Demon.

Chen Zong stepped back immediately.

The 40% of the fused heaven and earth truths have already been used up, and the rest is only the spiritual power and the elemental power of the earth. Obviously, it is difficult to cause enough damage to them.

However, the killing of two swords in succession also caused this Void Demon to suffer no harm, and went directly crazy, inspiring the final strength, wantonly destroying everything around him, without reservation.




Chen Zong evaded far away, and while exercising his body skills, distractedly operated the world and decided the fourth priority and restored the true meaning of the world.

However, before the true power of the heavens and the earth is fully integrated, once they are consumed, their recovery speed will be slower.

Chen Zong tried to integrate the new world as much as possible while moving at high speed. UU reading book www.uukanshu.com

The situation is urgent. If you procrastinate for a long time, I'm afraid it will hurt you.

Maybe it's Fulin's heart, or maybe the pressure is big enough to become the driving force. The celestial power and the celestial power are constantly blending to become the new heaven and earth truth, and the originally consumed heaven and earth truth are also driven to accelerate recovery.

Turn around, as if jumping on the tip of a knife, a little accident will be punctured and torn.

This feeling has actually inspired Chen Zong's potential even further.

With enough pressure, there will be greater motivation.

Not long after, the true meaning of heaven and earth reached 10%, seizing the opportunity, Chen Zong once again exhibited nine hits of the heaven and earth, killing with one sword.

Following the original torn wound, the sword caused more damage.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Zonglian exerted the Nine Strikes to transform the realm. Although he was motivated by the power of the heavens, the power was not as good as the true meaning of the heavens and the earth, but it was not bad.

The wound is getting worse.

In the end, Chen Zong transformed himself into a sword, directly into the wound on the back of the Nether Demon, drilled into it, and slashed with his sword.


Extreme practices put themselves in danger and get more damage.

Then, thousands of Jianguang condensed into one point, penetrating and killing from the chest of the void demons.

Turn around and hit the ground!

A sword was torn like a dark moon, and once again fell into the wound.

At the same time, a blow from the Nether Demon came without a hit, but the strong wind passing by also made Chen Zong horrify at an instant, only feeling that he was blown away by the whole person. Was crushed the same.

The body trembled in the air and landed instantly.

Di Yuan Ta!

When he landed on one foot, he burst into an astonishing mighty power, and the remaining power broke out completely, killing again.

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